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Occurrences of scotlan in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Ulster - GUL wi' Scotlan' an' oor diaspora - no onie
Ulster - GUL ections an' re-connectin' wi' Scotlan' an' oor diaspora.
Ulster - GUL d forder publishin' links wi' Scotlan'.
Ulster - GUL 000 fowk in Norlin Airlan an' Scotlan'. Hooiniver lately the BBC
Ulster - GUL st coast an' Borders airts o' Scotlan at hae close links tae Norlin
Central - LAL cluded Eve Graham frae Perth, Scotlan. Forby, the programme is a tr
Central - LAL Up tae the late 14th century, Scotlan an Englan was pairt o a singl
Central - WCE That’s ma Scotlan’. An’ it feels fuckin’
Ulster - GUL o' external visitors included Scotlan', the USA an'
Ulster - GUL ort fer trevellin tae an' fae Scotlan'.
Ulster - PUL rabbit Sturgeon slabbered fae Scotlan
Ulster - GUL air's the music at flowed fae Scotlan' tae Ulster at evolved ir
Central - EDN “Ah come fae Scotlan, Ah wirk in China, an ma gran
Doric - DOR n as muckle as 13,000 men fae Scotlan: Monro’s Regiment, Hepburn
Ulster - PUL um ower tae Coontie Doon frae Scotlan aroon tha sieventeen-fifties,
Central - EDN ice had went back wi him, tae Scotlan, keepin thair fingers crossed
Central - EDN wintit her tae come back tae Scotlan. Her boss wis guid aboot latt
Ulster - PUL An heedit himsel back tae Scotlan
Doric - DOR uries, Viking raiders cam tae Scotlan fae Scaninavia. Maist o these
Doric - DOR hed Sweden (or shinty cam tae Scotlan). Fooiver, monie mair Scots g
Central - LAL ion o the title An Innins tae Scotlan’s Leids didna luik richt. T
Ulster - GUL places laike Scotlan'an' the noarth o' Inglan tae
Central - SEC d empathise wi oor warslins i Scotlan. Derrick McClure peys him oor
Central - LAL wer wide streetches o Central Scotlan. At this pynt we are stertin
Central - WCE It’s a simple fact. Ah feel Scotlan’ in the air ah breathe, in
Central - LAL e, Jeames I haed wun hame til Scotlan frae capteivitie in Inglan, f
Central - WCE wes aboot. Flags o Inglan an Scotlan coud be putten intil the pict
Doric - DOR in o cultural exchange atween Scotlan an Sweden at micht explain th
Central - WCE peerit fae lang, lang ago. In Scotlan they cry me Auld Ettie. Aye,
Central - LAL ir. The future o new drama in Scotlan, he argied, wis tae be scriev
Central - LALinnae git mooses ower here in Scotlan. :P
Central - LAL the year o the Treatie atwein Scotlan an Inglan whilk southert the
Central - SWE an popularitie o the Golf in Scotlan, MacDougall refers tae the de
Central - EDN illiam, d’ye hae mammoth in Scotlan?”
Doric - DOR e heid o the Catholic Kirk in Scotlan, preachin frae the poupit, wh
Doric - DOR hocht aboot fit maist fowk in Scotlan ken the day anent history or
Central - LAL e daesna seem tae hae been in Scotlan the same tulyiein aboot thir
Central - EDN ressive. She had growed up in Scotlan; she’d had tae wirk at bein
Central - LAL n Douglas is a lane memmer in Scotlan o the archaisin camp, though
Central - LAL n trade, an nae lang efter in Scotlan as weil. It providit - an pr
Central - LAL inkhorn terms’; the anes in Scotlan o minZard (‘mincin, affecti
Central - EDN a parents an ma brither is in Scotlan. Ah hae a life tae gang back
Ulster - CUL hat comes frae the Lowlans in Scotlan an thin wus brocht intae Norl
Ulster - GUL ir owresaein organisations in Scotlan'), includin' RSPBA(Norlin Air
Doric - DOR an” o the shinty players in Scotlan. They didna use a puck like t
Ulster - GUL ies servin Ulster students in Scotlan'. Thon recognises the roul o'
Central - LAL nt o the cunyies discovert in Scotlan frae this period is Inglis, a
Central - LAL independent fiscal policy in Scotlan, bit ane at made its cunyies
Central - GLA e airtpertieleits, founnit on Scotlan's Euroconstitouensies, wi thi
Central - LAL the toon, wis hame tae twa o Scotlan’s maist popular tabloid pap
Central - LAL licie o no yokin the Oafice o Scotlan tae onie Scots proveision wes
Central - SEC is, kickin ower the scourge o Scotlan an tryin tae keep upright, wh
Doric - MNA er tae service in the sooth o Scotlan. Weel, she jist lost contact
Central - LAL e Lawlans an aa - an furth o Scotlan roon the warld. Margaret Fay
Central - LAL kintra and is invitit furth o Scotlan tae. Up til no lang syne he w
Central - LAL Kirk O Scotlan Presbyterian,
Doric - DOR ns an Gaels fae the heilans o Scotlan teen pairt, an descriptions o
Central - LAL Englan an the Lawlans o Scotlan is aither en o an easily trai
Doric - DOR . The Norse teen muckle oot o Scotlan, – especially gowd, siller
Doric - DOR e the Highlans an NorthEast o Scotlan – traditional shinty playin
Central - LALo be lairnit in skuils aa aer Scotlan - ilka day A'm mair an mair
Central - SWE famous aw ower Scotlan."
Central - LAL is jist innin. An wha writes Scotlan onieways? But that wisna the
Central - WCE o’ the land. That’s whit Scotlan’ is tae me. It’s in ma gu
Central - WCE is a’ ready tae champion ‘Scotlan’ the Brave’ as wur new na
Central - WCE an’ sing fucking Floor o’ Scotlan’.
Central - WCE Ah cannae sing ‘Floor o’ Scotlan’ an’ ah cannae wricht in
Central - WCE ’d niver sing ‘Floor o’ Scotlan’’ again. The day afore th