A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of century in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - LAL ou the bing's levellt, hauf a century2000
Central - LAL fowerteent century2021
Central - EDN ebt o England in the echteent century2019
Central - LAL fowerteent century2021
Orkney - ORK Twenty furst century 2021
Central - SWE The Nineteenth Century 2021
Central - SWE he Seiventeenth an Aichteenth Century 2021
Central - GLA For thaim throu this great century's gates. 2021
Central - LAL m caird o the early twentieth century (likes o the Finnish Kalevala2000
Southern - SEA of Ng Shao (6th century)2003
Southern - SEA Ch’u Ch’uang I (Early 8th Century)2003
Southern - SEA of Rihaku (8th Century)2003
Southern - SEA of Rihaku (8th Century)2003
Southern - SEA the Chinese o Chang Chi (8th Century)2008
Southern - SEA of Kso Jui-shiuan (13th Century)2003
Southern - SEA Kennawha (ca. 4th Century)2003
Southern - SEA nese o Ch'u Chuang (Early 8th Century)2008
Southern - SEA of Lu Kuei Meng (9th Century)2003
Southern - SEA of Ch’ang Kuo Fan (19th Century)2003
Southern - SEA of Ho Hsun (5th Century)2003
Southern - SEA 1. The New Wyfe: Ng Shao (6th Century)2003
Southern - SEA e Ferr Traivlar: Ho Hsun (5th Century)2003
Southern - SEA rie The-day.: Chang Kuo (19th Century)2003
Southern - SEA Splore: Kso Jui-shiuan (13th Century)2003
Southern - SEA Auld Tuin: Lu Kuei Meng (9th Century)2003
Southern - SEA 21. Luiv Foraye: Rehaku (8th Century)2003
Southern - SEA Ch’u Ch’uang I (Early 8th Century)2003
Southern - SEA . The Littil Leddie: do. (4th Century)2003
Southern - SEA 5. Draftit: Su Wu (2nd Century)2003
Southern - SEA of Su Wu (2nd Century)2003
Orkney - ORK thedral, sometime in the 17th Century) 2021
Central - LAL ), the Buik o Pluscarden (15t century), an a puckle ithers maks men2005
Central - DUN his, eh've got thi sale o thi century,2007
Central - LAL boot the family falloot o the century, 2021
Central - EDN wis a moment in the twintieth century, afore the fundie byle brast,2011
Central - LAL p wi it back in the fifteenth century, and cawed it the Deil's Tong2021
Central - SEC ally here), in the eichteenth century, and the nineteenth, as, no a2005
Central - NEC their hertlaunds in the saxt century, an suin Pechtland raxed ower2018
Central - LAL still extant nou in the 21st century, an the aamaist racist attitu2017
Central - DUN opular thruoot the nineteenth century, an tho monie mair modren 2017
Doric - DOR tack this toon into the 21st century, apart fae yon ither idiots w2018
Central - LALIn the 18th century, a young Frenchman visiting S2020
Central - AYR O aamaist hauf a century, bearin doun,2010
Shetland - SHD century, bit da aald meaneen is still2022
Doric - DOR Eumenius in the third century, caad North East tribesmen th2021
Central - EDN . It wis the story o the 2ist century, certes, population muvement 2011
Central - LAL antle o its poems in the 18th century, didnae even print it, dingin2022
Central - EDN that survives belangs the 13t century, durin a time muisic scholars2018
Central - SEC inventit bi a poet frae last century, e'en a kenspeckle ane the li2002
Central - DUN is fae the early pairt o last century, includin years whan Lloyd Ge2017
Central - SEC tae Glesca in the aerly 20th century, it's gittin uizual tae hear 2003
Doric - MNA as in the 19th an early 20th century, it's nae wunner fowk are fan2021
Central - SEC ot the continent. In the 17th century, its official use stopped whe2019
Doric - MNA a quarry since the echteenth century, its steen howked oot an ship2007
Central - SEC e caad ootthrou the twentieth century, means that preceese strive f2018
Central - LAL hilton pynts oot, in the 18th century, mibbes anerlie hauf the Fren2007
Central - LAL eckle. Efter, in the mid-16th century, nae less a body nor auld pri2022
Central - LAL the stairt o the seeventeent century, nouadays it haesna muckle ph2012
Central - SEC llan, but writers in the 20th century, ower eident whiles tae sinde2003
Central - LAL kintras. Up tae the late 14th century, Scotlan an Englan was pairt 2003
Central - LAL anwhile, until aboot the 15th century, Scots wis maist commonly cri2022
Central - EDN hcolm Antiphoner frae the 14t century, that comprises muisic o the 2018
Southern - SEA ese poems, kythed aerlie lest century, thay war frouned on in Ingla2005
Central - LAL , no Wullie. In the sixteenth century, the Border reiver was Kinmon2022
Central - NEC ne wi a train station durin a century, the ither withoot — couldn2017
Central - EDN she kent at hame. In the last century, the scientific an technical 2011
Central - LAL redd oot. Durin the twintiet century, the Scots element in Ulster 2012
Central - LAL Durin the saxteenth century, the Scots leid wis central t2022
Central - LAL in the second hauf o the 19t century, the war a screed o regular r2022
Central - EDN naissance. Atour frae the 13t century, the’r a hymn in the Laitin2018
Central - EDN language in the late echteent century, though it survived in sum fa2013
Ulster - GUL the 17th century, Ulster-Scots ootnummered the2022
Central - LAL at in Appellachia in the 19th century, weans that wes descendents o2011
Central - EDN e no muckle is extant pre-16t century, we can jalouse there maun ha2018
Shetland - SHD century, whaar da nort form keepit a 2022
Central - LAL In thae days, in the 19t century, whan fowk in Americae an Eur2022
Central - LAL the stairt o the seeventeent century, whan poleetical cheinges gar2003
Central - LAL thraw back tae the sixteenth century, when neither Scots nor Engli2022
Central - DUN nds fae there are fae the 2nd century, which is as lang afore oniet2017
Central - LAL urban dialects o the twentiet century, wi thair antrin mixtur o lex2003
Central - LAL Fifteenth Century - 2013
Central - EDN wis a moment in the twintieth century - that’s whan Ah sud been 2011
Central - SEC n inventit in the seeventeent century.2005
Shetland - SHD Shetland in da eight or ninth century.2010
Central - SEC ellae Ayrshireman in the 19th Century.2023
Central - LAL o ills and wounds in the 17th century.2019
Central - LAL the Enlichtenment o the 18ct century.2022
Central - SEC s turned this land throu ilka century. 2017
Central - DUN Scottish politics in the 21st century. 2017
Central - LAL by the end o the neist (21st) century. A leid—or mair like, its2003
Central - EDN national debt in the echteent century. Ane o Playfair’s mony inno2019
Orkney - ORK tiecal formations of the 21st century. As European regional indiepe2015
Shetland - SHD n, at dee'd oot ida eighteent century. Bein a dialect o Scots, hit'2012
Central - LAL in this entry afore the 20th century. Bing Crosby and his ilk mich2009
Central - EDN lesca an Aiberdeen in the 15t century. But binna the antrin scart a2018
Shetland - SHD century. Da meaneen o 'braali, extrem2022
Shetland - SHD fae da hindmaist end o da 8th century. Dey brocht wi dem dir Norse 2022
Ulster - CUL orln Airlan in the early 17th Century. Es it's a dialect o Scots it2013
Central - SEC ot the rural idyll o the 19th century. For aw that some o his wark 2008
Central - SEC he hinnermaist quarter o last century. He wis an aw, the pouer ahin2002
Central - LAL Great Vowel Shift o the 18th century. https://t.co/BWos0QVzCA2022
Central - LAL Great Vowel Shift o the 18th century. https://t.co/QN633LRQ9u2022
Central - LAL r has heezit in the twentieth century. In the poetry o Burns and th2022
Central - SEC in the middle o the Twintieth Century. It’s mair than that though2023
Doric - MNA service in the mid-nineteenth century. Jessie was nae stranger tae 2016
Ulster - PUL a wheen o begunks in the 20th century. Nae doobt mony are fameeliar2018
Central - DUN single nation in the ninth «century. Nouadays it is nae langer a 2010
Central - LAL hape, richt doun tae the 20th century. Sae we can mibbes think o Cy2007
Central - WCE Acts of Union. Sale o’ the century. Scotland is open for busines2017
Central - EDN s park intae the twinty first century. Some nice lookin play areas 2022
Central - LAL e screivins o the seeventeent century. Tae that en he haed maist aa2001
Central - EDN English tred in the echteent century. The first twa editions, at J2019
Central - LAL disnae survive intil the 20th century. The mair common vairsion is 2009
Central - LAL the hinner end o the twentiet century. The maist focht-aboot propon2003
Central - LAL let me focus on the twentieth century. There wis a wheen o pley pro2007
Central - LAL tertin fae the end o the 18ct century. The Scot Jeems Tytler haed b2022
Central - DUN he first half o the sixteenth century. The ward 'gaberlunzie' is th2010
Southern - SWEf Dumfries (the Carse) over a century. Thousands upon thousands. Fo2020
Central - WCE s the biggest clat bag ae the century. Yesterday oor Science teache2021
Central - EDN esting range back in the 20th century.” 2011
Central - LAL oup that wis fund in the 19th century; later Christian sculpture ha2023
Doric - MNA ic as we wammle inta the 21st century?2000
Central - SWE rt penicillin in the saxteent century? 2021
Central - LAL entral airts in the late 20th century? And whit wey dae we suddenly2012
Orkney - ORK m animal, in the twenty first century? The resurrectionists of Wels2020
Central - LAL by the end of the seeventeent century accoontin for mebbe sax in il2012
Southern - SEA . Eternitie: do. (1st and 2nd Century AD)2003
Southern - SEA Kennawha (First to Second Century AD)2003
Central - LAL anent the Romans o the first century AD, Boece descrives orra chei2022
Central - LAL aise fae the 6th tae the 10th century AD. Sax symbol stanes o bulls2023
Central - LAL In the 19th an early 20th century aff coorse the Scots settled 2011
Central - LAL auchs bi the Incas mair nor a century afore, an veesitors til the c2013
Central - LAL ried fae the Great War ower a century afore. The fermers redd them 2022
Central - LALe they were as he described a century ago (I think not) but they su2022
Central - SEC nts happened mair than hauf a century ago and I must confess the ac2016
Central - DUN e later years o the echteenth century a great monie o the people o 2010
Orkney - ORK Nigh oan century and a half 2021
Central - DUN h academics in the nineteenth century an much mair recently, in 1952017
Central - SEC rk wisna in a prestigious 17t-century anthology o Tang dynasty poet2005
Central - DUN k a keek at Wikipedia ~ '18th century anti-Scottish cartoons' is a 2017
Central - EDN vely. The brutalist twintieth century architecture wis bein dung do2011
Central - LAL wi sexual myntins in the 16th-century as they are whan read the day2021
Central - LAL ter. Deed, durin the twintiet century a want o interest in Scots me2012
Southern - SEA Kennawha (1st Century BC)2003
Southern - SEA 1. Orphan: Kennawha (1st Century BC)2003
Southern - SEA Kennawha (1st Century BC)2003
Southern - SEA Kennawha (1st Century BC)2003
Central - LAL nna be frae afore the saicont century BC: ye'll fin mair anent this2005
Central - LAL Noo 21st Century buildings gang moolderin:2001
Central - LAL Mystery Plays o the late 15th century but, efter thon, the neist is2009
Doric - ABN wints tae soar into the 21st Century by getting itsel’ a fleet o2022
Central - LAL n new housin brocht twintieth century condeitions tae Glesga at the2002
Central - LAL itsel), it is siccarly a 16th-century copy-and-paste o Marie Maitla2022
Central - LAL first astrologues in the 17t century cuidna jist mak oot the orra 2020
Central - LAL c Domain) forby an early 20th-century depiction o Saunt Columba’s2023
Shetland - SHD Ithin Sooth English bi da 13t century dis form wis mair an mair wit2022
Central - SEC ems is owersettins o the 19th century Dorset poet, William Barnes. 2008
Central - DUN early years o the nineteenth century Dundee had a bit o a reputati2010
Ulster - PUL ded wi Allan Ramsay, the 18th Century Edinburgh machar. Mair poets,2018
Central - LAL ry’s coort. The 18ct an 19t century editors o Knox’s wark jalou2022
Central - SEC Taen aathigether, tho, 20th Century efforts at improvin on tradit2003
Doric - DOR be kent we dinna ken, but the century efter, a muckle war, noo kent2003
Central - EDN ce. But it wisna till aboot a century efterhaund that fowk realised2019
Central - LAL Still? The day? Whit, hauf a century efter Martin Luther King’s 2014
Central - DUN and a century eftir that Robert Louis Steve2017
Central - LAL 1300s; it kythes in the 14th-century epic The Brus, the earliest m2021
Central - GLA e ten grand fir a seventeenth century fiddle, nae danger!" 2020
Shetland - SHD century fir startit tae be øsed as a2022
Central - LAL GovernmentFae the hinner 19t century fowk in Scotland haes campaig2020
Doric - MNA – sae relievin twinty-first century fowk o cairryin oot the degra2007
Central - GLA 20th Century Fowks 2023
Central - DUN An even intil the nineteenth century fowk wuid pynt oot the graves2010
Central - LAL miles and centuries frae 17th century France tae Scotland nouadays 2007
Central - SEC frae Molière's original 17th century French an is set this time in2006
Central - EDN tion hauf-gates throu the 16t century gied us a dour national kirk 2018
Central - LAL the language o mid-twentieth Century Glasgow fae thir plays? Ae th2007
Central - SEC the kitchen o the seeventeent century Glesca provost Sir2005
Central - EDN val in the early twenty-first century had caused earthquakes as fau2011
Central - EDN val in the early twenty-first century had caused earthquakes as fau2011
Central - LAL hair faithers in the echteent century haed it no been for social ch2003
Central - SEC The 20t century haes aesy been the warst for 2003
Central - DUN BACK IN THE LATE echteenth century haill tracts o Scotland were 2010
Central - LAL The late 16th-century hantle o sindry verse, the Ma2021
Central - DUN igious wars o the seventeenth century he is seen by fowk that weren2010
Central - LAL the smuirin doonhauds o 16th-century heteronormative society, whau2021
Central - LAL cht, as representit in a 19th-century history buik (via Wikipedia, 2023
Ulster - GUL ster-Scots es a thrivin' 21st century identity dhriv bae the reviva2022
Ulster - GUL -Scots bes a weill daein 21st century identitydhriv bae the revival2022
Doric - ABN the maist popular o the 20th century in Europe, an continues tae b2015
Central - NEC breath o air. The belt o 19t century infrastructur needs lowsed af2017
Central - LAL scrievin in the mid-twentieth century in Scots. Yin, that o the SCD2007
Orkney - ORK ri, wirkan wi archives o 21st century intertextual narrative, an sh2021
Shetland - SHD Da 20t century is seen a staedi move fae Sha2022
Shetland - SHD kent tae - inde, an bi da 13t century it wis mair an mair wittered 2022
Central - SEC el wi words taen frae the 17t century King James Bible or frae Shak2007
Central - LAL that haulds for aw late 20th century leiterature in Scots – that2007
Central - LAL The 16th-century Maitland Quarto manuscript is2022
Central - LAL for its forderance as a 21st century medium o communication.2003
Central - LAL ir taewards the end o the 19t century micht be man made didna come 2022
Central - SEC odern Scots an late twentieth century Modern Scots writins. Hunter 2003
Central - SEC vairsion o a 16t century morality play micht no hiv be2003
Central - EDN The pairtbeuks comprises 16t century muisic frae Scotland, England2018
Southern - SEAaa’ a can say,”This is 21st century nae 19th!” Bollocks, man!!2020
Central - LAL in speech in writing, wi 19t century newspaper airticles bein ane 2020
Central - LAL releegion follaed. In the 15t century Nicol o Cusa wis amang the fi2022
Central - LAL rlt tae the strictures o 16th-century norms in conceivin o a realis2021
Central - SEC n castin the warst o the 20th Century norries aby, we hae the chyce2003
Central - EDN muisic o Scotland in the 16t century nor we dae aboot earlier time2018
Central - LAL usson, Burns an the nineteent-century novelists. The’r been twa-t2003
Central - SEC quote abuin fae the aerly 20t century novel Marget Pow bi Catherine2003
Shetland - SHD century of startit tae be reduced tae2022
Central - DUN that came here fae the echth century onwards an it's warth remindi2017
Central - LAL tae find instances o late 18t century or early 20t century Lanriksh2015
Central - SEC y chynged fae the seeventeent century or even aerlier, whaur fae co2003
Central - AYR Presagin a new century o war,2003
Central - WCE Presaging a new century o war, 2006
Central - LAL They are the ootcome o near a century o wark and they awe a nae ins2008
Central - NEC d. But at the stert o the 19t century Patrick Seller tried tae pit 2017
Central - LAL a twentieth-century pilgrim2009
Doric - DOR r anither or fae yer ain 21st century playgrun, or if ye hae a Scot2001
Central - LAL he Scots leid-kist o the 16th-century poem arenae in iveryday yaisa2021
Central - LAL in in Scots appears in a 15th century poem frae a time whan it wis 2018
Central - LAL storical legend, the echteent-century Roushian 250px-Princepotemkin2015
Central - LAL dae is anent a byordinar 16th-century Sapphic poem in Early Modern 2021
Central - EDN 20t century scholars sic as Kenneth Ellio2018
Central - LAL eronormative doonhauds o 16th-century Scotland, its gallus passion 2021
Central - LAL ous threapins that fasht 16th-century Scotland, while ithers engage2021
Central - LAL ng new til educate fowk o 15t century Scotland. We wunner hoo mony 2022
Central - LAL ee backwatter noo but in 17th century Scotland it wis a richt hotsp2019
Central - LAL tion based on fact aboot 17th century Scotland the Covenantin time 2022
Central - SEC ts aawey insteed o "-y"? 20th Century Scots enthusiasts seems tae a2003
Central - LAL in. Hooanever, bi the mid 19t century Scots fowk that wis maistly m2020
Central - LAL ent buik cam alang in the 16t century Scots got a heize. Hooanever,2020
Central - LALriever has duin mair for 21st century Scots than Matthew Fitt. Gett2020
Orkney - ORK gallus by turns. Yet, in 2ist century Scottish broadcasting, Glaswe2016
Orkney - ORK eid o centralised pouer. 20Th century Scottish Nationalists, ettlan2015
Central - SEC rd descrived TS Law as, "20th century Scottish poetry's best kept s2008
Central - LAL i The Faber Book of Twentieth Century Scottish Poetry, p. xxxv). Bi2003
Central - SEA Hogg, and up ti the twentieth-century Scottish Renaissance, the lik2015
Central - LAL r Marie Maitland fur oor 16th-century Scottish Sappho. Syne aw in a2021
Central - LAL accoont o Scotland in the 14t century shaws hou used tae weirfare t2008
Central - SEC ke "haill") an mislearit 20th Century spellins (like "fuit") that m2003
Central - SEC ubiqitous "ei" an "ie" o 20th Century spellins, we tak "ee", an wri2003
Orkney - ORK , ettlan tae firm a nyow 20th century staet, teuk inspiraetion fae 2015
Shetland - SHD century startit lossin da hindmaist -2022
Central - SWE a century syne, sunburnt an 2023
Doric - ABN at it wis made wi mair than a century syne. Traditionally, Valencia2015
Central - DUN i the Gatekeepers in the 19th century tae hae been cleansed fae aw 2017
Doric - MNA Fae Neil Gow in the 18th century tae Jimmy Shand in the 20th, 2000
Central - SEC ant words frae the eichteenth century that fowk wisnae sae acquent 2006
Central - DUN nk tae. Tho by the nineteenth century the fairs werenae jist as law2010
Central - LAL ter. Throu the lave o the 18t century the heid heich anes in Scotla2020
Central - LAL . By the end of the fifteenth century the Inglis of Scotland had be2015
Central - LAL apairt. But in the hinner 17t century the king an his meenisters ha2020
Central - DUN that eer syne the nineteenth century the mill bosses in Dundee had2010
Central - DUN an back in the mid nineteenth century there were ap affy lot mair G2017
Central - DUN NOU SINCE THE fowerteenth century there were regular ferries at2010
Central - LAL the Middle Ages until the 18t century the Scots leid grew an wis fe2020
Central - GLA of ye's were borne in the 17t century the wey ye's were gaun on. Gi2015
Central - LAL eek. Hooanever, throu the 14t century this chenged, no jist in Ingl2020
Central - LAL 17t an 18t century tho2021
Central - DUN t hae been near a quarter o a century till the maitter was settlit,2010
Central - GLA s. Glesca's pairt in the 18th Century transatlantic trade o Great B2014
Central - SEC The 21t century vairsion o a 16t century mora2003
Central - LAL Bishop Gavin Douglas’ 16th century version o the Aeneid on. Morg2007
Central - LAL evit in Adomnán’s late 7th-century Vita Columbae (via Wikipedia,2023
Central - EDN journals an ye’ll finnd 18t century vísitors tae the Hielands de2021
Central - LAL e nineteent or early twentiet century wad hae haen a guid grundin i2003
Doric - MNA in". Fowk in the twinty-first century war far ower ceevilised tae i2007
Central - LAL saicont hauf o the saxteenth century we fin the northart flowe o i2003
Central - DUN ll the middle o the echteenth century we had a society - the Hiela2010
Central - LAL n Roman lare an until the 20t century we jaloused that the micht be2020
Central - LAL eulogisit, wimmen in the 16th-century were thocht tae be emotionall2021
Central - LAL held guid until the early 20t century whan education dung speakers 2020
Central - LAL rical langage in the saxteent century whan Scots wis a leid like on2003
Central - LAL l-respected fella in the 18th century who popped his clogs when he 2021
Central - WCE n wha thocht the twenty first century wid be enhanced by trams anyw2013
Central - LAL Intae the 18ct century wi mair fowk writin, an braid2022
Central - DUN e secont hauf o the echteenth century wis a time o new ideas - an 2010
Central - EDN es isna ower fouthie. The 14t century wis a time whan Scotland wis 2018
Central - LAL ans. Scotland in the mid-18ct century wis tore atween thaim for Han2020
Central - SEC t in the fifteent or sixteent century wi the poet Gawin Douglas (142003
Shetland - SHD century ān wis2022
Central - SEC From de fourteen century2016
Doric - DOR Tak the sixteenth century – raiks o Scots traded in a2003
Central - EDN las Cause, ane o the echteent century’s maist kenspeckle legal ba2019