A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of thaim in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - SEC thaim wes a wie stane bothie at stu
Central - LAL thaim roon aboot me
Orkney - ORK thaim tae notiece, fer her mither t
Central - LAL Thaim that tholes, owercomes
Central - LAL thaim aboot ye,
Central - LAL Thaim auld an wysslik, bydin thare
Central - SEC thaim, afoir sauntin aff til hiz be
Ulster - GUL thaim ir:
Ulster - EUL Thaim threeds whun wab't thegither'
Central - SEC thaim at wes i luve, aw wes glaid a
Central - SEC thaim ait broth an het tatties keic
Central - LAL Thaim that’s efter siclike kens w
Central - LAL thaim thit's cam up
Central - SEC thaim. John hovered on the threshar
Central - SEC Thaim tae gambol, baa an' graze.
Central - SEC thaim soverance. Dinna vex yeirsell
Central - SEC thaim amang the thikfauld ryss alan
Central - SWE thaim unco tae us or wir ain braw k
Southern - SEA thaim whae bade i the tither ane. A
Ulster - SYN thaim that's agin ye wull big dykes
Central - LAL thaim, but something mair, for thay
Ulster - GUL Thaim whase cultural tradeetions ir
Southern - WCE Thaim tae Kinfauns fir sandwiches T
Central - SEC thaim skelpin awaw eftir thair beis
Ulster - GUL thaim ootby. The uise an' forderin
Central - EDN thaim pairt o the wey. It wis a whi
Ulster - EUL Thaim owerwhelmin yins
Central - LAL Thaim thit respond maun be aware th
Central - SEC thaim ti owergang ither naitiouns.
Central - SEC thaim inti the rie ti rist fur the
Central - LAL Thaim at kens the leid (an it ill b
Southern - SEA thaim that is dowie whyles staw
Central - SEC thaim. Mirren an Junipere polist th
Southern - SEA thaim that is dowie whyles staws
Central - SEC thaim a hurl inti Carlyle. John an
Central - AYR thaim straucht awa in butter an oat
Central - WCE Thaim wha'd say thair aa guilty reg
Central - LAL Thaim that writes in Soothron micht
Southern - SEA Thaim that is blyth is vext
Central - LAL thaim, an thay wadna thole workin w
Central - SEC thaim baith bak ti Tornes. Puir Tam
Central - LAL thaim that gets tae vote in the ref
Central - LAL thaim thit juist want
Central - LAL thaim thit
Southern - SEA Thaim that is blyth is vext
Central - LAL Thaim that wad sair like tae see si
Southern - SEA ck an ither sic messages. Ay! Thaim wur the days afore frei schui
Southern - SEA heid!" or "Off wi hur heid!" Thaim whae she sentenced were ecair
Central - LAL wean wes the ane that gaes, "Thaim wi a guid Scots tongue in the
Central - SEC The "thaim an us" mentality is aiblins j
Central - SEC blawin up the pynt aboot the "thaim an us" mentality. Awbody's go
Ulster - GUL can intherect wi' thaim, an' thon hasnae bein' addres
Ulster - GUL d tae theday's generation an' thaim tae cum
Ulster - GUL cots commonities an' bringin' thaim tae lif' fer locails an' visi
Ulster - GUL cknowledgin' an' accomodatin' thaim in oor commonity wha define t
Ulster - GUL an visitors ivry yeir (75% o' thaim
Central - SEC "Ye are maist handsome o'thaim a'
Ulster - GUL hauf o' thaim bein' bans), tae gie a mixtie
Ulster - GUL culture ir heirskeip (sim o' thaim ir connectit wi' parent boadi
Ulster - GUL itie leids fer the bieldin o' thaim
Central - AYR ur a few minutes. Then yin o' thaim stairted sniffing n git a sce
Ulster - GUL universal. The notion o' thaim bein' uised oan thaim raither
Ulster - GUL e the fears an' prejudices o' thaim at houl thaim no
Ulster - GUL im' ection ir tie the hans o' thaim at cum efter.
Ulster - GUL the main funder fer maist o' thaim.
Central - LAL syne, thaim at tholed the stour-blawn ska
Central - LAL thair haunders forbye, thaim at rade abreid at nicht, rigg
Central - LAL til lecturs an haurd-thinkin, thaim in Scotland haes been devotit
Shetland - SHD he Wast wing left. Houaniver, thaim that bade in it wis thrang up
Ulster - EUL Tae baith sides, thaim an iz
Central - LAL l unnerstaund an uise Inglis, thaim in Belarus (A dinna refer til
Central - LAL ck the heid words - that is, thaim that's used maist affen. Thir
Southern - SWEyer braw wark wi the schuils, thaim that tholes owrecomes ??
Central - LAL no the rael wans, thaim’s nae mair
Central - SEC Thae kempers an thir makars, thaim sae braw:
Central - LAL airtin out new warkers, thaim at wad mell wi the lave. He w
Ulster - GUL vestment attractin' visitors, thaim taakin pairt
Central - LAL we haed aye taen for grantit, thaim at wis gien few chyces at
Southern - SEA sattle doon. Ay, thaim wur the days n’. Is ae matt
Southern - SEA the schul biggin yonner. Ay, thaim wur the days n’. Thar
Southern - SEA on yeir warm hint end.” Ay, thaim wur the days n’. Aye! Jimmy
Central - LAL in Ireland. Unnerstaundably, thaim studyin Hiberno-Inglish haes
Central - LAL 'at canna speak Ukrainian) - thaim in Belarus daes speak an uise
Central - LALocheryl Aw the best Cheryl - thaim that tholes, owercomes.
Central - SEC lane or throu a clessroom - Thaim wi an intrest in the history
Central - LALA stoot hert for a stey brae. Thaim that haes, aye gets. Tak tent
Central - LAL Oh, aye. Thaim.
Central - LAL ime afore seein a mailie aff. Thaim that’s haed thair maut mich
Central - LALDervheid Gie’s peace, Brian. Thaim that tholes, owercomes. Nae m
Central - LAL a your fitba coupon comin up. Thaim at never kent whit siccan a l
Central - GLA tae win at thon braw nummer. Thaim that wun the least in the fir
Central - EDN aunds o fowk that respect it. Thaim that rely on the laund no jui
Central - LAL be trauchelt wi our history. Thaim at wad spulyie a bleck presid
Central - LAL enoise wines o heich quality. Thaim that's efter a still reid or
Central - LAL saved. When Scripture speiks: thaim at believes in him will hae n
Southern - SEA e (vegetation) aw around mei; thaim byous sichts o new life i the
Ulster - EUL Aa thaim that see me hae a lach; Stick
Central - WCE Aa thaim wha thinks they ken him say,
Southern - SEA t A hed lairt aff bi hert, aa thaim ‘ears afore, an whit hei he
Southern - SEA knowledge; aa thaim ferms ir nou pairt o the wait
Ulster - SYN astin nicht an day, an tae aa thaim that wus lukin forrit tae Jer
Central - LAL irket for sic warks, since aa thaim that can afford tae buy buiks
Central - AYR o thy Kirk an Covenant, an aa thaim that persecute Thy servants i
Ulster - PUL ll alloo, as much as A fin aa thaim oul coins fascinatin, A’m a
Ulster - SYN tempit bi tha Deil, an ïn aa thaim days he dïdnae eat ocht ava.
Ulster - PUL Fur aa thaim bastes is gien a bath, thair'
Ulster - SYN ie on iz!" An whaniver he saa thaim, he sayed, "Awa tae tha prees
Central - EDN “Ach, lea thaim alane,” Falad intervent.
Central - EDN evely as she stuid up tae lea thaim. “If Ah can bring ye some m
Ulster - GUL ed whit tha Hell neist wud fa thaim.
Central - EDN arrived earlier. Bit it wisna thaim he wintit tae warn her aboot.
Doric - DOR in a wheen o ither weers onta thaim. A wis lyin thare in ma auld
Central - EDN , than Ah’ll rub thaim doon.” She did that efter s
Doric - DOR heid, fae the mamen she pou'd thaim? Een rael sintit rashes, ye k
Ulster - SYN ennin thair neyts. Jesus caad thaim, an richt awa the' left tha b
Central - EDN e halpit her oot. “You lead thaim be imitatin a caaf in distres
Central - WCE Inspired ah read thaim twa 'Mining Sonnets',
Ulster - EUL An read thaim oot at Meetin.
Central - AYR fell blast o icy win that had thaim baith founert wi the cauld in
Central - LAL haur, ye wee buggers" follaed thaim frae oot amang cannons, grape
Central - SEC "puir folk" as she described thaim, had tint wance mair, an that
Central - EDN ne.” Than he turnt an faced thaim. The three spears facin the d
Central - SEC didna schaw at he recognosced thaim in
Central - EDN zul’s back - they wad need thaim thairsels.
Doric - DOR Ward bit whin A seed thaim, A thocht A wis jist a strip
Central - SWE hit micht yince hae turraveed thaim blinn
Central - SWE hit micht yince hae turraveed thaim blinn
Central - LALstit buildins, bit rearranged thaim tae draw a funny pictur?
Central - EDN ed an smells o cookin reached thaim, addin tae the meesery o the
Central - SEC t three strips. Maw streeched thaim intae pliss. Some o the plais
Central - EDN watched thaim gang by. There wad be a coupl
Central - SWE Ah watched thaim as they waned,
Orkney - ORK an story taegither, an cashed thaim in. That, or else Autonomist
Central - EDN audience jynt in. He shooshed thaim, an made the dug’s heid faa
Central - SEC hauflin.” Ruth ushed thaim intil the hyste kerr an pouss
Central - SEC He gied thaim breid an kebbok wi mulk ti dr
Central - LAL ner on the Setterday, he gied thaim a smile an sayed at things wi
Central - EDN dander up. In the en he gied thaim tae the Auld wumman wha seemt
Central - AYR hadnae got intae it) an gied thaim oot as prizes. There wis juis
Central - SEC -wife cam breengin in an gied thaim aw a piece o her mind.
Central - EDN on a Chreistiane lass an gied thaim hir blissin. The Quene telt B
Central - SEC Oor Wullie an The Broons gied thaim thair first inlat tae literac
Central - EDN reverse the process that gied thaim whit they hae? Wad walkers re
Central - EDN ocht o onythin, an juist gied thaim the first thing that cam inta
Central - AYR she crept saftly oot an cried thaim tae her. Aa the while, young
Central - EDN till a loon appeart an cried thaim aff.
Central - EDN icts’, as the guairds cried thaim, had a brek at midday whan th
Central - DUN thay cried thaim Mams an Paps,
Central - SEC Bantered an bevvied thaim fou. He brocht me faur,
Central - EDN intae the fuithills. Tad led thaim in a silent stragglin line fa
Ulster - EUL An skailed thaim aa tae fin thair guns,
Central - LALe the new site. Jist e mailed thaim for info.
Central - SEC a juist tuimed thaim aw ower the bartesin inti the
Central - SEC a fit o the grues he explened thaim ti’m, bot as uiswal throu
Ulster - GUL Interdependence. They defined thaim es:
Central - EDN ae be helpfu that she allooed thaim tae tak oot her twa braids, a
Ulster - GUL ir heirskeip an' quhat shaped thaim an', in turn, quhat shaped th
Central - LAL o their neebors) that helped thaim win throu an dree sic a weird
Central - LAL ime, an e'en whan she slumped thaim thegither, still she saw naet
Ulster - PUL beskit in tha nicht an teared thaim aa tae bits."
Central - AYR the south-west, an quartered thaim in the big houses o suspected
Central - LAL he haed hired thaim, for thay gied him a bonnie,
Doric - DOR whit garred thaim claa awa?
Central - EDN eind. The Kildies bot cloured thaim aff an stertit owre wi thair
Central - EDN Bit naebody in the rw yaised thaim ony mair. The only body she
Central - EDN k had come up ahint an passed thaim at a short distance. Some o t
Central - EDN reappeart. He addressed thaim first in Uighur, than for Bil
Central - SEC nd agin onie inimie at wissed thaim ti kep skaith. The
Central - EDN face the armed men wha waved thaim doon on an open streitch oO r
Central - EDN face the armed men wha waved thaim doon on an open streitch oO r
Central - LAL@Alien_Orifice Loved thaim. Wan o ma favourite 80s bands
Central - SEC hyste at the beddal schawed thaim. This upraise straucht inti t
Central - LAL fleechd thaim tae thir scraitchers then lef
Central - LAL r things. Ye’ve mibbie said thaim, or at onie rate thocht them
Central - SEC es tint fur wirds, bot ti bid thaim staun whaur thai war. He
Central - LAL onal vote o Jean Urquhart did thaim a lot o guid.
Central - EDN ten oot o Beatrice. Tae avoid thaim, he gamed wi Falad, which gie
Central - LAL Thae wha held thaim as they skirlt (Blessit, buir
Central - WCE And thaim whaes forecasts wance seemed
Central - GLA And thaim up thare leukin doon and aw
Central - GLA algacus or Wallace, Bruce and thaim
Central - LAL s hae a name for dourness and thaim fae the East Neuk are said ta
Central - GLA Or Ginty and thaim, tae the tail o the bank.
Central - WCE aff, an gif'n ye dinnae fend thaim aff wi a stick
Central - LAL in evry danger ye’ll defend thaim;
Central - WCE te tae create mercats an fend thaim frae the puir (“For one ver
Central - GLA t. "Well, ah'll need tae send thaim bi courier, fir a start," she
Central - LAL i daylicht hoors ye will tend thaim,
Central - LAL vens shawin whaur ye can find thaim. Hae a shottie at the puzzles
Southern - SWErlene @billykayscot Ken, mind thaim fine fae when Ah bade in Newm
Central - SWE tae mind thaim
Central - SEC finnd thaim. Whan the border laun wes her
Central - SEC mest howp wes shae cuid finnd thaim ir hir eildit
Central - SEC ower mature ti finnd thaim lauchabil. Housomdevir, sic w
Central - LAL control o whit happens aroond thaim, an that can be trustit tae r
Central - LAL lled their haps tichter roond thaim an ower their heids tae shut
Central - EDN Nicht fund thaim aye stravaigin in roch kintra
Central - EDN smilet - an the pursuit fund thaim again. Mair barkin an gowlin.
Central - SEC the answers an, gin they fund thaim wantin,they.ll speir the Brit
Orkney - ORK ds. He asks the gods tae mynd thaim on. He nivver asks fer ower m
Central - LAL caw tae the SNP, an wull prod thaim oot the complacency that inev
Central - EDN set aff again. Beatrice heard thaim ahint her. Hsien wis taislin
Central - EDN assed the niche. Had he heard thaim? Beatrice clenched her chafts
Central - EDN s bed an waitit till he heard thaim skailin. Than he slippit back
Central - EDN s bed an waitit till he heard thaim skailin. Than he slippit back
Central - EDN en canty. At nicht he heard thaim singin, a weird repetitive dr
Southern - SWEHome Great names! Never heard thaim afore. Carn-swallae?
Central - SEC appearance o deference toward thaim that belangcd tae the higher
Central - SEC bees frae ma guidman, an yird thaim inablo the staw-duir, as A ay
Central - SEC if Scotland managed tae haud thaim tae a draw, thon wad be a big
Central - SEC age. We'll juist hae tae haud thaim tae thair word aboot this an
Central - WCE w poets hae bin able tae haud thaim fir a meenit, tak tent o an a
Central - SEC ti haud thaim siccar i the productioun o po
Central - SEC , Matthew disnae juist haud thaim up but shaws his passion for
Central - LAL d an hooch’t, an he caa’d thaim ilk yin:
Ulster - SYN its haed tae dae whut we bïd thaim ïn yer name!" An he sayed ta
Central - EDN ntit. Wis she allooed tae dae thaim baith a favour an turn him do
Ulster - SYN , yit the' get eneuch tae dae thaim, for God feeds thaim. Ir ye n
Central - LAL fae thaim thit
Doric - DOR ye naw telt tae stey awa fae thaim?”
Central - WCE s an awbody that benefits fae thaim, the exhaustion o this nation
Central - LAL ments ye hear anent Scots fae thaim that kens nocht aboot it is t
Central - LAL leck fowk an hou he wadna hae thaim in his factory.
Central - WCE st we kin hope fir is tae hae thaim in sma buik.
Central - SEC craiturs that were there. Nae thaim, an nae me! That wis oor life
Central - SEC frae thaim o the Capital, there wis a gu
Central - LAL frae thaim an theirs. They knew the mice
Central - LAL sh raither nor Scots, an frae thaim o an Ulster Unionist backgrun
Central - LAL we leuk forrit ti hearin frae thaim.
Central - SEC d, but is seekin maitter frae thaim at’s gaen abraid an still u
Ulster - EUL Fur aa tha crack A gets frae thaim,
Southern - WCE taen ma lang daurg-days frae thaim.
Central - LAL rts confiscate an haudit frae thaim gin they complain aboot late
Central - SEC they war bairns, apairt frae thaim that spake Gaelic or yin o th
Central - LAL tae thaim
Southern - SEA re the Son o Gud can bei, tae thaim whae hae gaen
Southern - SEA shawn, tae thaim whae hed helpit thum. Ay, the
Central - LAL eetion throu her faimily, tae thaim that hae been rowed intil't t
Ulster - PUL pre-decimalised coinage). Tae thaim, shillins an tanners an thrup
Central - EDN in tae dae whit I coudna. Tae thaim I say, wi Gavin Douglas,
Central - SEC ae the hinnermaist vowel. Tae thaim the wis juist eneuch room in
Central - SEC on in their dairkest pit. Tae thaim, it's the leid o the hame, th
Central - LAL cause the graphics is sib tae thaim uised for computer gemmes the
Ulster - SYN , he wus stoondit an saed tae thaim that follaed him, "A tell ye
Central - SWE But pey nae heed tae thaim whae girn
Ulster - SYN ose o tha Loard. He sayed tae thaim, "Dae ye jalouse tha yins tha
Ulster - SYN s follaers." An he sayed tae thaim, "Whan ye pray, say:
Ulster - SYN e gaeg hïm. But he sayed tae thaim: "Youse ir tha yins that try
Ulster - SYN air thochts wur, an sayed tae thaim:
Ulster - SYN llaed ye!" An Jesus sayed tae thaim, "A'm tellin yis, oniebodie t
Ulster - SYN he got. Then Jesus sayed tae thaim,
Central - AYR 'll still hae tae be guid tae thaim," thocht Alison, "or mebbe th
Central - LAL fert the croun o Scotland tae thaim forby, an Mary’s sister Ann
Central - LAL y-slads.com) gies a haund tae thaim that is efter adverteesin tha
Central - LAL soorces that gies a haund tae thaim that’s efter learnin mair a
Central - WCE n Scotland, wis gie voice tae thaim that hidnae ony. Willie used
Central - LAL o gey muckle significance tae thaim.
Central - SEC somebody wi a daurk side tae thaim ahint an itherweys licht oots
Central - LAL e aamaist racist attitude tae thaim wha hae the smeddum tae staun
Ulster - SYN An Jesus spauk a parable tae thaim:
Central - SEC tae repone tae thaim in thair ain Scots dialeck. T
Central - LAL maun be on giein a heeze tae thaim thit is lairnin an spikkin th
Central - EDN She wad hae tae gang tae thaim. She ran tae the biggin - bi
Ulster - SYN m, an he begun tae praich tae thaim sayin, "We'r leevin ïn evil
Central - LAL an the keeper flung fush tae thaim.'
Central - EDN stoppin, he gollert back tae thaim, “Juist gaun for a practice
Central - EDN stoppin, he gollert back tae thaim, “Juist gaun for a practice
Central - EDN ae mak gestures o respeck tae thaim as they passed, bit especiall
Central - LAL talk tae thaim thit care
Central - EDN wi a strang Catholic feel tae thaim become amang yer maist import
Central - SEC aders tae nominate a poem tae thaim bi Robert Burns on his annive
Central - LAL whaur Gaelic is spoke an tae thaim thit's faimilies hae juist a
Central - LAL fae GME seein hit is gien tae thaim thit is in Inglis medium educ
Central - SEC eys that haesna been open tae thaim afore.
Central - SEC e that wis brain-washed intae thaim bi a Scottish eddication sees
Central - EDN she cudna halp bit gove intae thaim. Whaur they sud been white, t
Central - LAL n it has been weil dung intae thaim at they spick slang. This was
Central - DUN wis, an stoppit listenin tae thaim that seem tae hae but ae sing
Central - EDN “No gin we disappear intae thaim lik
Central - LAL hae thocht A wis haiverin tae thaim in Pictish the wey thir laddi
Central - EDN nt?” he sayed, gesturin tae thaim tae sit thairsels doon.
Central - SWE an bein deif an blinn tae thaim it kennt
Central - EDN be hert onywey. He held ontae thaim mainly as a sense-o-humour te
Central - LAL e also managed tae haud ontae thaim. The swings frae Labour tae t
Central - SEC the precedency haed fawn tae thaim in previous times bi lot, nae
Central - EDN sna shair - wis comin up tae thaim. “This is Nusiret,” Bill
Central - EDN e get some mait an watter tae thaim. Ah canna risk snokin aboot.
Ulster - SYN o Man maun be hannit ower tae thaim that ir ïll notioned tae hï
Central - SEC c that they cuid rax ower tae thaim furst thing in the mornin, br
Central - SEC a gravitation o resources tae thaim. A think EBLUL will hae tae s
Central dae!” We sung twa songs tae thaim an’ wee Sandy wha’d broch
Ulster - SYN n heiven gie guid thïngs tae thaim that axes hïm!
Ulster - GUL Oor thanks tae thaim at maide submissions an' tae
Central - EDN din laundscapes an access tae thaim. Native birks an pines creep
Central - LAL That micht weel be o uiss tae thaim that plunks thairsels doun af
Central - LAL rin o airticles is o uiss tae thaim that haes the graith an wants
Ulster - GUL an pairts o' Ulster-Scots tae thaim at hae Ulster-Scots es
Central - LAL brocht tae thaim a fell pleesure.
Central - SEC Ah dae it tae mak a point tae thaim that there's nae need tae ton
Central - LAL l, gin ye pyntit this oot tae thaim, micht tell ye that thay'll '
Ulster - SYN brauk ït, an hannit ït tae thaim, an sayed, "Thïs ïs ma bodi
Central - EDN “Ah’m gratefu tae thaim an aa,” sayed Beatrice.
Central - WCE regal craitur widnae bow tae thaim
Central - AYR o a relief than a sorrow tae thaim aa when he tuik an apoplexy a
Central - LAL s a wee plea fae me fur aw ae thaim lit us, a depressed wee athei
Central - AYR escape, taking their guns wae thaim. Thay bolted fur aboot hauf a
Central - SEC ten Scots is mair like tae be thaim that daesna speak Scots an da
Central - EDN he sayed. “There maun be thaim that ye wad kill for. At ony
Central - EDN he sayed. “There maun be thaim that ye wad kill for. At ony
Central - EDN i’oot gettin kilt either be thaim or be the fundies - or, for
Central - SEC Wullie’s Dad birlt tae face thaim baith. Rid wi the leam aff th
Central - LAL Wi ye, ah'll face thaim bare
Doric - DOR enteece thaim mair. A was howpfie o a guid
Central - WCE We'll fence thaim aff wi baler twine,
Central - LAL for independence tae convince thaim wi (twa relatit, but distinct
Shetland - SHD ich Hoose tae. The laird bade thaim til a foregaitherin o the Ham
Central - EDN in the ilk leid, than he made thaim an ironic, auld-farrant bow a
Central - LAL ce in hidlins, an he aye made thaim his excuiss
Central - WCE Juist made thaim rally tae the cause, Their an
Central - SEC wi thair sweirt laddies asyde thaim. The menfowk wes aw awaw at t
Central - LAL n computers for tae identifee thaim, that allous uiser profiles t
Central - EDN they sayed - Bill didna pree thaim). He wis able tae yaise thir
Central - SWE A see thaim noo huddled
Doric - DOR "Aye, ye shid see thaim comin roun tae me on a Setter
Central - LAL ets on a lawer vote]. Tae see thaim writin aff Glesca is jist ast
Ulster - GUL an' ectiononie tae see thaim niver tae cum tae ocht. Monie
Central - LAL but mibbie she lykit tae see thaim cooped up in cages. A wished
Central - WCE Ti see thaim in the kirk, abune
Central - SEC nal’), an it is guid ti see thaim set oot sae brawlie here. Gey
Southern - SEA aulder an it hurts me ti see thaim.
Central - GLA Fair trauchelt ye'll see thaim comin doon the wey
Central - LAL oo that American fowk can see thaim clearly noo as weill, I howp
Doric - DOR ime! Come on we'se rin an see thaim." An they gaed troddlin awaa,
Central - AYR ankfully th' beasts didny see thaim n thay staun below th' tree n
Central - SEC auld hinges but cuidna budge thaim ava.
Central - SEC Gie thaim advice on sex? Why, they'll n
Doric - DOR gie thaim ocht but eyster-shalls in ere
Central - SEC ’nicht’s gowd pendil. Gie thaim ti ma sister whan A’m gane.
Central - WCE rds than the spikkers wha gie thaim life - the leidbangers. Thes
Central - LAL (i.e. the ane that disna gie thaim pooer), a lot o this is on th
Central - SEC oot pizza, mebbe we shuid gie thaim mince an clapshot. We cuid bu
Central - SEC in speakin Scots as shuid gie thaim a rid face, it's juist a mait
Central - EDN that Beatrice wis gaunnae gie thaim a pairty piece. Beatrice thoc
Central - SEC is the SoS gaunnae gie thaim somethin tae yaise thair dict
Central - AYR thill wis weel placed tae gie thaim sanctuary. Heich on the brae
Central - EDN ontery tae expeck him tae gie thaim first aid ony mair. The guair
Central - LAL n fowk on the run, an tae gie thaim that gied them beild, a paiki
Central - GLA han thare is nae mair tae gie thaim
Central - SEC e first thoosan buiks tae gie thaim a heize in a sma mercat. If t
Central - LAL itin ahint him can ainlie gie thaim better figurs nor the leaders
Central - SEC at uz gin ye gie thaim a chance.”
Central - WCE or ‘veisionaries’ (ti gie thaim a mair respectfu teitil), ir
Central - EDN urpossis o beisnes, ir ti gie thaim the courdie-likk owre sum whi
Central - EDN sairie fur'm an socht ti gie thaim a heize bi blokkin out shaps
Central - SEC machine stertit ti gie thaim advyse anent whit objeks wes
Central - WCE A skreid frae abraid wul gie thaim aw the ins-an-oots o what in
Central - AYR by for a week or twa, an gie thaim a haun wi the hairst or the t
Central - SEC installed sae that A can gie thaim copies o STW back nummers tae
Central - EDN grammar tae guide them an gie thaim confidence i the wey they spi
Central - SEC rassed sae dae yer bit an gie thaim a heeze tae turn thair wave o
Doric - ABN agane war the words, "forgie thaim thit trespass agin you." A ex
Ulster - SYN Jesus sayed, "Faither, forgie thaim, for the' dïnnae ken whut th
Central - LALate @Lenniesaurus Aye but gie thaim a guid dicht wi a clout afore
Central - EDN per ower her shoother. “Gie thaim ane babby apiece?”
Central - SEC e richt ane, sae he maun prie thaim ti mak
Central - SEC het-trod ti herrie thaim inti Scotland. Inglish sojers
Central - SWE are gey often lang awa like thaim ablo
Central - LAL n mauchtless. She didnae like thaim sae muckle whan thai gat bigg
Central - AYR gs aither, gin ye dinnae like thaim!" When the Mous heard this, i
Central - WCE ae new chairs. Ah dinnae like thaim.’
Doric - DOR "I like thaim fan they can claver," Ailice
Central - LAL sayin, at thare naethin like thaim nou? Weans dinna ken the auld
Southern - SEA : whyles beirial-beakers like thaim that war uised bi oor ain neo
Central - LAL pper and then try and shoogle thaim aff wioot uisin yer hauns.
Ulster - PUL his it on, bot A cannae thole thaim boys leppin aboot in thaim sp
Southern - SWE in aa the airts. An we thole thaim whae dinnae ??
Central - WCE neuch braw fowk that tae name thaim aw wad be tae shame the rest.
Ulster - EUL Abane thaim aa, iz writin men
Doric - DOR e eyn o three yaird V'se rane thaim ower again, for fear ye'll fo
Central - EDN Sae she tane thaim ower the tap o the pass an ma
Central - LAL canal; abune thaim, haar,
Central - SEC lukkin up tae folk set abune thaim. An wir thai no awaur thit Ki
Central - AYR d eerily oot o the mist abune thaim. Spied an surrounded at ance
Central - EDN jyne thaim. He coft a bowl o congee fae
Central - LAL nner-brod an askit us ti jyne thaim. We
Central - EDN toon an they wad let him jyne thaim.
Central - LAL An A hope thaim that love me can lairn tae fo
Central - AYR Naethin cuid prepare thaim for the sichts they saw. Hauf
Central - SWE Thair are thaim
Central - WCE hat hae been gaun langest are thaim that were foondit on a weel d
Central - SEC “Here thaim out,” advysed Grant.
Central - LAL aince eerant ti hire thaim on, at the time he wis sterti
Central - LAL the twa o us kythed afore thaim thon het simmer mornin? Nae d
Orkney - ORK . Olaf an Erlend tummle afore thaim: thay loup the footers no bra
Central - LAL ha’d bid in the hoose afore thaim’d left it like a soo’s cr
Central - LAL till suddent it rase up afore thaim. A curn years efter, whan the
Central - WCE ar, deep an broad, Lies afore thaim.
Central - EDN st haes tae be caam an ignore thaim.”
Central - LAL modrification for tae please thaim that haesna Scots an, at its
Southern - SEA i ding me doun, for ti please thaim that seek aye fame an glorie?
Doric - DOR 'I'se ging an raise thaim, gin ye wull -
Central - LALnTracey Guid for you - yaise thaim noo as weel.
Central - EDN cudna bring hersel tae yaise thaim.
Central - LALy guid. Cannae wait tae yaise thaim, esp the Thrawn Janet n Wande
Central - LAL s. But even sae, we can yaise thaim as a yairdstick.
Doric - DOR faces ye ettle tae recognise thaim by," Ailice obsairt pensie-li
Orkney - ORK ike a Martian, tries tae tise thaim tae her teum raedeen grup -
Central - AYR doun here! It'll be nae uise thaim pokin their heids ower an ery
Ulster - SYN effeirs, nae odds gin ye uise thaim or no.
Central - EDN doon an expose thaim whan ... gin she e’er won h
Central - LAL curse thame gangand, I curse thaim rydand, I curse thame standan
Central - LAL walkand, I curse thaim slepand, I curse thaim rysand
Central - LAL drynkand, I curse thaim walkand, I curse thaim slepan
Central - LAL slepand, I curse thaim rysand, I curse thaim lyand,
Central - LAL rysand, I curse thaim lyand, I curse thaim at hame,
Central - LAL eittand, I curse thaim drynkand, I curse thaim walka
Central - LAL curse thame sittand, I curse thaim eittand, I curse thaim drynka
Central - LAL lyand, I curse thaim at hame, I curse thaim fra ha
Central - LAL at hame, I curse thaim fra hayme, I curse thaim with
Central - LAL fra hayme, I curse thaim within the houssis, I curse t
Ulster - SYN al tha hairtbrauk], tae lowse thaim that's bun, tae gie sicht tae
Central - SWE Ettlin tae lowse thaim, Ah dwall on
Central - SEC Ebenezer hed ti lowse thaim, at thai cuidna swik the hemp
Central - WCE e twenty quid hooker can bate thaim aa.
Central - EDN s chist. He maun really hate thaim. Eneuch tae mak him forget th
Southern - SWElie, really really appreciate thaim and aw yer support doon the y
Central - EDN in a sae-lik deid tung, wrate thaim.We wared monie ours siffin th
Central - GLA airliament bot can juist vote thaim throu athout stent. Houanivve
Central - EDN nae langir obleiged ti wryte thaim, an cuid follae ither gates i
Central ocht alang ’is chanter gave thaim a bit tune. Then Elsie did a
Central - EDN ye. Yer pal Bill caumly drave thaim awa this mornin.” She shuk
Central - SEC Kelvingrove But he'd ootleeve thaim.
Central - LAL yin bi yin, a reeve thaim aw in hauf.
Central - EDN ’d ever met wha cud scrieve thaim wis auld Guangwu Bang, wha ha
Central - SEC g as ma wee haun will scrieve thaim. Aboot a year syne, ah wis re
Central - EDN “Onybody can drive thaim,” sayed Bill, leukin whaur
Central - EDN ess,” he sayed. “Or drive thaim by imitatin big cats. Gin you
Central - AYR t his neibour's tup tae serve thaim at the back-en, an pray for a
Central - GLA Unless ye luve thaim sair and get wee treats frae
Central - EDN uadit her that they sud growe thaim - tae mak siccar that they w
Central - LAL whit ye say. But there's aye thaim at micht listen.
Doric - DOR "Gin aat disna 'ruff thaim fae the toun'," she thocht ta
Orkney - ORK e piece tae piece, an some of thaim wad mebbe staek a claem tae b
Central - LAL pcioun ande he ask souerte of thaim that he doutis the schiref sa
Central - EDN he men had tried for tae flag thaim doon, appairently wintin tae
Doric - DOR e bairns hae a witch tae fleg thaim feart.
Central - SEC omatae sals. He focht ti fleg thaim awaw. Than the smell o the he
Central - SEC “Its a bain. We bigg thaim wirsells. It sens a copie o m
Central - WCE The waxin muin wull bigg thaim up agane;
Southern - WCE The waxin muin wull bigg thaim up agane;
Central - LAL@NicUalraig Thaim that tholes, owercomes. Hope
Central - SEC ed coals aff the flair, flang thaim intae the fire hole an dichti
Central - SEC pit the puir laddies an flang thaim baith
Ulster - EUL Amang thaim aa dour Corbies blak, tae fac
Central - LAL amang thaim
Central - LAL een twa-three cheinges, amang thaim the reddin oot o the apostrop
Central - LAL fae Gaelic intae Scots, amang thaim some o the maist kenspeckle o
Central - LAL fae Scots intae Gaelic. Amang thaim is the wird aidh, the scrievi
Central - SEC anda do Duoro tae tend. Amang thaim tendin, the wis professors fr
Central - SEC pairt in the collogue. Amang thaim wis, Alain Esclopé an Bruno
Central - AYR 1735, wi aa this agreed amang thaim, Hugh Begg wis duly injfeft a
Central - LAL akers. Causay clash fae amang thaim that haes tried, sic as volun
Central - SEC e lauds tae seleck frae amang thaim. Ah nivver cuid wark oot gin
Central - LAL an thare wisna a bodie amang thaim wad hae gart ye jalouse
Central - WCE his time, Hogg o coorse amang thaim, war mad for the readin, an h
Central - EDN t they say you can walk amang thaim.” He turnt tae Beatrice an
Central - EDN e mair able-bodied fouk amang thaim tae form a human pyramid that
Central - LAL pulace itherwyce. Masel amang thaim nae doot.
Central - EDN , whedder she had been amang thaim earlier on.
Central - LAL s an foreaims o the men amang thaim war
Ulster - EUL Ma claes amang thaim is divid The cast lots for th
Central - AYR e spirit o the Lord wis amang thaim an had shown thaim the wey. T
Central - EDN rt whedder Beatrice wis amang thaim, whedder she had been amang t
Ulster - GUL o' clatters o' hannlins amang thaim gye few financial
Ulster - GUL obleegements amang thaim ECRML, FCNM an' UNCRC.
Central - LAL politics blogs i Scots amang thaim, the list gaes on.
Central - LAL it wis taen for grantit amang thaim that spak it in the heichest
Central - SEC able tae fund greement amang thaim aw an see his initiative win
Central - LAL lishment were certainly amang thaim, but fundamentally (is “fun
Central - SEC st thing in the mornin, bring thaim Luther the warm blankets an g
Central - EDN tae bring thaim some blankets as weill, bit t
Central - WCE Anointing thaim as the air softly sighs,
Central - LAL her tim fell, she aither hung thaim oot tae git weeter ir gied up
Orkney - ORK an thinks on wha might sairch thaim oot.
Doric - DOR tidder; an the grunn atweesh thaim wes pairtit intae squares wi
Ulster - EUL Lang Kesh thaim?
Central - SEC Gin that we cherish thaim, Stanes dumb? - They're stan
Central - LAL he month, the year: wae worth thaim aa,
Central - SEC Tho steired bi thaim wi wit an mense,
Central - SEC thai bene confaised bi thaim baith haein the lik swype. Me
Central - WCE i aw accoonts mukkil loued bi thaim closest til’m, an likit bi
Central - SEC Bein understuid bi thaim. Their deein leid
Central - LAL ates an fykie explanations bi thaim involved. This is the practei
Central - SEC nt for a text-buik, needit bi thaim teachin, lairnin, or e'en jui
Central - SEC he trak, bot Mirren didna sei thaim. The rodds
Central - SEC Widds, Tammas cam but, ti sei thaim sauf on thair rodd.
Central - SEC e eftir him, bot gried ti sei thaim eftir he hed
Southern - SEA g room. Nae schuil meltiths i thaim days, naw, wei aa carriet or
Central - WCE It wul be nae surprise ti thaim at's read ma awn reviews,
Southern - SEA grit i thaim days an A haena spoken til
Southern - SEA ts tae ffirstaund an speak ti thaim i thar tung. Dae at
Central - LAL d, the latter ne’er spak ti thaim, gin thay
Central - SEC bot thai arna feil ti thaim fur lang. Thusgates thai wes
Central - SEC raidio acteive houstrie onti thaim.”
Central - WCE l a mistaen norie seimilar ti thaim described in the airlier pert
Central - GLA Wi thaim that's caucht the Virus like
Central - WCE Wi thaim in Balmaclellan's auld kirkya
Central - AYR Wi thaim in Balmaclellan’s auld kirk
Central - LAL wi thaim thit
Central - LAL wi thaim yit a yearhunner efter the Ce
Central - LAL wi thaim
Central - SEC nguage wis tae be English. Wi thaim, lairnin tae speak it meant u
Ulster - SYN hinnae cum fer tae dae awa wi thaim, but fer tae fülfill thaim.
Central - LALicked yer bools an ran awa wi thaim. Scunners! https://t.co/9V6qR
Central - AYR fand hersel bletherin awa wi thaim, juist as tho she had kennt t
Ulster - GUL ot gif tha lads haed bided wi thaim acause Dot haed a caur. Scho
Central - EDN Aabody ither wis yaised wi thaim, bit she felt hersel pitten a
Ulster - GUL Ulstèr, takkin thair leid wi thaim.
Central - EDN he conseedert whit tae dae wi thaim. “Ye’d better no follae t
Central - EDN he conseedert whit tae dae wi thaim. “Ye’d better no follae t
Doric - DOR uks a richt soos-lug ta be wi thaim! Harry yaist ta be sae
Central - AYR I wad be wi thaim an thai wi me.
Central - EDN People. We hae an alliance wi thaim,” Hsien telt her. “Gin we
Central - EDN assumet that she wad bide wi thaim, probably sattle doon wi youn
Central - EDN miners tae gang back hame wi thaim, no this lang while. Sae gin
Central - EDN riakin wis ettlin tae come wi thaim. Raggle an the ither patients
Central - EDN n impossible tae socialise wi thaim itherwise. They had a kinna g
Central - EDN n impossible tae socialise wi thaim itherwise. They had a kinna g
Central - DUN aheid. Awthin is reactive wi thaim, the verra push fer leavin Eu
Central - SEC fe. The twenes wul be sauf wi thaim. Thai’r kin, an’l sure
Central - AYR mebbe even a laud tae gang wi thaim . .. mebbe even, wi the bless
Southern - SEA reive yow awa an aa, alang wi thaim bease.”
Central - EDN t an aa, sae he gaed alang wi thaim. Thair favourt howff turnt oo
Ulster - SYN thair wus ither yins alang wi thaim.] An the' fun tha stane rowlt
Central - LALer Howpfully we'll be back wi thaim suin.
Central - EDN is fluent eneuch tae spick wi thaim, whitever he telt thaim wad b
Central - LALrue. A prievilage tae wark wi thaim baith. https://t.co/YfaapJu6b
Central - SEC tissil wi thaim. Thon laed the “Keingryke o
Ulster - SYN t ïn, but ït disnae houl wi thaim. For whan haird times cum ala
Central - SEC the standards o naturalism wi thaim o traditional fable. It's tru
Central - LAL the veesitors bid awa, an wi thaim ony owerturn the business mic
Central - EDN it wey did they hae weemen wi thaim?
Central - EDN it wey did they hae weemen wi thaim?
Central - LAL stoup. Jean stertit gangin wi thaim Setterdays. Time gaed by, the
Central - LAL land aboot 600 AD, bringin wi thaim the Germanic soonds and wirds
Central - LAL tweenwhiles ti git crackin wi thaim about ocht else hairstit naet
Central - EDN ople toleratit Bill sittin wi thaim, an e’en halpit him wi the
Southern - SWEs athoot nets afore playin wi thaim f
Central - EDN an he didna see her playin wi thaim, an he cudna seem tae stop hi
Central - EDN refreshment, bit sut doon wi thaim an in a business-like wey gie
Central - EDN ins, aless he cud catch up wi thaim. They were makin din eneuch.
Central - EDN ave o the Wanderers cam up wi thaim, the fifty-odd strinth o the
Central - EDN Derriakin, comin up wi thaim than, addit, “A man’s anc
Orkney - ORK e speed at's noo catcht up wi thaim.
Ulster - SYN be shair ït wull be waur wi thaim at tha Day o Reckonin."
Ulster - EUL Fur wi thaim wurds thegither soondit,
Ulster - SYN s name. Hïs mercie bides wi thaim that houls hïm ïn reverence
Central - SEC hat thae young fowk brings wi thaim frae the hame an the communit
Orkney - ORK says Noor, wishan sheu wis wi thaim noo, "and I don't see what th
Central - EDN wey – A’m guid freins wi thaim – hae a bit nyows whan we f
Ulster - SYN ane ïn for a bite tae eat wi thaim."
Central - SEC n he said that when he met wi thaim last week, he invitit thaim t
Doric - DOR The Lion hed jynit wi thaim file iss wes haadin furrit. H
Central - EDN e cud smuggle somebody oot wi thaim, bit Bill persuadit her that
Central - LAL ulder laddies an tak pairt wi thaim.
Central - LAL ble at something wis agley wi thaim. It wis no juist the
Orkney - ORK tae the floar. Thir plenty wi thaim. Eynar's waatchan fae ahint h
Southern - SEA The deid is gaen – wi thaim we canna speak.
Central - LAL Scots an the fowk that speak thaim.
Central - EDN n. He wisna able for tae shak thaim, an he wisna sire whedder the
Central - SEC He shak thaim aw bi the haun, an set hissel
Central - AYR n?' sneered Claverhouse. "Iak thaim baith awa doun aff this hill
Central - LAL Mak thaim devaill fra the muckle hechts
Central - AYR an spin the wool that wad mak thaim plaids an stockins an blanket
Central - AYR ey had been. Hee haw cuid mak thaim gang intae th' woods again. E
Doric - DOR the monitor gless. A coud mak thaim
Central - AYR but it cannae mak thaim think.
Shetland - SHD t wis still staundin, tae mak thaim hail an hauden. The Laich Hoo
Central - SEC Whit is it gaunae tak tae mak thaim see that Scots is the graith
Central - EDN He telt Malik tae mak thaim tea wi whisky in it, than he
Orkney - ORK as, somepiece a staen tae mak thaim intae meanan.
Central - EDN swans, the sister set tae mak thaim sarks o thristledown, the imp
Central - EDN ak oot her twa braids, an mak thaim intae yin.
Central - SEC eivin cheques tae mind an mak thaim oot tae "Richard Heinsar" an
Central - LAL it these things thegither mak thaim parent-pruif.
Central - SEC in the oncome shuid juist mak thaim oot tae "Scots Tung".
Central - EDN aks. Thair route hame wad tak thaim insteid across Xinjiang, or T
Central - SEC that the cooncillors wad tak thaim tae coort unner Airticle 10 o
Central - SEC s shuid dae. Ay, an A did tak thaim oot o context, but dileeberat
Central - SWE will God tak thaim intae Her shiel?
Central - EDN in. Bit afore she cud tak thaim, he turnt intae a swan, the j
Central - EDN hree generations back sud tak thaim tae a test tube in a Chinese
Ulster - PUL Theyd no be lukkin ye tae tak thaim oniewhar fancie."
Central - EDN hin. Whan a nurse cam tae tak thaim tae the ward, she juist leuki
Central - EDN , he wadna be the yin tae tak thaim.
Central - LAL ergy they can gaither tae tak thaim. Nivvertheless Murphy, the ke
Central - LAL irrots. You micht is weel tak thaim for ye'r ain mappies. A've no
Central - EDN tae cut some collops, an tak thaim tae the lads alang wi a joog
Central - EDN tae cut some collops, an tak thaim tae the lads alang wi ajoog o
Central - EDN d is contaminatit. Ye can tak thaim awa.”
Central - SEC at the'r nae wey they can tak thaim tae coort, for thon wad need
Southern - WCE 'Jist tak thaim tae the Basket Coonter.'
Central - WCE 'Jist tak thaim tae the Basket Coonter'.
Central - EDN ent aboot this. She wad track thaim doon an expose thaim whan ...
Central - EDN idna hae the skeels tae track thaim. Damn it aa, he didna e’en
Central - GLA t the seestem uized tae eleck thaim is said tae:-
Central - EDN e ayweys gied her tae colleck thaim in. Bit afore she cud tak tha
Central - EDN fire, an appeart tae inspeck thaim. “Ye’re no armed,” he s
Central - LAL s, the hairder it is tae pick thaim up on the list. Leuk at the N
Central - WCE mind you, ye cannae aye pick thaim richt eneuch,
Central - AYR ll fetch things when ye chuck thaim, an it'll sit up an beg for i
Doric - DOR troots sae its guid tae cleek thaim oot an lat the
Central - SEC ir vou ti’m, an wuid protek thaim frae the K’nicht’s
Central - SEC the mak o the machine at tuik thaim ti Carlyle, an
Central - LAL ast is takkity buits wad takk thaim.
Central - AYR e Covenant, they ett an drank thaim oot o hous an hame, afore rip
Central - SEC s honest words but dinnae ask thaim tae lower thirsels tae his we
Central - WCE e the same faut. Gif'n ye ask thaim tae sing
Central - EDN heid faa back again. He shuk thaim aff be crossin watter, bit th
Central - EDN narmed ... He cud maybes jouk thaim for a while amang the wagons,
Central - WCE ires that evvir an oan begowk thaim.
Central - SEC Ye can e-mail thaim at:-
Doric - DOR Dumphy. "There nae sinse til thaim, an they jist hinner me."
Central - EDN hed a waarm hert an spak til thaim direk-lik, wi quate patients
Ulster - GUL s taakin it siccar an eik til thaim wi mairkin oot wyes tha hanni
Doric - DOR at the skelfs as she cam til thaim.
Central - WCE or thae voters wha listen til thaim.
Doric - NNB Though he daes naethin til thaim;
Central - SEC cal insicht o thair awn intil thaim). An: ‘Thocht feinyeit fabi
Doric - DOR rr. "They ken I canna win til thaim!" it hechl't, lowtin its trim
Central - SEC erns wes nou cumin doun ontil thaim, an
Central - LAL an conformin thair lives til thaim. Wildlaw is a wey o life an a
Southern - SEA , whan yin speaks til thaim, i thair ain hamlet
Central - SEC s boss. Young Wullie says til thaim,
Central - EDN , appairently wintin tae sell thaim a puir deil they had gotten t
Central - SEC e SLS or ither curns tae sell thaim at the likes o the Collogue,
Doric - DOR blate-like. "Fou dae ye sell thaim?"
Central - SEC were, he never tried ti sell thaim ti me. Aa his time doun the p
Central - SEC e ye. Tell thae stories. Tell thaim tae yer freends, yer represen
Central - EDN twins an Beatrice cudna tell thaim apairt, certes no in the daur
Central - EDN h’d like it gin ye’d tell thaim aboot the rw.” He leukit at
Central - LALErm... are ye gaun'ae tell thaim or am A? https://t.co/ygwANMG
Central - SEC ht up tae pairsonnel tae tell thaim what like Stuart is, the gitt
Central - LAL faw's gaein tae tell thaim itherwise?
Southern - SEA an tell thaim nae mair can Ah thole it
Central - LAL, an thare are fowk that tell thaim that their Scots is bad, an t
Ulster - EUL ir wull eat an hae thair fill Thaim that him seek wull gie
Central - WCE fund aw the time noo, so will thaim that cin pey mair put their m
Doric - DOR e trowth o it, then mare fool thaim for nae pittin eneuch quines
Ulster - SYN saits ïn tha hoose, he toul thaim thïs parable: "Whaniver ye g
Ulster - SYN An he toul thaim thïs parable:
Ulster - BUL She toul thaim tae ax a grown-up at hame tae
Ulster - BUL Tha Docter toul thaim naw tae worry their heids -
Ulster - BUL Tha Docter toul thaim tha smittal bug lowps frae yi
Ulster - BUL Tha Docter toul thaim that wee smittal bugs cannae
Ulster - BUL Tha Docter toul thaim that by haein a bit o guid va
Ulster - SYN Jesus toul thaim on nae accoont tae say tae on
Central - LAL an thaim fae
Central - SWE an thaim lang syne depairtit.
Ulster - EUL An thaim yins wi religious cause.
Central - LAL an thaim writin
Central - LAL gs an bings o information, an thaim that ettles tae kiver thair e
Ulster - SYN a leven gethert thegither, an thaim that wur wi thaim. "Tha Loard
Central - LAL an discussions bi lawers, an thaim intressit in Environmental La
Central - LAL God wis taen for grantit, an thaim that haed maucht an rule took
Central - LAL Fans o greasy pastry, an thaim no worriet by the thocht o bl
Central - AYR ime wi you an his bairn - an thaim still tae come.' He stoppt, a
Ulster - SYN An the' wur wile scarred. An thaim that haed saen tha healin o t
Central - AYR y had less mous tae feed than thaim wi ten weans,
Central - GLA no hae naebodie eleckit than thaim that haes the maist drochline
Central - WCE an suggestions athoot thinkan thaim thru.’
Southern - SWE o the students mebbes ken an thaim whae want tae ken mair aboot
Southern - SEA deceesion an thaim whae cuidna bother thair heid
Southern - SEA generation an thaim afore at n’. Anither phenom
Central - SWE oan thaim, trevelt no travelled owre gr
Central - AYR want the hevins tae drap oan thaim.
Central - LAL for Hanover an thaim for the Jacobites. The war Ja
Central - LAL ions wi Scots stakehauders an thaim wi interest in the leid. In t
Orkney - ORK nce is blate. 'I wirno uissan thaim. Better ithoot.' Darling trys
Central - LAL vernment's support o Scots an thaim thit are wantin for tae uise
Central - LAL brig atween us an thaim. Jamie wis a wee thing younge
Orkney - ORK at Olaf wi his bairn, liftan thaim an birlan roond, an at the ne
Central - SEC dolts fir we kid a understan thaim bit they couldna unerstan us
Central - SEC It taen thaim a year or mair
Doric - DOR "But gin ye hedna deen thaim," the Queen said, "aat hed be
Central - EDN aith-defyinly at. He’d seen thaim jooglin open knifes an thrawi
Central - SEC ers an ither tredsmen an seen thaim shoggin thair heids. He come
Central - SEC ATWEEN thaim, the Herald an Glesca Univers
Ulster - GUL d o' Ulster-Scotch tae atween thaim commission
Central - LAL bein a twa-horse race atween thaim an the Tories wull stairt tae
Central - LAL -18ct century wis tore atween thaim for Hanover an thaim for the
Central - LAL ce. Thare wis nae brig atween thaim an
Central - LAL indwellers. The cleck atween thaim, Niall, the ainly son, bein O
Central - LAL Unnerstaunin atween thaim an ithers,4
Central - EDN amaist see the tension atween thaim. Bill drappit his gaze first.
Central - SEC he regional diffrences atween thaim is learned. The language uise
Central - LAL s taks, say five seats atween thaim in Wales an England, we can a
Central - AYR wad rin back an forrit atween thaim, lauchin an daffin, sclimmin
Ulster - SYN air wus nae love loast atween thaim.
Central - EDN n. Whit had went agley atween thaim? Maybe the hunter had tane he
Central - WCE wean, skipt tentlessly atween thaim,
Ulster - GUL t in the commonity, an' affen thaim at dae ir young fowk wi' a fe
Central - SEC he consait that she haed gien thaim some howp for the weird o the
Ulster - PUL o Wullie's mugs tae shed gien thaim a guid scoorin oot.
Central - EDN uzzlet reactions, bit he gien thaim a haun an they silently clamb
Central - SEC Devolution haes gien thaim custody o yin o the best lite
Central - SEC "Devolution haes gien thaim custody o yin o the best lite
Southern - SWEidhdouglas Oh aye. Grand. Ken thaim fine tho no THAT weel! Ta, il
Central - LAL me a wee nod, tho I didna ken thaim, an I jaloused at thay maun b
Central - SEC wantit ti ken thaim in the first place. I'd heard
Central - SEC he media thae days. Ye'll ken thaim yersel.
Central - AYR r, I hae my douts gin you ken thaim aither!" An the Eaglet drappt
Ulster - SYN ïs wusdom sayed, 'A wull sen thaim proafits an possels. The' wul
Central - SEC thair hale life history ooten thaim.
Ulster - SYN In thaim days Jhone tha Baptiser cum p
Southern - WCE caa'in thaim on tae the mercat o Tam's mis
Central - SEC rra nicht, sen he cuidna hain thaim oniemair. This
Central - SEC haud ane ei on’m ir ti hain thaim frae hiz
Central - SEC he howes o thair feit ti hain thaim frae the roch glidders o
Central - SEC fleecin thaim o their siller for oor ain gr
Central - EDN ake tae Bill afore introducin thaim. “Ah haena telt thaim naeth
Central - EDN Hsien’s shoothers. Kneadin thaim in a companionable wey, he le
Central - SEC screived his brain pooer. Ein thaim at'd nivver tyauved alangside
Central - SEC ti hae a shottie at follaein thaim. Heir ma taill o aunter an je
Central - EDN pin things wi a gurl an laein thaim wi a lauch, ti fung itsell on
Southern - SWEties an the folk whae bade in thaim.
Central - WCE happier than ye mind o seein thaim since. Cries o Yes2!, which t
Central - LAL noble savage’, an no seein thaim as real fowk.
Central - LAL the voters micht stairt seein thaim as pairt o the establishment.
Central - SEC e selt on the mainland, giein thaim e'en mair profit nor the 'awf
Central - EDN wis ayeweys me endit up giein thaim a sair face, mind! Christ ken
Central - SEC ir quaichs again athoot giein thaim a guid rin for thair siller.
Central - LAL ars isna the same as appliein thaim tae Scots. Pit it this wey, b
Ulster - PUL denner. "Yer no goat's toe in thaim claes, Aim tellin ye. Yell ha
Central - SEC nkers skinkilt whan shae sein thaim. Shae tuik
Central - SEC randice o sauf passage atwein thaim.
Central - EDN llaed a battil o luiks atwein thaim; bot the skipper suin knukkil
Central - AYR s fan an gloves-gin I can fin thaim." Juist then, she cam on a na
Ulster - SYN the' kent he haed spauk agin thaim ïn thïs parable. But the' w
Southern - SEA necessar ti tak a staun agin thaim, bi restoring the oreiginal n
Central - EDN e-flee till it laid an egg in thaim. Ah observe.” He stuck oot
Central - SEC otes an pown notes an flingin thaim on the table. Efter a bit, th
Central - LAL ahin thaim.
Central - EDN , the soons o fechtin reachin thaim clearly. Beatrice checkit an
Central - SEC Nearly catchin thaim off gaird.
Central - EDN the ither man been... watchin thaim, if that wis the richt wird?
Central - EDN tae the men wha were smashin thaim up tae cairry on.
Central - LAL , as monie haed been expeckin thaim tae dae.
Central - SEC ben, an steikin thaim agane. Than he set hissell do
Central - SEC eydentlie bekkin thaim aff the schep an ontil the ki
Central - SEC st, mebbe we shuid try cookin thaim parritch, insteid o buyin a c
Central - EDN on wi some kinna soor dook in thaim. Beatrice saw that Hsien’s
Central - SEC realised ah'd been scribblin thaim in Scots. "Disnae ken whit ta
Central - SEC ister, Lewis MacDonald tellin thaim the wad maist like be an aff-
Central - EDN t up. The guidwife wis tellin thaim tae gang, an tae keep quate s
Central - EDN it. Wis there ony pynt tellin thaim whaur he wis fae? Better wait
Southern - SEA wa smaw bodies, wi nae ill in thaim.
Central - SEC ved out, smourin an blakkenin thaim, dravin thaim
Central - AYR on folk, an threshin an finin thaim that dinnae attend the curate
Central - EDN er, flexin her feet an twinin thaim angrily aroon the bottom o he
Central - SEC We didna hae a television in thaim days. I suppose we had a wire
Ulster - PUL e lot o wabsters in Newton in thaim days, an the' maistlie wrocht
Central - EDN d clearly resentit Bill jynin thaim at first, an only gradually a
Central - LAL e ‘rogue’ Tories, allooin thaim tae threip that their nationa
Central - EDN ayin that tae actively halpin thaim. An yit, athoot really intend
Central - LAL "Ay, an she'd bother keppin thaim oan whan thai Poles wir doon
Central - SEC nippin thaim i the brawns fell sair.
Central - EDN in towart the first an coupin thaim ower - an cairried her aff.
Central - LAL kinks as gin thay war hearin thaim for the first time. It
Central - LAL raws o Coalhoose an compeerin thaim wi the stourie streets o Lo
Central - LAL s aboot whits bin slauchterin thaim?"
Central - EDN tion aye cried it, deleeverin thaim tae Anxi, an fae there it wis
Central - SEC n ahent the hinges an leverin thaim aff the door standart. Nou ge
Central - SEC the estaiblishment an speirin thaim tae dae this thon an the nixt
Central - SEC it's no as if we war speirin thaim tae hae the news read oot in
Central - LAL dies that gaes aboot explorin thaim an whit graith thay uise for
Central - WCE Ignorin thaim wha'd like tae chip thaim oot
Central - EDN t at the boys in turn, daurin thaim tae cry hima leear.
Central - SEC readers did an wi him yaisin thaim ilka week in the Sunday Post
Ulster - GUL hures 'at pits fowk aff uisin thaim or skaiths tha fennin or oncu
Central - LAL wadnae lukked oot o pliss in thaim. In fac the buits, alang wi t
Central - EDN is worth the tribble o lowsin thaim. He heard the barkin an fowk
Central - SEC s, on the telly. Efter beatin thaim 1-0 at Hampden, the pundits w
Ulster - GUL fae church based curns heftin thaim tae address thair lack o' acc
Central - AYR Anointin thaim as the air saftly sighs.
Ulster - GUL fur pattèrn, throch soartin thaim wi vaigin musick an daunce la
Ulster - GUL fur pattèrn, throch soartin thaim wi vaigin musick an daunce la
Central - LAL c speakers, ultimately castin thaim as the ‘ither’ or ‘nobl
Central - LAL h settlers’, sicweys gettin thaim in the exact wrang order, see
Central - AYR sae by his faither for lettin thaim doun. 'Honour thy father and
Central - EDN ttit hiz hade. Eftir greittin thaim weill the cheif telt thaim at
Central - EDN cud dae somethin aboot gittin thaim hame. He had tae git tae the
Southern - SWE Ah cannae keep up. Am pittin thaim thegither no
Ulster - GUL o screengin, takkin in pittin thaim afore tha Männystries furtae
Ulster - SYN n nicht? He'll no keep pittin thaim aff, sae he'll no. A'm tellin
Central - SEC ds athoot ony big fowk flytin thaim.
Central - SWE will slype abuin thaim aw,
Central - EDN eukit at the pass heich abuin thaim, aamaist at the snawline, whi
Central - LAL e sooth. Heid an haunds abuin thaim aw haes been the legacy o par
Central - SEC n the byordnar brawness abuin thaim.
Central - SEC , dravin thaim
Central - WCE ddie, whit hae ye been servin thaim?”
Southern - SEA in thay kent whit wes befawin thaim,
Central - LAL thocht she lukked gey braw in thaim. She wis aroon fifteen yeir a
Central - EDN ooglin open knifes an thrawin thaim tae ither, on the yin occasio
Central - AYR igs in Mairch an April, sawin thaim wi oats an bear in Mey while
Central - SEC hey hae nae abeility at aw in thaim.
Central - SEC the bairns Scots an na-sayin thaim onie learnin o English at aw.
Central - WCE tae the person ye were sayin thaim tae. An ower an ower again, y
Central - LAL nse tae ye, hae a go at sayin thaim oot lood.
Central - LAL rs) thocht God wis chastifyin thaim for thair sins. Jillings taks
Southern - SWEk. Yon's hoo we grew up cryin thaim. Fae the Gaelic, gòbhlag. An
Central - EDN acks o vegetables an cairryin thaim whaurever the customers winti
Central - EDN She gaed awa, lea’in thaim dumfoonert.
Central - EDN eit wi a couthie lauch. “In thaim ir out o’m, it disna maitte
Doric - DOR he wes naarhan the weerg o jn thaim out loud:
Central - SEC or young folk were impaled on thaim, an the bluid wis dreep, dree
Central - AYR cks in chains, I prevailed on thaim tae fear nocht an be o guid h
Ulster - EUL Guid on thaim aa
Central - LAL ist sit ahint it, we'll be on thaim afore they ken ocht aboot it.
Central - LAL the bairn king an revenge on thaim that murdert the Lord Jeems,
Central - EDN han the Chinese opent fire on thaim. “Dinna fire!” he gollert
Central - LAL inti cliché. Leukin back on thaim nou,
Central - EDN had played a rotten trick on thaim, bit Hsien didna complain. He
Central - EDN t the attention o the room on thaim. He glowert roond. Naebody du
Doric - DOR "It's bidin on thaim eenou," said Hattare; "Iss is
Ulster - PUL on gate but fur tae lan in on thaim. The’ niver saa anither sow
Central - EDN whaur the boys wis waitin on thaim. Whan thair faither brocht Bi
Central - LAL whiles, an cryin on thaim ti git out o his road an aff
Central - SEC othian Cooncil nem an logo on thaim haes been pit up aw ower sind
Central - AYR h' tree n sterted lukin aroon thaim fur a few minutes. Then yin o
Central - EDN n the acteevity gaun on aroon thaim, “these are the Wanderers.
Central - EDN A lauch gaed up aroon thaim.
Central - EDN micht bolt. The guards aroon thaim raised thair wappons. Ah dinn
Central - EDN men an weemen, gaithered roon thaim an swept thaim intae a muckle
Central - EDN n. Five bottles wad gang roon thaim.
Central - EDN n. Five bottles wad gang roon thaim.
Southern - WCE The douce kye skelpit roon thaim wi their tails
Central - WCE ks in Scots an danced jigs on thaim, an fínish up wi Ally Heathe
Central - LAL ny or me, tho I hae thocht on thaim aften doun the years. Hou
Central - LAL unin free shuid be grundit on thaim that‟s set oot in Pairt 7 o
Doric - DOR i ‘Paralytics’ prentit on thaim. A jaloused thay wir lik doc-
Ulster - GUL nt tha innins o whut tae larn thaim in schuils adae wi Ulstèr-Sc
Central - EDN en hiv had a chaunce tae warn thaim?
Ulster - SYN doon fire frae haiven an burn thaim aa up, [jist as Elijah dïd.]
Southern - SEA e wul cum that wul unnerstaun thaim as ye hae duin. A millenium i
Central - LAL tae the fowk that unnerstaun thaim.
Ulster - PUL She fun thaim - Wullie an Maggie - - Doo
Central - EDN that own thaim, wi wids becomin fields becom
Central - LAL o thaim haed adae wi menu chyces an d
Central - LAL o thaim thit cam
Central - AYR O thaim wha’d turn back tides, or t
Ulster - SYN o thaim yin goold coing, an he sayed
Central - LAL o thaim thit
Ulster - SYN o thaim, cryin oot:
Central - WCE he hinmaist o the gospels, (o thaim at ir canonical, onie-hou), a
Central - EDN uddenly he wis feart o her, o thaim. They were deidly serious, in
Central - LAL tert uisers less nor 50,000 o thaim haes the premium accoonts tha
Central - LAL that owerheid juist 15,000 o thaim is loggit in at the ae time,
Southern - SEA e praisence o the speerits; o thaim focks thit yaised tae
Central - WCE o the seeven seas, aa o thaim endurin a life o sair darg,
Central - LAL Hi”, an thay answert, aa o thaim, tentie an watchfu, wi a
Central - AYR Twa o thaim were thrawn, determined-luiki
Central - EDN he back o a ferm cairt. Twa o thaim kept him there while the ithe
Central - EDN The twa o thaim cam back late on the saicont
Central - EDN wee touch as weill. The twa o thaim met her ee an repeatit the il
Central - LAL la's swingin shuin. The twa o thaim aw the while rairin, squalloc
Central - LAL t Mary’s fingers. The twa o thaim wir injoyin thirsells.
Central - LAL in at Kate realized the twa o thaim haed growen that pack wi ithe
Central - LAL weyin it up, syne the twa o thaim stuid thegither in the gloami
Central - SEC s cuid whiles yaise the twa o thaim is swearywirds athoot ony big
Central - LAL is gittin fashed wi the twa o thaim. "Dinnae tell me ye cannae mi
Central - LAL rin wi a wheen fowk the twa o thaim didna ken. Thair mither lost
Central - LAL tellin her again at the twa o thaim wad gang wi her an thay cuid
Doric - DOR ause there wes jist the twa o thaim, an Ailice at linth cwid finn
Central - SEC s tae be answered an wi twa o thaim no bein applicable tae Scots,
Central - EDN wan tae the Chinese, an twa o thaim claucht him be the erms, Beat
Central - EDN ey wident the circle an twa o thaim gied up stanes they were sitt
Central - EDN e icebreakers, includin twa o thaim wha were weemen.
Central - LAL I teuk tent o twa o thaim in parteecular. Baith publish
Ulster - SYN ollaers. An he caad for twa o thaim an sint thaim tae tha Loard f
Ulster - EUL He knowed tha seed an breed o thaim aa.
Ulster - SYN o tha Twal, wus at tha heid o thaim. An he waakit up tae Jesus, a
Central - WCE An the bluid o thaim wha wir sacrificed
Central - SWE an whae's got haud o thaim fir whit.
Central - LAL iblins the grandest science o thaim aw acause it inrowes braidly
Central - LALevencColeman There’s shree o thaim. Heard that. Also chree with
Central - SEC hree characters each. Three o thaim includes animals: Glen Eagle
Central - EDN ie the neist day. The three o thaim haunled the subjeck ower an o
Central - EDN ie the neist day. The three o thaim haunled the subjeck ower an o
Central - LAL initeive, but gin the three o thaim haed wun ti the end o thair h
Central - LAL tellin him o hou the three o thaim lou'd him an whitna wunnerfu
Central - EDN o a thrawback - bit three o thaim? Whit
Central - EDN o a thrawback - bit three o thaim? Whit had the Chinese been up
Central - LAL "Ay, it's the big daddie o thaim aw!" said Trev's faither proo
Central - LAL vyaachles at minds a bodie o thaim yaised as barricades in Pragu
Central - SEC . Izatt's tribute is wurdie o thaim.
Ulster - GUL An noo the hale thie o thaim bides oan — feth, howp an l
Central - LAL a kinna new thing fur monie o thaim, an they mibbies dinna unners
Central - WCE withstaun the hait nor onie o thaim!
Ulster - PUL Tha thrie o thaim Leevin abane.
Central - LAL A pickle o thaim giein a repone micht gie thei
Central - EDN e had gotten in wi a couple o thaim online. Whan they fund oot he
Central - LAL This braw photie minded me o thaim. https://t.co/rPjJ1PzdTo
Central - LAL Some o thaim
Doric - DOR They're unco thraavin, some o thaim-verbs in parteiclar, they're
Central - GLA Chucky bools, some o thaim
Central - SEC a braid chyce o plays, some o thaim written an
Central - EDN at a short distance. Some o thaim were leukin back ower thair s
Central - SEC er kinna Glesca Slang. Some o thaim wull nae doot be stertin tae
Central - EDN his fellae passengers: some o thaim wis noo warslin wi thair ain
Central - LAL@jpm1952 Gonna get me some o thaim!
Central - EDN place as a servant wi some o thaim. Bit if she has a babby boy,
Central - AYR n in at the windae, an some o thaim stottit aff her heid. "T'll p
Doric - DOR een is the maist angersome o thaim aa-but I'se tell ye fit I'll
Central - DUN eptable amang at least some o thaim that flourishit thru their su
Central - EDN “Some o thaim micht be,” Derry sayed. “
Central - EDN “Some o thaim maybes cam amangst us - desp
Central - EDN lowe?” he sayed. “Some o thaim wis ower busy pittin oot the
Central - WCE Woodville’s forefowk, ane o thaim a wumman wha cairriet oot gru
Central - EDN re’s thy pal, Bill - ane o thaim is gaan tae cut his thrapple!
Central - AYR tin wi the meenister - ane o thaim William Aird o Crosflats - f
Central - LAL thocht juist ower lang. Ane o thaim is the maist important scriev
Central - SEC e an its history. I hae ane o thaim on ma bookshelfahint me as I
Central - SEC nd's ee I can stull see ane o thaim whaur Wallace’s sodgers hid
Orkney - ORK Nane o thaim noticed a muckle cattie-face
Central - EDN t at the en o the day, nane o thaim really maitter. Facts mey be
Central - SEC ti weitnes the ferlie. Nane o thaim kent
Central - SEC the schuil playgrund an ane o thaim in particlar wis gey ee-catch
Central - SEC rbye thair ain wares an ane o thaim that catched the ee o a passi
Central - LAL er, twa wis straucht an ane o thaim wis thrawn. The clay davie sl
Central - EDN ouldna get up nor leuk nane o thaim in the face. Efter a while, t
Central - SEC gien for jalousin that nane o thaim, for aw thair uphaudin words,
Central - LAL d - it wis clear that nane o thaim kent whit wis whit. An aye we
Central - SEC deid but the fact that nane o thaim were landing meant that white
Central - LAL glad niver tae hae met nane o thaim, an he wis in throu the richt
Central - EDN puckle mair monks, bit nane o thaim spake nor shawed nae interest
Central - AYR er wee, for it wad fit nane o thaim. Houever, on the saicont time
Central - LAL lloquial American, but nane o thaim is the richt register for exp
Central - EDN eatrice’s heid. “No ane o thaim luiks lik a descendant tae me
Central - EDN eatrice’s heid. “No ane o thaim luiks lik a descendant tae me
Central - WCE at, sen or awn leid (or ane o thaim) is the Inglis, syne atweill
Central - WCE ! The rael storie (or ane o thaim), in sae ferr as it exists, d
Central - WCE icht medium for him (or ane o thaim). Admeittedlie, he didna hail
Central - SEC ven hae a watch. Ah wis ane o thaim wha'd naither. Acause Ah kent
Central - AYR Broun o Priesthill wis ane o thaim - alang wi her twa laddies.
Southern - SEA It wis it ane o thaim dances whaur A, masel, laist
Central - AYR yn William Cleland shot ane o thaim deid. John Broun, alang wi th
Central - LAL an daily specials, but ane o thaim,
Central - SEC til the guid-wull an mense o thaim wha wark for the forderin o S
Central - LAL curnie fowk that the sense o thaim
Central - LAL mean . . . ?' ti mak sense o thaim. Ower suin, it wis the words
Central - LAL duin an by wi, the gate o thaim chynged again. Thay fell quat
Central - LAL wsin. Forbye that, the gate o thaim wis ane at ye micht eith mist
Southern - SWEt mair tae me than the lave o thaim ??
Central - GLA ls tae the heids o the lave o thaim and said “Fecht thae nats l
Central - LAL nday efter this at the lave o thaim lairnt o't. Thay haed been sp
Central - LAL the maist important scrieve o thaim aw, an a gey important ane, h
Central - LAL presentation in the setting o thaim. He’s askin anaw if ony o t
Central - LAL ay davie sleepit i the scug o thaim. The time he wis sleepin, the
Central - SEC 'minority languages', baith o thaim bein muckle languages an A th
Ulster - SYN nae hae weans; an tha baith o thaim wus weel up ïn yeirs.
Doric - DOR ce begoud, "Weel! The baith o thaim war richt ill-hertit hempies-
Central - LAL is pouin awa frae the baith o thaim. Nou she wis sweir ti ring An
Central - EDN un be relatit tae the baith o thaim an aa. Beatrice studied thair
Central - LAL cht hae gree'd wi the baith o thaim; but itherwhiles, whan it fel
Central - WCE ower a baurel, an the baith o thaim kent it.
Central - EDN ptain’s face - for baith o thaim, maybes. Kamil kissed Beatric
Central - EDN n, she wad fin yin or baith o thaim gleg at her shoother.
Central - LAL t is MacDiarmid. It's baith o thaim and nane o thaim and faur mai
Central - EDN at Hsien, an hushlet baith o thaim awa.
Orkney - ORK Eftir, the both o thaim lie i thir bunks
Southern - SEA the feck o thaim ootlins, whae hev mair raicen
Central - SEC e language's name, the feck o thaim isna awaur the language they
Central - SEC ge an forbye that, the feck o thaim dinna ken the language they s
Central - LAL oems as poems? For the feck o thaim, he wudna. True, sum ir prose
Central - LAL ht mair cliver nor the feck o thaim. She didna gie vyce ti this;
Ulster - GUL der yins, wi tha maist feck o thaim 55 yeir auld an ower.
Ulster - SYN es tae shame, tha hale lock o thaim; an aa tha fowk wus hairt-gle
Central - SEC Scots fowk, a certain cleek o thaim. It comes
Central - LAL at Jamie an the ithers teuk o thaim an
Central - SEC the Lowdens syde an wyde ablo thaim. Thai pyntit
Central - WCE ae somebody's tote bag full o thaim, whaur they'd been flung wanh
Central - WCE t in wi in Lallans 81), sum o thaim verra mirk an harrowin.
Central - LAL ttoos, an messy bairds; sum o thaim are wavin flags aboot – fla
Central - LAL is it no jist ghastly? Sum o thaim hae got tattoos, an messy bai
Central - LAL ter R efter a vowel, an sum o thaim probably yaises rude wurds on
Central - WCE But, no thaim
Central - SEC biggers that bigg't it - no thaim!
Central - SEC ft ahint ower fower thousan o thaim! Forby thir, he can awn sax t
Central - SEC t deals wi the wey each wan o thaim deals wi Jimmy's discovery o
Central - LAL @NicBhatair A'm wantin wan o thaim! :D Whaur can A git it?
Central - LAL the CD player, but it's wan o thaim whaur ye ken she's no wantin
Doric - DOR I nae like fine tae be een o thaim! I wadna myn bein a Pawn, gin
Central - EDN - an there maun be a wheen o thaim - tae reconeck wi their ain
Southern - SEA e fallaen Leet, is ae wheen o thaim documents thit A hae i mynd:
Central - LAL kittlesome, for a gey wheen o thaim war bleck
Doric - DOR thin ye met 'Ailice' or een o thaim answer't! But they wadna answ
Doric - DOR e filkeen wes filk, for een o thaim hed "DUM" broderit on his col
Central - SEC er o weeks. The'r fowerteen o thaim or the noo an the spellins ha
Central - EDN - ten o thaim - are haadin him doon! Wad t
Central - EDN goller. “Ten o thaim! Ging for thaim!” Than he w
Central - LAL s unco wecht wis the undain o thaim baith. She wis ower fat tae w
Southern - SEA mei hert kent ffirstaundin o thaim portions o scripter, at A hed
Central - WCE 'd wun til a mukkil clekkin o thaim. Syne, ae day, wi ma new orde
Central - SEC er nor cooperation, thinkin o thaim an us, insteid o juist us.
Ulster - GUL wye the'll owertak a kennin o thaim (Airticle 7, shaidin 1.g)
Central - EDN thair faither wis awa, yin o thaim - Bill wad eventually recogn
Central - EDN men there, aa Uighers, yin o thaim juist a lad, sittin cross-leg
Central - EDN . For aa Beatrice kent, yin o thaim cud hae been the ilk cave wha
Central - LAL his day, 17th February, yin o thaim wis executed. He wis James Re
Central - EDN im yae day in the mine. Yin o thaim held Nusiret while the ithers
Central - EDN tarpaulin-covert back. Yin o thaim flaggit it doon, an the neist
Central - EDN hawed fowk's reactions. Yin o thaim said they had nae idea so man
Central - SEC . Dave managed tae grab yin o thaim roond the throat and kilt it
Central - SEC Did yin o thaim, at the entry,
Central - AYR uist hae tae speir frae yin o thaim whit the kintrae's name is, y
Central - SWE In ma mind A'm yin o thaim,
Central - EDN Chinese men cam oot an yin o thaim begoud tae niffer wi the larr
Central - EDN e bairns, an she thocht yin o thaim micht even greet. She tore he
Central - EDN ed in white kurtas, bit yin o thaim leukit Tibetan. Nine point fi
Central - EDN orious ex-miners - ony yin o thaim cud been Iskander’s granfai
Central - LAL Weel, I'm no thaim! - My fegs, ye're fair flee-
Central - EDN No a wumman, man or bairn o thaim mindit wis till thee, no ane.
Central - LAL as wurna ill stood tae alloo thaim as wur poorly tae lie doon. T
Ulster - GUL an' we alloo thaim tae bae intherdependent. They
Central - EDN allanced the jaud kist atap o thaim.
Central - SEC o cauld clean watter on tap o thaim an twa,three lang shelf on th
Central - EDN t hae tae steer weill clear o thaim. Masel an ... the blin man wi
Southern - SEA ei sacrifeesed on the altar o thaim twae saicred Kye, i perpetuit
Doric - DOR mair feart o us than oo war o thaim. A juist wantit tae respect t
Doric - DOR in tae shak hanns wi aither o thaim first, for fear o miscomfitti
Central - LAL s little comfort for aither o thaim.
Central - EDN did. Bit if it wisna either o thaim, the twa men that
Central - EDN r a lang while afore either o thaim cud spick again.
Central - LAL r or the Tories. Gin either o thaim faws short o a majority, as l
Central - AYR ar, but feared that neither o thaim wad see oot anither winter.
Central - SEC wantin (1) an (2)." Anither o thaim wis, "Guid freends dinna faw
Central - SEC ttention areddies. A nummer o thaim haes been pit up in libraries
Central - LAL eid throu heezin the nummer o thaim thit kin uise an unnerstaun t
Central - AYR Dragoons! Over a hunner o thaim, horsemen an fuit sodgers, na
Central - SEC face, it's juist a maitter o thaim gittin tae be croose in the s
Central - EDN Ragoran the hunter - fower o thaim - ten o thaim - are haadin
Central - EDN the solar batteries. Fower o thaim ambushed him yae day in the m
Central - EDN er flowin through it. Fower o thaim wis pickin up bits o debris a
Ulster - GUL ls forbye. Cosie, tha fower o thaim bis aye braver than juist tha
Central - LAL n or shuntit twa-three mair o thaim aff intae the apocrypha, thar
Central - GLA The pair o thaim, haundsome young men
Orkney - ORK is kent the meenit the pair o thaim landed. So whan Higgie says,
Central - LAL wey. He'd furst becam awaur o thaim near a week syne, awa doon th
Central - EDN chyngin tae suit the needs o thaim that own thaim, wi wids becom
Central - EDN pittin laund in the haunds o thaim wi a muckle stake in it, repo
Central - SEC on. Aiblins fowks the likes o thaim wisna heidie eneuch tae lairn
Central - LAL pricked by the canny wiles o thaim that bides ablow sterrs. The
Central - WCE will come in the lifetimes o thaim wha wir inspired bi him. It's
Central - LAL haurd life an tyauvin times o thaim that wis, an aye still is, at
Central - WCE , digging oot auld pictures o thaim haudin up Yes signs an leukin
Central - LAL proclamation that the heris o thaim that wis slain in the fechtin
Central - EDN d in, there wad be thoosans o thaim owercast on the Border afore
Central - SWE stanes, makkin redd cairns o thaim - but the fower year syne he
Central - SEC he maist kenspeckle ongauns o thaim aw maun shuirly be the first
Central - LAL throu increasin the nummers o thaim thit's lairnin, spikkin an ui
Central - SEC winna mak uiss o thaim for thairsels? The government
Central - GLA s, paper pokes, and packets o thaim bogles
Central - SEC oachin an the'r nae reports o thaim garrin onie stramashes. He th
Central - LAL raws upon raws o thaim,
Central - EDN for thair evenin meal. Echt o thaim were the same pheesical type
Central - LAL Or the sicht o thaim eatin,
Central - LAL ke bi a significant percent o thaim thit bide there. Haudin thit
Central - LAL up the hull an bull the lot o thaim!"
Central - SEC richt oot o him And he oot o thaim.
Central - LAL ant tae get information oot o thaim.”? I hae ma doots.
Central - EDN ame no tae get the weir oot o thaim. That wis whit Maa sayed. She
Central - EDN r tae prise confidences oot o thaim.
Ulster - SYN wi that! For A say that oot o thaim stanes God can mak weans for
Central - SEC hae thair Scots dingit oot o thaim. He threapit the Scots Execut
Central - SEC air ain language beltit oot o thaim at the schuil if they daured
Central - EDN ely it had been battert oot o thaim ower the generations o fundam
Central - EDN hair new frein Hsien, maist o thaim seemt tae be Uighurs, bit on
Central - EDN Crabbit aald weemen, maist o thaim.” He gabblet in a nasal vyc
Central - SEC thae days. Howanever, maist o thaim is seen tae be warkin cless a
Central - SEC psteerers an writers, maist o thaim bein sweir tae yaise spoken S
Central - SEC be articulate in it, maist o thaim chuise no tae lat thirsels be
Central - EDN ey made room for him. Maist o thaim juist leukit like fermservant
Central - EDN ommissiont plant, the maist o thaim security men, an uncomplicati
Central - AYR e; but neist day, the maist o thaim stoutly mairched onwards tae
Ulster - GUL ill an withal tha foremaist o thaim aa is luive.
Central - EDN k on the ward, though maist o thaim wis in the recreation room. S
Central - WCE an ye cannae argue wi maist o thaim. She talks aboot the problems
Central - SEC le towmonds syne. Lik maist o thaim, it's a vailuable addeition t
Central - EDN sicht o daylicht, an maist o thaim chose for tae spen it ootside
Central - LAL a feel ower vexed. An maist o thaim dae dree sic a weird, includi
Central - SEC e in thair lives whan maist o thaim war still thinkin in Scots. N
Central - LAL soonds in Scots, sin maist o thaim is the same as English. Scots
Central - LAL litics, no fitba! – maist o thaim probably dinna ken that ye’
Central - SEC 'Aw o thaim.' she seyd tippin back her he
Central - GLA And aw o thaim, her, and him, and thaim and
Orkney - ORK k fer weeks, an burns a few o thaim tae her awn slaet tae ameuse
Central - LAL le majorities in a guid few o thaim. The SNP wull need at the ski
Central - LAL ang syne thare wis that few o thaim. Nories anent langage gien ex
Central - EDN er whaur. Beatrice’s view o thaim wis expandit whan a group o h
Central - WCE An ah've worked in six o thaim owre the years;
Central - LAL . He’s askin anaw if ony o thaim wad cam on the record tae gua
Central - SEC ing A fin wi students (mony o thaim students o Scottish Literatur
Central - AYR ung, herty an hirplin. Mony o thaim had left hame in the wee smaa
Central - EDN in-servant apartments. Mony o thaim had genuine needs tae keep Dr
Central - EDN n his pooches ~ he had mony o thaim, in his troosers an in his sa
Central - SEC an awfu peety that sae mony o thaim, includin the likes o Kay Ada
Central - AYR then... we dinnae see mony o thaim hereaboots'
Central - SEC d burthday an bids him mony o thaim. It wis juist unner a year sy
Central - SEC um truith in this (tho mony o thaim that eat a puir diet stey in
Central - LAL Ukraine, whaur thare's mony o thaim 'at canna speak Ukrainian) -
Central - SEC en words cause it gart mony o thaim tae feel like big jessies whe
Central - SEC y mention o the names o ony o thaim wha were there tae sing, play
Central - AYR id hae been chynged for ony o thaim.
Central - EDN min fae Raggle. No that ony o thaim Beatrice had ever met cud scr
Central - EDN he addit hopefully, “ony o thaim cud be wir freins just the sa
Central - EDN roch crood an he wis tenty o thaim. Still, they kent thair wey a
Central - SEC It wes gey sair ti chap thaim aff, sae A speired at Broun t
Central - EDN bit o droggit flesh tae keep thaim quate an slip roon the ootsid
Central - LAL n telt it’s needit tae keep thaim sauf. It disna wark, o coorse
Central - AYR mebbe oor guid Duke will keep thaim aa buchtit up in the Hielans
Central - WCE ine developin nations an keep thaim on the neoliberal path. Whit
Central - SEC hair Scots dictionars an keep thaim up tae date. The new updatit
Central - SEC lae yer haunds gae, bit keep thaim aff yer heid,' Maw Mawhinney
Central - EDN “Keep thaim oot?” Raggle speirt, puzzle
Central - EDN “Keep thaim aff cultivatit lan,” he exp
Central - EDN mouls,” he sayed. “Steep thaim, than Ah’ll rub thaim doon.
Ulster - BUL ng’rs in tha saip, then dip thaim in til tha watter.
Central - SEC red buiks an peypers, ti halp thaim furm a solit
Central - LAL irly new formation didna help thaim onie, an they feinisht this e
Central - LAL place an help thaim aa git by the neist bit. Wi t
Central - LALback o the Union. Dinnae lump thaim aw thegither. Dinnae pigeon h
Central - EDN blast. Kamile tried tae stop thaim bein braken up. “Dinna do t
Orkney - ORK irtners; next a set tae frapp thaim ap, an than a waaltz.
Central - SEC airds mintit ti upcum an grup thaim. Bot
Central - LAL Scotland’s oer sma, A hear thaim say.
Central - WCE ears! Ye'll nae want tae hear thaim speir;
Central - SEC he wedder-cocks upby, ye hear thaim craik;
Southern - SEA an Ah hear thaim sayin, thinks Ah:
Central - SEC es back frae lettin fowk hear thaim conversin in Scots in public.
Central - SEC ge in public an lat fowk hear thaim uisin the language they sing
Southern - WCE u in sudron twangs ye'll hear thaim rettlin...
Central - LAL is tae the French. A can hear thaim nou,
Southern - SEA ower deep for ti clear thaim awa!
Doric - DOR s a fell gweed chunce tae gar thaim gree.
Doric - DOR Ailice, stull howpin tae gar thaim think shame, jist a haet, for
Central - LAL for onie public body tae gar thaim produce siclike materials (or
Central - SEC bi Monika Nisbet, particular thaim o the weemin an o Tartuffe, w
Central - SEC ister) wad want tae conseeder thaim in time, then git back tae di
Central - LAL micht weel uphaud and forder thaim in yin anither, like a lingui
Central - SEC in this form, but tae upsteer thaim intae seekin oot the original
Ulster - GUL d bae a regional resource fer thaim.
Ulster - GUL tae the tunes they maide fer thaim. Langsine
Ulster - GUL fer iz an no mak' bullets fer thaim at dinnae. Thon wul
Ulster - SYN Love yer enemies an pray fer thaim that traits ye ïll, that ye
Central - SEC loset. “Is it no mair liker thaim gien us praisents, eh? Bit th
Southern - SEA twae, as th sojers did. Efter thaim came th royal bairns: there w
Central - SEC s wi the toun standart. Efter thaim cam the mony incorporations,
Doric - DOR Fower Eysters mair cam efter thaim, An syne cam fower ahint,
Central - EDN use. The bairns wad rin efter thaim chuckin stanes an the dugs wa
Central - LAL n kittle yer lugs, no bluiter thaim. That said, ane-twa screivers
Central - SEC l Pouer Staitioun loured ower thaim. The craift gaed
Central - SEC fremmit keings ti ruill ower thaim. Frae
Central - EDN e that Hsien wis staunin ower thaim. Hsien sayed naethin. The man
Central - LAL d ir cumin thegither ti skair thaim. It is no juist spaicialist o
Central - SEC Mirren socht ti asseir thaim thai wuid be sauf wi hir.
Central - LAL The'r jist naething tae weir thaim awa. Ane o the maist kenspeck
Doric - DOR "Far dis she weir thaim?" Ailice speirt, a bittie kee
Central - WCE Fir thaim wha'd aiblins exterminate tha
Southern - SWEeed a @scotslanguage wird fir thaim but! Redeshanks??? @billykays
Central - LALingerson Weel, A wad hate fir thaim tae be unnerrepresentit.
Central - SEC wull mak me want tae vote fir thaim? A yone ilk is like yone narr
Southern - SWErs are hardy - nae waxin fir thaim!
Central - LALSome guid news fir thaim that's been shieldin. https:/
Central - AYR hat the leaves that turnt fir thaim,
Ulster - GUL dae weill ir thaim at dae thon an' tak' the bes'
Central - SEC Tammas Grunstane stuid afoir thaim, steive an onbousum, the trew
Central - SEC ut inti the tuim causie afoir thaim. The stok-whorne pleyar, Jake
Southern - SEA trin meetin. Nae doot thar ir thaim whae rue this
Central - SEC s lik ti be het-troddin eftir thaim.
Central - WCE athort unfeinisht yairns, or thaim that, bi thair verra naitur,
Central - GLA For thaim throu this great century's ga
Central - LAL For thaim that's lookin for a mair set-
Central - LAL for thaim that plaister, skail and foot
Central - LAL opale thair ain products. For thaim that disna hae the siller or
Central - SEC A verra thrang agenda for thaim that attendit haed ‘Quaiste
Central - LAL rg. Mass production wisna for thaim.
Central - SEC aein pairt o the SE's job for thaim.
Ulster - SYN ha name shud be. He waved for thaim tae get hïm sumthin tae writ
Central - EDN an the man wha had peyed for thaim reappeart. He addressed thaim
Central - EDN ome cauld scraps wis fund for thaim.
Central - SEC ter, it micht be gey hard for thaim tae no tak a snicher tae thir
Central - WCE says Robb, is a key-wurd for thaim at minds him, an anither is
Central - SEC ide development an uphaud for thaim aw, includin British Sign Lan
Central - LAL • settin furth guidance for thaim that‟s alloued tae tak pair
Central - SEC Ae chance for thaim tae see him off
Central - EDN they heard hallooin. Time for thaim tae gang in.
Central - LAL aff haes a direct affcome for thaim that maks deegital materials
Central - WCE oun wul finnd mukkil here for thaim, but the ordnar reader micht
Central - EDN rd Hsien cryin in Chinese for thaim tae come back, an Tad’s hea
Central - EDN ! Ging for thaim!” Than he wad gang awa, lau
Central - LAL an aye - the verra thing for thaim that canna be fasht playin th
Central - LAL an aye - the verra thing for thaim that canna be fasht playin th
Central - SEC ullie, it wis guid enough for thaim - but weel awa frae the teac
Central - LAL s hainin, and a fell geck for thaim that thocht their sangs needi
Central - LAL r, a rare an uissfae wark for thaim ettlin tae write lee-wark in
Central - EDN There wis ower mony fowk for thaim aa tae git near the fire, bit
Central - LAL , is an affa uissfae tool for thaim that's wantin tae write in on
Ulster - SYN acause thair wus nae ruim for thaim ïn tha lüdgin hoose.
Central - LAL main pairt o the buik. An for thaim that dinna hae the Gaelic, th
Central - LAL ots can be fickle - even for thaim that's versant in speech.
Central - EDN a practical proposeetion for thaim. Yince he had explaint whaur
Central - SEC The'r nae logical reason for thaim no tae dae it, but it's no li
Central - LAL ll be an important maiter for thaim
Central - LAL ife, or guids an gear, or for thaim o the wife an faimilie. It is
Central - SEC haws up important kinches for thaim warkin in eddication an ither
Central - SEC personally. That story is for thaim.
Central - EDN is nae daith-defyin risks for thaim tae lauch daith-defyinly at.
Central - EDN ess micht hae sum lessons for thaim that leuks tae uphaud an upbi
Central - SEC he verra fowk that speirs for thaim winna mak uiss o thaim for th
Central - LAL This is as bad as it gets for thaim. The ainlie wey is up.” But
Central - GLA by. But whit’s for thaim will no lang gang by thaim. N
Central - LAL uik efter the pupils that for thaim English was a saicont languag
Central - GLA And me, makin a bit for thaim still here
Central - SEC , naebody else wad dae it for thaim.
Central - EDN le o sacks o meal plankit for thaim, an things they wad need for
Central - LAL de a better stairtin pynt for thaim i the first place), or contin
Central - SEC ukin intae languages, but for thaim warkin in eddication, governm
Central - EDN ll win throu wi it, but for thaim amang us — a healthy majori
Central - EDN She pickit a wey for thaim be the licht o the bleezin ca
Central - WCE generation is mair mankie nor thaim that’s gaen afore. The narr
Central - SEC "The'r nane sae blin nor thaim that winna see!" as the weel
Central - EDN efits neither communities nor thaim that come tae enjoy the laund
Central - EDN d. “Ah imagine ye cud tutor thaim in a reenge o subjecks,” he
Central - SEC ti serr thaim wi caviaar an schampangyie fr
Central - LAL s there tae proteck an serr thaim. Whan a bleck cheil can be ki
Central - AYR er fermers in the fecht, baur thaim that went on tae fecht at Bot
Central - LAL Whaur thaim thit haes gied permission for
Central - WCE Sin monie ur thaim whae sup wi the Deil,
Central - LAL till it’s time fur thaim tae fend thirsels,
Southern - SEA arreengement wurkit weill fur thaim baith n’.
Ulster - GUL ordèrsum in giein fennin fur thaim. "This bes aa tha wye leids t
Southern - SEA standart English wurds fur thaim auld Scottis wurds; at wis co
Southern - SEA er it Hoscote, hed wrocht fur thaim relatives; whan hei hed wroch
Ulster - GUL kintrie-pairt plenishment fur thaim.
Southern - SEA en, A wuid jalousie at it wur thaim, mairsay than thair menfock,
Central - LAL o planets. Back in the 1980's thaim that made the Soothron TV sha
Central - WCE Thare's thaim wad caa him sleekit,
Central - GLA But than thare's thaim alane
Ulster - EUL It's thaim that niver smiles,
Central - LAL ce, offeecial terms - sic as thaim that descrives sindry crimina
Central - AYR ried tae luik as poe-faced as thaim.
Central - SEC jobs is no sae kenspeckle as thaim o the medical staff, the like
Central - WCE wi thair Bibles, she perswads thaim ti gang on. At the Kirk, thai
Central - EDN hairp gullie and he jist adds thaim tae the haip.
Ulster - SYN t yer heivenlie Faither feeds thaim. Ir yous no warth faur mair n
Central - SEC up bi bidin thegither bields thaim frae ither stressors an aw, s
Central - LAL Surroonds thaim, an the nichtfaw, sae seelent
Southern - SEA s the lang nicht that hauds thaim.
Ulster - PUL sP ses Maggie, "Naebodie haes thaim nooadays .
Orkney - ORK golders. Astrid, quiet, flees thaim doon. "Dinno," sheu says. "Fo
Central - WCE fasht, but the guid Dr. gies thaim a waucht ti kittil up thair s
Central - LAL tae haud strikes. An wha gies thaim the pooer tae say this? Ainli
Ulster - BUL ir craiturs wile het, an gies thaim a bad hirsle an a gye sair he
Southern - SEA the pleesure it gies thaim, whan yin speaks til thaim, i
Doric - DOR an gentie the kissies it gies thaim! An syne it haps thaim up cos
Ulster - PUL ha street-lichts. Ma da mines thaim daein it in tha thurties, Tha
Orkney - ORK ae claikan sheu jeust ignores thaim. Sheu ransels instaed fer her
Central - GLA e research – aw this passes thaim by. But whit’s for thaim wi
Central - LAL ept a wauk-up caw that leaves thaim i pooer, an unner nae rael th
Central - SEC ene tint. Gin haurdskip dings thaim
Southern - SEA affen, sic is thaim an monie ither, hed tae gie M
Central - LAL ional Health Service. This is thaim giein it laldy ower the very
Central - SEC (3) The smaest pairt o aw is thaim that's baith leeterate an art
Central - GLA It wis thaim duin it thegither
Central - LAL Scottish Labour Perty. It wis thaim that stairtit significant pol
Central - LAL name an approve acause it wis thaim that haed tae pey for the scu
Central - EDN “We didna ken it wis thaim. You were leukin for the wrac
Central - SEC e daft gowks didna ken it wis thaim wha wis dolts fir we kid a un
Central - WCE eiteratur, an that alane maks thaim warth readin, an re-readin, s
Ulster - GUL an' connected. Thon maks thaim fit tae lairn an' ect collect
Ulster - GUL screevins. Yon maks thaim needfu' o' hefts no onie tae
Central - SEC rowthie Mither Tung that maks thaim sae feart an paranoid tae dae
Central - SEC tick an thinkin it aw affecks thaim. Imagine hou dumfoonert fowk
Central - LAL or ‘ai’ soonds) at merks thaim oot as English len-words in d
Orkney - ORK lue, sproot, staedy. He haals thaim intae orbit ahint Orcadia. Da
Central - SEC for hunners o years an mells thaim intae modren Scots tae form a
Central - WCE wer late o coorse, Jock tells thaim at he haed ettilt ti mairrie
Doric - DOR poseitions. He jist performs thaim fan he's feelin mirkie. His n
Orkney - ORK een, the spin o Orcadia turns thaim tae the haaf, awey fae the go
Central - LAL Gars thaim coorie richt doon, ahent the
Central - WCE the future. He certes desairs thaim aw. Gin A can pey ma awn trib
Ulster - EUL ez, "Fresian kye whut colours thaim?"
Central - SEC unco pouers wes sekin ti fess thaim
Central - WCE It sets thaim apairt frae the ither boys.
Central - LAL ae push whitever agenda suits thaim, bit Britain daes hae a lang
Doric - DOR M’ flourishet on it, e caws thaim hees snochter-dichters, bit
Ulster - GUL aboot yin thoosan curns shews thaim actively engagin' wi' Ulster-
Central - LAL@raiphsays Thaim that wurks the hardest ur the
Central - SEC , the sessiouns (or laestweys thaim at A wes in) warna wantin tha
Doric - DOR That’s thaim… ready tae settle doon in t
Central - WCE Ah mail't thaim straicht aff doon the E-highw
Central - SWE at thaim. Noo they're gey streetcht sk
Central - LAL inti thair mids? We smiled at thaim, blate-like, an
Doric - DOR wad get brouselt, an gomed at thaim breengin past.
Central - WCE the faur end. He glowered at thaim.
Central - SEC bogil jaloused at thaim at wesna comploutherin wi Tam
Central - LALDrMDempster Neeps when ye eat thaim, tumshies when ye cairve thai
Central - LAL iething legitimate tae defeat thaim, syne like a slaw venom it ch
Central - LAL Scots spikkers, wi a ettle at thaim thit bide in areas o deprivat
Central - SEC oor dook face an layed aff at thaim aboot shawin the richt respec
Central - LAL awthegither, an ane that gat thaim intae a fankle; nou thay war
Central - LAL ces an the byous ferlies that thaim that cleckit the the first te
Central - EDN simply doun tae the fact that thaim that spend mair time in the h
Central - SEC but wad raither hae a keek at thaim afore thair veesit. The bette
Central - LAL back at his desk tae look at thaim. He observed the wee white do
Central - SEC 'Nou look at thaim.' I picked up a tatty auld en
Central - EDN aybes it wis as weill tae lat thaim sattle it, suiner raither nor
Ulster - GUL ds an thair fordèrin tae lat thaim be uised in trokin wi patent
Central - LAL ther things (but nou I'll lat thaim be):
Central - SEC eport back tae the CPG an lat thaim ken the oot-come o thae talks
Central - EDN y, he haundit his ower an lat thaim git on wi’t. He lay doon in
Central - EDN kit doon. “Quhit for no lat thaim hae a lowe?” he sayed. “S
Central - SEC essfu social dynamic that lat thaim thole the cauld temperatures
Ulster - GUL wud mean at thaim at dinnae want Ulster-Scots t
Central - EDN essed he wis there, keekin at thaim fae the edge o the wid. The t
Central - EDN saw aal that muscle comin at thaim,
Doric - DOR n her hanns an knees gomin at thaim. The chessmen war paraadin ab
Central - LAL wbody, informed wi speirin at thaim that kens aboot sic maiters.
Central - EDN an gied ilkane a name. He pat thaim inside the circle he had made
Central - SEC The Lord taks a scunner at thaim wha traik.
Doric - DOR say "Fit like?", an speir at thaim the gait out the wuidin. Gin
Central - LAL n me grue. Can ye no speir at thaim hen, tae gie me somethin..."
Central - LALI’m better chippin stanes at thaim fae the side! Agree we shuid
Southern - SEA perpetuitie? Ma prayer is at thaim fock, whae raipresent the Sco
Central - EDN ut doon again, makin horns at thaim aa.
Central - EDN eist muve. Beatrice leukit at thaim, an ayont thaim. The hale din
Central - SEC lack nor farden. He gowpit at thaim wi hingin mou, an slounged ab
Central - EDN taen agin it daur tae affect thaim. An wha kens, aiblins the oot
Central - LAL laddies saiprit, tae instruct thaim the richt wey o haitin up a b
Central - EDN he fowk that ran oot tae meet thaim, Raggle an Derriakin in the f
Central - EDN fit him, he wis gled tae get thaim in exchynge for three days’
Central - LAL Geordie. 'I wunner wha'll get thaim.'
Central - EDN are an comfort, ye can forget thaim.”
Central - WCE naebody at hame, ah've buriet thaim aa!'
Central - LAL let thaim as hus plenty
Central - LAL ter her faither cam hame. Let thaim see it thegither. She kent th
Central - SEC ots yins mair than maist. Let thaim back intae yer life, houever
Central - EDN Whit noo? Had Walfare rumblet thaim? He sut doon in a street caf
Central - EDN s oot, we’re blithe tae let thaim ging, bit thoo’ll unnerstaa
Central - AYR oots, for they wantit tae let thaim ken o plans for a conventicle
Southern - SEA , an hur eyes immediately met thaim o a muckle blue caterpillar,
Central - EDN dna hear, or maybe he ignoret thaim. The bus pu’ed awa intae th
Central - EDN uist smilet weakly an ignoret thaim aa.
Ulster - GUL s Commonity Netwaark tae heft thaim.
Central - EDN ae speirin whaur she had left thaim.
Central - AYR remonition o doom an had left thaim at Lanark, but nanetheless wi
Central - EDN Shan afore the vertical left thaim ahint. The nearest pynt tae N
Southern - SEA Afore, naething coud shift thaim frae the glaur.
Central - EDN or challenge him for tae lift thaim aff the flair wi his teeth (a
Ulster - PUL k o tha Fair, Sae Frank bocht thaim baith a whuskey, an the' boch
Central - SEC machine at brocht thaim frae Tornes. Tammas maun taen
Central - AYR An that brocht thaim richt back tae the stert o th
Central - AYR uckle water-gangs that brocht thaim tae oor airt!
Central - SEC bairnheids an mind whit fasht thaim then whan they war first lair
Ulster - GUL (bit thaim taakin pairt can alther thon
Central - SEC ruith gin it lowpit up an bit thaim on the erse. The time haes co
Central - EDN “The bastarts herdit thaim intil a mine an blew it up,
Central - LAL the auld skreids at recordit thaim. Sae oor abeilitie for ti con
Central - EDN oud sie at he ettilt ti eveit thaim. Whan a sieman bydit ben the
Central - SEC d J, thay wad mibbie cuid git thaim prentit up at a wicelike pric
Central - SEC peetie the wisna room tae git thaim aw prentit.
Central - EDN e. It cud tak aal day tae git thaim oot, though.”
Central - EDN thocht the Pandit, an priggit thaim tae get up. Ah’ll be raxin
Central - LAL luggit thaim till we cuid hear
Central - LAL thit thaim thit
Central - SWE is whit thaim in England
Doric - DOR r een aipen: gin ye'd steekit thaim ticht it wadna hae happent. N
Central - SEC frae the burn an suin cuikit thaim. Aw wes than devored wi a
Central - SEC i stell the treffik an bekkit thaim ower the Nor Brig ti the Tron
Central - SEC stewart condukkit thaim inti a fantoush cahute wi ivv
Central - SEC s wes aw rotten, sae A howkit thaim
Central - GLA 'Lit thaim that kensna yap; the seelent
Central - SEC ies frae ilka cless an submit thaim tae Scots Tung. The nummers w
Ulster - BUL hame, tha wee bug cannae smit thaim.
Central - AYR Bring it ower, lad!Here, pit thaim up agin this corner-Naw, tie
Central - SEC naces an luims an siclik, pit thaim abuird treynes, an speiritit
Central - SEC haein redd up hir pokes, pit thaim intil the kerr an lowpit
Central - LAL the uswal remede wis tae pit thaim in a hessian-sec alang wi a h
Central - EDN Delhi. Her granfaither halpit thaim aa the time.
Central - EDN “Dinna do that! We can pit thaim back. We’ll git this place
Ulster - EUL Tae mak new poems an pit thaim oot.
Central - EDN s. We thocht at we suid inpit thaim heir. The wie atlas at we cop
Central - WCE he moment their speakers spit thaim oot, like a wad o weel-chowed
Central - AYR n thay were duin, the cat pit thaim on, tuk a seck an fillt it wi
Doric - DOR ucht a tiddler or twa bit pit thaim back tae growe bigger. In the
Central - SEC ers out the forrest an cowpit thaim i the
Central - LAL taunin, and ye can gang visit thaim at Garbeg and Whitebridge in
Ulster - EUL Fur blessit thaim in poortith be
Doric - DOR nd it stairted fan I repeatit thaim tae ma granny -
Central - EDN es in Sanskrit, an translatit thaim: Best o mithers, best o river
Central - EDN azier an buistin airn awaitit thaim. “It’s only pain,” Bill
Central - SEC abuird treynes, an speiritit thaim
Central - SEC last week, he invitit thaim tae git thair wice yokit tae
Central - EDN ae set aff. The lamas invitit thaim intae the meditation haa efte
Central - LAL s that’s efter bein grantit thaim.
Central - SWE prentit thaim oan harn an een, kennt fine
Central - EDN urt gless heids, he presentit thaim til her. Whan he wis oot on t
Central - EDN haurever the customers wintit thaim. He cud feel ilk knurly ruit
Central - EDN Gin somebody had juist wintit thaim for thair muscle pooer - whi
Central - LAL wun in aheid o me: I countit thaim on ma road ti the end o the q
Central - EDN aaed a self-drive an escortit thaim baith back tae the flat, Mali
Central - AYR a better life, an had flittit thaim baith awa tae Ulster; whaur a
Central - EDN “Namaste,” he salutit thaim.
Doric - ABN ssit pape in the place prayit thaim ilkane, ti remayne ti the mei
Central - GLA I've felt thaim eneuch, thare in the shared d
Central - EDN . “Ah haena telt thaim naethin aboot ye,” he sayed
Central - SEC thing.” Wullie’s Dad telt thaim aw.
Central - SEC ling, ti Burntisland, he telt thaim. Ti pit him mair at eise,
Central - SEC an finnd Tammas, an he telt thaim aw about the puir sowel’s a
Central - LAL him wi quaistens, an he telt thaim at he wis fine, thank ye, an
Central - EDN , whitever he telt thaim wad be weillkent, unshiftable
Central - EDN ocket at dennertime. She telt thaim tae lie law - the briganders
Central - SEC t wi dust sheets. Wullie telt thaim no tae gang near it,
Central - SEC visibly relaxed when ah telt thaim they didnae hiv tae keep uisi
Doric - DOR I telt thaim eence, I telt thaim twice,
Central - EDN hae cried in Welfare an telt thaim tae bring a straitjaicket.
Central - SEC cam doun an telt thaim ti follae him. Up throu the a
Central - SEC turnt tae her bairns an telt thaim, "Noo that's a guid example o
Central - SEC icna threit sae Ebenezer telt thaim at
Central - LAL heimer's, but the doctor telt thaim thare wis nae sign o't. Twa y
Central - EDN thoo wint tae ken foo Ah kilt thaim? The first ane wis comin stra
Central - GLA Whaur they built thaim big airies that shak yer beds
Central - LALFife in the 1950s an he sellt thaim. They were cried Aiberdeen ro
Central - WCE eminlie, he haes anelie tellt thaim aheid o time o the ill thai m
Central - LAL but Renwick said naw an tellt thaim tae git on wi his hangin.
Central - AYR t Muirkirk. Auld Tammas tellt thaim they were on the Mauchlin roa
Central - EDN ett, excep that Hsien informt thaim, “I’m the only yin that s
Central - SEC pluff ahent thaim. The souns o dads an yellochs
Central - SEC ddartrie thocht ti luik ahent thaim. Thai wes aw browdent on hir
Central - EDN ries, bit he juist aboot kent thaim aff be hert onywey. He held o
Doric - DOR 'gin ye please' tae me anent thaim," said the Yowe, nae een keek
Central - LAL it he wid later screive anent thaim an their: 'sair, sair wark'.
Central - SEC kle the Scots Executive anent thaim.
Central - LAL thers is kent for sayin anent thaim. Whan thir gliffs o oral lang
Central - LAL e maist common speirins anent thaim. Thanks tae muckle-scale arch
Central - LAL in and Ireland scrievit anent thaim. Acause o this, we maun tak g
Central - EDN n afore the open hatch. Ahint thaim, the lave o the passengers wi
Southern - SEA row o lodgin hooses, an ahint thaim a railway station.) But, she
Central - AYR raw o ludginhouses, an ahint thaim a train station.) Houever, sh
Central - AYR t, draggin the auld man ahint thaim by the scruff o his jaiket. A
Central - LAL na see the gapin spaces ahint thaim. This is the Potemkin Pairty,
Ulster - GUL har wusnae onie motòrs ahint thaim.
Central - LAL ither ships, were jist ahint thaim, staunnin ready. Twa or thrie
Central - EDN illegals, bit they didna wint thaim becomin a reservoir o disease
Central - SEC blow grund, sac I never kennt thaim personally. That story is for
Central - EDN , an ayont thaim. The hale dinin room wis watc
Central - WCE gif'n ye step ayont thaim, aither side, then ye'll stil
Central - AYR rules their freens had learnt thaim: like, a rid-het poker will b
Central - AYR in their Catechism, an learnt thaim their letters an words sae th
Central - EDN benefit, in Chinese. He warnt thaim that they wad dae thairsels n
Central - SEC cots wirds, wance ah'd lairnt thaim. An it still is. An tae be ho
Central - EDN ybe in her late fifties, jynt thaim, acknawledged Hsien an Tad, a
Central - EDN ll wad hae likit tae hae jynt thaim as weill, bit whan he askit y
Central - EDN tane his een aff her. He jynt thaim noo, bit apairt fae a greetin
Central - EDN Raggle jynt thaim wi a joog o tea. He sut doon
Central - EDN . In a wee while, Raggle jynt thaim. Beatrice noticed than that R
Central - EDN while, Hsien cam back an jynt thaim. “We’re ower late,” he
Central - EDN ner aff again whan Hsien jynt thaim. She thocht for a saicont tha
Central - EDN cht efter Falad’s crew jynt thaim, the day cam tae set aff. The
Central - LAL got thaim
Central - EDN telt ye aboot - Ah’ve got thaim hidden,” he announced abrup
Central - EDN ot the twins involved, an got thaim tae experiment wi growein the
Central - LAL Ah shot thaim frae a bourie, as the gowd
Central - LAL aes mair o a city twang aboot thaim; the Scots ward-hoard isnae c
Ulster - EUL "Tha yin thaing aboot thaim balers noo
Ulster - EUL Ye darnae hoak aboot thaim waas,
Central - WCE find weys tae tell fowk aboot thaim, in wirds that were baith tru
Southern - SEA ant, neo-classical feel aboot thaim (Cranmer-Byng, 1946).
Central - EDN fae the waa heids fell aboot thaim. They waitit as the fuel cani
Central - LAL howks oot whit thay can aboot thaim, aften no in the best interes
Southern - SEA whyte wattir rinkin aboot thaim;
Central - SEC rtainly rare. In writin aboot thaim, Matthew disnae juist haud th
Central - AYR gentlemen mustered roun aboot thaim. 'Weel, Sir Robert, you have
Central - EDN r sheepskin coats ticht aboot thaim. Bill spreid oot the parachut
Central - EDN e hesitatit. Hsien kent aboot thaim tae, o coorse. An Bill. Hsien
Central - WCE entilmannie. He kens aw aboot thaim, an speirs gin thai wul luik
Central - WCE Sallust, noo he's crazy aboot thaim,
Ulster - BUL ie!" gulders Fergie, "Ah doot thaim weans wud eat ye ooty hoose a
Central - LAL steids winna rin richt athoot thaim. Semple weys tae stravaig the
Central - LAL staundard dictionar - wioot thaim Scots will aye be stayin slan
Ulster - PUL ens - whaur wud we be wi oot thaim!
Central - LAL Ah hapt thaim in twa cosy plaids,
Central - EDN an swept thaim intae a muckle haa, which leu
Central - AYR e ferrets! Whaur hae I drappt thaim, I wunner?" Alison jaloused i
Southern - WCE and gart thaim fecht in nocht but their draw
Central - LAL k out nocht as shuid hae gart thaim fash, wi
Doric - DOR Eifter we gart thaim treetle ower The sanns a hail
Ulster - GUL wa lads. The wur gegs an gart thaim lauch. The wur auld billies t
Central - LAL indry circumstances that gart thaim be whit they wur: alagrugous
Central - SEC nglish. Whit wis it that gart thaim pit thair fit in it sae aften
Central - EDN tsteps an somebody cam towart thaim. Beatrice held her braith an
Central - SEC er hyne ryders skelpin towart thaim.
Central - LAL three, but A coud hae sindert thaim in a wheen different weys. Th
Central - EDN that yin o the miners offert thaim.
Central - EDN bit feart that she had angert thaim be starin. Bit the lassie stu
Central - EDN nt the boo an the lama ushert thaim in. They passed intae a coort
Central - EDN e stealin, an naebody bothert thaim. Here in the mair fertile law
Central - EDN e stealin, an naebody bothert thaim. Here in the mair fertile law
Central - EDN tae eat, sin he’d discovert thaim. The boys sud be aa richt in
Central - SEC n Waw, at thai kent wuid airt thaim
Central - WCE p on Twitter the noo, an airt thaim oot - 137 fowk, or 2.5k fowk
Central - SEC s in the collection an speirt thaim tae repone tae thaim in thair
Central - SEC Gin Mirren hedna asseirt thaim o the trewth o’t, John an A
Central - LAL hae dune it, Geist, eh smoort thaim aa.
Central - SEC nekkit thair gunes an ordourt thaim aw ti ligg
Central - EDN She mairched past thaim wi’oot spickin an flung her
Central - LAL t’s been published, an kest thaim in a bad licht. Near on a dec
Central - LAL are o coorse diverse. Amangst thaim are the followin. Screivars m
Central - EDN ill, ye canna trewlins traist thaim, an that’s the fak.”
Central - SEC at gin he wes gaun ti arreist thaim he wesna in a mukkil
Southern - SEA Hoose. Anenst thaim biggins on the Borthauch side
Southern - SEA cottages an strecht fornenst thaim, authort the fit brig owre th
Central - LAL presst thaim in sae ticht
Ulster - SYN ha hair o hir heid, an kïsst thaim as she poored tha scent ower
Doric - DOR anither patient helped me ett thaim. I myn on warslin wi the nurs
Central - WCE But thaim wha criticise Miralles should
Southern - WCE aith, he hus taen aa awa, but thaim he cannae tak.
Central - LAL wi Ingland wis noo endit. But thaim that upheld Hanover – that
Central - LAL he north is sma an bricht but thaim that's in the sooth is daurke
Central - EDN t an leukit at her, than shut thaim again. “Ah overdid it a bit
Central - LAL@edinburghpaper Shut thaim the feck doun.
Central - LAL nie flags, birlin round about thaim in the cauld Mairch winnd.
Central - LAL na ocht ti say. Aathing about thaim
Central - LAL ed the sel an same leuk about thaim,
Doric - DOR a the idder things roun about thaim niver chyngit their places a
Ulster - SYN aistèrs o tha Laa, an he axt thaim whar tha Christ wus tae be bo
Central - SEC aloused that SCOTS will allou thaim intrestit in Scotland's sinde
Doric - DOR rae Tesco, bit Wullie did pou thaim
Central - LAL Aw thaim thit gie repones maun be awar
Central - GLA Aw thaim, him and her, and you and me,
Central - GLA And lines o faimilies, caw thaim clans or wirkers, or jist fow
Central - GLA or you and you and you and aw thaim tae,
Central - SEC gester incenses intae aw thaim praisent that the local keeli
Central - LAL ae the birl o Uranus while aw thaim that blaws taewards the poles
Central - LAL t’s on the wab michtna shaw thaim in the best licht. Habby gene
Central - SEC rget tae be dingit doon bi aw thaim that threaps tae uphaud the S
Central - LAL ings it is noo acceptit bi aw thaim that's in the fay o science t
Central - LAL ssures that threiten tae blaw thaim apairt. A tour de force, it
Doric - ABN haur aboot hiv ye bidit in aw thaim braw hooses?"
Doric - DOR wk doss doon clinkers A thraw thaim back aw A ivver ettled fir wi
Central - SWE we ken ye've left ahin fir aw thaim
Central - LAL at providin the chance for aw thaim thit want tae gie their thoch
Central - EDN He saw thaim muvin intae poseetion tae mak
Central - EDN an ermchair, bit whan she saw thaim comin, she stuid up, an than
Central - LAL cairiet ben. Her faither saw thaim frae his cheer an gaed efter
Central - WCE an on the man wha grew thaim.
Central - SEC The maws fair gleg ti chow thaim ti their banes;
Central - SEC wad haud him back: He'll show thaim! Lat thaim see!
Ulster - GUL o norn Bilfawst kythed ablow thaim. As tha caur trinnled yont th
Central - EDN ad: they cud see fields ablow thaim as they breistit a hilltap. B
Central - WCE An wullnae allow thaim tae pu the plug,
Central - AYR throw thaim the kail-runts frae the yaird
Central - LAL mainsteam media an viewed by thaim i pooer. It is either somethi
Central - GLA will no lang gang by thaim. No aye, onieroads. Somegait,
Central - SEC ed, the man begoud ti wauk by thaim ti
Central - GLA Brim filled up by thaim o pairts.
Central - LAL ot fowk is bein ingaithert by thaim. Ae creetic makin an observe
Central - WCE ly National Service, fir they thaim that want tae dae their bit?
Central - SEC pairt o the vollum. Dinna pey thaim onie hede.)
Central - LAL especially thaim
Central - SEC oadsae energy an it's usually thaim daen the arguin.
Central - EDN were viable, an tae multiply thaim up. He got the twins involved
Central - EDN cry thaim bairn-like, e’en tae hersel
Central - SEC dream team'. I prefer tae cry thaim 'superheroes' for whit they'v
Southern - WCE chuckie stanes tae gar ye cry thaim ben.
Central - SEC awnin honest poverty, an cry thaim Neds insteid? The BBC thinks
Central - WCE an ye’re walcome tae try thaim – wad tell ye the same.”
Central - LAL Maw and Da willnae let me buy thaim. Sae I kent the anely wey I w
Central - EDN “Na, ye buy thaim in the last toon.”
Central - EDN “Na, ye buy thaim in the last toon.”
Central - EDN the man telt him. “Ye buy thaim in toon.”
Central - EDN the man telt him. “Ye buy thaim in toon.”
Central - EDN “Aa richt, we'll buy thaim in the neist toon.”
Central - EDN “Aa richt, we'll buy thaim in the neist toon.”
Central - EDN “We'll buy thaim wi white liquor.”
Central - EDN “We’ll buy thaim wi white liquor.”
Central - EDN ye through an than ye can buy thaim in toon.”
Central - EDN ye through an than ye can buy thaim in toon.”
Central - LAL dle an wirking cless fowk – thaim that spak Scots – cuid tak
Southern - SEA pped masel in ma blankets – thaim that hudna gone wi the van
Central - LALcase of the auld Scots saw, “Thaim that tholes, owercomes!”
Central - LALlook forward to reading it. “Thaim wi a guid Scots tongue in the
Central - LAL@dhmck @AUOBALBA “Thaim wi a guid Scots tongue in the
Central - LALn that auld, wice Scots saw “Thaim that tholes, owercomes” Scot
Central - LAL ‘Thae wha spier...’ an ‘Thaim (th)at spiers...’ In exposi
Central - LAL objeck form o the pronoon ‘thaim’ in subjeck position (c.f.
Central - LAL cums ben for ti ‘boss’ thaim aroun. Yit Wildlawyers argies