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Occurrences of project in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Ulster - GUL project grants at lets curns bigg an'
Central - LAL project for the
Central - LAL hae a 'Keen tae ken yer kin' project fir schuil aged bairns: https
Central - DUN s that wis a central pairt o 'Project Fear' (the Msm's dreichly neg
Doric - ABN ntae motion the 'Wall Poetry' project, far musicians wark wi street
Central - WCE s supposed tae be for ma R.E. project but... he'll never know.
Central - GLA owns at the boy. Fair enough. Project Mesh eh. We’ll sort the bas
Ulster - GUL * The stairt o' a programme/project in the Ulster-Scots sector ta
Ulster - GUL * The stairt o' a project/programme in the Ulster-Scots
Doric - DOR’s, me and Archie, coffee, a project to complete and listening tae
Southern - SWEae a lot o the time. Ah did a project last year on
Central - LAL he first exaimple comes fae a project A wis wirkin on in 1996 wi th
Doric - DOR independence and following a project of blind isolation as per the
Ulster - GUL - Expert hefts fer media project forderin.
Ulster - GUL s the pairts at can mak' ap a project an hoo they can bae delivered
Ulster - GUL the Research Institute Music Project an hit's waark.
Ulster - GUL laboration wi' the USRI music project an' hit's waark.
Central - SEC nd result o this self-imposed project. First, though, a few words a
Southern - SWEs fir a snap and wirds. Grand project! https://t.co/Lbh8lvpmXg
Central - EDN no doubt this has been a good project for Beatrice - it’s got he
Southern - SOU oor belated best wishes frae Project Hawick, Ali Redpath, an hunde
Central - GLA take on whit he cries 'a wee project'. Wanst it wis buildin a gair
Central - GLA him 'n Wullie could dae a wee project, a writin project, bit he dis
Ulster - GUL yin sich. A baag signage project aa the Gobbins Visitor Centre
Central - WCE ottish Literature an Language Project, chaired by the wyce-like Ala
Central - SEC The project high heid anes says that for
Ulster - GUL 'the project wus an example o' oor potenti
Central - LAL Sagitarius. Jerry Ehman, the project memmer that first seen the pr
Central - SEC ter Donald Dewar. In 2001 the project manager resigned. Due tae the
Doric - ABN cht an time was put intae the project – that can be seen in the l
Central - LAL -size. For tae help upbig the project awbody is invite tae uplaid p
Central - SEC ible graith o its kind an the project producers howps it'll be uise
Doric - ABN tle o flooers an trees in the project. Up until noo we hiv seen per
Doric - MNAs will be takkin pairt in the project. Canna wait.
Central - GLA ld o done a better joab o the project if ah'd been allowed the inte
Doric - ABN rkin on the first pairt o the project, ‘The Historians of Cruden
Central - DUN rs o projectit jobs, that the project will lead tae, aften bear nae
Central - WCE ttish Language and Literature Project, chaired by Alan MacGillvray
Central - LAL t the’r nae offeecial state project in ony o the kintras o thir i
Doric - MNA e saved Dr Bandara's research project, fur wioot ma faither's fundi
Central - LAL 15 August 1977 whan the SETI project at Ohio State, USA, received
Central - LAL teid is the Scottish Chapbook Project. This is anent wee prentit fu
Central - DUN kin pairt in an international project anent the quaistion o a canon
Central - WCE clowns took on the Enbra Tram Project. Wis that no a disaster waiti
Shetland - SHD imer an da hale o da Shaetlan Project. Fir a far mair detailed disc
Southern - SWEae len ma vyce tae sic a bien project.
Orkney - ORK life as pert o a Scottish PEN project, Many Voices, in laete 2017.
Orkney - ORK d up as pert o a Scottish PEN project, Many Voices, an kept gan eft
Central - LAL Oor main project at the moment is the re-editi
Doric - DOR in use. For instance, my ain project is aboot gai
Central - DUN e aw mind hou we were telt in Project Fear that the only wey we cui
Ulster - GUL rn, The Stranmillis Education Project, The Meenesterial Adwisory Cu
Central - SEC t Scots as a 'Science Fiction project': a pastless form, prood o it
Central - WCE ids on it's fur oor nutrition project in Home Ec but ah'n no that s
Central - LAL T, University o Stirling. Yon project is concerned wi makkin a
Southern - SWEms for @TheStovies Home Grown project, in @scotslanguage and in Dan
Central - LAL air recently roadit Itchy Coo project but
Central - SEC herness'; and he duis seem to project his ain poetic concerns. Aman
Central - SEC This online dictionar project haes been brocht oot bi Dunde
Ulster - GUL rlin Airlan Leids o’ Ulster Project at includes Leid trails sich
Central - LAL??? And vote for @OorVyce for Project o the Year and thon Iona Fyfe
Doric dargit on a socio-linguistics project tae forgaither data on fou mo
Shetland - SHD d. Dat bein dat, da aim o dis project is tae mak a comprehensive gr
Central - NEC His project wis centred roon place-names.
Central - LAL helped Terry Wise achieve his project.
Southern - SEA This project thought, though never met
Central - EDN you’ve been busy with this project of Beatrice’s to move your
Central - NEC ak absolute certain that this project comes tae fruition. A new tra
Doric - DOR wae maist creative hings, iss project arose fae a conversation. Jo
Central - LAL Aiberdeen’s Northern Picts Project a wee follae on Twitter and F
Ulster - GUL e peys intae yin Ulster-Scots project, the
Ulster - GUL successful Commonity Impact Project Model. Hooiniver the resource
Central - LAL eep in 1947. It wis the richt project at the richt time – the new
Central - WCE ae them huv been daein an art project thegether an she's started tu
Central - LAL itten o this as a nationalist project, whaur the ettle is "to isola
Orkney - ORK id i the Scottish Nationalist project, fir the claim tae a leid hae
Ulster - GULexcited by this wonderful new project that will bring these gloriou
Ulster - GUL possible wi' aa least yin new project ivry yeir fer the nex' five y
Central - SEC e Marie dae it as a geography project. She is stammygastered tae fi
Central - SECeryone connected with the why project
Ulster - GUL progression pad fer community project grants at alloos curns tae bi
Central - WCE obertson’s great “Kist” project, or ran (an still run) ASLS c