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The word 'rubbits'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
rubbitsOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus4.6154
ORK - Orkney
SHD - Shetland
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 42.5 13 2
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen 21.9 2 2
DOR - General Northern
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central
WCE - West Central
DUN - Dundee
EDN - Edinburgh
GLA - Glasgow
AYR - Ayrshire
LAL - General Central
SEA - South East (Borders)
SWE - South West (Galloway)
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of rubbits in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.

Mid Northern A

Leslie, Deborah Doric - Alive an Kickin, (Argo Publishing 2004 ISBN: 978-0954615314) Doric - Inverurie, prose
lone curls. "It's a (she made rubbits' lugs in the air wi er fingir on page 35

1 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Minnie, (Scots Language Centre 2004) Doric, prose
asherty raise up, a bield fur rubbits, a hinneycaimb wi their burro
kill aff the furry vratches o rubbits.
roon tae tither an catch the rubbits as they cam fleein oot, terri
gyang near the warren, or the rubbits wid get win o't.'
e'll hear fit happens fin the rubbits ken the futterat's in their h
11 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Jessie the Jumbo And other Bairn Tales in Scots, (Smashwords 2014) Doric - Aberdeen, weans
ny friens in the glens aroon. Rubbits, bummers an puddocks aa likit
1 matches


Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 77 - Anither Time, Anither Place, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
faither's. He eesed tae shoot rubbits wi't fan he wis oot at Balbog on page 32

1 matches

Strachan, Shane Standing Stone, (northwordsnow.co.uk 2016) Doric, prose
anaged to shoot noo and then: rubbits, deer and pheasants, although
1 matches

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