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Occurrences of abbie in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Doric - ABN “He hits mi Ma, an he hits Abbie, but he nivver hits me. Ah wi2009
Doric - DOR ut maybe a spirk o watter hit Abbie, for he roondit on him an sto2003
Doric - ABN ested. For a meenit Ah thocht Abbie, peer loon, was seriously thi2009
Doric - ABN oad at 45. Aabody ca’ed him Abbie, though. We were in the same 2009
Doric - ABN ed stracht at it. “Cm’ere Abbie,” Ah said, pittin ma haan o2009
Doric - ABN awa fae the windae. “Weel, Abbie,” Ah said, “nivver min’2009
Doric - ABN “Weel, Abbie,” Ah thocht, “farivver ye2009
Doric - ABN Ah looked ower at Abbie. He’d turnt fyte as a sheet2009
Doric - DOR ’m nae a liar or fraudster, Abbie. Whit ah saw wis as real as y2003
Doric - ABN laughter gin it hid only been Abbie; but killin his wife that wye2009
Doric - ABN n at the windae, divn’t ye, Abbie?”2009
Doric - ABN a dee’t again. Will ye nae, Abbie?”2009
Doric - ABN an Aitken started layin intae Abbie again, Ah wanted tae rin. Bit2009
Doric - ABN efter that, an Ah nivver saa Abbie again. It wis three or fower 2009
Doric - ABN walked intae the kitchen, far Abbie an me were playin on the flee2009
Doric - ABN Abbie began tae move ower tae the k2009
Doric - ABN d Aitken. An wi that, he taks Abbie bi the neck o his pullover, t2009
Doric - DOR t is interestin tae note that Abbie considert the failure o the e2003
Doric - ABN faither was there afore him. Abbie could hardly spik. “Ah’m 2009
Doric - DOR exactly whit stuff he meant, Abbie cried him a fraudster an a li2003
Doric - ABN Abbie didna come tae the skweel for2009
Doric - DOR etted ower Erchie’s safety. Abbie didnae say a word.2003
Doric - ABN Abbie didna say onythin. He wis tha2009
Doric - ABN half seas ower, an laid intae Abbie for the laist time. Aye, the 2009
Doric - ABN m Webster, an Stan Miller, an Abbie Greig, an onybody else that w2008
Doric - ABN na ken.” She wis as fyte as Abbie hersel noo. “Na, na, Jock, 2009
Doric - ABN fooers for Lord an Lady Muck (Abbie hid a Rolls Royce Silver Wrai2009
Doric - DOR Bruntland Arms regulars felt Abbie hid been somewhat hard on Erc2003
Doric - DOR Abbie himsel, perhaps sensin this q2003
Doric - DOR urrilous behaviour wid o left Abbie in a state o regret, yet it d2003
Doric - ABN Abbie looked at me as though Ah wis2009
Doric - ABN his aal man got. An syne, fan Abbie managed tae slip aff his knee2009
Doric - ABN en deid or she hit the fleer. Abbie nivver cam oot the coma an wi2009
Doric - DOR rchie disappeart, a man named Abbie Reid also left wi’oot trace2003
Doric - DOR ed by the fingers o Erchie an Abbie Reid an buckelt an pierced by2003
Doric - DOR id at the Bruntland the nicht Abbie Reid made his staggerin accus2003
Doric - DOR hief among these sceptics wis Abbie Reid wha, it might be o relev2003
Doric - DOR yet it didnae quite seem so. Abbie simply remained in the Snug a2003
Doric - ABN am or somethin like that, fan Abbie slipped an fell back ontae th2009
Doric - ABN lin at the moo. Syne he flung Abbie tae the fleer. For a meenit o2009
Doric - ABN Bit Abbie widna listen. “Please, plea2009
Doric - DOR here. Suffice it tae say that Abbie wis left somewhit oot o pocke2003
Doric - ABN as reed as a bilin partan; an Abbie wis screamin “Ma! Ma!”, a2009
Doric - ABN Abbie wis wipin the het tears fae h2009
Doric - ABN urse, we hardly expectit that Abbie would get aff withoot a licki2009
Doric - ABN thoot mercy. He must hae gien Abbie’s backside aboot thirty sla2009
Doric - ABN Abbie’s een were lik gobstoppers,2009
Doric - ABN nin their razors on). An peer Abbie’s erse must hae felt the st2009
Doric - ABN on it. The colour drained fae Abbie’s face, an Ah kent fit he w2009
Doric - ABN l o a boat. A battleship that Abbie’s faither was makin oot o b2009
Doric - ABN ther weet day, fan I wis telt Abbie’s faither wis oot, an Ah wi2009
Doric - ABN the bed settee (like wirsels Abbie’s family bade in a room an 2009
Doric - ABN it a difference fae his wife, Abbie’s mither, a bonnie wumman t2009
Doric - ABN s terrifeet. Me, an Elsie, an Abbie’s mither an aa. An fan Aitk2009
Doric - ABN weet – poorin o rain – an Abbie’s mither hid said we could 2009
Doric - ABN prize piece o his collection, Abbie’s pride an joy. In yon days2009
Doric - ABN staan. Bit Ah fairly took tae Abbie’s sister Elsie; she wis aal2009
Doric - ABN gain. Bit this time he pulled Abbie’s troosers richt doon, an w2009
Doric - ABN please, oh please, please.” Abbie’s vyce wis affa pathetic. 2009