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The word 'lealtie'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
lealtieOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus2.896
ORK - Orkney
SHD - Shetland
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen
DOR - General Northern
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 2.5 1 1
WCE - West Central 13.8 3 1
DUN - Dundee
EDN - Edinburgh
GLA - Glasgow
AYR - Ayrshire
LAL - General Central 4 3 2
SEA - South East (Borders) 25 2 2
SWE - South West (Galloway)
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of lealtie in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.

(South) East Central

Pete, Fortune Lallans 102 - Trotsky's Treatment, (Lallans Magazine 2023) Central, prose
owdent ti ma freins fir thair lealtie an stent ti me throu on page 91

1 matches

West Central

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 76 - Editorial, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Central, prose
thiness, helpfuness, smeddum, lealtie, lang-heiditness an dedicatio on page 3

1 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central - Prestwick, prose
a technique at maks sikkar a lealtie til the faither, but frithat, on page 116

1 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 73 - reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central - Prestwick, prose
Geordie maugre thair umquhile lealtie ti Bonnie Chairlie. Gin the'r on page 141

1 matches

General Central

Matheson, Ann Lallans 73 - reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
unts. Fur Borderers, hooever, lealtie tae the family wi its heidsme on page 126

2 matches

Douglas, Ashley The Maitland Quarto and Poem 49, (wee-windaes.nls.uk 2021) Central, prose
– Ruth’s hecht o ayebidin lealtie, wumman tae wumman, in the Au
1 matches

South East (Borders)

Purves, David Lallans 75 - Gie Us Back Oor Place Names, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Southern, prose
ess Margaret Rose Glen’, in lealtie til the Croun, cam ti naethin
1 matches

Rodger, Matt The Borth’ick Waitter, (SCOTS Corpus 2003) Southern - Roxburgh, prose
picter o lealtie an hou Gud fufills his hechts
1 matches

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