A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of wus in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Ulster - PUL wus nae ither hooses fur a guid h
Ulster - EUL Wus murder at tha preachin.
Ulster - CUL wus gye provokin tae fin oot that
Ulster - CUL ry o "The trial's baeginnin!" wus hear't in the distance.
Ulster - GUL irticular hannlin in the pas' wus the lack o' wittens tae han'
Ulster - BUL T'wus Autumn day thut A struck oot
Ulster - BUL T'wus Chrissmas Eve thut kin folk c
Ulster - PUL fur he landit on his heid. T'wus brither Tam wha fun him, liei
Ulster - BUL This sluggard thought t'wus easy got!
Ulster - SYN Whut bes (wus) tha name o tha consarn or ou
Ulster - SYN yer foremaist tack, whut bis (wus) yer stannin in wark?
Ulster - GUL r-Scotch Skailin Found (USSF) wus stellit furtae mak siccar 'at
Ulster - EUL ye, or mebbe straa, or strae, wus it?
Ulster - SYN ess Breid, caad tha Passowre, wus nearhan. An tha Heich Preesht
Central - LAL fur a wee blether, wus it
Ulster - PUL ocks. Tha muckle brench, but, wus hairder yit an the’ wrocht
Ulster - PUL tap o Dan’s box, gye sonsy, wus cairved a perfec epple. Tha e
Ulster - GUL Gerald at wusnae at her aise. Wus thar a hint o a smirk juist s
Ulster - GUL A wus startin tae run oot o puff.
Ulster - CUL "A wus feart at michi injure the bra
Ulster - CUL le finally, wi a big sigh, "A wus a real Turtle."
Ulster - PUL ck fae tha hoose o a freen. A wus haein bither getting a thaing
Ulster - SYN ep ït lapt up ïn a cloot. A wus afeart o ye, for ye ir a hair
Ulster - PUL ir empie laik thur sowels. Aa wus lown an misslie. The’ pit D
Ulster - CUL nute - at least A know wha A wus this moarnin, but heth, A hae
Ulster - SYN es an tha maistèrs o tha Laa wus wile ang'rie an heckelt hïm,
Ulster - EUL An then whun aa wus lown wud play At fillin foarm
Ulster - PUL an twa sisters. His ma and da wus lang since gan, an thair wus
Ulster - GUL d oan the herth an a knowed a wus in big trouble.
Ulster - BUL Fae A wus near tha widows hoose
Ulster - GUL flasks didnae cum alang tae A wus a bit lang'r in tha tooth!
Ulster - GUL Bae the time A got hame A wus needin,
Ulster - PUL near aa awa by tha time A wus a wean, bit ma granfaither ke
Ulster - BUL Tha tea wus ate whan A struck oot
Ulster - CUL tistet eggs," said Alice, wha wus a wile honest weeyin; "but we
Ulster - CUL "Wae!" gret the Moose, wha wus shakin richt doon tae the eno
Ulster - CUL in the lap o hir sister, wha wus gently brushin awa some deid
Ulster - CUL e what A use't tae say whin A wus a weeyin," said the Gryphon.
Ulster - GUL Whun A wus a wain A loved gan roon wae M
Ulster - PUL al pence an no 5p like whun A wus a wean.
Ulster - EUL This tha month whun A wus boarn,
Ulster - PUL A haed a skippin raip whun A wus a wean, an guid use A made ot
Ulster - GUL Yin day whun a wus a wain a snaked intae whut wi
Ulster - EUL (Whar A wus boarn).
Ulster - SYN ays, 'A'll gie bak tae whar A wus leevin afore.' Sae tha spïri
Ulster - PUL Braw bowle whar A wus bakit - thair's nane her mak
Ulster - CUL the silliest taypairty iver A wus at in mae hale life!"
Ulster - GUL Whanivver A wus jist a wean, A taaked leck a
Ulster - GUL ocht leck a wean: whanivver A wus man-growed, bot, A buckt oot
Ulster - CUL "fur A wus niver es wee es this afore, n
Ulster - CUL n maesel, an thocht oul Santa wus jest able tae work magic. A s
Ulster - PUL iz ithers heerd, an fun oot A wus wrang. Fur a souch o truth bl
Ulster - EUL Yinst A wus blin, an cudnae see
Ulster - PUL But nooadays, iz A wus sayin,
Ulster - PUL But nooadays, iz A wus sayin,
Ulster - EUL His hairt he sayed wus sair,
Ulster - GUL d tae a sindèrie Scotch leid wus kythed got.
Ulster - PUL her tha saicond box. Tha lid wus cairved wi a bonnie rose —
Ulster - PUL ’ wrocht sair, fur tha wuid wus that teuch an tha ex kep skit
Southern - SEA ey mak shuir at Yid wus aa richt.”
Ulster - SYN aboot tha wye tha Hoose o God wus aa daen up, wi ïts bricht bo
Ulster - SYN ainlie sinn. An a bïg crood wus follaein hir oot frae tha too
Ulster - GUL Tha cupboard wus bare
Ulster - PUL o tha yeir, tha Wattér Boord wus pittin in pipes on tha C--Roa
Ulster - EUL Whun nighber Wullie Boyd wus pennin.
Ulster - CUL d let yae oot, yae know." Hae wus lukin up intae the sky aal th
Ulster - CUL come tae mae, an toul mae hae wus gan on a journey, A wud say "
Ulster - CUL Shae wus lukin aal roon hir fur some w
Ulster - CUL curiouser!" gowlt Alice (shae wus that gunkt that fur noo shae
Ulster - CUL e roof o the haal: heth, shae wus noo mair nor nine fut taal, a
Ulster - CUL ae that shockt bae this, shae wus gitting use't tae rare things
Ulster - CUL ak tae the Cheshire-Cat, shae wus shockt tae fin a brev big cro
Ulster - CUL he minute Alice appeart, shae wus axt bae aal three tae settle
Ulster - CUL shy voice bae hir Bide. Shae wus waakin by the White Rabbit, w
Ulster - CUL it waatcht the Queen tae shae wus out o sicht: thin it laucht.
Ulster - GUL gets hame...al tha time shae wus whackin tha backs o Mae legs.
Ulster - CUL t him brev an quick, fur shae wus aye ready tae taak aboot hir
Ulster - CUL close ee on it, fur shae wus mair nor sure shae wus gan ta
Ulster - CUL settelt tae remain whur shae wus es lang es thur wus room fur
Ulster - CUL Alice cud seen this, es shae wus near enuch tae luk ower thir
Ulster - CUL in a game o croquet that shae wus playin agin hirsel, fur this
Ulster - CUL knowed what shae wus sayin, an the wurds come oot
Ulster - CUL the wood - (shae thocht hae wus a fitman baecaas hae wus in l
Ulster - PUL Grace wus wantin fur tae see whut it wu
Ulster - PUL This yin simmer day, Grace wus ben tha hoose whun she gulder
Ulster - GUL Its fleece wus whie as sna
Ulster - CUL Alice wus gittin wile tire't o sittin b
Ulster - CUL Alice wus gye puzzelt. "Daes the boots
Ulster - CUL Alice wus quate.
Ulster - CUL ey waakt aff thegither. Alice wus quare an gled tae fin hir in
Ulster - CUL they aal moved awa, an Alice wus shane left hirsel.
Ulster - CUL ueen said tae Alice; an Alice wus too feert tae say oniethin, b
Ulster - GUL 2.4 Tha Greeance wus set doon wi tha homologatin o
Ulster - CUL haur needs - because A yince wus a wean maesel, an thocht oul
Ulster - EUL Acause thair trust in thee wus pit, Affrontit nane cud be.
Ulster - PUL Tha thoarn tree wus gye an oul an its brenches wu
Ulster - PUL He wus a boul big hallion,
Ulster - CUL He wus a dacent boadie wi nay bak do
Ulster - CUL in Bethlehem, an efter aa, He wus boarn in a stable. Noo, A hae
Ulster - SYN Noo whan Herod saa Jesus, he wus hairt gled, for he haed heerd
Ulster - SYN !" Whan Jesus heerd thïs, he wus stoondit an saed tae thaim th
Ulster - PUL chair, eftér a guid feed. He wus wok up aroon echt o'clock, by
Ulster - PUL til makkin tha wudden leg. He wus chisellin tha teuch an gnarre
Ulster - PUL while tha verra same wuid he wus whuttlin wus teuch an thrawn
Ulster - SYN alcum, acause the' cud see he wus bent on gan tae Jerusalem.
Ulster - SYN An een while he wus taakin, aa o a suddent a hale
Central - LAL buzz tellt sniff he wus gonnie gie us some
Ulster - PUL Oul Frank he wus in quare guid foarm, as he pi
Ulster - SYN But whan he wus stïll a lang róad aff, hïs
Ulster - SYN yin o thaim, whan he saen he wus cured, turnt bak an cryed oot
Ulster - EUL o let God deliver him, Gin he wus jist sae sure'.
Ulster - SYN ntin tae pray. An whaniver he wus prayin, tha hale luk o hïm w
Ulster - PUL bak tha cowl o her cape. She wus gye oul an wrinkle’t wi a s
Ulster - PUL leg, tha oul wumman sayed she wus fur gaun.
Ulster - PUL oorsels. Mitchin aff, sae she wus,
Ulster - PUL ae ye cudnae see whut wye she wus lukkin — an she haed an unc
Ulster - GUL Ulster Fowk Museum quhar she wus toul forebye aboot the Nation
Ulster - SYN spake, for the' kent that he wus tha Christ.
Ulster - PUL ha grun aside him. Her boadie wus clabbert, her hair snarlt wi
Ulster - PUL In twa oors, Wullie wus aa rigged oot wi new breeks,
Ulster - GUL Whun thon pie wus opened thon birds began tae s
Ulster - EUL Davie wus lachin, fur his hoose wus sla
Ulster - PUL ved a perfec epple. Tha epple wus laik tae growein frae tha wud
Ulster - GUL Chicken Little wus in the wudds. A seed fell on
Ulster - GUL Chicken Little wus in the wudds. A seed fell on
Ulster - CUL an roon the neck o the bottle wus a paper label, wi the wurds "
Ulster - CUL Hooiniver, this bottle wus naw markt "poison", sae Alice
Ulster - CUL ing aboot this hale shemozzle wus that folk understood differen
Ulster - CUL l go baak an see hoo the game wus gan on, es shae hear't the Qu
Ulster - GUL The goats’ hame wus bae a brig.
Ulster - PUL ths gaed by an Grace’s wame wus big got as it cum near time f
Ulster - GUL bae hit's Ulster-Scots naime wus
Ulster - GUL If the time wus granted tae ye.
Ulster - CUL untryside, since you an’ me wus wains,
Ulster - EUL In pews, a King abane wus socht
Ulster - CUL But boys the pipe wus pairt o’ them, them oul’
Ulster - GUL At times ye'd think aa hope wus gone,
Ulster - CUL rection o whur the March Hare wus supposed tae Jeeve. "A hae se
Ulster - CUL Here wus anither question that puzzelt
Ulster - GUL There Wus an Oul Womman
Ulster - GUL o tha citie. Dear kens, there wus eneuch tae be cannie aboot wi
Central - SEC or men tae their boats. There wus this toff, fae Edinburgh Ah t
Ulster - GUL Thaire wus a braid geographical spread o
Ulster - GUL tistics shew at quyhle thaire wus a wee change in the figures f
Ulster - GUL an' ootpit o' finnins thaire wus a
Ulster - GUL roun' lately shewed at thaire wus a
Ulster - GUL heirskeip pairt o' the centre wus funded bae the Boord o' Ulste
Ulster - CUL tly ye wud think thur culture wus aa aboot fiddles, flutes and
Ulster - GUL air wide range o’ expertise wus invaluable.”
Ulster - PUL Tha cottar-hoose wus nae mair nor tha twa ruims an
Ulster - PUL ein here frae afore tha hoose wus bigged, even”.
Ulster - PUL ed, aa tuk bak, fur tha hoose wus oot o tha wye an naeboadie wu
Ulster - SYN Oan whut date wus this bodie boarn?
Ulster - SYN Oan whut date wus this bodie boarn?
Ulster - SYN Oan whut date wus this bodie boarn?
Ulster - CUL hale pack o cairds: the Knave wus stannin afore thim, in chains
Ulster - PUL en leaves — an in his nieve wus an oul, shrivel’t rotten br
Ulster - GUL@raiphsays We wus well happed up the day, pure
Ulster - SYN knowed tha day an oor a thief wus cumin, ye'd be lukin oot for
Southern - SEAite cum on then.......the ref wus shite, the ref wus crap bla b
Southern - SEA rite cum on then.....the ref wus shite, the ref wus crap bla b
Ulster - PUL “Ma leg wus fankle’t in a snare oan tha
Ulster - GUL Ower the brig wus a braeside.
Ulster - SYN tha thrang wus axin hïm. Jhone telt thaim:
Ulster - CUL Alice thocht the hale thing wus wile odd, but they aal lukt t
Ulster - GUL Tha king wus in his coontin hoose coontin
Ulster - SYN Or agane, ïf a kïng wus gan tae war wi anither kïng,
Ulster - GUL@SgothanGeal An Wee Dug wus gye happy an aww! ????????! h
Ulster - BUL fur the coal they dug wus bits frae hame
Ulster - CUL A wud lik tae think!" (Dinah wus the eat.) "A hope they mine t
Ulster - PUL alang tha brench. The brench wus a guid thickness at tha trunk
Ulster - PUL a braidth o a mon. Yin brench wus growein richt owre tha wundae
Ulster - PUL t wi tha five pun note, whuch wus prentit oan muckle sheets o t
Ulster - CUL ee hoose, on the dorr o whuch wus a bricht brass plate wi the n
Ulster - SYN No lang eftèr that, Lïzbeth wus tae hae a wean, an sae she st
Ulster - CUL Ye wad think moather earth wus joost wakenin up', efter
Ulster - CUL I wus a gye rare lukin bunch, that
Ulster - GULlyink @SgothanGeal Wheeker, I wus quare be-gunked when I think
Ulster - GUL Well A wus toul whan I wus wee
Ulster - CUL At thirteen I wus hir't, it's gyely time I reti
Ulster - CUL ang ago it was nae so, when I wus at my peak
Ulster - GUL@raiphsays I wus jus drinkin soop to Raiph, an
Ulster - SYN e tha lough, an tha hale lock wus droont.
Ulster - GUL n tha het butter an saft yolk wus runnin Doon tha waiks o mae j
Ulster - CUL ae tak the hint; but the cook wus busy stirrin the soup, an did
Ulster - SYN lock o thaim; an aa tha fowk wus hairt-gled at aa tha wunnèrf
Ulster - CUL n gloves, an baecaas the haal wus wile het, shae aye fanned hir
Ulster - CUL baak tae hir slowly: its dial wus white (wi passion, Alice thoc
Ulster - PUL Roderick Madonal wus boarn in 17an29 an cum ower t
Ulster - GUL Sure ye'd think the Worl wus gaein tae end,
Ulster - SYN Abraham wus tha faither o Isaac, Isaac th
Ulster - EUL Lang-wundit Tam wus on tha phone,
Ulster - SYN an he stapt thair. Capernaum wus bi tha Loch ïn tha dïstrict
Ulster - CUL n intae a graceful zigzag, an wus gan tae dive in amang the lea
Ulster - CUL set the wee crettur doon, an wus quare an gled tae see it trot
Ulster - CUL e keekt doon at hir hauns, an wus by hirsel whin shae seen shae
Ulster - CUL ff ower the fiel efter it, an wus Jest in time tae see it gan d
Ulster - CUL ither guinea-pig channert, an wus suppresst.
Ulster - CUL the guinea-pigs channert, an wus immediately suppresst bae the
Ulster - PUL Yin o tha days, Dan wus ootby tha hoose playin an rin
Ulster - PUL irm’s lenth. Richtaway, Dan wus speelin tha tree an spraughli
Ulster - PUL ettin as Dan wiggled oot. Dan wus gettin a weethin feart an wus
Ulster - PUL s wur blistert an raa, an Dan wus fit tae drap.
Ulster - PUL John leukked at tha roon Dan wus houlin. Tha mair it wus aboot
Ulster - PUL tha thoarn tree, jist as Dan wus pit doon fur tha nicht an Joh
Ulster - PUL tha wumman lukked painrife an wus trailin a fut.
Ulster - SYN ep wi hir til eftèr tha wean wus boarn. An he caad hïm bi tha
Ulster - GUL tural debate in Norlin Airlan wus shaped bae the Cultural Trade
Ulster - GUL itor spennin in Norlin Airlan wus oan airts an' culture. Festiv
Ulster - CUL xt keekt oot the Fish-F'itman wus awa, an the ither yin wus sit
Ulster - PUL gettin a weethin feart an wus aa fur giein up whun a breeze
Ulster - PUL John leukked ben an ootby an wus govin aa ower whun, tae tha s
Ulster - SYN ae Jerusalem, whut Jesus daen wus thïs: he went ïntae tha Hoo
Ulster - PUL skin laik pairchment. Her een wus glimmert sae ye cudnae see wh
Ulster - CUL That yer een wus is steady is iver;
Ulster - GUL this report an' follaein plen wus biggit aroun' an Ulster-Scots
Ulster - PUL he kiltit up her cape an John wus tuk bak at tha sicht o yin o
Ulster - CUL rwise than what micht hae bin wus itherwise thin what yae had b
Ulster - GUL Whaniver tha scrow Roadin wus ootset, A sayed 'at A recked
Ulster - PUL un tae bed, hairt-gled aathin wus aa richt. The’ baith haed a
Ulster - CUL oonwards, an the peur weethin wus wavin its tail aboot in a unh
Ulster - PUL in tha pun. Or that a shillin wus worth twal pence an no 5p lik
Ulster - PUL whuttlin wus teuch an thrawn tae wark.
Ulster - SYN ngs he sayed, for tha meanin wus hïd frae thaim, an the' jist
Ulster - PUL uin. Tha fing’rs o lichtnin wus glentin ower tha nicht sky, l
Ulster - GUL eaboots wi an ee til sillerin wus taen tent o in ML's Leids fur
Ulster - GUL inspired mair an' thon wus tuk tae Noarth Amerikey quhar
Ulster - PUL a’ed a half dollar — thon wus worth 2/6. Then a florin or t
Ulster - GUL ience). A screevit submission wus gat fae Libraries Norlin Airl
Ulster - CUL ukt at Alice, es the question wus evidently mean't fur hir.
Ulster - PUL Takkin it doon wus a quare hannlin. John an Dan
Ulster - GUL gg's oan fire, shair the soon wus divine.
Ulster - CUL ame: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson wus the scriever's richt name an
Ulster - PUL suin eneuch. Grace’s apern wus floatin oan tha scum o a deep
Ulster - PUL gn o tha ruch nicht. Tha grun wus dry as banes, tha craps still
Ulster - GUL lads sae guid. Whan tha disco wus near owre, Dot sez, “Luk yo
Ulster - CUL on o TV takin ower frae radio wus a newance. Since there wur ji
Ulster - CUL A gret big pup wus lukin doon at hir wi big roon
Ulster - GUL he baagest attendence sae far wus the hauf million at went tae
Ulster - EUL Tha weefla's blether wus near his een.
Ulster - GUL Sae the hemmer wus tuk frae the toolbox,
Ulster - CUL The Hatter wus the furst tae brek the silenc
Ulster - SYN roak, an whaniver tha rïver wus ïn fu spate an swep agin tha
Ulster - GUL Thair wus a meenesterial committment ta
Ulster - PUL Tha nixt moarnin, thair wus naether sicht nor sign o tha
Ulster - SYN "Yin time thair wus thïs weel-aff man that dress
Ulster - SYN r wi tha fother, acause thair wus nae ruim for thaim ïn tha l
Ulster - SYN brither. Noo, whut ïf thair wus seiven brithers. Tha oulest g
Ulster - SYN An thair wus a thraw on amang thaim, as ta
Ulster - SYN An thair wus thïs wumman wi a bad name ab
Ulster - SYN ain hoose for Jesus, an thair wus a hale lock o tex men an tha
Ulster - SYN ' haed made readie. [An thair wus ither yins alang wi thaim.] A
Ulster - SYN Then thair wus a wee weeda wumman, echtie-fo
Ulster - CUL let him know, that him an hir wus comin’
Ulster - BUL whan he wusnae heedin or wus danderin roon;
Ulster - GUL mas or when a special visitor wus comin tae visit.
Ulster - CUL wer sixty year ir mair, thaur wus nae ruchness o’ siller an y
Ulster - CUL e fortune on tha weans, thaur wus somethin wrang wae ye.
Ulster - GUL Thur wus a wee oul wumman.
Ulster - CUL Thur wus a tibble set oot in front o t
Ulster - CUL Thur wus deid silence in the coort, wh
Ulster - GUL Thur wus a wee oul wumman. Thur wus a
Ulster - GUL Thur wus a wee oul man. |
Ulster - GUL Thur wus grass on the braeside. The bi
Ulster - CUL "Yinst upon a time, thur wus three wee sisters," the Dorrm
Ulster - PUL ce wur haein thair mate, thur wus a quare brattle o thunner.
Ulster - CUL "Well, thur wus Mystery," the Mock Turtle rep
Ulster - CUL thir dials richt awa. Thur wus the soun o monie fitsteps, an
Ulster - GUL Wee Billy Goat Gruff. Thur wus Big Billy Goat Gruff. An thur
Ulster - GUL a wee oul wumman. Thur wus a wee oul man. The wee oul wu
Ulster - CUL gien thim oot es prizes. Thur wus exactly yin each, aal roon.
Ulster - GUL r wur three billy goats. Thur wus Wee Billy Goat Gruff. Thur wu
Ulster - CUL Richt awa thur wus a wile complete quateness, an
Ulster - GUL Big Billy Goat Gruff. An thur wus
Ulster - CUL gloves richt noo!" Thin thur wus a wee patterin o feet on the
Ulster - PUL we’r no daen yit, fer thur wus half a penny known as a ha’
Ulster - GUL hunnèr wus o a mine 'at Ulstèr-Scotch m
Ulster - PUL tha mettér wus. Them doctors can dae wunnér
Doric - MNBrd n hearty...wan eh the lads wus missing ah hand...wan eyed St
Ulster - GUL he Boord o' Ulster-Scotch, es wus done afore, gien at hit hasna
Ulster - PUL gye an oul an its brenches wus tha braidth o a mon. Yin bren
Ulster - GUL Tha stairt o tha seventies wus ill times in Bilfawst. Tae me
Ulster - PUL less o wine, A wheen o rhymes wus ma design In Standart Habbie.
Ulster - GUL r fer sustainin' sich centres wus mentioned in the las' plen. S
Ulster - GUL chts an' equalitie structures wus niver
Ulster - GUL instruments es wus a renewed commitment tae the
Ulster - PUL inny an gruppit in her nieves wus rottin clumps o bog-gress, pl
Ulster - CUL thim rid. Alice thocht, this wus a pooerfu odd thing, an shae
Ulster - GUL ttèr oncum fur aabodie. This wus gien mair wecht unnèr Rankin
Ulster - GUL adin's mints an ettlins. This wus tha sough 'at cum owre baak a
Ulster - CUL an the pattern on thir backs wus the same is the rest o the pa
Ulster - PUL progremmes. Yin o tha fillims wus aboot Wulliam James Madonal w
Ulster - PUL e ower lang, tha three freens wus sittin at tha bar in Le Wunte
Ulster - PUL l-settle’t noo an tha craps wus comin oan in tha fiels.
Ulster - SYN ir, an hir freens an nighbers wus aa wile plaised. Whan tha wea
Ulster - PUL spring an wee white flooers wus apenin oan tha thoarn tree.
Ulster - GUL Fur me troosers wus getting wile ticht.
Ulster - CUL l: furst, baecaas the Duchess wus wile ugly; an secont, baecaas
Ulster - CUL The furst witness wus the Hatter. Hae come in wi a
Ulster - EUL Tae tha lang moss wus tamet, bedad! An drain't bi h
Ulster - GUL interpretive signage projects wus an' airt o' guid progress fer
Central - SEC The owersettin intae Scots wus lik plooin a field. The first
Ulster - EUL Na, hairts wus lairnt tae saftly thrum
Ulster - GUL 1.21 MWCUS wus waled wi tha Männystèr o Fo
Ulster - EUL Platypus wus fun wi wab-lake fir
Ulster - SYN or aa tha crood o fowk. Jesus wus toul,
Ulster - SYN Yinst, whan Jesus wus oot prayin, yin o hïs follae
Ulster - SYN An thair an then Jesus wus owercum wi tha joy o tha Hali
Ulster - SYN oot aa tha thïngs that Jesus wus daein, he wus fare fasht, aca
Ulster - GUL o tha Framewark Paction, 'at wus executit in 19an98, bes tae m
Ulster - GUL Independence at wus prented bae John Dunlap o' St
Ulster - GUL That wus twunty three sizes tae big.
Ulster - CUL tet agane, usin the ink, that wus tricklin doon haes face, es l
Ulster - CUL cht intae a big kitchen, that wus full o reek frae yin en o it
Ulster - SYN Whan yin o thaim that wus sïttin at table wi Jesus hee
Ulster - EUL urn awa frae him In pain that wus sair tried.
Ulster - EUL But deil a haet o that wus lairnt,
Ulster - SYN her parable tae tha yins that wus fu o thairsels, an thocht the
Ulster - SYN Matthat wus tha sinn o Levi.
Ulster - GUL r Cultural Chairter bae quhat wus cried langsine the Ulsterr-Sc
Ulster - CUL "What wus that lik?" said Alice.
Ulster - CUL "What wus A gan tae sae thur," said the
Ulster - CUL "What wus that?" Alice inquired. "Reeli
Ulster - CUL Pray, what wus the raison o that?"
Ulster - GUL bae depairtments, inection at wus pairtly dhriv bae an Executiv
Ulster - GUL Chairter Implementin' Curn at wus chaired bae DCAL/
Ulster - GUL Balmoral Shew at wus manned bae the boord an' key
Ulster - GUL 'the project wus an example o' oor potential '
Ulster - GUL e the welder an even mair het wus tried!!
Central - SEC ooin a field. The first draft wus jist whit lowpit intae ma hei
Ulster - PUL Tha last gift wus fur John. Tha tap o his box w
Ulster - EUL Tae whut tha licht wus at tha stairt.
Ulster - CUL key, an Alice's furst thocht wus that it micht baelang tae yin
Ulster - CUL It wus the White Rabbit, dannerin ba
Ulster - PUL It wus Settérday nicht, an Davie Ca
Ulster - GUL It wus a wheat seed.
Ulster - CUL It wus gye quate fur a lang while ef
Ulster - PUL It wus tha hinner-en o October whun,
Ulster - CUL It wus odd the wye that Flossie an
Ulster - GUL It wus a wheat seed.
Ulster - GUL It wus a wheat seed.
Ulster - GUL It wus a toty seed.
Ulster - PUL kkin an bricht — an och! It wus ayont his airm’s lenth. Ric
Ulster - CUL sister kisst hir, an said "It wus a curious dream, dear, certai
Ulster - CUL nk aboot it, an thin said "It wus a traicle-well."
Ulster - PUL tae growein frae tha wud, it wus that real-lukkin — an Dan w
Ulster - PUL til tha oul cottar-hoose, it wus spring an wee white flooers w
Ulster - PUL mfoonert, an richt eneuch, it wus a bricht, lown day.
Ulster - PUL ee wudden boxes. Tae John, it wus laik the wuid she haed was sa
Ulster - EUL Boys, it wus gran
Southern - SEA Ay, it wus efter the merciless pillaging
Central - SEC difficult tae scrieve. It wus intense, gien Ah hud less tha
Ulster - PUL lit oan some bricht thing. It wus deep rid, glentin in tha dull
Ulster - CUL comin. It wus the White Rabbit comin baak,
Ulster - PUL r oor tay tha ither nicht. It wus quare an guid o ye, an ye dae
Ulster - CUL e shelves es shae went by: it wus labelt "ORANGE MARMALADE" but
Ulster - PUL e cum nearhaun, the’ saa it wus an oul wumman, hirplin wi a c
Ulster - CUL ock. Fur instance, imagine it wus nine o'clock in the moarnin,
Ulster - GUL Hit wus pairt o' the penel's remit ta
Ulster - GUL Hit wus hoped at the Dormant Accoonts
Ulster - GUL lture. Afore the pandemic hit wus gettin sax thoosan visitors i
Ulster - GUL ure wudnae bae tholed gif hit wus airted aa ither identities. T
Ulster - GUL Fer the penel hit wus an intense bit, aa the hinema
Ulster - GUL a siccar thing tae dae at hit wus ten yeir syne. The axed tha l
Ulster - CUL for but I think it wus the hoowse.
Ulster - CUL soart o animal it wus) scratchin an scraepin aal ro
Ulster - CUL luk at aal comfurtible, an it wus certainly naw shanesie.
Ulster - PUL hlet up intae tha sate, an it wus a sicht tae see,
Ulster - CUL pillar, decidetly; an thin it wus quate fur a while.
Ulster - CUL o it: thin Alice, thinkin it wus a bit lik playin a game wi a
Ulster - EUL Tha Bellycopelan yin it wus,
Central - SEC aur Ah mak it a policy, so it wus jist grand tae drook masel in
Ulster - GUL Whather it wus, nuts nor baults nor springs
Ulster - CUL The wather it wus better then, och! Mebbe that
Central - SEC STV askit iz whether it wus difficult tae scrieve. It wus
Ulster - PUL houlin. Tha mair it wus aboot a fut across, it haed h
Ulster - PUL n aff much tae Wullie, fur it wus jaist the wie he wus. He wus
Ulster - CUL the weeyin an nae mair, es it wus a funnyghape't wee crettur, a
Ulster - CUL twa sides o it wur; an es it wus completely roon, shae fun thi
Ulster - CUL t," said the King, "unless it wus acrieved tae nacboadie, whuch
Ulster - CUL lice, feelin gye gled that it wus ower at last: "an A dae sae l
Ulster - CUL nixt minute shae seen that it wus the weeyin shae wus taakin ta
Ulster - PUL polisht it sae weel ’at it wus amaist staunin up oot o tha w
Ulster - CUL art o meanin in it, an yit it wus definitely Ulster Scots, "A d
Ulster - CUL but thin shae made oot it wus only a moose that had slippt
Ulster - CUL But it wus too late tae bae wishin that!
Ulster - PUL wantin fur tae see whut it wus an set aff owre tha boag. Com
Ulster - CUL I cannae min’ whut it wus for but I think it wus the ho
Ulster - CUL "A didnae know it wus yer tibble," said Alice. "It'
Ulster - EUL A guid nicht's spoart wus cloddin stanes.
Ulster - CUL r some minutes the hale coort wus in confusion, gittin the Dorr
Ulster - SYN Whut wus tha name an address o tha hei
Ulster - SYN A yeir syne, whut wus yer address fur ordnar?
Ulster - GUL Wae whut wus ain the flure.
Ulster - SYN he' hae brocht thegither whut wus hannit doon tae iz frae yins
Ulster - SYN sae ït cum tae pass whut wus saed bi tha proaphits: "He wu
Ulster - PUL ie. Richt in tha middle o’t wus a wuid gnar — an she’d po
Ulster - SYN róad, an hoo the' knowed ït wus Jesus tha mïnit he brauk tha
Ulster - SYN Bi thïs time ït wus nuin, an dairkness faad ower
Ulster - SYN it ït didnae faa, acause ït wus bigged on tha roak. But iveri
Ulster - SYN a fire on irth, an A wush ït wus aareadie lït! A hae a tarrib
Ulster - SYN ik, he fun tha place whar ït wus writ doon:
Ulster - SYN e nicht lang. An whaniver ït wus day, he caad hïs follaers ta
Ulster - SYN Yis hae heerd that ït wus saed tae fowk lang syne, 'Dï
Ulster - SYN Yis hae heerd that ït wus saed, 'An ee fer an ee, an a
Ulster - GUL Sae the auld tin box wus tuk oot frae ahin the cupboar
Ulster - PUL Oul money wus near aa awa by tha time A wus
Ulster - CUL Of coorse there definitely wus mair characters aboot years a
Ulster - GUL * An Ulster-Scots Academy wus tae hae bein' stairtet mair n
Ulster - BUL An thon oul boy wus wile pleased
Ulster - GUL identity wus fordered bae the Boord o' Uls
Ulster - GUL barrier tae ection. The duty wus modelled oan the Integrated E