A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of shed in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - EDN shed they were yaisin as the weeme
Doric - MNA cooked a capon at Christmas, shed stuff een end wi skirlie and
Doric - MNA e an barn, the byre, the neep-shed, the stable an the impty both
Southern - SEA hisholm Estate, on the waiter-shed atween it an
Central - LAL nd part ma brown hair ineae a shed. Ah reach doon tae grab it an
Central - EDN pickit. The lad led him tae a shed whaur spare bogeys wis kept.
Ulster - BUL An tether rope hung in tha shed
Central - LAL sts o Scotland, Beasts o ilka shed and steid,
Central - LAL awfy big speeder livin in ma shed
Central - LAL he day, mibbi in a field or a shed an sometimes even in a hoose,
Doric - ABN school. Grunny’s hoose is a shed o a place, really. Ye come in
Central - LALnly I'd enough hair tae pit a shed in
Southern - SEA ei the ruif o the Curlin Club Shed, frae the main road. (A, page
Central - NEC 9t Legion o Romans, wha haed shed bluid aa ower the Roman Empir
Doric - DORBut you do now? Me an aw. Red shed is gonna see me the climb
Doric - DOR upper RDS yesterday. The red shed is producing an atmosphere we
Doric - DORn, a will conduct fae the red shed.
Central - SECan one of the officials could shed light on this one n a do reco
Orkney - ORK e. Oh no, we go into the owld shed that doubles as a stable and
Central - LAL Iona. Mebbes A shoud shed the wey A jaw lik a snake she
Central - LAL y and would never be able tae shed anither tear. Ah took aff the
Ulster - PUL ot o onie o Wullie's mugs tae shed gien thaim a guid scoorin oot
Southern - WCE tae hear, an dowie tears tae shed.
Central - LAL gs and hud nae tears left tae shed. Ma lip quivered as ah looked
Doric - ABN Mair licht tae shed on Scots.
Central - EDN tae the Staffroom tae try tae shed some licht oan this gie enigm
Central - LAL ders in the leet abuin kin be shed intae ither mair detailt an s
Orkney - ORK coalman, braked that hard he shed near half his load.
Central - DUN at wis nippit by the ice. The shed they'd pit up tae sleep in wi
Central - LAL her fingers. She steeked the shed door, cannie, ahent her, rin
Central - LALresist hen! Aff tae build the shed and ah have got changed ?? ht
Orkney - ORK nd worked and worked. And the shed wis up – a bonny new struct
Doric - MNA lang afore he cam in fae the shed te the waarmth o the hoose, w
Southern - SEA €™d tak ma auld bike frae the shed, an cycle tae the shop fur me
Central - LAL "Shuid oo gaun intae the shed noo, oot the hivvie snaw?"
Central - LALtter! I wis regressin tae the shed I haed as a boay! Ony o ye st
Central - LAL he sneck an steppit intae the shed, tittrin is the hem o her lan
Orkney - ORK Till faither gaed oot tae the shed an fund anither burd,
Central - GLA r ay the gairden next tae the shed, so ah wheel it oer tae the w
Orkney - ORK I step ootsite the shed door wan morneen at aboot 6.0
Central - SEC rd an the baa stottit aff the shed whaur the cooncil mower wis h
Central - SEC Ma bike is rustin i the shed - A gied the cyclin up.
Southern - SEAWhen ee nip oot ti the shed ti the washin in the tumble d
Doric - DOR ere wis a golf course, an the shed far they kept some o the lawn
Shetland - SHD wid, showan the shed, purple
Doric - MNA an affa narra bit atween the shed an the hoordin. Ahin the hoor
Orkney - ORK les o home-brew I fund in the shed
Doric - MNA it else they’d found in the shed. He still couldna get the nex
Doric - DORBottom richt o picture in the shed. One o ma first games. #still
Doric - DOR@AberdeenFC Imagin the shed ahint yon
Central - LAL She pit the spade back in the shed an gaed intae the hoose tae w
Orkney - ORK nd piled aal the bruck in the shed.
Central - LAL ‘Eh? Oh jist lukkin in the shed,’ Mary geegled. She’d no
Doric - DORg telling me tae sleep in the shed! Treated like a dog
Central - GLA ’ve a time ay it gettin the shed door open, the grass huvin gr
Central - SWE an awfy interest in fixin the shed up by yours on the auld pit r
Central - LAL ed itae the faur corner o the shed. ‘Ah’m tryin tae mind whi
Doric - MNB nt an got the fitba oot o the shed. I wis kick the ba against th
Central - LAL so he blaws the shed boys kisses
Central - LAL amang they nettles ahint the shed, that ye wuz tellin us aboot.
Central - LAL g's bahoochie stickin oot the shed door, wi his cybertail gaun i
Orkney - ORK I swept oot the shed fur the tatties
Southern - SEA Elrig bike shed, on the side o the road wey,
Ulster - PUL n," sayed Rab. "She luks like shed ate a fairmer' airse thu a sl
Central - WCE hair that he wore in a middle shed. 'Guid strang hair,' he luved
Doric - ABN ogs an their criv, the muckle shed an the chuckneys were naewye
Doric - MNAan any Gaelic users oot there shed any light on the earlier name
Central - SEC cessfu Scot that hidnae quite shed his ruits. As the remit o thi
Central - SEC But they have shed their few remaining feathers,
Ulster - BUL An aye shed quat an luk whar naen
Central - NEC as, pointin tae a muckle lang shed. "It's comin fae the palace b
Doric - MNA ken eiss, shi geis entae thi shed eit thi syde o her hoose eit
Central - DUN ti help yi shed a new
Doric - MNA ed in the grenade in her back shed. And it wiz so simple how she
Doric - MNA a ficet a nct's et thi black shed's thi nicht afore. Thi black
Doric - MNA r fleet a net's eit thi black shed's afore we hault. Becouse the
Doric - MNA he gairden neist tae the coal shed an the wash hoose. Granny's h
Orkney - ORK Aye, and many's the tear ah'm shed at night since that happy day
Ulster - PUL An shed heerd o tha crack o McBane
Central - LAL gued fowk saw me as A cam, an shed thair lug-covers, an thae tha
Central - LAL he had grieved for Ellen, an shed mony a saut tear in the quait
Central - LALBinro Put him back in his Man Shed in Fife! Send for the brigade
Central - LAL r faither’d pit up a widden shed tae keep hes gairdenin graith
Shetland - SHD ird Hide wis a boannie widden shed wi a muckle window. Inside wi
Doric - ABN the yaird was a muckle widden shed aat held corn bowies an teels
Central - GLA anst it wis buildin a gairden shed, anither time it wis strippin
Central - LAL clatter comin fae the gairden shed.
Doric - MNA n he wannert inno the gairden shed
Central - GLA ned his auld boay’s gairden shed, where he keeps his swally. I
Orkney - ORK aboot pittan up a new lambeen shed. Read on, though! Pittan up a
Central - AYR Ah never even shed a tear at ma mither's funeral
Central - GLA And there wis me hinkin shed furgot the homework assignmen
Shetland - SHDlauraaloane Yis, seals at kin shed dir pelts tae become human on
Central - LAL rou the yett aside his pottin shed tae gie us a keek at the big
Central - SWE g the world aye, bit ye'll no shed thon.
Central - SECn we awe luved him in the coo shed at fauldhouse - cough cough
Central - SEC ps us buckie lads in the coo shed at fauldhoose luved the big m
Central - SEC awe reely loved u in the coo shed at the hoose - b oan ma son
Central - SECazin awa - the legendary coo shed on match days cana b beet bro
Doric - MNA stable, the chaumer, the neep shed, an Jock Dow's chaumer, on th
Doric - MNA reef hid collapsed, the gear shed oot the backie got brunt tae
Central - WCE The boys up here ne'er shed a tear, Fir the pony-tailed m
Southern - SEA Remorse or tears ne'er shed
Doric - MNAnotnixon *awa ti buy a bigger shed.
Southern - SEA staundin yonner on the waiter shed atweesh Borth’ick
Southern - SEA in, whilk stuid i the waitter shed o Rankleburn; anenst the , Bu
Ulster - EUL arrived at the dure, his hair shed an flettened as if he had sli
Central - SWE In your shed mony years frae noo
Doric - MNA hee hid aw thi gcer cin hee's shed's fur decin aat, aw thi diffe
Doric - MNA steik's an nail's fac Jock's shed. "Aat's eih timmer fur meynen
Doric - MNA masel a haimmer oot o Jock's shed an guttet oot thi hail carava
Central - SEC gie's lead intae his mither's shed an she came oot tae offer us
Doric - MNA er - it's in Frank Middler's shed."
Orkney - ORK up residence in Mrs. Fermer's shed.
Central - SEC roon tae hing oot in Fraser's shed noo Howie hud feenished his B
Doric - DOR der o ten bags intae Greedy's shed. Greedy point blank
Doric - DOR t the sticks intae the wifies shed bit wi
Doric - DOR ory, cleanin. He gaed tae his shed mair aften ana.
Doric - DOR gaed oot mair, either tae his shed or doon the road. She wisnae
Orkney - ORK he field roond the side o his shed.
Doric - MNAf ah stick ma heid under this shed naebody ah'll keek aat me! ht
Central - LAL The hail buik is shed intae Scotland in the Middle
Central - EDN ese captivity, his principals shed,
Doric - DORe a Lang wye fae the boatmans shed fan auld Tam wis fer ever lat
Doric - DORung loon. It wis the boatmens shed
Doric - MNA r for e bleed o aa e prophits shed sin e beginnin o time; fae e
Doric - MNA The ferm wis a peat shed, a stack o hackit kinnlin
Doric - MNA road they gaed past the peat shed an the byre, birrin on past t
Central - EDN wid ever make a home in that shed were the yins bought to build
Doric - DOR83981 I will be first in that shed wee ma bug oÂ’tinnies
Orkney - ORK fae the felt shed roof
Orkney - ORK on the track by the implement shed, the pigsty, the ditch wae la
Doric - MNA rsel abeen the dairy an cairt shed at the eyn o the street far i
Central - LAL titutional Convention awmaist shed on tradeitional Labour / S.N.
Central - LAL echt oan the dey White Christ shed his ain blude. Bit
Orkney - ORK d on, though! Pittan up a new shed is a big event.
Orkney - ORK Soon, the new shed, that began as an empty hole
Orkney - ORK thur’s new life in the new shed, then thur’s the remains o
Orkney - ORK eep on a weet bale in the new shed at 4.45 am. Steam in the haet
Southern - SEA playin hide an seek i the hey shed an roon aboot the on-steid. A
Central - SEC The man quickly shed his coat as doon the sweat di
Doric - DOR my order in o my shed. I'm first the day". Ere wis