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Occurrences of msp in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - LAL Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP2022
Central - LAL Convener: Irene McGugan MSP2003
Central - LAL P The Richt Hon. Alex Salmond MSP2012
Central - LAL he Richt Hon. Nicola Sturgeon MSP2012
Central - SEC at aw. A vote wis taen an 75 MSP's (Labour, Leeberal an Tory) 2000
Central - SEC question in the census an 31 MSP's (SNP, Green, SSP an Dennis 2000
Central - SEC it means they hae a nummer o MSP's, cross pairty an cross Scot2001
Central - SEC eddicatit Scottish Executive, MSP's an aw thae teachers, academ2000
Central - SEC urgh. Thare wis aboot thertie MSP's an upsteerers thare an they2001
Central - SEC lka twa month while the ither MSP's gauns hame tae thair ain ai2001
Central - SEC irsion o the sweirin in aith, MSP's haes the richt tae uise Sco2000
Central - SEC or fowk tae screive tae thair MSP's or tae the papers tae uphau2000
Central - SEC It wis juist the opposeetion MSP's – an the fishermen – th2001
Central - SEC ody that is excep Jamie Stone MSP (Lib Dem). Naebody apairt fra2008
Central - LAL (for Mike Russell, MSP) 2003
Central - SEC erin wis tendit bi Rob Gibson MSP, (pictered), Eleanor Scott MS2003
Central - SEC s. 29t Februar, Irene McGugan MSP, airgiein for Scots an Gaelic2000
Central - SEC he leid? Weel. Ah work for an MSP, an when a chiel's tellin me 2018
Central - SEC ion Meenister, Cathy Jamieson MSP, cam alang tae a forgaitherin2003
Central - LAL ha also happens tae be ma new MSP, clashes on aboot hoo the SNP2016
Central - SEC t wey o thinkin.Irene McGugan MSP, depute eddication forespeake2002
Central - SEC ay 1 Mey bi Dr. Elaine Murray MSP, Depute Meenister for Tourism2002
Central - SEC Ae MSP, Hugh Henry, screivit the fol2000
Central - LAL ster for Culture, Mike Watson MSP, indicatit that2003
Central - SEC n, Graham Caie, Irene McGugan MSP, Prof. Charles Jones an mony 2002
Central - SEC r o the report, Irene McGugan MSP, said that ane language dees 2003
Central - SEC Irene McGugan MSP, Shadow Depute Minister for C2002
Central - SEC ries Meenister, Rhona Brankin MSP, wis fair blawin aboot hou we2001
Central - SEC n the same cheil, Lord Watson MSP.2003
Southern - SWEat local and national rep and MSP.2020
Central - SEC an Alex Fergusson MSP. The Edinburgh anes is intent2001
Doric - MNASeriously Stewart Stevenson MSP @zsstevens you are risking #r2020
Central - SEC an Alex Johnstone MSP alang wi a richt guid turn-oo2003
Central - SEC p's Convener is Cathy Peattie MSP an, as her assistant, Dave Sm2001
Central - SEC veners is Roseanna Cunningham MSP an Alex Fergusson MSP. The Ed2001
Central - SEC , (pictered), Eleanor Scott MSP an Alex Johnstone MSP alang w2003
Central - SEC an wis sung bi Cathy Peattie MSP at the openin o the Scots Pai2002
Central - SEC rite direck tae Irene McGugan MSP at the Scots Pairlament.2002
Central - LAL in o the Scots Parliament, an MSP Cathie Peattie's bonnie wey o2001
Central - WCE inger Iona Fyfe, supportit by MSP Clare Adamson, persuadin Spot2021
Central - SEC David McLetchie MSP efter speirin the First Meini2002
Central - SEC he reporter wis awar that the MSP he spak til was no aa that br2003
Central - SEC hotograph here of Mike Watson MSP in original]2002
Central - LAL in Inquiry, Alasdair Morrison MSP jaloused2003
Central - LAL airlament’ is rare. When an MSP stands up in the Chamber, the2022
Central - SEC ial Report records Brian Adam MSP staunin up in the chaumer say2000
Central - SEC LORD Mike Watson MSP tendit the Cross Pairty Group2002
Central - SEC was lodged by Brian Montieth MSP who is not and never has been2002
Central - SEC n pit forrit bi Irene McGugan MSP will be debatit tae see if th2000
Central - SEC peaker will be Alasdair Allan MSP wi special guest speaker Liz 2007
Central - LALOr as DOUGIE ROSS MP MSP would say CAN'T BE A DOOR Not2022
Doric - DORHope cooncilors, MSP’s, MP’s, papers n onyb’dy 2020
Central - LAL ty wioot needin a single list MSP – an mind that the mair sae2015
Central - SEC group convened by Rob Gibson MSP—a guid, braw Scots speaker 2019