A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of acause in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - GLA Acause that maks ye free
Central - GLA Acause it's noo... and here it's awa
Central - GLA Acause ye're inconvenient noo
Central - GLA Acause we are no feart nae fear
Central - LAL Acause that's wir language.
Ulster - EUL Acause tha kingdom tae tha Loard Bel
Central - LAL acause we're
Central - GLA Acause it's no Scottish, Celtic, Pic
Central - GLA Acause we have entered an era cawed
Ulster - GUL Acause yinst the times ower it's owe
Central - LAL Acause the'r nae atmosphere, an acau
Central - LAL acause it helps bairns growe mair aw
Central - LAL Acause the neutrinos that’s gien a
Central - WCE Acause the first thing ah'd want in
Central - SEC acause o his weakness wi the demon d
Ulster - EUL Acause thair trust in thee wus pit,
Central - LAL acause A wis juist
Central - GLA Acause thay' re aa pairt o the muckl
Central - LAL Acause o thair wark, Kate an Jean cu
Central - LAL Acause they stuid too lang upon
Central - LAL Acause o its lang history as a tongu
Central - LAL d his 1968 remark up as gyte! Acause it wis Perry that brocht Bill
Central - LAL "Acause it seyd it." Wullie wis tryin
Central - EDN "Acause A think ye wuid be saufer."
Doric - DOR orsefaal best," said Ailice, "acause he wes jist a wee thingikie v
Doric - DOR ice cwidna haad fae stertin, "acause he's Mirkie. I hate him wi an
Central - WCE nt the ither day. Ah say 'up' acause whaur ah bide, in the bonnie
Central - LAL ord meanin 'weirin lang hair' acause tae Greek een the tail o the
Central - SEC heery. I cried him 'Vesuvius' acause he wis heichtie an aye erupti
Central - LAL produce, an easier tae uise (acause o its fameiliarity). The hale
Central - LALMairch column scrievit early (acause o some plot) an A'm wantin ta
Ulster - SYN ha hoose; yit ït didnae faa, acause ït wus bigged on tha roak. B
Ulster - SYN coont o me. Be joyfu an gled, acause yis hae a pooerfu reward wait
Ulster - SYN weans; an she niver devalved, acause hir weans wus nae lang'r wi h
Central - EDN nichtfaa, an wis gled he did, acause they at least had the daicenc
Central - EDN , which gied him a sair heid, acause he had tae lat the auld bruit
Ulster - SYN A borra thrie loafs o breid, acause a freen o mine haes cum tae v
Central - EDN hae felt it an misunnerstuid, acause he drappit her braid cuttitly
Central - LAL n atween Ingland an Scotland, acause it touches on oor lifes even
Central - LAL optimizers’. For a whilie, acause o that, the affcome o wab rak
Central - EDN It maun hae been detectable, acause Bill put a protective erm aro
Central - SEC t they did, whit they became, acause o whit had happened. It's a R
Central - LAL mair aftime cried Coalhoose, acause it wis aye bleck an mauchit a
Central - LAL in Scots an hauf in English, acause A cin wirk in the baith leids
Central - SEC ah can suddenly identify wi, acause ah've spent a wee bit time pi
Doric - DOR "Atweel, acause there naebody wi me!" gullert
Central - EDN valued the wife’s guidwill, acause they creepit tentily doon the
Ulster - SYN ïs hairt went oot tae thaim, acause the' wur aa laik sheep wi nae
Ulster - SYN onner wudnae mak hïm walcum, acause the' cud see he wus bent on g
Central - EDN he auld man had an ally than, acause Balvinder had met Rongye an h
Central - LAL her mither cried the kitchen, acause thair hoose wis that faur afo
Central - LAL An when, acause o men, yon Bourtree dee'd,
Doric - DOR s caa'd the 'grairt', ye ken, acause it streiks a lang wye afore i
Doric - DOR na senn aa the horse, ye ken, acause twa o'm's needit in the
Central - EDN Hsien maun hae been watchin, acause he tacklet her whan she rase
Central - EDN awn thegither wi the halflin, acause nae ither body wad hae Nusire
Ulster - SYN llt tha calf we wur fattenin, acause he's gled hïs sinn ïs hame
Central - LAL or Chairles took the rue tho, acause the Scots did muckle skaith t
Central - LALs Ah cheatit an luiked it up, acause Ah anely ken this meanin: htt
Central - EDN t maun hae been an all-clear, acause fowk begoud tae spick an muve
Central - SEC for him takkin on the wadger, acause like aa the lave, he trowed t
Ulster - SYN m ïn a manger wi tha fother, acause thair wus nae ruim for thaim
Doric - DOR syne she'd hae tae gie ower, acause there wadna be ony mame for h
Central - LALalked his lug aff fer an oor, acause Ah've no hed a conversation w
Central - LAL cism as juist raisin a stour, acause the cookies that follaes fowk
Central - WCE hear different weys o sangs, acause ane o the bewties o fowk trad
Central - EDN ins for a wick, huntin fouls, acause that needit that muckle conce
Ulster - SYN lie or yer weel-aff nighbers, acause the' wull onlie pye ye bak bi
Central - SWE Sailors, acause ah couldnae fit them in onywh
Central - LAL a care for them, the feegurs, acause thay’r no cannie. Noo ye ta
Central - LAL s faur as the polls suggests, acause they didna get as monie votes
Doric - DOR ns the idder gait: I ken aat, acause eence I heild up een o our by
Central - SEC McBain. Hecky telt him that, acause Breasley's first nem wis the
Ulster - SYN wus daein, he wus fare fasht, acause sum fowk sayed that Jhone tha
Doric - ABN n the list o ains tae veesit, acause it will remind ye o somethin
Central - LAL uyin up corn in times o want, acause this leas the fermers wi nae
Central - LAL ther pairts o the page forby, acause, as it stauns the noo, the'r
Central - WCE led til spiralin inequality, acause walth produces sae muckle inc
Central - LAL ower kenspeckle, this hat... Acause it's idiotical, that's how!..
Central - LAL anne Vega, Duran Duran an U2. Acause the graphics is sib tae thaim
Central - EDN Hsien sighed. Acause, whan ye git richt doon tae i
Central - LAL it taks gremmar for tae wirk. Acause Scots grew alangside Soothron
Central - LAL Ireland scrievit anent thaim. Acause o this, we maun tak guid tent
Central - LAL 17 mile in hecht at its peen. Acause the'r nae plates flittin an t
Central - GLA ce's Adventirs in Wunnerlaun. Acause ae this, there's a fair few r
Central - LAL integrate Instant Messenger. Acause mony fowk can commune thegith
Central - SEC is ane o thaim wha'd naither. Acause Ah kent Ah'd nivver hae suffe
Central - LAL thay win at the actual poles. Acause Uranus is fouthie o jeelt mat
Central - LAL tae gie her gran a big kiss. Acause Morag wis awfu fond o her gra
Doric - DOR speirin at ye richt sairious. Acause fan we war playin eenou, ye w
Central - LAL aboot it at 98 degrees tilt. Acause o this byordar poseetion ae p
Doric - DOR fain o fleein intae cannles: acause they're ettlin tae turntheirs
Central - LAL orrit wi this miserable dree? Acause nearlins the hale o the produ
Central - LALurvive when he wis a surgeon? Acause he soonds like a complete dum
Central - SEA venties, A cudna veisit China acause o the soss an sotter of the s
Central - LAL itain bydin i the EU. It isna acause I want tae byde the same, but
Doric - ABN mony fowk fa are oot o a job acause o the ootbrak, the Scots fuid
Central - LAL s juist applee’d for a job acause whit’s on the wab michtna s
Central - LALish. Ah discover lots o music acause it's uised as backgrund music
Central - LAL a conversation that happened acause she wantit it tae happen. I d
Central - LALfrapples Aye, thur endangered acause thir shells huv bin yaised in
Central - SEC haumer thit cuidnae be yaised acause o the damp an rot, made up th
Doric - ABN er lang oors an were stressed acause o it. But, they seem tae nae
Central - LAL the term fiery besom is used acause the tail pits fowk in mind o
Central - LAL an Ulster Unionist backgrund acause o mair complicate reasons all
Central - LAL fingers an ontae ma keyboard acause o the election bein the morra
Doric - DUNan in spite o government, nae acause o't. https://t.co/2CX1THtpoa
Central - LAL (the whilk we’re thirlt tae acause o the subjeck maitter), we su
Central - LALlatchardCraig @ChildOfAlba Be acause ye canna get a drink o alcoho
Doric - ABN rluikit bi traivellers. Mebbe acause it is caul, or mebbe jist aca
Central - LAL t thir alternatives – maybe acause Scots writers didnae tak the
Central - LAL morn an forbye a spring tide acause the muin yestreen! https://t.
Central - LAL@all_i_wont @pickle_bee Acause the First Meenister advises i
Central - LAL a National Policy on Language acause language an
Central - LAL tae paper jam! Mair nor like acause I couldnae chuise ‘cairdboa
Central - SEC doms team'll gie me the blame acause I wark alangside the bugger!'
Central - SEC xpress the desire tae chib me acause o the wey ah pronoonce "Eyup"
Southern - SWEll bide wi us fir a lang time acause o the singular CSA. A sad los
Central - LALtwa week holiday at this time acause this hoaliday has been yaised
Central - LALDentist refused tae help me acause Ah complained Ah'd a'ready an
Central - EDN Dinna glower at me acause I'm daurk,
Central - EDN Ma breith left me acause o him.
Central - LALemale chyngin rooms o a store acause the staff didnae think she lo
Central - LAL saets, wis seen as a failure acause they didna tak Glesca, as mon
Central - LAL y micht no come tae oor hoose acause o the gless witchin bowl hing
Central - LAL the richt tae name an approve acause it wis thaim that haed tae pe
Central - SEC leck is Egypt’s Nicht inbye acause it hid nae windaes. Bit thair
Central - LAL enin tae us. He's in the huff acause A haed pyntit oot his venison
Central - LAL he ballot papers is awfu lang acause they typicallie lists 10-20 c
Central - LAL ent that the spellin is wrang acause it uises Inglish digraphs or
Central - LALejuidice o nae understaunding acause o yer bein Scots nae acause o
Central - SEC but they baith dee’d young acause o wastin respiratory diseases
Central - SEC chuil screivin it airms lenth acause she cuidnae see sae awfy weel
Central - LAL le mail in the Unitit Kinrick acause o legal fankles, wis lenched
Ulster - SYN An yis'll be hatit bi aa fowk acause o me. But no een yin hair o y
Central - GLA Seemin real acause ye took it on yersel.
Central - LAL rsels uisin, baith in general acause o the formal register, an in
Central - LAL nae yaise her hauns ower weel acause Meg wis aye haudin her heid t
Central - LAL s tae them and they sang them acause they were pairt o their lives
Central - LAL r title fae a MacDiarmid poem acause we like the ferlie Scots phra
Central - LALead's Bairn's Sang/Kid's Poem acause it says it a? Gin ye hae ae D
Ulster - GUL tha lads haed bided wi thaim acause Dot haed a caur. Scho weil mi
Central - SEC -Chap Cherlie' they cried him acause he ayeweys seemt tae hae the
Central - LAL ed aye been important til him acause it keepit him in mind o whaur
Central - EDN Hsien. “Ah wis haunlin him acause he ... he stertit it.”
Ulster - SYN o fowks wantit tae touch hïm acause a pooer o guid wus cumin oot
Central - LAL gov/temp/StationLoc.html), an acause o its bouk it’s nou ane o t
Central - LAL the'r nae atmosphere, an acause the'r nae plates flittin or c
Central - LAL IP address in the heider, an acause o this it’s a kinch tae ide
Central - LAL raither nor gaseous anes, an acause it gies aff haurdly ony heat
Central - LAL eck o MSPs speaksna Scots, an acause the stauning o Scots wis affe
Orkney - ORK a commentary on Engliesh. An acause yir writan in a language at
Orkney - ORK algic, tae dulefu hiraeth. An acause yir writan in the language o
Central - LAL sae's they'll no faa doun. An acause they haed ti be fittit ticht
Central - LAL e press. This wis aiblins een acause the production o a pley in th
Central - LAL nail. She laed the door apen acause it wis gey mirk inbye an pit
Central - LAL or auld-farrant an confuisin acause it disna. Can we afford tae g
Central - SWE hey were puir an near stervin acause o the Lallan Clearances.
Central - LALh or the scientists wur sayin acause it wis sae loud an distractin
Central - LALhe past. Wan widnae let me on acause ah nearly got run ower by a c
Central - LAL sinkin tae the hert o the Sun acause it canna be fused. In anither
Ulster - SYN n the' cudnae fin a róad ïn acause o aa tha thrang, the' went up
Central - GLA . Scots is sae faur ahint, no acause o the Gaelic, but acause we h
Central - SEC rgeon talkin on the telly. No acause she was a hateful sham o a hu
Central - LAL@thEMANacho No acause Ah missed the pynt - Ah didn
Ulster - SYN thair names doon for ït. Noo acause Joseph's femlie went bak tae
Central - LAL in the end thai'd tae gie up acause o the mirk. Bit thai nivver f
Central - LALepatie Ah think cunts jyne up acause they see the badge as a licen
Central - LAL l register, an in parteicular acause o specialised terminology. Ma
Central - LAL en, it wis something byordnar acause he referred us tae the ‘Men
Central - LAL Connie's brek up even sadder acause it wis sae amicable. Ah think
Central - LAL e Scots influence is stranger acause it reflects demography — no
Central - SEC a life is sae much the richer acause o it, an Scotland, tae me, aw
Doric - ABN Doric is important tae her acause it helps her tae express hers
Central - LAL rou Scots (or Gaelic), either acause thay jaloused it a leid wi na
Doric - ABN t o Scots weemin wark, either acause they hae tae, or acause they
Central - EDN ad like for tae sit thegither acause they were baith Scottish, bit
Central - LAL s a lug tae the soond speaker acause thay hae sic a fash tae uptak
Central - LALse him o nocarin aboot Oliver acause he's got a healthy son. Ah ci
Central - LAL The nummer micht weel be mair acause the'r a want o ken o Scots as
Central - LAL uter gemmes coud be mair sair acause o the wey a body is pairt o t
Central - LAL uter gemmes coud be mair sair acause o the wey a body is pairt o t
Ulster - SYN haed bin bad for echteen yeir acause o an ïll spïrit. She wus be
Doric - ABN they hae tae, or acause they want tae. Mair weemin th
Central - EDN Ah’m blin? Or acause Ah’m no a subjeck o the Reg
Southern - SWE@HeatherMc1960 @OorVyce Yon's acause sir leid wisnae skecked as a
Central - LAL "That's acause he gat kilt."
Central - LAL em the Real Mackay - that 's acause it likely isna. An owersettin
Central - LALe Big Bang Theory", an that's acause it *is* him! He looks totally
Central - LALhur reason?! Utter baws! It's acause he's black. Cunts.
Central - SWE and it's acause o yon
Doric - DUNly missed a puckle guid reads acause o yon. https://t.co/jvJeKksQr
Central - LAL t oot in the Soothren Uplands acause o dulefu culls o this naitur.
Central - LAL eenister an ane o the bailies acause it wis that byordnar. Aince a
Doric - ABN But, she does fit she does acause she is feart for the futur o
Central - LAL experiment wi female voice is acause, whan they did – they pit t
Central - LAL How A speak in French is acause the question of leid sets a w
Southern - SWE Ah got back tae ye in Inglis acause Ah'm wis brocht up weel manne
Central - LAL This is acause Scots speakers whiles treats
Central - LAL the speiker is daein. This is acause siclike flittin is, at its ma
Central - LAL the poles o the Moon. This is acause the tilt o the Moon daesna la
Central - LAL or anither Sun Girds. This is acause oor Sun is fouthy o wechty el
Central - LAL ort o vowel afore it: this is acause [x] is a voiceless velar fric
Central - LAL e dinnae aye unnerstaun it is acause it reflecks the tune an lilt
Central - LAL w expressed wis that this wis acause there were gey sma support fo
Central - LAL ueen’s efter the five weeks acause it wis promised tae anither c
Central - LAL othron tae Scots rarely wirks acause Scots gremmar is sindert fae
Ulster - SYN feart, the'll be takkin dwams acause o whut the' see cumin on tha
Central - EDN bi wey o exposure, or aiblins acause they hae experience o the men
Central - LAL ppit Chantie'. Wes it aiblins acause the blaik glower an glunch o
Central - LAL e kintrae lik sae mony bairns acause o the dangers fae the war.
Central - LAL houdna be left tae growen-ups acause thay mak it dreich. Drap in a
Central - WCE eel, aye, it daes. It maiters acause we're gettin tae the stage no
Doric - ABN s the anely wey tae happiness acause Ah cam fae a faimly o weemin
Central - LALscotslanguage @RobertBurnsNTS Acause it bit ma finger so! ????????
Central - EDN aist o the warlords employ us acause we’re neutral, no tae menti
Central - SEC ter mind thair P’s an Q’s acause the Awmichty micht no forgie
Doric - ABN wildflooers hav becam extinct acause o the drainin o peat bogs. Th
Central - GLA Swept unner the cairpet acause it happens unner the rug
Central - EDN cht ne’er see it again, bit acause she had ne’er seen it, no a
Southern - SWE need chyngin ava, jist addit acause they're Scots names onyweys.
Central - SEC n hae cam up gey tuim haundit acause efter aw the envelopes wir ha
Central - EDN ey makker. A chose tae dae it acause ah ken those are things maist
Central - LAL haes maistly been self-learnt acause Scots wisna walcome as pairt
Central - LAL e, slaithert wi runny mustart acause she likit it wersh! The tongu
Central - LAL earest tae haund – no least acause the results o 2015, an whit f
Ulster - PUL d wi "blaw-ins" laein Belfast acause o The Troubles or industrial
Central - LAL It wis o partícular interest acause it wis in a place ah haed ken
Central - LAL we haed anticipatit, nae jist acause we are makkin major chynges t
Central - LAL she's a helpless victim jist acause she's a sex worker. Ignorin h
Central - EDN ret for her warld - no juist acause she micht ne’er see it agai
Central - LAL but acause A knaw ma haund wad pass, in
Central - SEC wisnae, as it turnt oot), but acause she wis shuir oor (then) Depu
Central - GLA o the Gaelic, but acause we haednae eneuch fowk fechti
Central - LAL interestin for spammers, but acause Google Mail is uised by that
Central - LAL – no that they lik it, but acause they’ve been telt it’s ne
Central - LAL eep landowners in profit. But acause the wirking fowk haed tae lip
Central - LAL Scots pairlament the day. But acause the feck o MSPs speaksna Scot
Central - LAL communication but acause o the social inclusion it pro
Central - LAL used athin an explorator text acause thay arna objective. Ae screi
Central - LAL nological seemilarity tae’t acause o temporal distance (modren l
Central - WCE mmons. We hae a richt-wing EU acause we hae richt-wing European go
Central - LAL a daft ploy tae stert wi. Aw acause a drinkin fere had a dochter
Central - LAL e grandest science o thaim aw acause it inrowes braidly unalike sc
Central - SEC 'Naw acause gin thai rowed Rab's neb, Eck
Central - LAL Mercury haes an affa lang day acause it turns roond on its aixis j
Central - LAL hat is spent mair efficiently acause it’s managed by ane agency
Central - LAL lament aince mair, an pairtly acause the versities haes been teach
Central - LALAh missed a delivery acause ma "doorbell out of order" si
Central - SEC nd o Wullie’s uncle Eck – acause he’d spak up fir Churchill.
Central - WCE Acause, ma frien, gin ye lift the fl
Central - LAL at Ah’ve cried ‘stages’ acause they set in at different pynt
Central - EDN e takin wis a ‘short cut’ acause aabody wis in a hurry tae get
Central - EDN d on, drappin the bravado. “Acause Ah wis gotten at be a man. Ma
Central - EDN gettin here?” he askit. “Acause Ah’d hate tae be unner-appr
Central - EDN be leeterate?” he askit. “Acause Ah’m blin? Or acause Ah’m