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Levenshtein Distance

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Similar words to batman in Corpus

Levenshtein Double Levenshtein SoundEx MetaPhone Manually curated
batman (0) - 5 freq
barman (1) - 25 freq
boatman (1) - 1 freq
fatman (1) - 1 freq
batmen (1) - 1 freq
hatman (1) - 1 freq
pitman (2) - 1 freq
wamman (2) - 1 freq
fitman (2) - 22 freq
warman (2) - 2 freq
bajan (2) - 2 freq
baelan (2) - 2 freq
bayan (2) - 4 freq
boatmans (2) - 1 freq
bathin (2) - 11 freq
bowman (2) - 4 freq
bethan (2) - 1 freq
batten (2) - 1 freq
baidan (2) - 1 freq
haman (2) - 1 freq
bathans (2) - 1 freq
booman (2) - 2 freq
barkan (2) - 2 freq
bammin (2) - 3 freq
bannan (2) - 1 freq
batman (0) - 5 freq
boatman (1) - 1 freq
batmen (1) - 1 freq
barman (2) - 25 freq
fatman (2) - 1 freq
hatman (2) - 1 freq
boatmen (2) - 9 freq
baton (3) - 3 freq
baurman (3) - 5 freq
atmen (3) - 1 freq
bitumen (3) - 1 freq
batin (3) - 4 freq
bitan (3) - 1 freq
bammin (3) - 3 freq
cotman (3) - 1 freq
tman (3) - 1 freq
batein (3) - 2 freq
borman (3) - 1 freq
baetan (3) - 1 freq
beatan (3) - 3 freq
battin (3) - 1 freq
barmen (3) - 1 freq
bowman (3) - 4 freq
bethan (3) - 1 freq
bathin (3) - 11 freq
SoundEx code - B355
buttin-in - 1 freq
buttonin - 4 freq
boatmen - 9 freq
batman - 5 freq
badminton - 6 freq
bitumen - 1 freq
batman's - 1 freq
batmen - 1 freq
boatman - 1 freq
bodmin - 1 freq
batmangilmour - 2 freq
boatmens - 3 freq
boatmans - 1 freq
MetaPhone code - BTMN
boatmen - 9 freq
batman - 5 freq
bitumen - 1 freq
batmen - 1 freq
boatman - 1 freq
bodmin - 1 freq
Time to execute Levenshtein function - 0.192602 milliseconds
The Levenshtein distance is the number of characters you have to replace, insert or delete to transform one word into another, its useful for detecting typos and alternative spellings
Time to execute Double Levenshtein function - 0.370420 milliseconds
In a stroke of genius, this runs the Levenshtein function twice, once without vowels and adds the distance together, giving double weight to consonants.
Time to execute SoundEx function - 0.033834 milliseconds
Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling.
Time to execute MetaPhone function - 0.048120 milliseconds
Metaphone is a phonetic algorithm, published by Lawrence Philips in 1990, for indexing words by their English pronunciation.[1] It fundamentally improves on the Soundex algorithm by using information about variations and inconsistencies in English spelling and pronunciation to produce a more accurate encoding, which does a better job of matching words and names which sound similar.
Time to execute Manually curated function - 0.001007 milliseconds
Manual Curation uses a lookup table / lexicon which has been created by hand which links words to their lemmas, and includes obvious typos and spelling variations. Not all words are covered.