Gilmours Scots Language Bookshop
Filtered by Shetland - Sorted by most expensive - Found 13 Titles
The Shetland Gruffalo
Laureen Johnson | 2015-09-23
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Alice's Adventirs in Wonderlaand
Laureen Johnson | 2012-11-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Aye Someane Deid, Aye Someane Boarn
Barbara Fraser | 2021-11-27
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Nort Atlantik Drift
Robert Alan Jamieson | 2007-11-05
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Da Happie Laand
Robert Alan Jamieson | 2011-10-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Moder Dy
Roseanne Watt | 2019-05-23
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
A Shetland Bible
Charles Greig | 2009-10-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Parallel Worlds
Christine De Luca | 2005-10-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Northern Alchemy
Christine De Luca | 2020-03-05
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
North End of Eden
Christine De Luca | 2010-04-01
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Oo an Feddirs
Christie Williamson | 2014-12-26
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
Grottie-Buckie an Tirli-Wirli
Christine De Luca | 2021-06-19
Waterstones Abebooks eBay
The Shetland Gruffalo's Bairn
Christine De Luca | 2016-10-11
Waterstones Abebooks eBay

13 books listed
I'm not sure if I can copyright a list of books, or if I would want to, but my name's Chris, I am @illandancient on Twitter and this is my list of Scots language books from 2023-05-03
The books with images are Amazon affiliate links where I might make a small commission if you choose to buy the book, otherwise feel free to use the Waterstones or Abebooks links. This whole website is an exression of my frustration with mainstream bookshops being unable or unwilling to deal with Scots language books in a favourable manner. Its not easy to search for books written in Scots, its not often that the algorithms recommend books written in Scots, a lot of the books are mis-labelled as being written in English, the website admins don't care, the corporate buyers don't care, so perhaps this a gap in the market that can easily be filled.