A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching large dialect region

Robson, Frances matching with Shetland

Total unique words from Robson, Frances = 959
Total unique words from Shetland = 14,580
analysis words = 1000
Not enough words on the left to process, only going through the top 959 words
Author only total : 78.5%
Overlap total : 21.3%
Dialect only total: 78.7%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
Robson, Frances Shetland
ma oan ye ah aw thir then yer braw wee gaun whaur them rat-a-tat hot steam neebors thir's ingin us erk jist birlin yaised hud lord keeps noah enough sair york dancing toom baptist fowk than wheels morra music hingin ve puddock bauchle tracks jeely liquorice fairy breengin roon soor dunt flytin perr unner agin dirdum haggis muntain clappers maw gowpin twa-taed belly babylon suddenly whae haunds hen pieces puir beltin cauld skelps meenister wull doos oor shall pure ben neb brek disnae street culd makin heezed cruise cuddies full went pipes furst wagon tartanic baws stappit thoosand flingin iron stoor locomotive cuddy lourdie souvenir pechin tea wagons council withoot bbc road wad makars ill-deedie naw rain games warld eat lunt flusterin fat olive can't boof spring sundown fuffin expire stoker huffin yuff consternation oof puff sweyin staunds fore buy fund towel burdens ithers whase lives yersel skelp tuwim coal station julian polish deil blithe frae sweatin saft creeshie sassers macnificat drum-fu fatties yin's breeze gutsy fourth bananas fortepianas sixth cannon cairries fifth souchs yin rairs corbie firin muckle-boukit steel jaggy hotch sweir thistle raggit vinegar coos queues sunup nippy ilka stour celebrity bogles banshees siller mice sprauchelt romance shelf dinged vauntie harn-guddled rich clamjamfrie tods scunners ramfoozelt lions ambition glaikit greed rebellion blawn blessed brattle schemes cry lassies generations regairded nipscarts dinnae rulers thegither dictators palaces whummelt gee ginger fashed cockieleeries girnin assent pauchle royal saiklessness sowel haund millstanes thrapples almichty addictions herts endorsed laichest bouchts lowse murder gift-wrapped hankle readers' welcomed outcast ragabash fables craws lived glowerin cowps puddocks wunners cast dumfoonert wunner justice coort donnert weak seventh school chug-a-chug-chuggin wallopin wheezin earth tin waws bairnie's toy warselt sechin trauchlin craitur whae's that's sweirest pooered het heavin puffin puff-puff din scotsman let's laldy waste chappin haste meadows type tunnels hogmanay tiggin rappin poetic chuggin flyin way gleg heelstergowdie tappin lichtly biler ropes ate faither boulders use ootside don't law tassie sangshaw planted birblin joukin huv stanes madam publish mcphail tubes existence rammy nieves cawin skippin through pistons fankle rhymes bairnheid rattle owersettin ongaun sangs thrang bigger shair athletes gey forty gaithered cutlets heeze eh whingin wecht warsle finest meat mixter-maxter crates tables chairs eighth aik amang wheel girder skies giraffes elephants slachter tenth hauds lown fattened gurlie bears ninth pigs whee clourin brekkin carnaptious clashin greet smirk neebor nebbie dour steed thro muntains radgie brig strecht aheid pibroch scrieve reek pirlin caw cannie whirlin whoo hirplin cockaleekie puddin ruggin rivin addresses dwam clapshot tortie daunders each fireflauchts bahookie ocht stoater clap ettlin gunk douce slaverin unco threapin syne whiles gowkin comedian cairry-oan rid sterns boyfreend ticket winnin prizes shuin metal anither neeps matchin tartan real teenie clackin takin cane oxter gollerin argy-bargy hat top majorca castanets brammed skirt hellfire sins gory ashet ploom sugar close clash axe whummlin stug plum sweet eyes gobstoppers babies laces bull plooms tooth quite stuff jujubes press dollopin around hoor shooglin masel fancyin flesh food howk show perty bellyful trophies scabby pumps mither gyte cudnae haud hissel jaikets flora paradise yir napper speshully available prescription puddle pent causey horizontal christ wheh bane yirsel jinin banes pal thaim wans branch stey abuin voter shoogle lot sleep apathy slumped choice feery-tarry theh whirlies rael gentlemen creation lump deadly sin hamlet immortal semi-final marchin ian nimmo saints schuilboays piped ill-will salome sword trigged lug luif kenspeckle hielan trophy photie champion inverteuchty silent bryceland sclimmed resiled geelt cobra april scottish hampden park mid-air scored celtic nil rods saint wae hauf blink chuggie claggie price bevy irn bru millennium packed racin ootby spritzers vodka shauchled naist elbae wurd girders birls thocht mental nile scotmid korean feenisht wappen mass instructions biggit peg designer flat-packed construct construction widden wally dugs minorca camels graith cowped apocalypse sloth fair chuffed fete suin twalmonth snod safe erse came cuidnae luik thigged stife mauchtie drooned nebby drumlie rather hairpin flooer aiblins lassie helicopters cross thunner brattlin learn streamin scours blousters wipin rigbanes flaws biblical greetin-faced fleeted hunkered riggings water spate mane hames soom culdnae cake wings grand smirkin ages gaunnae taes aims entrance paddy-doo sherbert crystals hittin sook tinkling prince aniseed tights spent setterday whalebanes happed towsie ribs satin tutu mingin pink stock hurdies knife edges nip jaggin nettin embro rock layers nylon tube global property anbile friday posts erk-biggin lathes jinery bealin bauks dwangs philosophical clashed dauds tar shoogly sterted luikin bum thochts bunch mañanas q clifts wuid stowed b warmin stooshie elements rainforest rone bath chainsaws skirlin swains awthin torch weldin cabers kitchen cooker jowin the an a o in wi it tae s fur he as has it's nae fae his wis is me but lik no doon up this awa that we so mair or wan heid oot nor muckle if wir cam at see aff scots when be its roond you of whit says ower aboot ony gied aye tho bi they day new intae time gairden mak hear are hoose can dae life here guid ll auld onythin gie noo een face comes nivir for done what kind black do her been mooth lift nicht things even hert ken wance waitin back till like on sea naebody richt him bides i d there taks gies air weel tatties six third try let second fire hale taen will lugs bairns come wrocht licht men year have with burn feet place language john prattle alang thing room kens ah'm sic nane greetin not winter english twa toon needin past really bad just aroond bein tak seen lang hersel only please yon coorse wid side ta much main pit question white go seeven last green cup fower cut happy shook spak eftir fir hae hame brocht red say piece mind atween number maks m man yet bit and da dat dey said dis aa shö du dem hit peerie dan shü whin wye my laek dir dee hed der shaetlan göd afore idder ir sam dere some set could aafil a'm dy foo tink hit's wirds fock ee haes tocht first whaar kent dunna apo aald didna took your still wisna efter med did fokk canna anidder wird to sae tell loard got ida dö saa geng dialect juist hedd never trow nivver start du's naethin door she by spaekin ithin twartree telt fine very better tree whan ageen lass spaek he's ain fin head get dat's look fan young cood yun haand heard lat sed comin wha a'll different best idda far pat languages lookit mam gyaain oh joost every de left inta bairn again keep soond nixt startit baith onything himsel blyde boy form wheen right athin ill end kinda gude want maet widna cat night ever at's meenie laand makkin does wife apon na micht sure pitten am fairly while maybe bide couldna ahint standirt hadd trowe lookin love body midder voice aksed aabody verbs hill fit mony faider wirld somethin wint keeng isna ane caa win most poor maist - sayin turtle git gyaan dey'll tagidder ipo hoo mock lok whit's years gryphon ava axed times name hat-makker watter wind boannie help seemed meenit fun sun tinkin need felt apö dön coodna gien de'r fell aside we'll all wark sheep boys tried rodd t rabbit soonds sat turn r means moarnin wrang shön budder bed aathing uncan nort story nearly big doesna began less among den aert seein turned boat moose caad gae care aet rest hair dark haed paece shaa soup lay wyes spokken days nouns tongue too you're gotten winder lost duchess braaly athoot wirk onli livin grund ste d'ir middle idders yit hard dormoose blue vowel ready haert mi lyin happened grice tense gying owre was table onnly onywye haands verb subject sood du'll feth n box ean were lack shui he'll owld sooth believe ey enyoch chance doot troo forms sittin keepit hits you'll geen closs ran graet til dey're eenoo smootie used croft feenished maggie der's sumthin sense mairch wirkin little shop jüst laeve standard write anunder truly lock abön wiss grett coarn wast shaas ah'll eence tidder freends book bottle ivery grammar haein demsels cried pör example low read king joy towt dad medd grain fish simmer object shü's ting high niver wants dry fedder banks kinds foy oppen trowie dug hardly faa dance mean christmas answered jöst gutteryaggle broo e wirna why iviry watch some-ean tap perfect fok lovely tryin run five written i'm laekly beach braali pronouns listen caterpillar near roared trows feel hare hunder aesy questions happen becis idea important yes voar size half sees takkin stressed wirt clear eens paet money runnin drink lasses sheltie loch faer play norn unstressed sentence deep fornenst stop grammatical braa we're feelin freend pairt under had writin held teeth caaed holy somewye scotland someen bring anyoch staandin prood snurtysleeves sent short airms stöd plural plenty sicht able understaand meenits tinks laid sometheen sister hairst sal deid gettin sang strong watchin weet sowl whaaras slippit looks birds spaekers firbye job mairried ago aathin parteeclar fast tanks haet maed clean aaber good line shaan plaesed turnin later sum weeks phrase finally wantin paets age etc bön might silence dim son spaeks though world seekin dochter sit peerie-wyes live point gud hiv surely herd aften noticed waar kye pair wadder hadds tirn jamp sail mindin their class spellin noun man's pickit sentences ship soondin bridder girse ene granny mad oppened langer waas gaet mansie hoop lambs claas phone andy eye bidden across craetir caase sorry weemin made strent lucky sometimes lent history germanic gadder jimp braeth kerry flooers system rigs linguistic led varieties faimily jeems pittin loved luke below wheer late kin mesel whidder cave gaein fantin names shö's passed ax taers waves settled praise seem bidin tom claes saat tö brook wait wanted scaar ruth lowrie airm voe human window x maitter mindit boady isle aless shø ithoot bocht seems jessie common plaess janet meanin bøn heads view public met peety concept fact special laeks haerts onybody mysel miss filled tellin singular laekit mark ati'da blissins h manage hidmist letter gane ging how norse century growe yarl sall article formed birsie bruck gear gluff sign car animals wie siccan meant fill sing pronoun week w'ir atil bigg staand daek ten well lood aest caald waarm nedder pick ring nine dialects hoosumivver bliss started eggs change
78.5% 21.3% 78.7%