A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of mate in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - LALty sure a read that somewhere mate2014
Central - GLA 'Kenzie, yir talkin pish, mate2020
Central - SWE Single sausage, Great mate2009
Central - SEC Nae rival answered him. Nae mate2004
Doric - DOR Bit kin fair ett his mate 2020
Central - DUN your mate 2007
Doric - MNA He wis gey lost withoot his mate 2023
Central - WCE Splayed ‘ursel’ tae fun a mate 2012
Central - WCE ae go, Tae think he wis thair mate! 2006
Central - GLA AAASSS DANNY BOY, FUCKIN SHOT MATE! BINGO!’ McDade shouts, app2020
Central - WCE@NoseNicky Whatever mate! Checked out your profile, pr2021
Central - GLA oot his dial. Wasted. ‘Here mate! Haud that door fur me!’ ah2021
Central - GLA 'Aye, ma boys wull back yi1p, mate! Nae sweat, he says lookin ge2020
Central - GLA just visitin somebody – oor mate!’ he exclaims, evidently pl2021
Central - GLA . ‘Stevie! Wait! Don’t go mate!’ he sais, but it’s too l2021
Central - GLA on’t mind. An ah’m no yer mate!’ he sais, walkin away, tal2020
Central - SEC Ah go up tae him "Excuse me, mate" ah say "You couldnae tell me2021
Central - SEC "Sorry, mate" ah say. Aw sincere, n that. 2021
Central - SEC "Aye, yae kin, mate" ah tell him. "Ah've broat ma2021
Central - SEC "Sorry aboot the barkin, mate" ah tell him. "Ah dinnae ken 2021
Central - SEC "No thanks, mate" ah tell him. "Ah gave aw tha2021
Central - SEC "Cheers, mate" ah tell him. Tae which he du2021
Central - SEC "Nuttin in particular, mate" Aldo tells the boay. "It's j2021
Central - SEC "Congrats, mate" Craig squeals, wae genuine e2021
Central - SEC "Fuckin tellin yae, mate" he says "By the end ae the y2021
Central - SEC "Aye, mate" he says. "You ken who ah mea2021
Central - GLA shop at the top ae the hill, mate' 2020
Doric - DOR'm a teuchter fae ih Garioch 'mate'... Ah ken fit ah'm spikin ab2023
Central - SEC "That's personal stuff, mate' ah tell him "Widnae be right2021
Central - SEC ottle's clankin efter me. His mate'll be runnin the caur roon th2001
Central - DUN Fae thi mate's cottage it 2007
Doric - DOR@BreakneckComedy Yer mate's fairly handy tae reach an o2019
Doric - DOR tae get the mine fae ablow my mate's fit.2021
Central - LAL "Eh...naw. Ma mate's no come in yet. He's mibbe 2001
Ulster - SYN IMARY EDUCATION), hale-sale o mate (FOOD WHOLESALE).2021
Doric - MNBne29 Genuine story...mah best mate (still is to this day) dragge2022
Central - LAL g o’ yeast (priest); china (mate) reduced fae china plate; tin2007
Central - SWE co dinin's great, but face it mate,2009
Central - SEC The roadman grumbles tae his mate,2004
Central - DUN an el be yir best iver best mate, 2007
Central - SWE yer no far behind me mate, 2021
Central - GLA 'Aye, awrite nae bother, mate,' ah said an walked away. 'I 2012
Central - GLA 'Here, mate,' ah said tae the boss cunt w2012
Central - GLA e. 'Ye cin have itif ye want, mate,' ah say ae him but he just l2017
Central - GLA 'Here, mate,' ah shout. 2017
Doric - ABN p here,' he said ti the first mate, 'an gie us a heidin for the 2017
Central - LAL A'm the bloody artist, mate, 'm no the silent muse, 2024
Central - GLA 'It is Steven's purvey, mate, ah say. 'Bit insensitive tae2020
Central - SEC ore Caroline reveals that her mate, a lassie cawed Alana, will s2021
Central - SEC ef in his voice "You're a gid mate, Aldo" he tells me. 2021
Central - LAL tae Rob... Enjoy yer evening mate, and aw' the very best tae ye2022
Central - LAL Cheers Brian.. Enjoy yersel' mate, and have a lovely time... ??2022
Central - GLA ss wiv a dash of blackcurrant mate, and what abaht my air? Keeps2021
Central - GLA 'Azzy, mate, A wouldnae worry aboot they 2020
Central - LAL Officially, Rowley's ma best mate, but atween you and me, I'm o2018
Central - GLA hat fackin Scotch guff in ere mate, Carling do ya?’2021
Central - SEC "Eh, ah'm here tae see ma mate, Craig Robertson" ah tell her2021
Central - LAL@BloodyPolitics Mate, d'ye even ken whit "Galloway2019
Central - GLA staiyin. Crashin wae an auld mate, Damo.2021
Central - GLA teen awready. There's ma best mate, Danny Stevenson. We've been 2020
Central - LAL 'Here mate, drink this,' David said, off2021
Central - GLA I'll jist shout oan ma mate, eez big an eez bad.2021
Central - GLA ‘gies a bit fur wan aff ye mate, eh?’2021
Central - GLA ere buddy. Watch yersel there mate, eh?’ he sais an they aw da2021
Central - DUN we eis mate, ei is eight an so is eis mat2007
Central - LALway... :) Christmas was quiet mate, enjoyed it though... Hope ye2022
Central - WCE wee atheist's prayer mate, gies us a haun oot ae this m2022
Central - LAL Mate, gie us a haun up oot ae this2024
Central - LALyer up tae the day, take care mate, go safely... ??2023
Central - GLA ’re waitin oan him. ‘Here mate, haud that tae ah burn in the2021
Doric - ABN 'A fyte fedder,' unswered his mate, huddin it up an sweerin.2017
Central - GLA Mate, I'm sick O' this2014
Central - LAL 1, Mate, I. Scots Language Research R2003
Central - GLA 'Swear tae god, mate, if ah get this joab ah'll be2012
Central - GLA . substance, y’know?’ Aye mate, if ye say so. No lackin in s2020
Central - DUN t wis. He seyed, 'It's simple mate, it's because they can't stan2017
Doric - MNA tae trawl the net fur a life-mate, Jenny Sangster hid wan tae h2007
Central - LAListmas.....??. @davemitch1990 Mate, listenin’ tae yer comments 2020
Central - SWE faither, team-mate, man whae'd pit 2023
Central - GLA Sorry mate, running l8. be there in 10. 2020
Central - LALyllandbute @scotgov No Gaelic mate, Scots. Lairn yer leids.2019
Central - LALewH17064735 That's a bit much mate, she's naewhere near that fun2021
Orkney - ORK He's aalways been me sowl-mate, so we'll both feel right at 2002
Doric - MNA gie up athegither fin is best mate, Stevie, hid a great idea... 2004
Doric - MNA pe springs eternal an is best mate, Stevie, hid jist come up wi 2006
Central - GLA ousin, Johnny Scanlon and his mate, Stevie McShane. ‘Fuckin he2021
Central - LAL@d_anderson878 @molach95 Naw mate, that's nae whit anent means.2020
Central - GLA 'Fuck it, mate, that's our drink sortit, ye 2020
Central - GLA ars. You want tae watch, Azzy mate, that Whytey is Big Eck Green2020
Central - GLA ‘Sake mate, that’s pish. Dae ye know w2020
Central - GLA ck doon the road. Their other mate, the elder wan, is pannelin f2020
Central - GLA 'Mate, there's nae point lookin fur2020
Ulster - PUL John an Grace wur haein thair mate, thur wus a quare brattle o t2013
Central - GLA it is Ged.’ he sais tae his mate, wan ay the roidheids fae the2021
Southern - SEA@LisaMacrae95 Aww mate, wish I could send you some l2019
Central - GLA ‘Eh. . . Loast ma bearins mate, wis this street always wan w2021
Central - LALnecoolers Hi Rob.. No too bad mate, yersel' ?... What ye doing t2023
Central - GLA is flirtin wi me but, come on mate, ye spilled hauf ma strawberr2020
Central - GLA .,. rip yi fae ear tae arse. 'Mate, you couldnae catch us in the2020
Central - DUN hey there mate, your in meh space 2007
Central - GLA ot wae it, ‘ . . . thing is mate, you’re gonna ave to do one2021
Ulster - PUL ye mae thenks fur tha bed an mate,” she toult them — an hel2013
Doric - DORmy Wilson’s with him and his mate - bought me a drink??2021
Central - SEClet me ken if u get another 1 mate - even though am snawed unde2020
Central - GLA n at the prick - ma supposed mate - lappin it up like it’s a2020
Central - SEC A've niver felt the need fur mate.2004
Central - SEC tae be ma love an Earthly mate.2004
Central - LAL Evil battens on its bed-mate.2011
Central - GLA that's fuckin Taz, ma brur's mate. 2020
Central - GLA 'Hurry up, mate. 2020
Central - SEC is HO,HO,HO bein too festive, mate." 2021
Central - SEC me Dougie, son. Yur still ma mate." 2021
Central - SEC ey. She hud some erse oan her mate." "Jesus fuckin Christ, Aldo.2021
Central - SEC "Listen, mate." Ah tell him. "He'll expect 2021
Central - GLA n tellin _ you ghost stories, mate.' 2020
Doric - ABN aboot there,' he said to the mate. 'Keep yer eyes skint for ony2017
Central - LAL. Dry the noo here, but cauld mate...2022
Central - LALy Slugger... And we need them mate...2023
Central - LAL bricks Bear... Catch ye soon mate... :)2022
Central - LAL and have a smashing Hogmanay mate... ??2022
Central - LAL71 Way tae go Paul... Why not mate... ??2023
Central - LALx yersel'... Job's a guid yin mate... ??2022
Central - LAL Hogmanay, and mind how ye go mate... ??2022
Central - LALob, they're too guid tae dump mate... ??2023
Central - LAL hard road Gary... ??.. Enjoy mate... ??2023
Central - LALck it... Bloody freezing here mate... ?? ?? ... Enjoy yersel' Ch2023
Central - LAL, ye'll be back tae yer usual mate... ?? Fit as a he moose... ??2023
Central - LAL1 Thanks Des... He was tae us mate... ?? He went young tae... Un2023
Central - LALing less o' ma peeps everyday mate... Anyhoos, hope yersel' and 2023
Central - LALid that Jimmer... Many thanks mate... Appreciated... ??2023
Central - LALat the links... A cauld place mate... As ye say... Baltic oot th2023
Central - LAL. Blue skies and sun here noo mate... Away tae look oot the deck2022
Central - LALirGrass Hi MG.. Cauld and wet mate... Be a bit slippy the night 2022
Central - LALweather's got us aw' guessing mate... It is Scotland mind... We'2023
Central - LAL a safe trip, and have a ball mate... Keep safe mind... ?? https2022
Central - GLA 'Naw mate ... the cunt is actually aff 2020
Central - LAL Bournville, and Plain Choice mate... TY... ??2023
Central - LALon Rob.. And all kudos tae ye mate... Will we get a wee look at 2023
Central - LALk you Robin, much appreciated mate.. ??2023
Central - LALohn... ?? Have a guid evening mate.. ??2023
Central - LALhat, best just taking it easy mate.. ??2023
Central - LALtoo tanned... :) Aw' the best mate.. ??2022
Central - LALve and respect keeps us going mate.. ?? (And doing what yer telt2023
Central - LALyou BH.. I do appreciate this mate.. ??.. mind and keep yersel' 2023
Central - LALing masel'... Have a guid day mate.. And enjoy... ??2023
Central - LALar1867 Aye, fair tae middlin' mate.. Another day ahead.. See wha2023
Central - LALMoS.. We'd be lost withoot it mate.. Aye, anything can happen...2023
Central - LAL Twitter is aw' away tae hell mate.. Getting tae the point of go2023
Central - LALy.. Have a grand time yersel' mate.. Go easy, and enjoy.. All th2022
Central - LALn... And the same tae yersel' mate.. Have a braw time... :) ??..2022
Central - LAL Bear.. It is a wee bit cauld mate.. Have a guid day yersel'... 2023
Central - LAL But aw' the very best tae ye mate.. Hoping yourself, and the fa2022
Central - LALll the family enjoy their day mate.. You look after yersel', and2022
Southern - SEAerful stuff. Muckle big hugs, mate. ????2019
Central - LALDrMDempster Na, ye'r awricht, mate. A'm no that hungert.2019
Central - LAL it helps feel free tae DM me mate. A cany say al give ye everyt2021
Central - LALeen lying about the self harm mate. According to the original in2018
Central - SEC takin a piss. And yae ken me, mate. Ah'm nae pilly biter but see2021
Central - SEC Yae pit up such a gid fight, mate. Ah almost feel bad aboot win2021
Central - GLA da die right in front ae me, mate. Ah can handle anyhin.' 2012
Southern - SEA git oot hyme and see ma best mate. Ahm sure that we wid revel t2020
Central - GLA s fault. ‘Mare like shafted mate. Ah think ah’ve goat a joab2020
Central - EDN appened? The place is a dump, mate. And you look terrible. A loa2022
Central - EDN ‘’Of course, mate. Anyhin fur mate. Jist you te2022
Central - GLA ‘No ma problem mate. A word tae the wise, ah’d 2021
Central - GLA r mind aff things. Nae bother mate. Cheers.2021
Central - EDN ut that doesnae mean anyhing, mate. Could be any number ae hings2022
Shetland - SHD his very best until he fan a mate. Da female frog he fell in wi2010
Southern - SWEnett16 Trolls easily rebutted mate. Dinnae gie em the satisfacti2020
Doric - DORnew normal’ for far too lang mate. enough tae mak ye greet but 2020
Central - EDN s, nervously ‘’Yur right, mate. Furget ah said anyhing’’2022
Central - GLA e fur me if you’ve goat wan mate. Goat some mare runnin aboot 2021
Central - LALNeilSNP @joannaccherry Not me mate. I've told you were she shoul2022
Central - GLA hat Guinness an blackcurrant, mate. It goes right through him.2021
Central - GLA , mine, but it don’t matter mate. I’ve made me mind up. You 2021
Central - EDN . Anyhin fur mate. Jist you tell me what yae ne2022
Central - SEC im. "Ah'm in nae fuckin mood, mate. Justine hus left me." 2021
Central - EDN ‘’Aldo, mate. Kin ah hae the key back, ple2022
Central - GLA ‘Daniel Coyle mate. Ma appointment’s at twenty2020
Central - GLA yir grans in Glesga? Nae bor, mate. Next fur the Azzy boy wis So2020
Central - LAL Licht? Cheers, mate. Noo, on ye go. Hegel...2022
Central - GLA tart pickin them up, ‘Sorry mate. Right lassies, rap it up. We2021
Central - SEC "She's right there, mate. She's standin by the entranc2021
Central - GLA ‘Fuck sake mate. Sore yin.’ ah sais.2020
Central - LALse will win you the Pullitzer mate. The only thing that's stoppi2022
Central - SEC e, son" he said. "C'moan oot, mate. There's money tae be made." 2021
Central - SEC erestin" ah telt him "Listen, mate. This is Aldo. He's jist move2021
Central - LAL@Selfiesteemfilm Weel done mate. Truly delighted for ye.2020
Central - SEC "Naw, mate. We've been cairyin that cunt2021
Central - SEC dosh and confirms ‘’Aye, mate. We’re good’’2021
Central - GLA ‘Eh, naw mate. Ye look bran new. . .’ ah 2021
Central - GLA y? Ah’ll be oot in a minute mate.’2021
Central - GLA anny Coyle, ah’m McDade’s mate.’2021
Central - GLA ? Ah’ll take a lager please mate.’ ah sais, as happy as ah2021
Central - GLA ‘Nae bother mate.’ ah sais.2020
Central - GLA days, so he is. Mark ma words mate.’ ah sais but we baith know2020
Central - GLA comin tae him. Fuckin result mate.’ he sais wae a baleful gri2020
Central - LAL@Joey7Barton You awrite Mate?2016
Orkney - ORK - wid I mind if sheu browt a mate? 2002
Central - GLA "Ehhh...sorry...whitsat mate?" 2020
Central - SEC y behind yur back, or suttin, mate?" 2021
Doric - DOR ntist thats pittin ye aff yer mate? ,Aye ah said wi a tear gliss2020
Central - LALDes... Hope all's guid wi' ye mate?.. Dry but cauld here.. A bon2022
Southern - SEAly? Yer pairt o’ the faimly, mate ????????????????2019
Southern - SWEemin and stuff in the country mate ?? https://t.co/9zKqX6J1lV2020
Central - EDN ‘’Goggz, mate? it’s Aldo. That motor ah t2022
Central - GLA a fag. ‘How’d ye get oan mate? Sorted? he sais.2020
Central - LALvils... “whit ye daein here, mate2020
Central - GLA , the guy yer visitin – yer mate?’2021
Central - GLA ‘Where ye fae mate?’ McDade sais tae him but t2020
Central - GLA ‘Ye awright there mate?’ McDade sais tae the couch2021
Central - GLA ‘What you avin then, mate?’ the boay behind the bar s2021
Central - EDN r promotion we kin afford it, mate?’’2022
Central - SEC . Ah heard yae bumped intae a mate ae mines, eh?...Craig?" 2021
Central - SEC ‘’He’s an auld mate ae mines, Marv’’2021
Central - GLA up his pint an noddin tae his mate afore the two ay them bugger 2020
Central - SEC sang tae his mate an aw her hungry brood.2004
Southern - SEAd Hogmanay there with ma best mate and his mother... we huv walk2020
Doric - DORfew ither reprobates. Then ma mate and masel get 2 o the best ne2020
Central - GLA them in the ballot. Him, his mate an his mate’s boay but they2021
Central - SEC wes gied a het douk, haillsum mate an pit ti bed fur the2000
Central - GLA fightin an he’s haudin his mate back, gesticulatin at the cun2021
Orkney - ORK ot folk that go seekan a soul-mate bi writan a 'Lonely Hearts' a2002
Central - SEC ist as ah look up ah spoat ma mate Bowser headin oot the door. H2021
Central - SEC materials, langages wes tint, mate cam frae a cairrie-out2000
Central - LAL Halesome mate cams tae us free2008
Central - SEC ollaes in the fitsteps ae her mate Caroline by pissin oan Aldo. 2021
Ulster - GUL y, tae ma best freen and sowl mate Diane. She haes pit up wae aa2022
Doric - MNBH It gets a wee bit mad...mah mate Dusty from. Seattle wis shari2021
Central - SEC was guys - attended with ma mate efter a tip off - crackin pe2020
Central - SEC ough, ah bumped intae an auld mate fae school the other week doo2021
Doric wark landed on the desk o Ian Mate fae the General Register Offi2016
Central - GLA e suspended fur sure. Danny's mate fae their school hud text ana2020
Ulster - GUL olden rooster would be a guid mate for the beautiful wee broon h2022
Central - SEC n watch ma granda left me. Ma mate Fraser is intae aw they antiq2021
Central - SEC his is defo a staffie, eh? Ma mate Freddie hud yin years ago and2021
Central - SEC Ma mate hud been oot fur a few jars t2021
Central - SEC ty boatle ae Smimoff vodka ma mate hud left behind fae last week2021
Central - GLA e fur two weeks, so Senga’s mate hus put me up in hur empty ga2020
Central - GLA other tae find oot. Yir best mate is always a sacred thing, eve2020
Central - GLA e wan o his sleeves. His desk mate is strugglin tae keep it taeg2022
Central - GLA e feart of the other lads. Ma mate Jim said they were scared bec2023
Doric - MNB aughing like a drain. Then ma mate Jordan did the same and the s2020
Central - GLA know whit ah’m sayin? ‘Ma mate managed tae get the three ay 2021
Central - SEC rs wi Cherlie Clancy, an auld mate o Harry Train the gaffer's. H2002
Central - SEC Ah miss him noo, that mate o mine2004
Ulster - PUL Aye, richt eneuch, thars mair mate on a buttcher's pencil," said2021
Central - DUN A mate o thi brithers called aroond 2007
Central - SEC Clancy wis treatin him lik a mate raither nor a wee laddie an h2008
Central - LAL other for ages. Eh's been ma mate since school. Even stayed in 2016
Central - GLA Bran new ma man. Ye know ma mate Stevie, dain’t ye?’ Scanl2021
Central - WCE hing ye need tae turn up is a mate Sum'dy thit wants tae go hauf2012
Doric - MNA like an eagle trystin hame a mate tae a cauld eyrie. The zither2004
Ulster - PUL growes tha craps an rairs tha mate tae feed oor sins an dochteé2021
Central - GLA ne fae across the road. Their mate Taz standin the middle ae his2020
Doric - DORhrist I wiz dein a job for ma mate the day. Wiz tryin nae tae lu2020
Central - SEC in ah've come here tae kick a mate when he's doon. Perish the fu2021
Orkney - ORK ye could do tae a mate wid be tae 2022
Central - EDN e, forbye thon, he wintit tae mate wi her. Bit than, in his pres2011
Central - GLA Ya fuckin pussy bastards! Yir mate wis gittin set aboot n yees s2020
Central - SEC God: A mate wis niver in ma plan,2004
Central - GLA an his mate’s boay but they’re away t2021
Central - SEC merton, eh? oan ma wey tae ma mate’s loackup at Bilston Indust2021
Central - GLA ‘Yer big mate’s takin a chance cuttin abo2021
Central - EDN n what tae say. Ah’m sorry, mate’’2022
Central - SEC south. Hings could git hairy, mate’’2021
Central - EDN ‘’Aye, mibbie yur right, mate’’2022
Central - EDN ‘’Ah’m sorry, mate’’ ah sob. ‘’Fuckin be2022
Central - SEC ‘’It’s you’re pairty, mate’’ ah tell him. ‘’You 2021
Central - EDN g by it. Yur fuckin paranoid, mate’’ Dougie says.2022
Central - EDN ‘’Wait a fuckin minute, mate’’ he says, excitedly ‘2022
Central - EDN ‘’It’s no that, mate’’ he says ‘’It’s ji2022
Central - SEC ae start yur racial bullshit, mate” he tells me “In fact, ah2021
Central - EDN ll me what yae need? Yae ken, mate…’’ he continues ‘’M2022