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The word 'election'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
electionOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus27.38929
ORK - Orkney 9.9 1 1
SHD - Shetland 5.8 1 1
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness) 35.2 1 1
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 6.5 2 2
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen
DOR - General Northern 8.9 2 2
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 5.1 2 2
WCE - West Central 13.8 3 1
DUN - Dundee 138.1 13 1
EDN - Edinburgh
GLA - Glasgow 4.6 1 1
AYR - Ayrshire 13.1 1 1
LAL - General Central 75.6 57 14
SEA - South East (Borders)
SWE - South West (Galloway) 55.6 4 1
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster 14.1 1 1
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of election in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Giles, Harry Josephine Deep Wheel Orcadia: A Novel, (Picador 2021 ISBN: 978-1529066609) Orkney, poetry
iesaetion? Hoo tae dance? The election, the sit-in, the mairch? Her on page 71

1 matches


@Julie_Dennison tweeted
homophobe wha’s standin fir election spikkin on da wireless https: (2021) twitter link

North Northern B (Caithness)

@JamesAmcvean tweeted
ie hasn't resigned after that election disaster...but then again he (2021) twitter link

Mid Northern A

Johnstone, Ian Tuney Loon's low doon, (The Fraserburgh Herald 2000) Doric, newspaper
ies, as indicated the earlier election stages, for some o us micht h
1 matches

@DoricPhrases tweeted
ah can get info aboot General Election? if anely they were spiking a(2015)

General Northern

@72redz1903 tweeted
refreshing aboot CNN oar this election was the way they called thing (2020) twitter link

@_DawnLeslie tweeted
ever...?? Maybe just skip the election and make her the new Presiden(2020)

(South) East Central

Kay, Billy Born In Kyle, (Burnawn Books 2023 ISBN: 978-1-9993309-4-1) Central - Kyle, prose
hae taen place in the General Election o 195 9, when I cuid feel the
1 matches

Hershaw, William The Retour O The Grey Airmy, (Bella Caledonia 2016) Central - Fife, blog
r the May Scottish Perliement Election. Boffin gadgies wi white lab
1 matches

West Central

Clark, Thomas Wha's Like Us?, (Bella Caledonia 2017) Central - Bellshill, blog
e, meisurable ootcome fae his election, Trump wis able tae sinder hi
laithsome. He turnt the hale election intae a ane-question referend
no wan bit. They're stuck wi election as self-image, democracy as f
3 matches


McHardy, Stuart The Wey Forrit, (Luath 2017 ISBN: 978-1912147014) Central, prose
AE doot that the result o the election cawit bi Theresa May on 8 Jun on page 7
ckarties! Gip there's anither election in the short term, the wey th on page 8
May had nae need tae caw this election: she did it fer her whit she on page 10
t wi ane anither an the neist election looms sometime soon that furt on page 11
d at the 2015 British general election wuid hae meant somethin, bit on page 28
Also on pages 30, 58, 101, 104
13 matches


Durie, Nick Votin Seestems, (peffers50.freeserve 2003) Central - Glasgow, prose
cast o the 1997 U. K. General Election wuid hae been unner each diff
1 matches


Wallace, Lorna A Scot’s Lament fur her American Fellows (Oan their election of a tangerine gabshite walloper)., (lornalouwriting.wordpress.com 2016) Central - Ayrshire, poetry
Efter the election drama,
1 matches

General Central

McCabe, Mary Lallans 73 - Soond shift, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, poetry
red bi dire warnins afore the election an strange daeins on the day on page 49

1 matches

Marenich, Margaret Lallans 76 - The Factory, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Central, prose
d ti the end o the queue. The election volunteers wis thrang areddie
1 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth Deid huddies an the Moray Eel, (Bella Caledonia 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
Afore the election, the Scottish Tories haed mak
1 matches

Scots Language Center Crackin aboot politics, (Scots Language Centre 2020) Central, blog
er and Argus on the day o the election (Seturday 10 Aprile). Ane o t
1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit The Embra Greement, (Scots Language Centre 2012) Central, government
election. Sheed 125 o PPERA sets oot t
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando Indytwa?, (The Sair Fecht 2016) Central, blog
er), we hae haed a UK general election, a Scots Pairliament election
, a Scots Pairliament election, an the EU referendum – wi
t even hae anither UK general election suiner nor we thocht as weill
3 matches

Puchowski, James Frae Norrowa ower the faem, (The Sair Fecht 2016) Central, blog
we hae a guest post aboot the election frae James Puchowski, English
wer the lest year. As tae the election, I think there are sum clear
2 matches

McClurg, Fernando Weill, weill, weill, (The Sair Fecht 2016) Central, blog
oo dreich an predictable this election wis gaein tae be, we’ve hae
tate o the pairties efter the election. We’ll hae sum mair detaile
s haes noo won a record third election in a raw (whit wis that, Dode
airty haes taen at a Halyruid election afore, an is confirmed as by
ae pass their budget, anither election wad be cawed an the Scots, ha
11 matches

Widmann, Thomas The State o Denmark, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
through lest week’s general election i Denmark. Thomas blogs at ht
There wis a general election (or a Fowk’s Thing walin gi
2 matches

McClurg, Fernando Tae see oorsels as we see ithers, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
grups wi the eftermath o the election.
screive an airticle aboot the election. But whaur tae stairt? The sc
tin tae try an leuk in on the election an its eftermath through frem
A week efter Brityn’s election, there is growein unrest i th
renment itsel achieved at the election) is bein set i place, restric
6 matches

McClurg, Fernando Votin isna Democracy. But..., (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
On the day afore the election, some thochts frae McClurg, F
ntae ma keyboard acause o the election bein the morra an i response
I dae noo an again) aboot the election.
uple o years for this or that election disna mean that we leive in a
4 matches

Neil, Gabriel The Green Pairty: Holyrood’s nixt opposition?, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
The UK General Election is awmaist upo us, but we ken
tly pollin 2% for the General Election to hae sic public support an
SNP seem to hae this General Election lockit-in, as they say. In so
kin at the polls, the General Election i Scotland is beginnin to loo
his flutter aboot the General Election an the Lunnon establishment c
5 matches

McClurg, Fernando The Potemkin Pairty, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
the result o their leadership election back i December?
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando The Great Divide, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
y nor o leukin tae his ain re-election shaws the chynge i that city:
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando Syriza, an the road aheid, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
ando taks a leuk at the Greek election, an whit micht ligg aheid for
tin tae settle frae the Greek election, an fowk athort the wurld is
Spain, Podemos. Wi a Spanish election due afore the end o the year
3 matches

Ewen, Allan Pairt twa: Janus leuks aheid, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
In May we’re haen a General Election an mair than ever Scottish vo
icantly influence the General Election result.
2 matches

Ewen, Allan Pairt Ane: Janus leuks back, (The Sair Fecht 2014) Central, blog
d an polls are puttin General Election votin intentions wi the SNP w
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando Thon Survation poll..., (The Sair Fecht 2014) Central, blog
d. The figurs for the General Election nixt year is as follaes, wi t
m tae Holyrood, but syne that election is sae faur awa, it seems bet
se, the nearer we get tae the election, the media narrative an Labou
3 matches

Ewen, Allan Murphy’s Law, (The Sair Fecht 2014) Central, blog
time Scottish Labour lost an election in Scotland fir near saxty ye
gland an sae a Labour General Election victory wad hae tae come fae
ocialism it aince wis and the election o Jim Murphy as Scottish Labo
3 matches

Wilson, Rab A centre of undeemous excellence fir Scots leid, (The National 2017) Central, newspaper
id. Wi aa the current General Election ongauns there’s advice oan
1 matches

@rosa_alba_macd tweeted
e sky called him@home between election and inauguration?!(2020)

@bigandymccoll tweeted
obly remember, as I do, Blair election in 97. I cried masel tae slee (2022) twitter link

@pmcm1355 tweeted
's got nuthin tae dae wi this election wi'oot ye stertin it tae, c'm (2022) twitter link
esscot Eh, naw. Thur's bin an election & thur's a mandate in the Sco (2022) twitter link

South West (Galloway)

Paterson, Stuart A. Wheen: New and Collected Poems, (Ulster-Scots Community Network 2023 ISBN: 978-1838480431) Central, poetry
, fae the Nith tae the Tweed, election's near here an the kintra has on page 77

4 matches

General Ulster

@the_gellick tweeted
te the #UlsterScots tae their election pairty doon Alloway Kirk: hoo (2015) twitter link