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Occurrences of heart in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Ulster - BUL An leapin' heart banged In mae breast
Southern - SEA No fur the faint o' heart
Central - GLA "Wendy died, pal. She had a heart attack this morning:
Central - GLA aw his days. He’d huv hud a heart attack if he’d lived tae se
Central - WCE avy fae the lavvies died ae a heart attack this mornin; his funer
Central - LAL ough he near enough gied me a heart attack when he turned up rust
Central - GLA a says, near enough gien me a heart attack, “take your calciche
Ulster - BUL Tis nat enough tae cheer tha heart,
Central - LAL and that he'd come back wi a heart problem because God knows the
Central - GLA Ma heart skips a beat. Ah place the ba
Central - LAL Ma heart sinks when ah read ma score:
Central - LAL Ma heart sinks.
Central - LAL Ma heart sinks, 'Another lassie?"
Central - GLA Ma heart’s goin like the clappers. T
Central - LAL Ma heart sinks. Dante's gonnae rip ma
Shetland - SHDpositivity aboot votin. I'm a heart and head YES #indyref
Central - SEC keep anything in ma heed, ma heart wis set oan fitbaw since day
Central - SEC me but a still defied her, ma heart wis set oan bein like ma dah.
Central - WCE s mair lik a worried face. Ma heart wis pure pumpin, blood boomin
Central - WCE s mair lik a worried face. Ma heart wis pure pumpin, blood boomin
Central - EDN wants tae take them home. Ma heart starts racin’. Is no like a
Central - GLA it. It’s aw superficial. Ma heart an theirs nae longer in it. A
Central - GLA r and a cuff roond ma arm. Ma heart’s beatin oot ma chest. The
Central - GLA an aw durin the first wan. Ma heart broke fur his mammy and daddy
Central - LAL eir relationship's coffin. Ma heart broke fur Sandra the day he p
Central - LAL st hauf six in the mornin. Ma heart went fae punchin ma ribcage t
Central - LAL n aw different directions. Ma heart's tellin me that there's somm
Central - LAL d read Dante's four stars. Ma heart sinks.
Central - SEC Ali, who heiders the baw. Ma heart stops, am gutted. Then ah rea
Central - GLA /Ma heart beats faster. Boom boom boom
Central - LAL ur A'm easily pleased, and ma heart's quite content jus tae beat.
Central - LAL Ah arrive home, and ma heart's goin like the clappers. Mum
Southern - SEA a stound haed jagg’d ma heart.
Central - WCE It broke ma heart when they shut doun the Pit,
Central - LAL the whice throne tae break ma heart.
Central - LAL Please ken ma heart still loves ye, though it may
Central - LALrisRamsey Awesome news! In ma heart o hearts wis hopin Musselburg
Central - EDN t up, but this time it has ma heart racing in ma chest. Ah dinnae
Central - LAL ght ah knew, and it breaks ma heart.
Central - WCE It wis like that. It gits ma heart racin’ e’en noo, forty od
Central - GLA hing she tells me is that ma heart rate’s through the roof. Na
Central - WCE iled at me an ah pure felt ma heart bumpin up intae ma throat. He
Central - GLA t himself. The cunt's huvin a heart attack!
Doric - MNB and the smell wis gan roon a heart like a hairy worm. I could hi
Central - LAL word 'Mother'. The other's a heart-shaped wreath o purple flooer
Shetland - SHD athoot a heart
Central - GLA ntact wi me. Harry must huv a heart o gold tae humour a lassie li
Central - WCE aid ma da, But he's got a bad heart so he took early retirement.
Orkney - ORK And watch some aged heart-throbs in a B.B.C. repeat.
Central - LAL Ah gulped. The Sacred Heart wis Maw's prized possession,
Central - LAL tues o Our Lady an the Sacred Heart an the Infant o Prague. She e
Central - LAL Granny's photie o the Sacred Heart is Poatin at the end o ma bed
Central - LAL under ma picture o the Sacred Heart when ah get hame. The Sacred
Central - LAL ed at ma picture o the Sacred Heart before turnin and plonkin ma
Central - LAL below a picture o the Sacred Heart. Anyhin's worth a try tae kee
Central - LAL s a tiny picture o the Sacred Heart - a profile picture ah'm sur
Central - LAL in in here - that the Sacred Heart will keep me safe. Cathy walk
Doric - DORse in Fittie & just aboot hid heart attack seeing this https://t.
Ulster - EUL an with kind hands and a kind heart."
Central - GLA e wis Steven hud some kind ae heart attack on Saturday night. Ah
Central - LAL gae heart swell wi pride. The orange an
Ulster - PUL An hae nae heart.
Doric - MNA oon here wee loon, hiv ye nae heart the stories?” Paul _ replie
Central - AYR ng ye for a dance, and ma wee heart wis thumpin faster than yon d
Central - EDN silly bastard. Yer slinky wee heart grows as thick n meaty as ma
Central - LAL@musicmeandtea You've a huge heart ?? and kindness oozes oot of
Southern - SEA The heart o' ony King
Central - GLA owl, which ah’ve no hud the heart tae bin, pull open the tab, a
Central - LAL is precious when its fae the heart tae....a surprise phone call,
Central - LAL tae the heart monitor. The lines start danc
Central - DUN oyle an it gets richt tae the heart o the maitter, an A maun sey
Central - WCE chts and soonds lik these the heart still thrills,
Central - SECauld women. I dinnae have the heart tae tell her. I’m up tae 4 n
Central - EDN And then I didn’t have the heart to disabuse him. And now I ke
Central - LAL strict cooncil - putting the heart back into the city
Central - LAL an his brither Michael an the heart went oot o the rebels.
Doric - DOR deep and deep, crying in the heart of you and the smell of the e
Orkney - ORK O metters o the heart
Central - LAL free table. None o us huv the heart tae tell Maw we've heard hur
Doric - ABN k, when ye're sleeping' ~ The Heart of Midlothian, Walter Scott
Shetland - SHDunlin and it breaks my peerie heart :(
Southern - SWEyou empathise, enjoy and take heart - no long noo @HurchinHome @
Orkney - ORK That's a salve tae me heart. That wid hae been me poor mi
Orkney - ORK And Sam, hid near broke me heart.
Orkney - ORK I'll carry a secret in me heart
Central - WCE , an then she drew a wee love heart on her nail an wiggult it abo
Central - GLA re's a perfect wee broon love heart seepin through his pure white
Doric - ABN n his definition of purity of heart as being "to will one thing"?
Central - GLA imately translated as Beating Heart.’ he sais, dain his best ta
Central - GLA Mah heart's fuckin racing, man. This is
Central - GLA ies me a stare that makes mah heart sink
Shetland - SHD She redded up an his black heart smote him.
Orkney - ORK er. Cut it open, and the pork heart nuggets inside are sweet choc
Central - SEC@rycammy95 real heart for the jersey oot there 2 ni
Central - WCE rtal ear an Wad shock a human heart to hear. Modren readers micht
Doric - NNB iper years, e simple an lovan heart
Ulster - WUL Ah'Il lee yae wae a broken heart.
Doric - MNA d mither that died o a broken heart!” He looked doon an murmure
Central - EDN hink you could win her virgin heart.”
Central - GLA is as a lifestyle. Ma steamin heart wrenches, knowin I should be
Central - GLA a fuckin laugh Archie. Beatin heart?’ ah sais, noddin tae the s
Central - EDN her heart, baith filled wi' pride an' f
Central - EDN be the fire, an Beatrice, her heart stoundin, slippit intae the d
Doric - MNA maybe aichteen or twenty. Her heart beatin like a haimmer, she as
Central - WCEI’d put a stake through her heart and garlic roond her neck tae
Central - WCE e the fat goes right ower her heart. She sat there in oor livin r
Central - LAL hrisses" that "fought for her heart and tormented her" struck a s
Doric - DOR here were that fought for her heart and tormented her. You hated
Central - WCE A warmer heart death ne'er made cold, We hav
Ulster - BUL Actin' showed bot niver heart
Central - SWE yer heart broke like a stane.
Central - LAL let it wrap itsel' roond yer heart lik' a furry worm. It's foo'
Ulster - GUL Wid laive yer heart tae grieve .
Central - WCE It wrung yer heart till ye thocht ye micht greet
Central - GLA they dae horrible, break yer heart hings.
Central - WCE he tapsalteerie dirdum in yer heart.
Central - LAL I'm sorry that it hurts yer heart tae inflict so much pain,
Ulster - WUL Sets yir heart a flutter an brichens up yir
Central - SEC@SamsHusband Eat yir heart oot pal #FIFE ??
Central - LAL ay as well be as black as hur heart. Ah look at the clock. We are
Central - GLA the gig? That Huey stole your heart anaw?"'
Central - WCE kind that ah wis in that 'fas heart machines an monitors an big h
Doric - ABN an' wirk a' lost Man mak' his heart gie sair. He gathered stock f
Central - GLA Yin in the Masons. Broke his heart when McDade announced his all
Doric - DOR1 @joewhimster @carhandle His heart wisna in it jist his Soul for
Shetland - SHD he wore his heart,
Doric - NNB uld hear him sighan as if his heart wid break. She pitied him dee
Doric - MNA ther hid teen affa ill wi his heart and hid left his job wi the r
Central - AYR foul barbarity raised in his heart an sowl a deep burnin rage an
Central - LALWinnie Ewing by saying in his heart he was a Scottish nationalist
Doric - MNA m; a cyaard, fae e ill in his heart gies neen bit ill. E wirds at
Central - SEC Its heart gings boom-boom-boom
Central - LAL igger ower the years, but its heart is the same. Nae planner woul
Doric - MNA and that broke his mither’s heart. Hugh wiz the aaler o the two
Central - AYR Did yer great heart brek fir yer native land?
Central - WCE Did yer great heart brek fir yer native land,
Central - LAL ays efterwards they were that heart-sair they could hairdly lift
Ulster - GUL e Robbie Steen a gentleman at heart
Central - SECt aways been a rangers man at heart n thats no gonna alter noo
Central - EDN you have my best interests at heart - ”
Ulster - CUL forrit am beginnin tae loast heart. Tha rayson for this bein tha
Ulster - BUL Wi darkest heart boss ask oo thee,
Shetland - SHD da soorest heart, an aathin is tirled
Central - EDN cid even dream of in the most heart-throbbingly adorable moments.
Southern - SEA der the tunnel, where the new Heart o' Hawick is now. So A though
Central - WCE w Charlene's timetable aff by heart as well as ma ain so ah guess
Central - WCE now oor whole register aff by heart noo, it's lik learnin a song.
Doric - MNA My heart belangs ti Banff...
Central - GLA My heart’s beatin oot ma chest when
Central - LAL my heid start tae tighten, my heart race.
Central - LAL@RocketGothic My heart feels it for ye ?? https://t.
Doric - ABN Why should my heart feel lonely,
Central - LAL ike these songs, they make my heart big and my eyes water" - whi
Doric - DORen I wiz young. Dunc broke my heart an said h
Orkney - ORK ue me but what I saw broke my heart into a thousand shards. Winni
Central - LAL my ankle, it's literal, if my heart gets broken it's metaphorical
Orkney - ORK quick breaths, and I feel my heart thump and everything seems ta
Shetland - SHDbirder I can actually feel my heart ache just fae thinking aboot
Central - LAL Up, up my heart! And walk abroad, fling cark
Central - LAL tin o John Donne's "Batter my heart, three-person'd God"?)
Central - GLA Wullie wrote: “My heart warms when I think of old Sco
Central - GLA t strikes fear intae mah very heart - a bouncer. Ah don't get oa
Central - WCE studie o his maisterpiece, ‘Heart of Stone’, an o parteiklar