A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of night in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - SEC night tae we settle doon fur a bite
Central - SEC night, Alana. "What the fuck are yu
Doric - MNA "Night cream or firming eye and neck
Southern - SEA A' night till dawn until
Central - SEC p tae th' body wha dreamt th' night awa'. Up tae th' restless lad
Central - LAL othron spellings ('light' an 'night').
Central - SEC ancelled a long overdue lads' night oot, fur what again?"
Central - LALin Scots tae celebrate Burns' Night? Try oot the braw teachin res
Central - WCE Themorra's parents' night an ah'm totally crappin masel
Central - LALwa, we can nae langer tarry. (Night Visiting Song stolen by Dylan
Central - LAL Scots. The maks enough, dead, night, blood an long, tho thay mich
Central - LAL@GallusEffie Lovely... Night, Quine.
Central - LAL@ClydeFC ... Nice Day/Night fur a game of Fitba’ ??. ??.
Doric - MNAse. This Doric word means day/night before. Thanks tae Carol. xx
Doric - DORgh a bottle whiskey. Nae in 1 night!
Central - SEC2 night and the weekend looks promisi
Central - SECed off wae the camelon game 2 night - n u dont need tae ask what
Central - SECcotlandFA took in this game 2 night n the effort n pace fae the c
Central - SECie at the brora/hearts game 2 night - but am no payin 12 quid -
Central - SEC wee auld firm derby for me 2 night - celtic v rangers women -
Central - SECaltSportsLive raith on fire 2 night defo n a good watch this one
Central - SECburghAth hope all goes well 2 night guys - b oan the burra
Central - SEC shuv it richt up liverpool 2 night - traitors!
Central - SECgreat wee listen 2 night as ryan kelly was on bdfm -
Central - SECdrawer coverage and updates 2 night from eos and lowland league "
Central - SECr chopper n tae baith teams 2 night - n a lovely touch puttin th
Central - SECrtin ma first fitness class 2 night at a secret venue in east lot
Central - SECke back ma earlier comments 2 night - city were top drawer - ne
Central - SEC20 mins on the news 2 night on the troubles in the usa an
Central - SECift if the lads could do it 2 night - cmon scotland
Central - SECwish bonnyrigg awe the best 2 night and am lookin forward to the
Central - SECgreat performance fae man u 2 night and a good watch
Central - SECme is available on freeview 2 night in the honest toun - bring i
Central - SEC greenlaw fc for the follow 2 night - b oan lads
Central - SEC an ah do in this very room. A night ae networkin as a writer at y
Central - EDN e pit ma hand in ma pocket aa night, bloody great it wis!.
Shetland - SHD da night, bit
Central - LALClick here tae listen tae 'Da Night at Christ Wis Born' in Shetla
Shetland - SHD#Shetland dialect: Da Night at Christ Wis Born https://t.
Shetland - SHD h, bit da real highlight a da night wis ta push dir mam in as wee
Shetland - SHDine ta see you on Landward da night.
Shetland - SHD d still be damp wi dew fae da night afore. Afore da haands a da c
Shetland - SHD ans shü wants dee ta bide da night, dull be aa set dan!"
Shetland - SHD munt ago. Ah'm sittin here da night lookin at my brand new first
Shetland - SHD say yun fokk sits up half da night drinkin an playin cairds, an
Shetland - SHD wir a lass i da car wi him da night he deeid, young ayoch ta be h
Shetland - SHD ae place for flytin weemen da night. It's strong men an kishies a
Central - AYR ae a small thing like spend a night wi ma friends withoot having
Shetland - SHDf you heard a cock crow in da night you had to go and feel his fe
Shetland - SHD place is been in an uproar da night," shü telt me. "I wis just c
Shetland - SHDI spent da night in toon dastreen and woke tae
Shetland - SHD t. Maggie Ann wis in aboot da night dastreen, an telt me her Pete
Shetland - SHD l I gude ta Willie's aboot da night.
Shetland - SHD bus comin, ah'll ring you da night," an burst oot greetin as sh
Central - WCE e lassie ae that age go tae a night club anyway. It says here, sa
Orkney - ORK — for a wak on sac bonnie a night wis like a holiday tae them.
Central - LAL- every hot flush (several a night) stick my bare feet oot from
Central - SEC@robertmdaws @OrbsSCFC ma night is complete - cheers lol
Central - SEC - a want tae feenish aff ma night in a guid mood lol
Central - SEC - a dinnae want tae ruin ma night lol
Central - SECootball - am away 2 enjoy ma night noo - n thats the polite ver
Central - GLA It’s the shock. Oan a night like this, a act like a nerve
Central - SEC oint, it felt like gone oan a night oot wae the lads and endin up
Central - GLA Sleeplin oan a Night o Autumn Rain
Central - GLA daft enough tae bae oot oan a night like this. Stingin their dial
Central - SEC nin he foond himsel spendin a night in The Royal and hud goat the
Central - GLA hur maw n that wur away on a night oot. Easy does it, man. The y
Shetland - SHDIt's yun kindo a night dat maks you want tae burn a
Orkney - ORK l's ducts, smoo roon labs o a night, clim : as possessed o a tail
Doric - DORgs in Bert’s kitchen efter a night oot! ????
Doric - DORsed tae hae a wee nap efter a night on the tiles at the Fittie Ba
Shetland - SHDassermaet can satisfy efter a night on da skite
Doric - DORss off n leave us alane fir a night you pesky tweeters!?
Central - SEC ems as if she's dressed for a night out. And not for cleaning hou
Central - WCE e'll want tae nip me themorra night at the Kirky disco, said Kell
Central - LAL ither leid gaes: But it was a night of little ease to his toiling
Doric - DORan. Fit this idiot needs is a night oot with cronies his ane age
Shetland - SHD as fast as he cood, it wis a night a bittersie in January, an a
Central - SECsh for a long while - what a night - b oan the rose
Central - SECngers @jordan_macrae98 what a night lads and 2 quality strikes a
Ulster - EUL it onie wunner I niver git a night's sleep? Is it onie wunner 'm
Central - SEC guys - many thanx - whit a night
Central - LAL k so we're gaun tae call it a night.' He nods. 'Enjoy the rest of
Shetland - SHDSeemed too bonny a night no tae tak a swim. We didna k
Shetland - SHDvet wantin under. Dirs mony a night im faan asleep sandwiched atw
Shetland - SHDch oot da spaegie after a fab night thanks to @AnneSavage. Really
Central - SECos tae these lads on a baltic night - b oan the vale
Central - SECwee classic comin up on wed night awe being well - and the pms
Central - SEC luvin it - a doubler on wed night - 6.30 and 8.00 - will b at
Southern - SEAsstroopers ball? AGM this wed night? #gordonshortsbestmate #yirba
Central - SEC ady kin deny, it's been a gid night oot, so far.
Southern - SEA@hornet_2011 i really gid night. Paying for it the day thou.
Ulster - EUL e stars had disappeart. "Guid night, Ma an Da," she whuspert, qua
Central - LALwpublishing It was a gey guid night. And fair graun tae see aa th
Central - SEC Twas a cauld night as it aye wis in October.
Central - GLA e, a wee warmer for the cauld night ahead - an Derek is beatin h
Orkney - ORK e wis wirkan momeen, noon and night and lukkan efter me.
Orkney - ORK Sheu farted morneen, noon and night - the stench wis owerpooran
Doric - DOR.bit it wiz affa funny. Grand night, haste ye back @AlanCarr x
Doric - DORHad a grand night we lou n Debs, roll on the mo
Doric - DORcol1 jist oot. Having a grand night. Hungry! x
Central - LAL ifference we see ilka day and night,
Central - LAL omiting out Fire both day and night, which continued a long time,
Central - GLA this soiree is in its second night. Ah knew there wis a bit ay a
Doric - DOReannenaylor did ye have a god night we th oldies?? We cane hoe ta
Doric - DORaylor oh dear! you had a good night? x
Central - LAL s. They says it's been a good night for British teams in Europe.
Central - GLA h bid the bouncer lassie good night an head back tae oor caravan.
Doric - DORweekend so if you fancy a dvd night jist let ma cane :)
Orkney - ORK Bae night faa hid wis Annie
Shetland - SHD es du yun pair," shü said ae night, "Dey come in da sooth mooth
Central - WCE tae go oot here this time ae night.” Emma complained, stannin
Central - EDN n the streets at this time ae night sends oot a clear-cut message
Ulster - GUL endid sight as day turned tae night and he caused a bit o hype
Orkney - ORK mely as each day passed intae night.
Shetland - SHD nd her greetin tae my aunt ae night whin shi: didna ken I wis lis
Central - LAL 'Kate went tae night mass alone oan Sunday night,
Central - DUN kly - how fur hud it got tae night time? Twas sae mirk! Then ah
Orkney - ORK n't go doon tae the quarry be night
Doric - DORdoon on ma hearing aid, a wee night cap at hame & aff tae ma scra
Central - SECnx for bein invited fir a wee night oot the night - c yous later
Doric - MNB.had a couple round for a wee night..they were boring as feck...Q
Central - LALGreat wee night @ConorKelly_92 beltin it oot
Orkney - ORK The Night o the Burneen
Orkney - ORK The night we met Ben o the Ha for the f
Orkney - ORK The Night Room
Orkney - ORK The night when thir sleepan soond in th
Central - GLA The night.
Central - SWE The night train to Liege departs soon.
Orkney - ORK The night when thir sleepan soond in th
Central - WCE The night ma furniture wis re-arranged
Doric - ABN The night, we had The Last Fish Supper.
Orkney - ORK the night.’
Central - SEC aw they ither layaboots.' The night it wis ma buroo money.
Orkney - ORK comin ap tae the heuld o' the night, bit they had enjoyed thir tr
Doric - ABN leid as 'La Nit del Foc' (The Night of Fire). The Gairdens o Túr
Orkney - ORK ception – an most o aa, the night wis lippan wi a sense o optim
Orkney - ORK Aal Scots, the night, across the nation, meet in m
Central - SEC at mornin sleep deprived. The night before ah'd spent tossin and
Central - GLA a big glittery backdrop. The night, there's a big Union Jack fla
Orkney - ORK h the hulks sheu studies. The night thir a ring o Light aroon her
Central - GLA re the cow could stop us. The night.
Southern - SEAFitba on astro 7-8 the night if onybody fancies a game. £
Central - LALing forward tae the fitba the night #fives
Central - WCE Ah said tae ma da the night before that ah'd been talkin
Central - LALmade tattie salad for tea the night... That'll do... :) Looking f
Ulster - GULakin chicken tikka masala the night. It's like havin a personal c
Doric - DORs nae ringin ma bell at a the night :(
Central - GLA nae alcoholic anaesthetic the night.
Central - LAL's steak and tattie salad the night... She leads, me and the daug
Central - LAL re that’s what happened the night I lost him. We’d had an arg
Central - LAL.@IshbelMcF Fair enjoyed the night! BTW, Ah bought MASEL a copy
Orkney - ORK wis a lovely weddeen and the night gaed flyan by.
Central - LAL lent. Major Operation and The Night of the Big Blitz by the shipy
Doric - ABN idna quite suck yer blood the night.
Central - SEC e ensure that the mood ae the night remains fairly positive. And
Central - GLA yersel intae somethin fae the Night ay the bastarn Livin Deid.
Central - GLA ents ay memory ah kin fae the night afore; any wee vignettes ay w
Central - SWE r haversack aw ready frae the night afore, wae wur cheese-chits a
Central - GLAee tae be totally fair ae the Night King, eez nae racist. #GameOf
Central - GLA Ye sling yersel intae the night. Thons love. Even Ah kin reco
Ulster - GUL puds, frae the mornin tae the night .
Central - GLA e cried, like a fox intae the night ( Ah know about the night noo
Central - SEC tred. And fur the rest ae the night she never spoke another word
Central - EDN the coont fur the rest ae the night. Which leaves me sittin alian
Central - LALwered..Anyhoos.. It'll be the night, or the morn', but ye'll no g
Doric - DORo ?...I'm going tae dance the night awa we Mind Gone Blind in Ro'
Orkney - ORK taetion's care. Thir tree the night, an parents an elders, an ith
Central - SWE tae see the Night Watch troop.
Central - LAL a taxi so she can salvage the night wi hur pals oan Jelly Baby's
Doric - MNAe tae sleep in ma flechie the night - got exciting news tae shar
Doric - DORt tae mak her sponge cake the night! Ach well, back on wee the sh
Orkney - ORK be no siller on the table the night.
Central - GLA t he wis oan tae his hole the night but as they get closer, horro
Central - LALn yer bonnie wee thrapple the night! ??
Central - LALn yer bonnie wee thrapple the night? ????
Central - LALe be the madrid juve game the night
Southern - SEA1 @mousey77 darts at hame the night agains the weemin.
Central - WCE Charlene phoned me the night. She asked me if ah wid dae h
Central - LALbuzzin tae get home the night, spag bol for dinner, result!
Central - GLA again. "Dinah/'ll miss me the night, onywey!" (Dinah wis her cat.
Central - WCE Ah phoned Charlene the night at the hospital. Have yi hear
Doric - DORr n watchin fitba at mine the night?! x
Central - LALo socialist ex miners are the night spinnin in their graves. Whit
Orkney - ORKts o weel kent faces here the night’.
Central - GLA ars urr partyin elsewhere the night.
Central - GLA red ah’d huv tae endure the night; the kind that pores oer ever
Central - LALg skelped aboot the hoose the night again cos ye never got him in
Orkney - ORK orner in wir peedie hoose the night.
Central - LALd a tootin in the H hoose the night... ?? Ah hope tae hell ye ken
Central - LAL ... I seen ye! I seen ye the night. Jist wait. Jist you wait.
Ulster - EUL nkin aboot the baith o ye the night," she whuspert. "Ye wur here
Central - LAL#Scots poll fir ye the night! Whaur does 'lorne sausage' g
Doric - ABN keeps baith o us up half the night.
Central - SECend, fine till the end of the night, then hugs all round at the e
Central - GLA tae wake in the middle of the night, nose dry fae the closed wind
Central - SEC Fine Day In The Middle Of The Night - Christopher Brookmyre
Ulster - EUL doing out at this time of the night?" He stared at his wife.
Central - LAL y seen in the darkness of the night.
Central - GLA Ah wake up during the night. Ah check the time oan mah we
Central - LALr1 your tunes are amazing the night Sandra ?? loving them ?
Central - WCE daein anythin efter schog the night, he said, Gause ah've no got
Doric - DOR cumin hame fae Edinburgh the night. trains are a tae cock efter
Orkney - ORK through the night
Orkney - ORK through the night
Orkney - ORK ight slowly moved through the night.
Central - SEC Dark forms stalk through the night.
Doric - ABN has got worse – through the night she soonds like a seal barkin
Central - LALOan a mental dilutin sesh the night? ????
Central - LAL yer oan a wee bevvy sesh the night? ??
Doric - DORnt sold oot at the Tivoli the night, but, managed tae get tickets
Doric - DORnt sold oot at the Tivoli the night, but, managed tae get tickets
Central - WCE e said, Ah might catch yi the night at the party at the Toon Hall
Doric - ABN think I’ll sleep a wink the night.
Orkney - ORK howlds me in hids thrall the night.
Doric - DOR@muddy_40 It wis min dull the night weet the morn
Orkney - ORK hing! Ah'll christen them the night.
Southern - SEAking leason o hev gav him the night. #justatrainingmatch #rudkint
Central - SEC been "fuckin carnage" oan the night in question.
Central - LAL56 Its the only thing oan the night John. Tele is utter shecht. Y
Central - SECell deserved 3 points oan the night
Orkney - ORK e blide wirds as ony gien the night. Forbye, Noor waants tae gang
Central - GLA an Roses are playin again the night an they're up geein it laldy.
Central - LALgeous ?? We're oot dancin the night, are ya gettin a vino doon ye
Orkney - ORK We waited in the night, Waited in the ker,
Orkney - ORK t and why me? Wakening in the night, gripped be a fear that's he'
Ulster - EUL a kitth candle burning in the night. Mrs Andrews, aal daen up in
Central - LALHoolets (owls) hooting In the night. Love it
Central - GLA the roastin that's comin the night n the next day. Yi irnae even
Doric - DOR muckle lot of boatmen in the night, canna hear the fitba!
Central - LAL d. Ah hear him coughin in the night sometimes and it’s differen
Central - GLA een turnt intae sumhin in the night? Well, hink aboot it: wis ah
Shetland - SHD breech - up an doon in the night, an every time
Central - LAL ometimes e wid wake up in the night screamin, 'naw, naw, naw, loo
Orkney - ORK waathir. Ye waaken up in the night and think aboot the poor shee
Central - GLA but the wans he's wearin the night are the fuckin dug's baws. Ah
Southern - SEAllan_ross where did e rin the night #minimofarah
Central - SEC ud done awey wae me durin the night and crawled up nixt tae her.
Central - SEC ud done awey wae me durin the night and crawled up nixt tae her.
Central - LALchin this an live tweetin the night fae 10pm! Jyne in the discuss
Central - LALus ?? mad oan the dilutin the night? ????
Ulster - EUL e'll be gaun on honeymuin the night. Wilbur wants til gae bak tae
Central - SEC akers. But if he's steyin the night ah better heid up tae that pe
Doric - DORe. You got nicoles wig on the night?
Orkney - ORK gramme on the televeesion the night afore whaar a veet hid been h
Southern - SEA mind and wear protection the night if yir a lucky boy. And am no
Ulster - EUL "Well up an at thaim on the night'.
Orkney - ORK as doon the night the moon did swim, and life a
Orkney - ORK as doon the night the moon did swim, and life a
Central - LALfor the peeps up the toon the night?.. Have a guid Hogmanay, and
Orkney - ORK@jm_stout No a lipper on the night!
Central - SECat the coaches tactics on the night lol
Orkney - ORK bit ah'm hivvan right fun the night.
Ulster - GULHow did our wee cuntry do the night??? Hope they thrashed thon Or
Doric - MNA fine day, in the middle o the night, twa daid men got up tae figh
Central - LAL vin there in the middle o the night bonded me and Kate. Without f
Orkney - ORK darkness in the middle o the night.
Ulster - GUL l day long and often into the night.
Central - LALin MoS.. I'll have a beer the night.. Something tae look forward
Central - LALooking forward tae dinner the night
Central - LALw, will send it oer later the night!
Doric - DORo distract me fae Twitter the night. COYR
Central - SECEastScotlandFA cheers fir the night out m8 - we must do it again
Doric - DORg oot trevor McDonald for the night?!
Doric - DOR Last een for the night as I think of my Bonnie, grac
Central - GLA sed his soul tae MDMA fur the night, it’d be an utterly pointle
Orkney - ORK as - get him settled fur the night."
Orkney - ORK ns is the hens settle fur the night
Central - LAL and A'll keep ye warm fur the night.
Central - GLA eady tae keep it gaun fur the night. ‘So, ye’ve no answered t
Central - SEC e glad ae the company fur the night, nae doot.
Orkney - ORK rs gaan intae the bam tur the night.
Central - WCE stayin ower at Charlene's the night. Ah didnae really want tae ca
Central - WCE Tonight's the night ae the Stramash concert. Ah'v
Central - WCE It's the night before Christmas an ah'm stuc
Ulster - EUL ll be stairtin in Peppy's the night. Bring him an this wee Scotch
Central - LAL Too many 1s 5s 7s and 3s the night, but the realisation he's due
Central - SWE And as the night bus tae Belgrade pu’s oot o
Central - SEC ems tae in gid spirits as the night progresses. Everboady, of cou
Orkney - ORK re showers o cattie-faces the night, Jim?’
Central - LAL ye be dookin fir aipples the night? Dinnae forget tae post yer v
Central - LALill be dookin fir aipples the night? #Scots https://t.co/PZ6CcPVx
Central - LALout of all the games the night, they decide tae show us newc
Central - SWE n the boozer wi her mates the night. She's worked aw week so it's
Central - WCE ome oot the swimmin baths the night, me an Chris Rice went intae
Central - LALt in the Doric? Jyne this the night! #Scots https://t.co/RuR699pt
Central - LALe live tweetin aboot this the night! Jyne in the discussion wi us
Central - SWE An that wis the night Ah wis boarn. But little diff
Doric - MNA In time for Eastenders the night"
Central - LAL I wis restless the night I lost Lugs, and I suppose th
Central - GLA "You hopin fur a kiss the night, son?' Patricia says.
Southern - SEA yin person to play derts the night onybody fancy a game??
Central - SEC 's far away frae amang us the night. Keep Thy arm o power about h
Central - WCE Charlene come roon fur us the night ah wis wearin ma T-shirt wi M
Doric - DORikedailly Guy on Ch4 news the night said it would tak 18 months b
Central - LALhat. Because the STV news the night showed vans fu' o breid and m
Central - LAL rs describe it thus: that the night being fair and frosty, there
Ulster - GULght, Jolene. Thon praduct the night was tap gear. Yeooooooo.
Central - LALelMcF for O is for Hoolet the night! https://t.co/ldj7xJu1Yw
Central - SEC35 quite a few folk upset the night m8 - sum oh ma comments r no
Orkney - ORK I might sleep me yet the night.
Central - LAL Sara said, she'd thought the night afore that there was nowt tae
Central - GLA be arsed listenin tae it the night. Finnegan n Broonie ir rollin
Central - GLA ae rippin the heid aff it the night. Ah need ye tae huv aw yer en
Central - SWE ey answered back. A spent the night curled up in a ba’ under ma
Central - EDN Everybody knows you spent the night with him - ” He gliskit at
Southern - SEAhornet_2011 where u aboot the night young sal?? #problem
Southern - SEA might just get masel oot the night.nae gid staying in masel. #pi
Central - LALtae aw the weans goin oot the night! Wha wid open their door tae
Southern - SEA@BobbyRobson46 u oot the night bob cat millionare? #pints #p
Southern - SEA@hornet_2011 u oot the night sal or is that a stipid quest
Southern - SEA46 still coming for yir t the night??
Southern - SEAUranos for t the night.y no. No like am gane ti be r
Southern - SEA rs they sparkle, contrast the night
Central - WCE jet black pine-apple, but the night she wis wearin it doon an it
Central - GLA ( Ah know about the night noo.)
Central - LALdecide whether tae go out the night or not
Central - SWE Dances throu the night.
Central - SEC re's nae Pedigree fur you the night little yin" ah tell him. "Ah'
Central - GLA hersel, "if ah only knew the night wey tae go aboot turnin them-
Central - SEC oan the Antiques Roadshow the night!" At first ah thoat he wis fu
Central - GLA e advancin bluey black ay the night.
Central - GLA through the thick ink ay the night.
Central - GLA The air ay the night is cool, though no cauld, as
Orkney - ORK Wae can stay the night and dream
Central - LALmadrid derby the night, so much potential tae be a c
Central - LALOr we'll be in the scuddy the night!
Central - GLA e asked if she could stey the night.
Central - GLA any barometer ay the waiy the night’s gonae go. ‘Fuckin too r
Central - GLA is pish here, especially the night, but our dossin aboot the str
Southern - SEAidd least u will be happy the night and no mumpin #imbored #weekn
Central - LALt mate... Be a bit slippy the night for the fitba'...
Central - WCE ully McCoy's got an empty the night. Him an his big cousin - are
Central - LAL Get yersel oan the bevvy the night ya numpty! Scaffies were late
Central - GLA s where Ah get it fae…the night…but that’s me chaffing oa
Southern - SEAWhat a bonnie night we’ve had to kick-off the 20
Central - SEC a miracle - 2 photos r like night and day lol
Central - LALtae her o'er the dinner table night efter night efter night
Shetland - SHD "Ah'm hedd a terrible night, David," Claire slurred, as s
Central - WCE rrible weather fir a horrible night. She wis babysittin, ye see.
Central - WCE operty … can sleep a single night in security.” – Adam Smit
Doric - DORd ye are looking tae dee some night time pub crawl or summming li
Orkney - ORK fishin aff o' the rocks some night sune.
Central - DUN Ane night eftir anither ane
Central - GLA and four days. I stopped one night in New York and started the n
Central - LALg tae lose my hair A, and one night on nightshift, I decided tae
Central - LAL beans oan toast mair than one night a week unless they huv tae.
Doric - DOR It’s been a rare night but a the same
Central - SECthe young ones enjoying there night - and the smiles say it all
Central - SEC a get together n enjoy there night - get in there
Orkney - ORK like the guy afore bonfire night?
Orkney - ORK k hiv been celebratan Bonfire night early – it’s no till next
Central - LALl. Ah cannae wait fer Bonfire night noo ?? https://t.co/n63gi2XyY
Central - GLA the fourth of July ~ Bonfire Night up here is fuckin Vietnam. Th
Central - EDN nds are closed and the entire night hus been nuttin but a hazy me
Orkney - ORK A coorse night when wur cosy inside aside th
Shetland - SHD t up da fire. He wis a coorse night ootside, a flyin gale fae da
Shetland - SHDDate night we hubby. Peerie drink in cas
Central - GLA the boays intae a bit ae late night shenanigans. Unfortunately, n
Doric - MNAattery for fowk who wint late night snacks fan oot wakkin their d
Central - SECran the show fae the back awe night - need a say mair
Central - LAL@ClydeFC 1st decent pass awe night, Mitch tae Danny there...??
Shetland - SHDFirst staff night oot since Christmas. Alan Par
Orkney - ORK ent caad Rashy Bulder’s Big Night Oot. (Here’s the history o
Central - WCE A wiz it the pub. Lang night...seemed short tho. A wiz hai
Ulster - EUL ther. "I'm sure ye hae a lang night aheid."
Shetland - SHD o the hill; many a lang night he and thee'll
Central - EDN Frae oor lang night!
Central - DOR Mind oor wedding night?
Central - LALds me of a very late drinking night wi ma pal Mr Ellsworth 30 yr
Doric - DORody fae Fittie at yer opening night apart fae Bopper? As seen the
Orkney - ORK birds on the loch on a spring night. Come on Bessie, neem the bir
Doric - DORpotential tae be an affa long night!
Doric - DOR@aimeeannenaylor why a long night ma luv?
Central - DUN aboot ah night an you've got ti be thi sweet
Central - GLA Each night as soon as they tellt him.
Central - SECs relaxation on the sofa each night. Christ she’s even put the b
Doric - DOROO Alcatraz's good th night
Doric - DORift tae mine. You can bide th night xx
Doric - DORuiseNicol1 nae tea fir him th night then!
Doric - DORdna dish it oot at start o th night!!
Central - DUN Thi night turns ti violence
Central - DUN eh've woke up through thi night
Central - LALwton3 I'm staying in Edin Fri night with my pal. Need to head hom
Central - WCE 'v a big boolin' match oan ri night.”
Central - EDN ’Ah ken Tuesday’s steak night. Ah’m aboot tae make it. Go
Central - SECdhoose miners at pick a chick night - oo jist clicked brother lo
Shetland - SHD such a better place noo, lik night an day!
Orkney - ORK Wan dark night Dad wis headan oot home fae t
Orkney - ORK We danced aal night taegither then I bowt her fis
Orkney - ORK And aal night loang apon the wind, a voice
Orkney - ORK e'd be up wi the wheezeen aal night.
Orkney - ORK ambeens. Bad lambeens. Up aal night. Unsuccessful adoptions. Succ
Orkney - ORK Ahm been up aal night, bern.
Orkney - ORK slept aal day - and gret aal night!
Orkney - ORK ot and he howled and gret aal night.
Southern - SWE, clear and starry sky. Ideal night for a fire. Cannae bate a gui
Southern - SEA@patraoctober @BrianBengal Night night an a guid morning to yo
Central - LAL 'm no ft enough tae stand all night.
Central - LALyou'll be oan the cludgie all night ????
Central - SEC Parades his virtue All night on telly,
Central - LAL@Dougmcg1 I’ve been up all night trying tae decide.
Orkney - ORK Fae morn till night, sheu's on the run.
Doric - DOR No, nae at a...it's a school night! I wiz merely asking what's w
Shetland - SHD I coodna bear ta wirk wi him night eftir night, da mere sight o
Central - SEC@ScotAmFA @Westside_AFC sum night that was at livvy - crackin
Shetland - SHD weary day as he wis, yea, an night tö, come ta dat. Geordie nev
Orkney - ORK the wall fur half the blooman night -
Ulster - EUL hon oul blirt mornin, nuin an night. I redd oot his pot an his gu
Central - GLA Ah hink ah might as well goan night in." An in she went.
Orkney - ORK It's Wednesday, Van night and tea with my two favourite
Orkney - ORK Wan night in the grimleens
Central - GLA Wan night, there wis a huge storm. The
Orkney - ORK Wan night, he cam home blootered and on
Central - LAL ry and get him aff o Maw. Wan night, ah lobbed him ower the heid
Orkney - ORK . He started tae fail and wan night he burnt up wae the fever. No
Central - GLA earcey had doorstepped me wan night efter work, sais McDade wante
Central - EDN s, but we didnae know til wan night we got wurd. Dinnae tell me h
Central - WCE always bammin folk up, an wan night these three guys leathert him
Central - GLA ast year efter the dancin wan night. Must’ve been fuckin speed.
Central - WCE That wan night, November 3rd, as I wis told,
Central - LAL away. Ah'll niver forget wan night e wis uffa disturbed in es sl
Shetland - SHD day an night casts aboot
Central - DUN hope it'll sna, eh sna day an night
Central - GLA it a mess it'd make ae day an night! See, right, the irth takes t
Central - GLA e him. Aw hours ay the day an night there’s smackheids gaun in
Shetland - SHD sapphire o day an night.
Central - GLA n eye oot fir serpents day an night! Ah've hardly slept a wink in
Doric - DORip or twa then in walks a hen night! Ma heed!Dinna cain far tae l
Central - WCE In Night Moves wi Jobson's 'Armoury Sh
Orkney - ORK t as weel ais thir herts whin night time cam.
Central - SECp brother - av hud a crackin night watchin awe the classic range
Central - SECitbaw family - whit a feckin night likes - ony friendlies the m
Central - EDN gave ma mum a lift haime yin night when it wis hammerin doon. Mi
Central - GLA e’s been back in, just lyin night efter night, thinkin.
Central - EDN contagious. Ah mind this yin night, eh? Long before she foond oo
Central - GLA ps n press-ups every mornin n night. A've git a Fred Perry tracky
Central - GLA ulda strode the middle o thon night time road, well oot fae the c
Central - SWE wur tellin evrubdy aboot yon night we set oot tae catch the icey
Central - GLA asel tae lyin here aw bastarn night, an mare than likely dyin ay
Southern - SEAs away ti the golf b the morn night???
Orkney - ORK dance is oot the ither side o night, the cruisies giean the wynds
Doric - DORg I cook pizza at this time o night, I mean really.....when I wiz
Central - SECoff doon at the burra 2 morro night maybe bp has the answer or th
Central - SEC takin in an eos game 2 morro night n av got ma torch - n the vi
Central - SECcar meeting on or off 2 morro night at lochgelly? - sort it out
Central - SECthere trip up to wick 2 morro night?
Shetland - SHDawly bitey in fetlar da idder night ??
Shetland - SHD s spaekin aboot dat da tidder night Jeemie kinda smeegit.
Central - AYR le and shivering anely in her night dress.
Orkney - ORK He'd nivver spend anither night wrapped in her soft warm airm
Central - SEC r what's the point? The other night, ah wis searchin Netflix tae
Shetland - SHDchildhood homerange the other night and saw more Nories than I've
Central - WCE . Well ah'd a dream the other night an thir wis a baby in it, ah
Central - WCE stasy up the dancin the other night an she went an died. Ah've ne
Central - SEC e ma sister in laws the other night and she’s text me tae say s
Central - SEC Korma wis too hoat the other night, correct?"
Central - WCE aboot whit happent the other night but Laura McNish's ma works a
Central - SEC crackin shift and on another night defo cooda won this one - b
Central - SECe wink wink - fgs no another night out - wonder if the media wi
Central - GLA s gemme, that, an every other night ay his twinty-wan years oan t
Central - WCE ld's extrack frae 'A Misummer Night's Dream' gies us grund for ho
Central - GLA efter night, thinkin.
Central - SEC day, night efter night, ah sit here and try tae smok
Orkney - ORK eep oot the draft on a winter night
Central - LAL tarry’d in the fields over night, saw and convers’d with a p
Shetland - SHD Aberdeen followed by an ower night ferry back tae Lerwick. Fokk
Shetland - SHD Jeemie sat, night eftir night, tweetin wi da pocket knife,
Central - GLA bottle again every time. Yir night aé madness wae infinite poss
Central - SEC ah've hud tae cut shoart oor night in. But yince ah sit him doon
Central - LAL en ye. Any time of the day or night he can step out of his body a
Central - SECkes - enjoy the rest of your night!
Central - SECs crackin photo - enjoy your night guys
Central - SEC fulham players - enjoy your night!
Central - SEC@WestHam enjoy your night davy moyes - respect tae u a
Central - SECble conditions - it wasnt ur night but keep the heads up and new
Central - SEChted for the burra - njoy ur night guys
Central - SEC guys - mon the t - njoy ur night lads
Central - SECme - bring it on - enjoy ur night folks
Central - SEC social distance and enjoy ur night
Central - SEC @cathedral_sport ps enjoy ur night m8
Central - WCE no tryin tae alarm the club's night guard. When she wis sure he c
Central - LAL rrow I’ve ruined everyone's night wi my daft story aboot aliens
Shetland - SHD du come oot wi me da moarn's night?"
Doric - DOR ields Forever or A Hard Day's Night
Central - GLA 'It's ma work's Christmas night oot the night, ah say,
Central - SECmoyes wis missin fir the lads night oot lol
Central - SEC mised him a long overdue lads night in. Nuttin too fancy, likes.
Doric - DOR Taewards night aff gangs the rain,
Central - LAL t the same way as day follaes night,
Central - GLA huv Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night anaw. We wurnae goin oot guis
Shetland - SHD , shü gude oot on Guy Fawkes night, an ... "
Central - GLA It's Guy Fawkes Night n on a fuckin Friday anaw, ja
Shetland - SHD od! May da Loard help wis dis night," shü prayed, as shit saa da
Ulster - WUL ow him in the Land Rover this night if we ca'n,
Central - LAL r that. Ur else thir wis this night me an Thomas an wee Pat had t
Central - SWE g smeddum A've seen that this night.
Orkney - ORK Ur sheu widna see oot this night.
Central - GLA lkin, which Alice thought wis night ignorant. "Bit mebbe he canna
Shetland - SHD be here in #shetland damorns night.
Central - LALNo lang until Burns Night! Hae a look at oor lesson ide
Central - LALOver a dram on Burns Night Sir Alec Douglas-Home astonis
Central - LALScots isnae jist fir Burns night, it's fir life! Keep up the m
Central - LALHappy Burns Night! https://t.co/dLbtVuDedY
Doric - DOR Happy burns night abody here's my latest effort
Shetland - SHD hargin aboot her exam results night an day."
Central - WCE The morra’s parents night an ah’m totally crappin mas
Central - WCE t the same as the day follows night
Central - SEC cots speakers noo-a-days says night, right an light raither nor n
Central - LAL At night, the Pleasure Beach smelled o
Central - GLA gless ay port or her pilla at night. An ah telt her – Christ, a
Shetland - SHD "Dat night, I grett intae my pillow as i
Shetland - SHD llin o it. Whin he cam ta Dat Night, I coodna bear ta look at him
Shetland - SHD ar wis gane aff a da rodd dat night he wis wirkin late. Dat ane w
Shetland - SHD tings I haed experienced dat night. I mind it wis a dark an gloo
Orkney - ORK many's the tear ah'm shed at night since that happy day in Hoy.
Shetland - SHD e doon whin Alec cam hame dat night, an ah'll mind till my dyin d
Shetland - SHD . Shü didna sleep a wink dat night, tinkin back ta foo it hedd a
Central - GLA as worried we’d be cauld at night – bein fae Scotland, we’r
Shetland - SHD I didna promise him, bit dat night I sat doon an wrot tae her, t
Shetland - SHD Janet hardly sleepit dat night eddir, bit dis moarnin wis di
Shetland - SHD Dad wid nivver a gane oot dat night if du hedna a pushed him ta w
Orkney - ORK metheen men and weeman dae at night.
Central - GLA n the rest ay us lie awake at night tryin tae solve unsolvable pr
Orkney - ORK Sam Yi'd walk me home at night
Central - SECackin final at livvy - great night for the lads kevin
Central - LALa fir 26 year and had a great night oot efter the Tynecastle cele
Doric - ABN on Facetiming ma pals late at night, the loons that bid jist up t
Central - WCE akin roond mens doors late at night
Orkney - ORK the morneen and last thing at night, hid wis there - like a prop
Central - LAL That night ah lay awake fur as while ima
Central - AYR That night is wan o the main reasons Ah
Central - AYR That night Jock felt empowered
Central - LAL mind the first leg best. That night in Edinburra with my da.
Orkney - ORK Weel Jeannie I saw red that night
Central - WCE same since she came hame that night. Naebody believed her, or the
Orkney - ORK mesel home tae the hoose that night. No a sowl did I tell o me pl
Orkney - ORK mesel home tae the hoose that night. No a sowl did I tell o me pl
Central - GLA robably slept like a log that night efter the Rangers gemme, that
Orkney - ORK good piece an sleep weel that night.
Central - WCE Livvy tae come wae them that night. Tae Bellshill Country Club.
Orkney - ORK her faithers wis leukan that night: fillskaeliement, lampan an y
Central - AYR them aw. Looking back on that night, Ah was stupit tae think that
Southern - SEAhav yir dancing shoes on that night nuttella? #goodcompany #mosst
Central - LAL r lives oan Central Pier that night, skippin our way along the wo
Central - GLA ae the live lounge later that night. 'Act normal, like ye fancy h
Central - WCE the shoes aff ma sister that night, her feet wur red raw an cove
Central - WCE the shoes aff ma sister that night, her feet wur red raw an cove
Ulster - WUL Ah left hir that night at the gable
Doric - MNA epare the vegetables for that night's supper. The cook tellt her
Central - GLA ept on the kitchen floor that night and a slept on the floor too,
Central - LAL and I end up whar I wis that night I lost Lugs, heading oot towa
Central - SEC erent worlds. And it wis that night in that hell hole ae a pub, t
Central - WCE how they'd baith took it that night.
Central - LAL tellt ma daddy aboot it that night efter school, sittin on the c
Orkney - ORK Hid felt that night like we stepped back in time
Central - WCE vy, Lewis, Liam and Abby that night. Ma poor wee Emma wis the onl
Orkney - ORK Funny, when I go back at night, I find they're locked the do
Central - WCE s at ten an eleven a'clock at night when we wur still at primary;
Shetland - SHD upermarket - nine o'clock at night whin a lokk a da perishables
Southern - SEAgane and sit in the garden at night. Jist pt yir sloths oan mun.
Orkney - ORK n seen a cattie-face, even at night time. Mr Dursley, hooivver, h
Central - SEC e hook at aboot half seven at night. As soon as ah answered the p
Shetland - SHD be his ain shadow waalkin at night,
Southern - SWEs get baukit when I get in at night. No more exotic to me than an
Shetland - SHDconds sooner helps u sleep at night
Central - LALhe day Rab.. Cannae dae it at night.. It'll waken the neighbours.
Orkney - ORK cattie-faces usually hunt at night an are hairdly ivver seen in
Shetland - SHD mounds) and only came out at night. Some accounts have described
Central - DUN Cook shuddered. People say at night time if there’s thunder an
Central - LAL I flash a torch in the sky at night, I count one...two...three, I
Orkney - ORK olk! But I can promise a weet night the night.’
Central - SECquiet night 2 morro and then its pick a g
Central - LAL done, that's it noo, a quiet night in.. See the bells, then inta
Central - GLA thought we could have a quiet night in and watch this,’ she say
Doric - DORRoot toot n am oot! night night x
Central - LAL@JeffBrazier Night night! Discovered ages ago I study
Ulster - PUL Thon dairk an crabbit night.
Central - GLA nwood fur ten years. Constant night shift. Ah think, noo, aat’s
Shetland - SHD da hill. Missing woman spent night on Ronas Hill | Shetland News
Central - WCE in, Did yi see the game jast night. Aye, ah said, Ah seen it up
Central - DUN Last night, a mob, I'm sure twa score.
Shetland - SHD Last night silkie havin' a peerie sleep
Central - LAL Aldo wis on 'The Chase' last night tea time !!! It wisnae THE Al
Central - GLA an it beeps incessantly, last night’s text messages an missed c
Central - LAL uchin it wi a bargepole. Last night, ah wis served two thick, lea
Central - WCE on loadsa medals fur it. Last night, she wis showin me how tae da
Shetland - SHD ter time, or so he towt. Last night, (an every night afore) he'd
Doric - DORhuddock I hid fer ma tea last night didnae agree wee me #naesleep
Doric - DORs. The reports on Celtic last night could have been written for u
Ulster - EUL as rough! I was stll bad last night at eight o'clock."
Central - LALNTS @scotslanguage Added last night: Lairnin resources fir when y
Central - GLA el. ‘So, whit happened last night? Ah’ve goat Zander Patterso
Ulster - EULrn Ireland was blootered last night too! Possibly one of the most
Central - SECnx m8 n a really enjoyed last night tae - b oan
Orkney - ORK "You mind on whit I said last night"
Central - SEC ck ah'd watched Die Hard last night or ah wid huv defo drawn a bl
Central - GLA s the fuckin junkie fae last night.’
Central - GLA n the bouncer lassie fae last night is stawnin guard. 'Ladies,' s
Doric - DORan ma heeds spinning fae last night!
Central - SEC ne other than ma pal fae last night, Marvin. He’s bowed and gag
Doric - DORhack aff the cobwebs fae last night. Dinna ken fit yon folk wee t
Orkney - ORK ickin ower the bones fae last night.
Doric - DORwere deen cartwheels fae last night's Fittie Bar curry night, the
Central - GLA over. It's the boays fae last night.
Doric - DORMa pal Bert fae last night. Taking #Orkney by storm. Hea
Shetland - SHDUpdate tae last night's observation re books: I noo
Central - GLA e maw ah wis fightin wae last night.
Central - GLA cooped up in here since last night (Dolly wisnae feelin too well
Central - EDN oom. Been in there since last night. He’ll no come oot’’
Doric - DORwill witness scenes like last night
Central - WCE ause ah twistet ma ankle last night when ah wis daein the Charles
Doric - DORie Maxim find his people last night, he wiz awfa lost. #Aiberdeen
Central - SEC roond tae watch the game last night and it wis actually oan coonc
Doric - DORntroduced herself tae me last night ca’in me sweetheart! Even th
Central - WCE ent up tae Wully's hoose last night. Apparently they wur chappin
Central - SECvie27boyo m8 a spent awe last night blocking posts about awe the
Central - GLA ‘He dis. Where wur ye last night? We should’ve done you in w
Central - SEC sorry a hudtae rush aff last night - ma missuss shoutit - that
Central - LAL8 month between me n meg last night but it felt like a full gener
Central - EDN ing last night, and you were making lists of
Southern - SEA@Linsey_xo a wasni lying last night linsey #yak
Central - LAL tae study nursin at uni last night. Ideally, ah'll blow off stea
Central - GLA you at the Dog and Truck last night. You might be part of the fur
Central - GLA an took her fur a drink last night doon at that San Myle in Toll
Orkney - ORK e, wha came tae the kirk last night
Central - GLA ‘Ah couldnae work last night. Somethin came up.’ ah sais
Central - WCE tae go tae the hospital last night cause a fell on the landin an
Shetland - SHDlodge Just a gentle roll last night, and I stayed away fae the ba
Doric - DORthe bar fae 6pm till 1am last night and nae even a toastie in bet
Central - LAL people. But in ma dream last night, ah also fought wi Leanne in
Central - WCE h had the weirdest dream last night. First ah dreamt that ma gram
Central - WCE whit ah done on ma airm last night. She liftet her T-shir, an sh
Central - EDN rible. A loat worse than last night. You’re no even dressed yit
Ulster - EULouble jig in the kitchen last night ended in a torn calf muscle.
Orkney - ORK l be good. Thur wis rain last night bit its bright noo and even t
Central - EDN ’ the Cubs who were in last night has, ‘performed in it!’ h
Central - GLA us jaickit he wis wearin last night. Probably snow-dropped that a
Doric - DORay wee that dram session last night. Thought Bert invited me tae
Doric - DORig mistake playing Broon last night and nae unexpected at some po
Central - LAL@GREIGEXVS1300A Was on last night for 4 hrs. 1st real stint. Tr
Central - SEC I went to Dr Brown last night
Central - GLA t. Didnae get much sleep last night is aw. Your shot.’ he sais
Central - SEC it: "Ah goat a coupon up last night. Eight hunner quid fur a poon
Doric - DORng awa in the Fittie Bar last night so that his nae helped, bit i
Doric - DORg fer an escape goat fer last night in 1 player. It's a team game
Doric - DORps of the Scottish water last night ??hair of the dug maybe later
Shetland - SHDsterday and dastreen for last night
Orkney - ORK rrot in the Castle trees last night."
Doric - DORon too muckle reed wines last night ma heed thinks it woke up in
Central - SEC - as for the call offs last night - couple o pitches that were
Doric - DORarted getting intae this last night, great album, very interestin
Central - WCE got liftet by the polis last night fur underage drinkin, so her
Central - WCE back the horror that wis last night
Central - GLA maw geed me both barrels last night. A went in stoned oot ma heed
Doric - DOR must have hid mare nips last night than thought as my heed is li
Central - WCE hospital. She phoned us last night tae say tha, her ma's been up
Orkney - ORK u pressed on, ‘is that last night Voldemort turned up in Godric
Central - LALSic a mega nicht last night. Weel deen tae abdy. https://
Doric - DORFit a nicht last night. Decided tae go fer an eftern
Shetland - SHD Does du ken what I bocht last night?"
Central - LALmmymcewan719 Finished it last night Roddie.. Couple o' days, but
Central - EDN you ken that? He said it last night!” “Ach jist intuition!”
Central - SEC , but ah pit the bin oot last night dad" ah uttered.
Shetland - SHD fae I pat yun tweet oot last night...thanks aa ??
Central - EDN , ‘Don’t worry about last night, you were as weak as a kitten
Shetland - SHD streen 'I emptied it out last night') ~ owsed (A'm jüst owsed oo
Shetland - SHD shü wis spackin tae you last night."
Doric - DORllin pissin masel at you last night! x
Central - SEC n the hing oan the telly last night. And it goat me hinkin, eh? t
Southern - SEAht but passed peacefully last night. Yin o’ the best. Only reall
Central - GLA ‘Last night when ah goat hame fae the boo
Central - EDN job 2 nichts afore an’ last night had been shavin’ in prepara
Central - LAL t nicht in an e-mail. “Last night was incredible”, he wrate.
Shetland - SHDNordern lights on da langest night :)
Southern - SEA@cammyrudkin nva 1 lst night #johnnyrudkin. Got beat 6-4.
Central - SWE Nana died. That wis the first night a saw him really lose his tem
Central - LALnks appruived naist the first night Aberdeebshire Cooncil. Nae ha
Central - GLA The next night, we head back doon tae the li
Central - WCE n it at the pictures the next night an thiv been thegether ever s
Central - GLA rin louder noo than he did aw night an Pearcey garglin, partially
Central - GLA h’ve hud cunts phonin me aw night lookin fur ye. Whit part ay t
Central - GLA ‘That wis tae last me aw night. . .’ Pearcey meekly protes
Central - GLA ht man, ah’ve no seen ye aw night?’ ah sais, but there’s na
Central - GLA cannae sit here bletherin aw night, much as ah’d like tae.’
Central - GLA n force. We've been buzzin aw night, cos ae the fireworks, the sw
Central - EDN Been up aw night, eh? Worryin aboot the mental
Central - SWE maks ye blether an blether aw night.
Central - LALe could have read fae this aw night and ah'd have been quite happ
Central - EDN back to and fae the toilet aw night.
Central - GLA he broon hair’ll take it aw night long. Ah kin tell. Fuckin hoa
Central - WCE because they'd camped oot aw night an wut first in the queue, bu
Southern - SEAs ?? show there face tomorrow night cause its chase night. Mind t
Doric - MNB Friday night and the usual same old routin
Orkney - ORK Friday night chips clagged, stuck tae the
Central - LALFriday night prime time TV on the BBC. BBC
Central - SECfriday night football at musselburgh - oo
Central - DUN friday night.
Central - GLA oan fuckin flexi-time? Friday night’s wan ay oor busiest nights
Ulster - EUL s lik Rab McNeill on a Friday night. Steady yersel son or ye'll n
Central - WCE fra Victory baths on a Friday night (the night that me an aw ma p
Doric - DORht fae the #sfa to hae Friday night fitba on 06/11/20 tae keep An
Southern - SEA The Friday Night, the loudest cheer
Central - LALaying in Edinburgh the Friday night need tae double juggle tae ge
Central - GLA ttin in the bar on the Friday night. They’re flamin
Shetland - SHD lenorchy fur wir usual Friday night Thai Takkaway."
Orkney - ORK Anither langsam Friday night. Each week hid's cheust the s
Central - WCE aren said tae ma ma on Friday night, Can ah go tae the shows them
Shetland - SHD Dey aye phoned her on Friday night, an noo it wis Sunday, an D s
Shetland - SHD d fur wir supper every Friday night, whin Doris's van cam fae da
Central - SEC pop doon again on the monday night on a typically arctic cowdie
Central - SECorecast it should b on monday night - watch this space lol
Central - SECps - am available on monday night - fir a wee hurl n a game n
Central - EDN in', until 12.30 oan a Sunday night. Ma had oor tea oan the table
Southern - SEAng stipid noises..your sunday night must b fun.. #pingu
Doric - DORWatching Shrek on a Seterday night (sigh!)
Orkney - ORK e Tak the Floor on a Seterday night and if wae miss hid Kenny lis
Orkney - ORK Setterday Night - and Sunday Morneen
Orkney - ORK Or, a Setterday night in Broad Street, when the Pip
Orkney - ORK The Setterday Night o Shoppeen Week
Central - WCE was already 10 on a Saturday night, and the formerly light trick
Central - SECelly race track on a saturday night - seems to b all about the k
Central - WCE "At hauf ten on a Saturday night? You're aff yer nut, Abby." L
Central - SEC at The Carousel oan Saturday night?" Paul wondered aloud.
Central - GLA 'Ma mum phoned on Saturday night, ah say. 'Ah patched it and s
Central - SECs on at lochgelly on saturday night thats the big question - c y
Doric - DORMichty me, anither Saturday night in hain tae watch Tack me oot
Shetland - SHDt on da wireless for Saturday night "it'll soon ease back down to
Central - LAL es o a ‘Cotter’s Saturday Night’ or whistlin ower the lave
Central - SEC t The Carousel oan a Seturday night. Ah gently rest him oan the r
Central - WCE y ever come up on a Wednesday night when ma ma wis makin tablet o
Central - GLA Buddhist Centre on a Tuesday night, quiz night doon the Hielande
Central - LAL telly: a recordin ae Tuesday night's Eastenders
Central - LAL It's a Thursday night, and ah can see the twinkle i
Central - EDN It wis a Thursday night an’ A took an extra-curricu
Central - GLA n the mornin oan a pishin May night. Two big brash hoots.
Central - SEC You say night and ah say nicht.
Doric - ABN Psalmist says - "The moon by night thee shall not smite, nor yet
Ulster - GULalane A'll tread, Nae mair by night or even. #Halloween #UlsterSc
Shetland - SHDiles away? It's a wet n windy night. https://t.co/wzROQhl3Rx
Shetland - SHD olley foo a maet every Gudely night - hit shürly doesna aa gyin
Central - GLA we get outside. It's a lovely night actually.
Shetland - SHD mind it wis a dark an gloomy night o’ wind an rain on my faide
Orkney - ORK A bonny night spoilt by midgies
Central - GLA 's dark n baltic, a right dry night wae a crispy scent, but fucki
Central - GLA And every night we’re knackeroso.
Central - LALd reading his reportage every night. Pity you didnae day it - bu
Central - GLA arm dinner on the table every night. He wis wan ae the weans wae
Central - GLA meditatin in the hoose every night for aboot hauf an hour.
Doric - DOR ntland Arms that, on the very night Erchie disappeart, a man name
Doric - MNA ae at least ten o'clock every night. She was allowed one half day
Shetland - SHD , (an every night afore) he'd dreamt aboot a ri
Central - WCE Charlene, she's got an every night ae the week job noo earnin ca
Doric - DORe be oot in the bex bar every night o the week.
Shetland - SHD hame ta dir waarm beds every night.'
Central - SEC hat you tongue his baws every night before his bed?"
Ulster - EULtPoet Flip I heard that every night of my life when my dad was tr
Central - LALhat mentions CRUSHIN us ivery night! Great idea or whit ?????
Orkney - ORK sewirk and enrolled that very night.
Orkney - ORK tation, I got start that very night.
Central - SWE re let me join ye this starry night Up here on the hill A'm fu...
Central - GLA So wan wintry night when Big G wiz snorin,
Shetland - SHD s applied fur a job. Da tatty night club at he mindit wis noo exp
Central - GLA , quiz night doon the Hielander? Tae medit
Central - SEC y the time ah git there. Quiz night means the place will be fucki
Central - SEC e apparently. Aw and its quiz night tae. And as it happens wur sh
Central - GLA Every fuckin’ night (scuse ma French) - so there
Central - GLA ed outside a wee shop cad, “Night and Day”, across fae the ha