A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of v in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

- basic concord - post-sorted concord - map and chronology - chronogrid - similar spellings - fine-grain concord -
Shetland - SHD v voiced labiodental fricative
Central - WCE V.L.
Central - AYR V
Ulster - SYN V
Ulster - GUL v) Public awareness campaigns t
Ulster - PUL V. MacCassey Surveys
Central - WCE V
Central - WCE V
Ulster - SYN V¥in day, tha Pharisees an Sad
Central - LAL an gethert themsels intae a "V" wi an auld gander at the hei
Central - SEC A'v analysed the text o the hale
Central - SEC A'v juist been askin efter ma cou
Central - LALA'v nae idea whit's gotten intae
Central - LAL A'v been readin yer debate anent
Doric - DUNA'v seen it in scrievit Scots bit
Central - LALYAAAASS!!! A'v been wantin this fur 15 year!
Central - LAL@DrMDempster Magic! A'v aye wantit tae dae some fulmm
Doric - MNA wid maak soop. Hee say's, "A'v got anuff tae buty thi lintul
Central - WCE es a year yunger rin me an' a'v nivir lerrum furget it, birra
Central - LAL Iona. Ach - A'v lat hit gae cauld!
Doric - DUNinched it fae. Cannae mind. A'v seen a puckle versions o't -
Central - SEC n, A could uize that pound. A'v no even etten yit. A puls on
Doric - DUN sticker kindo pits me aff. A'v nearly missed a puckle guid r
Central - LAL hilarious an affa touchin. A'v aye loved comedy that's rooti
Central - WCE kin feenish it aff ri morn. A'v a big boolin' match oan ri ni
Central - SEC ken, tae certain dialecks. A'v pit forrit the idea that a or
Central - SEC suggested bi John M. Tait. A'v been uizin this arrangement i
Central - LAL itin as a Shetlander first. A'v been sonsie eneuch tae inheri
Central - WCE ome juice aff fur ma gravy. A'v choped hauf a rid ingyin fur
Central - SEC n coppers in his nieve, "Aa A'v got, freend." He stauns thare
Central - SEC She smiles a instant, gled A'v a genuine raeson for cryin in
Central - SEC n coffee an pynt. It's like A'v a pound abuin what A should h
Central - LAL Mair recent like A'v enjoyed Callum and The Mounta
Central - LAL A suppose A'v aye wrote
Central - LALMDempster @TheScotsCafe Aye A'v jynt the mailin list anaw! An
Central - SEC hert a dunt: A dinna think A'v touched anither leevin sowel
Central - SEC "Weel A'v niver seen ane masel afore bu
Central - LALster That wis the best poem A'v iver heard! xP
Central - WCE “ris'll bey ri thurd tum a'v been doon rer ri day.”
Central - LAL An A'v yit tae fun
Doric - DUNicht dae that wi mine (faan A'v howkit it). https://t.co/X5G2
Central - SEC ice for a fair while nou an A'v fand that it's faur aesier ta
Doric - ABN so he widna'v tried it onywye. He rolls his
Doric - ABN Aye, it surely couldna'v hurt
Central - WCE i' aw ri trimmins; no' whin A'v gote a choice in it.
Central - SEC got the siller A'v spent vernear a hale five pou
Central - LAL@DrMDempster A'v duin 'at wi ma gemms.
Central - SEC This faur A'v maistly spoken aboot the writ
Central - LALd 'propone' bi accident cos A'v aye thocht it wis Inglis, no
Central - SEC r mibbie juist wi what daft A'v been. She pits the matches on
Doric - DUNt fit ye wis oan aboot. Bit A'v jist daen mine an that's fit
Doric - DUNA doot A'v said aw three in ma time. Con
Central - SEC in o things. It's the first A'v ever crossed the Forth athoot
Central - LAL 'd wantit tae walk hame but A'v endit up gettin the bus.
Central - SEC omething tae think that nou A'v got the siller A'v spent vern
Doric - MNA , exackly! Bi richts, wi shid'v hid ess letter wiks ago."
Doric - MNA ae vyce; an aiven iv they cud'v fun ane, naebody wid'v listen
Southern - SOU@DaveRaver43 @DaveRaver43, ee'v got a customer!
Doric - MNA wis. Aleck replyed, "Weel wee'v bin rippen oot heer aa mornen
Central - LAL We'v pitten the nems o the Editori
Central - LAL We'v juist got oot the wey
Doric - DUNWe'v got oors...@preservation76 @c
Doric - DUNWe'v been back fae 10th o August:
Central - LAL we'v pitten
Central - LAL ye'r wuid tae get stertit, we'v pitten thegither the maist ne
Central - SEC iety we cuid hiv haen. Ay, we'v aye been able tae haud wir ai
Central - SEC s Tung bank accoont an sae we'v aye haed tae mind fowk when t
Central - LAL e stauning it shuid acause we'v been learnt tae creenge at oo
Central - GLA But still we'v genius and aw the airts
Central - LAL An we'v a
Central - LAL that maks up ony leid, an we'v pitten thegither the follaein
Central - SEC been gien bi Scots Tung an we'v been telt that, subjeck tae m
Central - GLA Big Andra the polis that we'v aw kent for yonks
Central - LAL Whit we'v yit tae
Central - GLA Ye'v gat yer granda's een, yer mam
Doric - DUNYe'v lost ma. Help? https://t.co/8
Central - LAL ye'v aye got a
Central - LAL ye'v got the language
Central - LAL ye'v lairnt yersel
Central - LAL ye'v the speakers
Doric - MNA "YE'V A SAIR BELLY?" roart Morrice,
Central - SEC " Peter cam ti ma rescue, "ye'v soukit yer mammie's dous."
Doric - MNA an studied er reflection. "Ye'v shade in the simmer an waarmt
Doric - MNA de an studied the picter. "Ye'v gat te try an think fit the a
Central - SEC 'Ye'v gat yer ain wey agane, is usu
Doric - ABN Oh god, ye'v aaready pissed him aff.
Doric - MNA e time ye'r in the Square, ye'v fullt yer briks.""
Central - LAL e sayed til hersel, 'Weel, ye'v ne'er been gleg in the uptak,
Doric - MNA the same shite bit wider. Ye'v surely siller te burn."
Doric - MNA "Fit'r ye deein noo? Ye'v oan yer gweed claes!" Stevie
Central - SEC ey throu his airticle. Sae ye'v got a body, that daesna ken "
Doric - MNA gey swell-leukin timepiece ye'v bin gettin." Beldie smiled an
Central - LAL be blythe wi the audience ye'v got! https://t.co/IExaq2yFe8
Doric - MNA nie! Ye'r fullin the aisle ye'v an erse like a district nurse
Doric - MNA gie up oan the idea afore ye'v aiven gien it a chunce." Stev
Central - GLA If ye'v iver climbed a stair inside a
Central - GLA Frae ma testicle, if ye'v only gat wan
Central - LAL n writin in Scots. Even if ye'v checkit the spelling o a word
Doric - MNA r some drawers es file. Oh ye'v a pair!" Dottie leukit fair t
Central - GLA For thaim ye'v lost foriver, aw o us.
Central - LAL 5. SAY IT OOT ALOOD. Whan ye'v wrutten or edit some Scots, r
Doric - DUNie hid the varra same. Foo ye'v brocht it back! https://t.co/
Doric - MNA wi. Iv ye ask me, at's far ye'v bin gaun wrang."
Central - SEC ou Geordie, an whit's this ye'v got here then?"
Central - LAL the wans ye'v lairnt aff o
Central - GLA even loquacious black cat ye'v heard aboot
Doric - MNA eshully in the licht o fit ye'v jist telt ma."
Central - LAL He kens fit ye'v been Googlin
Doric - MNA ent Datin's mebbe jist fit ye'v bin leukin fir. Ah gaed onte
Central - LAL nlat for tae shaw aff whit ye'v learnt on yer journey tae lee
Doric - MNA Ah'v recently hid the honour te ge
Doric - MNA Ah'v aiven winnert aboot coonselli
Doric - MNA "Oh, jist gran! Ah'v aye likit Inverurie, bit Ah r
Doric - MNA "Ah'v telt ye ariddy." Ah haaled oa
Doric - MNA "Ah'v fun masel anither dintist, ar
Doric - MNA "Ah'v telt ye foo te dee ess a hunn
Doric - MNA "Ah'v jist bin listenin te folk spi
Doric - MNA "Ah'v telt ye afore, Winnie, his wi
Doric - MNA "Ah'v nivver bin te a beautician's
Doric - MNA "Ah'v telt ye ariddy. She...she...s
Doric - MNA "Ah'v bin thinkin," Ah said. "Fit i
Doric - MNA "Ah'v kent you thirty ear, Betty, a
Doric - MNA "Ah'v kent Billy Grunt fir ears,' >
Doric - MNA , it's jist me," Ah said. "Ah'v jist mynd at Suzie speered iv
Doric - MNA "Na! Na!" said Morrice. "Ah'v gat the travel bug noo." He o
Doric - MNA the lobby ahin the wifie. "Ah'v a nose fir snuffin oot a gwee
Doric - MNA it the Toon Haall clock. "Ah'v bin stannin here fir ages."
Doric - MNA wi ye." He smirkit again. "Ah'v seen waar. Ay, a helluva sich
Doric - MNA ie's ootpoorin o emotion. "Ah'v a nicht oot the morn an Ah'v
Doric - MNA e furled roon te face er. "Ah'v met in wi a richt fine faimly
Doric - MNA r a meenit te leuk it er. "Ah'v telt ye a hunner times, AH'M
Doric - MNA , furlin roon in is seat. "Ah'v heard ere's jist a fyow place
Doric - MNA he'd steed in dog's dirt. "Ah'v nivver seen onythin se orra i
Central - LAL (ah'v hud chips)
Central - LAL (ah'v hud chips)
Central - GLA tae git thair heids roun (Ah'v haed aneuch tribbil juist wir
Doric - MNA ht, iv Ah wint a sirprise, Ah'v fe orginise it masel.
Doric - MNA "Weel, Ah'v bocht yer ticket." Stevie faa
Doric - MNA "Ye ken, Ah'v gaed near twinty ear wi'oot i
Doric - MNA "Ye ken, Ah'v a thumper o a sair heid," sai
Doric - MNA h, Ah firgot te tell ye - Ah'v bocht tickets fir the nicht's
Doric - MNA "No, Ah didna. Ah'v naethin against Ivor, bit it'
Central - GLA mak it mair eith tae read. Ah'v haed a breinge at reddin up a
Doric - MNA nternet in the itherwarld. Ah'v shifted departments noo in th
Doric - MNA t aa at's aboot te chynge. Ah'v hid a letter fae ma John. Onl
Doric - MNA "Ah'm feelin jittery kine. Ah'v hid a richt dose o the Gary G
Doric - MNA 's mair siller then sinse. Ah'v a gweed myn te tell im fit Ah
Doric - MNA "It's easy enuch. Ah'v bin te at mony nichts oot wi
Doric - MNA t nivver did me ony hairm. Ah'v bin sleepin wi the same Wumma
Doric - MNA ye micht gie's a wee han. Ah'v te feed a wire throwe yer cav
Doric - MNA "Sit doon. Ah'v raelly bin leukin forrit te m
Doric - MNA seems te follae er aroon. Ah'v loast coont o the scrapes she
Central - WCE n ar faur frae revelatory. Ah'v spent ower muckle time hunker
Doric - MNA Ye shid hiv seen er, min: Ah'v niwver bin se feart in aa ma
Doric - MNA it noo ere's naethin o ma; Ah'v hans at winna grip an airms a
Doric - MNA t sair: grief fir the life Ah'v loast; fir ilky regret an kin
Doric - MNA sighed Fobie "Ah feel like Ah'v nivver raelly kent ye." His e
Doric - MNA It winna bi the first ttme Ah'v waakit up the road masel."
Doric - MNA is the country-luvin quine Ah'v bin leukin fir, he thocht. Iv
Doric - MNA "Teuk Ah'v nae idea fit ye'r oan aboot."
Doric - MNA noddit. "Ah like the model Ah'v gat jist fine - she's honest
Doric - MNA ve nivver firgotten ye, an Ah'v nivver luved onybody else the
Doric - MNA n see Ah'm busy eyvnoo, an Ah'v twa wytin. Onywye," said Jack
Doric - MNA esic skweel in the toon an Ah'v aiven munuged te persuade Bil
Doric - MNA "It's the only clean pair Ah'v gat," said Ronnie, pullin oan
Central - GLA I'm sorry, don't know what ah'v done" "Get oot!" "Sorry the s
Doric - MNA , bit ye'll need te myn at Ah'v hid ma share o bonny quines.
Doric - MNA in's bone dry. It's as het Ah'v heard fartin's bin banned oan
Doric - MNA e, takkin a bit lach. "Bit Ah'v kent aboot the twa luvburds e
Doric - MNA an affa thing te say, bit Ah'v nivver bin happier. He wis a
Doric - MNA "Ah bit... bit Ah'v seen ess ane at lichts up in
Central - WCE oot YouTube tutorials. But ah'v ayeweys thocht the social aff
Doric - MNA "Leuk! Ah canna help it iv Ah'v gat standards," sniffit Dotti
Doric - MNA "Ah'm sorry iv Ah'v offendit ye, Sandy, maan. It'
Doric - DOR@LouiseNicol1 i'm nae lazy, i'v got .... Haha. Am stillin pis
Central - WCE fur cookin. So if it wisnae I'V dinners it had tae be fish su
Central - SEC hert abuin. "I ca'a believe I'v no been back here in twinty y
Central - LAL@JHill_Official I'vé tried tae purchase this man
Central - SEC Nou she lauchs that I'v narrae a broun bawbee.
Central - SEC in o things. It's the first I'v ever crossed the Forth athoot
Doric - DORoops jist saw this .... but i'v replied. Fit time?
Doric - MNA "Wi'v a speecial offer oan eyvnoo,"
Doric - MNA he back seat o the motir. "Wi'v bookit wir holiday. Ess time
Doric - MNA "'Wi'v gat a big black box Fir plast
Doric - MNA "Weel, wi'v aa hid te mak chynges," said
Doric - MNA r phone... or fit? Ye ken, wi'v bin gaun boolin wi Alec an Ne
Doric - MNA aither oan economics: "Ay, wi'v hid it ower gweed fir ower la
Doric - MNA sit aside im it the fitba. Wi'v baith a Seasons fir Pittodrie
Doric - MNA oad sakes, Jim, iv at's aa wi'v gat in common, Ah'd es weel n
Doric - MNA r twinty ear ago. Ah think wi'v aa meeved oan."
Doric - MNA "Ah ken, an wi'v at big match comin aff ess wi
Doric - MNA ar park. "Fit a fine nicht wi'v hid!"
Central - SEC Daur say I'v no been
Central - SEC At's a rare sark yi'v on the day, min.
Doric - DOR be seekin' neeps, ah hear yi'v 'em in abundance roond yer ga
Central - WCE t is wit ma ma caws foak that'v been in thi jail. Mishell nix
Central - WCE atilda.' He crossed tae the T'V set and turnt the soond doon,
Doric - MNA "Fit'v ye bin up tull the day, Mam?"
Doric - DORWide awake - WT! Must'v been the cheese. Nae gettin u
Central - WCE explain tae a wee dug rit yu'v loast yur vice? Even wan as i
Doric - MNA t, "Best theing aifter a chaw'v eit thi creel's," eit jist gi
Central - LAL er Scots speaker whither thay'v heard the saw afore.
Central - LAL wer the last 20-30 yeirs thay'v duin great wark alienatin tha
Central - LAL surprised tae find that thay'v been usin some o thir terms t
Central - SEC or Scotland an that whit thay'v duin is juist gaun tae affeck
Central - LAL they'v read afore,
Central - LAL They'v got time
Doric - MNA t loast er maan. Ye ken, they'v bin mairret fir near forty ea
Doric - MNA ot "Eit's a great theing they'v dun ye know," "That's prettea
Doric - MNA Jist dry'v er frunt en, an lyft thi baak
Shetland - SHD or a soond at's laek a vowel (V), so da peeriest syllable in
Central - LAL I have seen’); ‘I did’ (v.s. ‘I have done’) or ‘I
Central - LAL ave done’) or ‘I went’ (v.s. ‘I have gone).
Central - LAL (c.f. English ‘I saw’ (v.s. ‘I have seen’); ‘I d
Shetland - SHD he's voiced (laek b, d, g, z, v, etc); if yir vocal chords du
Doric - DUN sweeties we eesed tae aet... v Thon mannie fa his the shoppi
Central - LAL alm Ps 30: 3-4. 6. 8. 17. 21. v. 6
Orkney - ORK ent me application in - me C.V. wid impress.
Central - EDN ester United! An impressive C.V. in onybudy’s reconin’. A
Central - EDN Welcome tae E.V.I.P., negitively drip, drip,
Central - EDN So welcome back tae E.V.I.P. let’s run a tight ship
Central - LAL brella tae keep the rain aff. V wis for violets, bonny wee fl
Doric - DOR T.V. in o a queue waitin for fuel
Doric - DOR T.V. mannie says pressure low,
Central - SEC lassified results slot on I.T.V.’s World o Sport. Watching
Central - SEC twa channels (B.B.C. and S.T.V.). Setterday wis spent switch
Central - SEC BBC and World of Sport on S.T.V.
Doric - DOR aebody touchin them. Then a T.V. pundit explained that some p
Doric - DOR the T.V. ae nicht his mind wandered a
Doric - DOR the bottles came oot. (The T.V. wis
Central - SEC time, A haed tae phone the T.V. license fowk tae register ma
Doric - DOR Jonsar Eck sat watching the T.V. ae nicht, he wis a wee bit a
Doric - DOR Fin the T.V. mannie asked fit they thocht
Doric - DOR on the T.V. held on tae een anithers jer
Doric - DOR fit wis bein said on the T. V. Noo Jonsar Eck kent he wis i
Doric - DOR wer dear, the mannie on the T.V. said. "There
Doric - DOR rain says yon mannie on the T.V.
Doric - DOR Suddenly the game on the T.V. wis forgotten aboot. "SAFT"
Doric - DOR the papers an on the T.V. that the European Fitba Cham
Doric - DOR tin watchin the news on the T.V. ae nicht, an he hid tae
Doric - DOR believe T.V. programme, faar fowk faa abo
Central - EDN Scottish voices on network T.V., Fyfe Robinson bein’ the y
Doric - DOR Mannie on T.V. says damp an grey,
Doric - DOR Mannie on T.V. says it wull be sna,
Doric - DOR tch wi awe at the mannie on T.V.
Doric - MNA he apartmint, wi its colour T.V. an bra balcony owerleukin th
Doric - MNA chen thi aul blaak an fight t.v. Thi onley draa baak we oor f
Central - EDN A wis tryin’ tae show how T.V. Coverage has broadened oor a
Central - LAL is vyced or nae sic wyes /S/ v /z/ ? i pluralisation i ingli
Ulster - SYN ers waakit on, the' cum tae a vïllage an a wumman caad Mairt
Ulster - SYN ye. The' haed cum frae aa tha vïllages roon aboot, oot o Gal
Ulster - SYN Mary gies Lïzbeth a vïsit
Ulster - SYN . As he went ïntae yin o tha vïllages, he saa ten men that
Ulster - SYN sus' follaers set oot for tha vïllage o Emmaus, sïx or seiv
Doric - MNBRussia v Ukraine is gawn tae kick offs
Southern - SEAGala v Selkirk the nite refereed be
Doric - ABN That enlichtent ma vísion an lowsed ma anchor
Doric - DORLost ma v plates roond the back o peep
Ulster - SYN wus giein, he maun hae saen a vïsion
Central - WCE arlene said, Well if yir no a V.L. then who are yi no a V.L.
Doric - DOR o fellow Scot, Turnbull is a v promising talent. A club leve
Southern - SEAPsa v wands score onybody??
Central - EDN adnae be wrang. Vistas that a vísitor micht think eternal ha
Doric - DORBuzzing fur @AberdeenFC v @dundeeunitedfc luv tae beat
Central - SECerby for me 2 night - celtic v rangers women - bring it oan
Southern - SEAJed v watsons the day # coud b alot
Central - LALineapple. Or mibbes the baked v deep fried debate. Nivvir in
Central - LALeters .....Ma weekend started v early as travelling tae Wales
Doric - ABN oyal Palace', far King Harald V an Queen Sonja bide. At 1.30
Orkney - ORK ainted with the words, A. and V. Shearer, Tack Box, and we ea
Central - SEC ma sister tae see a Scotland v Austria freendly at Hampden.
Central - LALheballbbc Definitely Scotland v Brazil in Frankfurt am Main 1
Central - LAL s the mirror and crescent and v-rod.
Doric - DOR on: "At the eyn o three yaird V'se rane thaim ower again, for
Shetland - SHDCraftin fae V at school daday!! Too cute!!
Ulster - SYN An aff the' went, gan frae vïllage tae vïllage, praichin
Ulster - SYN e a freen o mine haes cum tae vïsit an thair's nae mait ïn
Southern - SEA There is a some hole ootside v
Central - SEC fa cup for free n the dundee v bonnyrigg game and loads o fr
Doric - DOR I’ve seen them given - see V Hibs. Ref actually gives it t
Central - SEC spiered Mr Neilson whan he vísitit Mr Mack in the pòliss
Central - SECrin a syrupy fig - luved the v shaped parting - priceless l
Central - SEC es. The heidmaist ettle o the v Internaitional Collogue on Eu
Central - LALlan o meetin @joao_kay at the V&A aince a month for a wee con
Central - DUN Oniewey Jamie v wis on ane o his regular walk
Central - SEC@ICTFC @RaithRovers newcastle v aston villa for me m8
Central - WCE ings aboot faith, family, Roe v. Wade, an then went straucht
Shetland - SHDain to think o ways tae reuse V’s stained school polos - su
Doric - MNA pper, yea got a wee badjce we V.L.P. ritten on 'oO' eit, fit
Central - LAL icent is the 2008 case o Duff v. Strang (www.scotcourts.gov.u
Central - SECrgh @EastScotlandFA bonnyrigg v gretna which a really enjoyed
Central - WCE id, That yir nothin but a big V.L.
Southern - SEAvin’, wish ye “Lykke til og være en glad laks” as in Scot
Ulster - SYN UN I V E R S I T
Doric - MNA loves on. She wis a Motoguzzi V Twin 500cc, a eest tae offen
Doric - DOR ('Troilus And Cressida" Book V' Lines 1793 - 1799)
Central - LALsee tae Archie Gemmell's goal v the Netherlands (Argentina 19
Central - SEClDinsey was watchin whitehill v lithgae - park defo playable
Shetland - SHD laek ta splinter da raem-calm Vågen.
Shetland - SHD an pit aff an værniesh kjists bit noo an dan
Ulster - SYN trevelt aroon aa tha toons an vïllages, praichin an tellin o
Ulster - SYN went aff tae a Samaritan vïllage for tae mak readie for
Central - LAL vitamin T, vitamin U, vitamin V, vitamin W, vitamin X, vitami
Central - SEC sorted for 2 nite - camelon v brora in the scottish - will
Central - SECa shuftie-watchin southampton v burton fa cup youth tie the n
Central - SECfae the eos play - blackburn v jeanfeel swifts will b a stoa
Central - SECoy ur game callum - broxburn v camelon looks a good one - w
Central - SECcey @MusselburghAth a n other v a n other at a venue tbc - o
Ulster - CUL CHAPTER v
Shetland - SHD CHAPTER V
Southern - SEA CHAPTER V
Central - LAL Chapter V
Central - LAL Chaipter V
Central - LAL s leukkin ye tae pit in yer vóat anent yin speirin. Fur th
Shetland - SHDing. Except im at da pool for V’s swimmin lesson #BeingAPare
Southern - SEAOn route ti ref Ayr v Boroughmuir #bluddylongjourne
Doric - MNAight hersel. Or someone who's v. drunk. To cowp is to overtur
Doric - DORawa' for someone/thing that's v sick with no hope. Better Tog
Central - SECally fancy the cayman islands v canada in a wcq later on - b
Central - EDN ute player. The ring o Jeames V (frae 1513 till 1542) wis sic
Central - DUN weel-kennt wis o course James V, wha wanderit the county as a
Central - LALGif James V war alyve, quha hearin ane o
Central - DUN bassador tae France fer James v afore bein made a Cardinal by
Central - SECswitched ower tae estudiantes v san lorenzo - ht 0-1 - look
Central - LAL uccessfae, serrin unner Jeems V, Queen Mary an Jemmie VI. But
Central - SECnMusselburgh watched spartans v kelty m8 - easy win for the
Central - SECsettled for spartans v kelty and looking forward to
Central - SECts hauf time in the strollers v uni game lol
Central - SEC - great battle wae amateurs v eos - thanks to the guys n o
Southern - SEAeveDickson59 Och aye, see its V mark on its head means poison
Doric - DOR , windy, says mannie on the T V,
Central - LALary. . . . the Manchester Unt v West Ham gemme is oan BBC SCO
Central - LALt.....ma schedule somehow got v busy!!!! XXX
Central - LALer Dry and cauld here the day V... Hope ye got what ye requir
Shetland - SHDto not have my day started by V and E shouting to each idder
Central - EDN an ye’ll finnd 18t century vísitors tae the Hielands desc
Central - LAL@ionafyfe A’v nae idea. Bit that wis whaur
Doric - DOR a couple o’ brakdoons. Wid’v rethered th telt ma ‘at at 8
Central - LALWe’v chynged wir name https://t.c
Central - LALWe’v nou got an offeecial Discord
Central - LALWe’v got an offeecial Discord nou
Central - LAL@d_anderson878 Ye’v juist got tae find humour in
Central - LAL ; 3e – the). We also see ‘v’ and ‘u’ yaisit interch
Doric - MNA he goes. Christ Awmighty! A’v nivvir been as shit-scared as
Doric - MNA Number 34 Rossie Avenue. A’v been watchin it for weeks noo
Central - SEC be o humpybackit sumphs wha’v bled warkin folk white fir ce
Doric - MNA ike it in the fillums but A’v seen plenty like it since. We
Central - NEC tae flee, nae dout he could’v. His airmy wis smaa-er an fes
Central - LAL eens an while ye wur awa we’v feenished aw the rice. Awa wi
Central - SWE e lift – an evin Space we’v bein
Central - SWE Tho hame we byde we’v traivilt far throu TV’s rai
Central - NEC gaein ye maun ken whaur we’v been.
Central - SWE An mairatour we’v watcht the weys o fowk o alki
Central - SWE The things we’v sein on our TV we’v haed th
Central - SWE An gems we’v playt a fek o hours on our Ni
Central - EDN ED, and they uphaud what we’v aaready notit abuin. And whau
Central - EDN and scheme o things, but we’v awready seen at least ae rece
Central - SWE sein on our TV we’v haed this whyle bak
Doric - ABN Ye’v on marless sheen, Grunny said
Central - SEC "Ye’v a heid start onywey,” says
Central - SEC “Och, ye’v seen me nakit onywey,” qo J
Central - LAL been up tae. Ye’v been haudin a guise wi yer fr
Doric - ABN Ee me. Ye’v a hoast!
Doric - ABN his posts juist hou guid ye’v got it if ye hae a ruif abuin
Central - NEC Ance ye’v taen awa aa the haar o myth t
Central - EDN be like him. E’en whan ye’v conquered him, dinna tak on h
Central - LAL ‘Oh, noo see whit ye’v duin,’ Mary telt the cat.
Central - LAL an sayed, ‘A ken whit ye’v been up tae. Ye’v been haud
Doric - ABN it says on that moniment ye’v walkit past a thoosand times
Doric - ABN h care?” The thing is, ah’v bade within fower mile o Lang
Central - EDN no really taking it in. Ah’v been oaf the skag a couple we
Central - EDN g tae unbuckle his belt. Ah’v seen this many times afore, w
Central - EDN cking Sean Connery movie ah’v seen a dozen times, especiall
Central - EDN rts racin’. Is no like ah’v never fooled ‘round wi’ S
Central - EDN im. Is no the first time ah’v done this, no even ma first t
Doric - ABN million merk weel afore ah’v fínisht scrievin this airtic
Central - EDN ’s moar desperate than ah’v ever seen him.
Doric - ABN the hale twinty-ane year ah’v been on this earth, an the ex
Doric - ABN Sae nou that ah’v telt ye fa he wis, ye’r pro
Central - SEC “Ah’v aye sayed that.”
Central - LAL I’v lost mynd o thair nems nou, a
Central - SEC I’v juist turned aboot an catched
Central - EDN I’v pitten thegither a Spotify pl
Central - EDN I’v leukit up the skaired Romance
Central - LAL I’v been agin field sports aw ma
Central - LAL hat first thocht. Ye see, I’v been doun this road afore wha
Central - EDN haen a lang life, I’v haen a guid feck time for tho
Central - LAL Forby makkin cairds, I’v decidit tae lay aside ma sche
Central - EDN at the stert o this post, I’v pitten thegither a table o so
Central - LAL Onywey, I’v nou got a raxt neck for ma tr
Central - EDN d lair as I hae acquired. I’v haen a lang life, I’v haen
Central - LAL raxt neck for ma trouble. I’v haed eneuch o daein it masel
Central - NEC r an gulpit deep an lang. I’v ne’er kent relief like it.
Central - EDN well cam oot o copyricht. I’v stertit a translate o Animal
Central - SEC Onywey. I’v got this week’s Computer We
Central - SEC he git aa the bad patter? I’v even noticed Elsie startin ta
Central - SEC Faither - I ken fine I’v sinned, an awfu bad at that.
Central - EDN ’s muisical history. As I’v learnt in the coorse o my spe
Central - LAL uaniver, sin the examples I’v gien sae faur haes been adae
Central - NEC e o the queerest ’hings I’v seen in ma hunner years on ea
Central - SEC Ye wirks throu me an that I’v accumplished something in Thy
Central - SEC , than?” an aa that? “I’v never seen onything the like:
Central - SEC n what this is aa aboot. Oo’v duin athoot a team leader thi
Central - SEC muckle shame seein what You’v pitten thegither sindert like
Central - WCE Yu’v niwer lived tae yu’v stide oan yir ain
Central - SEC ie’s daein awa fine, thay’v taen the week aff thair wark
Central - SEC sets her lips gaun. Bi thay’v gaen ower til her she’s see
Central - LAL ootgaun e-mails efter thay’v been scanced ower by a comput
Central - LAL hae cast sae far doun they’v nae fecht left; fowk no able
Central - EDN mit by a stark sense o déjà vécu, he draps tae the flair a
Shetland - SHD v him føshinlis, vyndlis
Shetland - SHD Dey dræv dim t'da Mærkit wie pokkies
Central - SEC lat us nó be siftit, but sév us fré ðe il én!
Shetland - SHD e, an began wi dat sam ta hdöv everything at shö could reck
Shetland - SHD Dy een möv in an aesy wye, fae me ta ima