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Occurrences of ahlice in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Southern - SEA Ahlice felt that this could no b' de
Southern - SEA Ahlice's Richt Fit, Esq.
Southern - SEA Ahlice's Adveenturs in Wunderlaant
Southern - SEA Ahlice didnae feel encouraged tae as
Southern - SEA Ahlice noticed, wi some surprise, th
Southern - SEA Ahlice watched th White Rabbit as he
Southern - SEA Ahlice keeked gie keenly at th cook,
Southern - SEA Ahlice said nowt; she hed sut doon w
Southern - SEA Ahlice could hink o nithin else tae
Southern - SEA Ahlice kept lookin thochtfu at th mu
Southern - SEA Ahlice was stertin tae get awfy sic
Southern - SEA Ahlice! A wee bairn's story tak,
Southern - SEA Ahlice was jist stertin tae hink tae
Southern - SEA Ahlice's Evidence
Southern - SEA Ahlice laughed sae much at this, tha
Southern - SEA Ahlice opened th door an fuund that
Southern - SEA Ahlice waited till th eyes appeared,
Southern - SEA "Nut, keep gaun please!" Ahlice said gie humble lik; "Ah wunn
Southern - SEA py if Ah've kept hur waitin!" Ahlice felt sae desperate that she w
Southern - SEA "Somebody said," Ahlice whispered, "that eet's done b
Southern - SEA th Mock Turtle widnae mind," Ahlice said back, sae keenly that th
Southern - SEA "Ah hink sae," Ahlice pondered back. "They've got t
Southern - SEA "Eet turned intae a pig," Ahlice answered really quiet, jist a
Southern - SEA "Maybe eet hisnae yin," Ahlice veentured tae remark.
Southern - SEA "O course no," Ahlice replied readily: "but that's
Southern - SEA ould understand that better," Ahlice said fair politely, "if Ah ha
Southern - SEA "Hoo funny eet seems," Ahlice said tae hersel, "tae b' runn
Southern - SEA "Ah dae." Ahlice trumped up; "at least-at leas
Southern - SEA hae dropped thum, Ah wunder?" Ahlice guessed in a meenit that eet
Southern - SEA (Ahlice hed bin tae th seaside yince
Southern - SEA soomin aboot here, O Moose!" (Ahlice thocht this must b' th richt
Southern - SEA gruund, Ahlice sin came tae th conclusion th
Southern - SEA then hurried oan, Ahlice got up quick, eos eet crossed
Southern - SEA lik a frog; an baith fitmen, Ahlice noticed, hed powder'd hair th
Southern - SEA "Wake up, Ahlice hen!" said hur sister; "Here,
Southern - SEA et, busily paintin thum reid. Ahlice thocht this an awfy curious h
Southern - SEA h beginnin o th eonversation. Ahlice felt a bit vexed at th Caterp
Southern - SEA evral ither curious craiters. Ahlice led th wei, an th hale gang s
Southern - SEA spoke fur a guid few meenits. Ahlice thocht tae hersel, "Ah dinnae
Southern - SEA uriouser an curiouser!" cried Ahlice (she was sae surprised, that
Southern - SEA "Aye, please dae!" sooked Ahlice.
Southern - SEA "Ah wunnae indeed!" said Ahlice, in a fair hurry tae chainge
Southern - SEA "Ah'm no a snake!" said Ahlice fair indignant. "Leave iz ala
Southern - SEA Whit a load o nonsense!" said Ahlice loudly. "Th idea o haein th s
Southern - SEA ne'er gaun there agin!" said Ahlice as she picked hur wei thro th
Southern - SEA e yis bubblin lik that!" said Ahlice tae hersel gie cross; "Ah'm t
Southern - SEA rove onythin o th sort!" said Ahlice. "Jings, ee dinnae even ken w
Southern - SEA ite richt, Ah'm afraid," said Ahlice, timidly: "some o th words ha
Southern - SEA "Ah- Ah'm a wee lassie," said Ahlice, gie dootfu, ay yp, minded th
Southern - SEA ken eet was eer table," said Ahlice; "eet's laid fur a lot mair t
Southern - SEA tely wisnae here afore," said Ahlice), an tied roond th neck o th
Southern - SEA restin dance tae watch," said Ahlice, feelin fair chuffed that eet
Southern - SEA b' grand, richt enough," said Ahlice thochtfu: "but then-Ah should
Southern - SEA nae yis talkin tae him," said Ahlice desperately: "ei's a total ee
Southern - SEA "Please, then," said Ahlice, "how am Ah tae get in?"
Southern - SEA iz eer history, ee ken," said Ahlice, "an how eet is ee hate - C
Southern - SEA "Nithin," said Ahlice.
Southern - SEA "Ah beg eer pairdon," said Ahlice awfy humbly: "ee hed got tae
Southern - SEA o thum can explain eet," said Ahlice, (she hed erowen sae huge in
Southern - SEA "Ah cannae help eet," said Ahlice fair meek: "Ah'm growin."
Southern - SEA nnae funnd eet sae yet," said Ahlice; "put when ee hae tae turn in
Southern - SEA "Jings, noo ee ask iz," said Ahlice, richt owreum, "Ah dinnae hin
Southern - SEA lease would ee tell iz," said Ahlice, a wee bit shy, as she wisnae
Southern - SEA "Whit is a Caucus-race?" said Ahlice; no that she much wanted tae
Southern - SEA "Hoo should Ah ken?" said Ahlice, surprised at hur ain guts. "
Southern - SEA "Would eet no?" said Ahlice soondin fair surprised.
Southern - SEA "Whit fur?" said Ahlice.
Southern - SEA day did ee dae lessons?" said Ahlice, in a hurry tae chainge th su
Southern - SEA olemnly birlin roond an roond Ahlice, every noo an agin treadin oa
Southern - SEA e was no merked "poison", sae Ahlice went sheid tae taste eet, an,
Southern - SEA re was nowt else tae dae, sae Ahlice sin sterted gabbin agin. "Ah
Southern - SEA This seemed tae Ahlice a guid opportunity fur makin
Southern - SEA s business?" th King said tae Ahlice.
Southern - SEA i th game," th Queen said tae Ahlice; an Ahlice was tae feirt tae
Southern - SEA ee lik!" th Duchess said tae Ahlice, flingin th bairn at hur as s
Southern - SEA listenin!" said th Moose tae Ahlice sternly. "Whit are ee binkin
Southern - SEA hon, hauf tae itsel, hauf tae Ahlice.
Southern - SEA s eet seemed fair natural tae Ahlice tae finnd hersel talkin famil
Southern - SEA nate gairdeners, whae ran tae Ahlice fur protection.
Southern - SEA n?" eet continued, turnin tae Ahlice as eet spoke.
Southern - SEA ch?" eet went oan, turnin tae Ahlice.
Southern - SEA hur airm affectionately intae Ahlice's, an they flitted off th'git
Southern - SEA ooked sae guid, that eet made Ahlice fair famished tae look at thu
Southern - SEA h settin sun, an hinkin o wee Ahlice an aw hur wunderfu Adveenturs
Southern - SEA excuses they aw moved off, an Ahlice was sin left alane.
Southern - SEA a lang silence efter this, an Ahlice could only hear whispers noo
Southern - SEA s a soond o mony fitsteps, an Ahlice looked roond, eager tae say t
Southern - SEA Th Caterpillar an Ahlice looked at each ither fur some
Southern - SEA pretended tae worry eet: then Ahlice ducked ahint a muckle thistle
Southern - SEA That's gie ugsome!" chimed in Ahlice.
Southern - SEA er said Ah didnae!" butted in Ahlice. "Ee did," said th Mock Turtl
Southern - SEA " cried th Gryphon, an, takin Ahlice b' th haun, eet belted off, w
Southern - SEA eis eyes happened tae fa upon Ahlice, as she stood watchin thum, a
Southern - SEA ae th richt words," said pair Ahlice, an hur eyes filled wi tears
Southern - SEA ir nice at hame," thocht pair Ahlice, "when Ah wisnae ay growin bi
Southern - SEA cross eis eyes. Hei looked at Ahlice, an tried tae speak, but, fur
Southern - SEA m an awfy quiet, an looked at Ahlice.
Southern - SEA frames there must b'!" thocht Ahlice. "Ah wunder whit they'll dae
Southern - SEA "Weil!" thocht Ahlice tae hersel. "Efter sie a fa a
Southern - SEA eshes th guinea-pigs!" thocht Ahlice. "Noo oo'll get oan better."
Southern - SEA ak iz repeat lessons!" thocht Ahlice. "Ah micht as weil b' at th s
Southern - SEA Whaeever lives there," thocht Ahlice, "eet'll ne'er dae tae meet t
Southern - SEA omfy fur th Dormoose," thocht Ahlice; "only, as eet's asleep, Ah s
Southern - SEA voice, ("That's Bill," thocht Ahlice,) "Weil, Ah herdly ken-Nae ma
Southern - SEA "But then," thocht Ahlice, "wull Ah ne'er get ony aulde
Southern - SEA Ah've seen that din," thocht Ahlice. "Ah've sae often read in th
Southern - SEA n that's th jury-box," thocht Ahlice, "an thae twaal craiters," (s
Southern - SEA Th meenit Ahlice appeared, she was asked b' aw
Southern - SEA Jist at this meenit Ahlice hae an awfy funny feelin, whi
Southern - SEA t iz lik that!" Hei got ahint Ahlice as ei spoke.
Southern - SEA Cat only grinned when eet saw Ahlice. Eet looked guid-natured, she