Gilmours Scots Language Bookshop
Filtered by Doric - Sorted by cheapest - Found 48 Titles

Abune the Toun
George T. Watt | 2012-01-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Collected Poems and Short Stories
Peter Buchan | 1998-06-27
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Dash o Doric: The Hale Lot
Robbie Shepherd | 2007-08-07
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric: Alive an Kickin 2
Deborah Leslie | 2006-11-17
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric for Swots
Douglas Kynoch | 1997-11-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric: Alive an Kickin
Deborah Leslie | 2004-11-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Nae Bad Ava! Mair Doric Poems
Sheena Blackhall | 2009-05-14
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
The Quait Chiel
Bill Thom | 2013-09-09
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Young at Hert: Collected Works of Margaret Grant
Margaret Grant | 2017-08-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric - Hale an Hairty
Deborah Leslie | 2011-11-11
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric Ditties
Brian Whyte | 2021-04-17

Nae Flooers
Anne Mackinnon | 2015-09-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric Nursery Rhymes for Loons & Quines
Gordon M. Hay | 2021-10-27
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Double Heider: Twa Novellas in Scots - "Loon", "The Girnin Gates"
Sheena Blackhall | 2003-05-27
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Life’s Stink and Honey
Lynne Valentine | 2022-04-04
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Flora the Foggy Bummer meets the Foostie-McNasties
Karen Barrett-Ayres | 2020-12-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
The Bottles
Brian Whyte | 2020-02-17

A Glimmer o Stars
Lynne Valentine | 2021-06-25
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
The Doric Gruffalo's Bairn
Sheena Blackhall | 2016-10-11
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric Sangbeuikie (Pert Een): A collection o' braw pop sangs
Brian Whyte | 2021-07-18

Doric Sangbeuikie (Pert Twa)
Brian Whyte | 2022-03-27

Throwe the Keekin-Gless an Fit Ailice Found There
Derrick McClure | 2021-01-02
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Cedric e Flapper Skate
Jackie Ross | 2022-09-16
Waterstones Abebooks eBay Doric Books
Fitba Legends: Denis Law an Rose Reilly
Jackie Ross | 2022-11-22
Waterstones Abebooks eBay Doric Books
Aul McDonald hid a Fairm
Aaron Gale | 2021-06-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay Doric Books
The Puddock
John M. Caie | 2021-09-03
Waterstones Abebooks eBay Doric Books
Norlan Lichts
Lesley Benzie | 2022-06-10
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Teach Yourself Doric
Douglas Kynoch | 2023-10-30
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
A Doric Dictionary
Douglas Kynoch | 2019-11-15
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Modren Makars: Yin 2022
Irene Howat | 2022-04-29
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Tales Fae The Doric Side
Jo Gilbert | 2023-02-21
Waterstones Abebooks eBay Doric Books
Thi Lyfe An Tyme's O An Enshoar Loon
Gordon Morrison | 2006-09-11
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
O Mice an Men
Sheena Blackhall | 2018-10-31
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
The Doric New Testament
Gordon M. Hay | 2012-10-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Fey Case o Dr Jekyll an Mr Hyde
Sheena Blackhall | 2018-08-17
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Scottish (Doric) - English English - Scottish (Doric) Dictionary
Douglas Kynoch | 2003-07-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
The War o the Warlds
Sheena Blackhall | 2021-08-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
The Winnerfu Warlock o Oz
Sheena Blackhall | 2018-08-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Alice's Mishanters in e Land o Farlies
Catherine Byrne | 2014-10-17
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Ailice's Anters in Ferlielann
Derrick McClure | 2012-12-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Jean Eyre
Sheena Blackhall | 2018-07-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Spikkin Doric
Norman Harper | 2009-03-15
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Doric For Beginners
Karen Barrett-Ayres | 2018-11-09
Waterstones Abebooks eBay

The Doric Aul Testament
Gordon M. Hay | 2023-06-30

The Doric Gruffalo
Sheena Blackhall | 2015-09-23
Waterstones Abebooks eBay

The Angel and The Aipple
Mary Johnston | 2013-06-04
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Sanners Gow's Tales and Folklore of the Buchan
Patrick Hutchison | 2017-05-20
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Sheena Blackhall | 2004-03-20
Waterstones Abebooks eBay

48 books listed
I'm not sure if I can copyright a list of books, or if I would want to, but my name's Chris, I am @illandancient on Twitter and this is my list of Scots language books from 2023-05-03
The books with images are Amazon affiliate links where I might make a small commission if you choose to buy the book, otherwise feel free to use the Waterstones or Abebooks links. This whole website is an exression of my frustration with mainstream bookshops being unable or unwilling to deal with Scots language books in a favourable manner. Its not easy to search for books written in Scots, its not often that the algorithms recommend books written in Scots, a lot of the books are mis-labelled as being written in English, the website admins don't care, the corporate buyers don't care, so perhaps this a gap in the market that can easily be filled.