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Author matching small dialect region

Purdie, David C. matching with Orkney

Total unique words from Purdie, David C. = 3,884
Total unique words from Orkney = 14,219
analysis words = 500
Author only total : 64.6%
Overlap total : 35.4%
Dialect only total: 64.6%
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Purdie, David C. Orkney
ian cherlie til juist gin wes wee frae auld ma intil doun laddie mair ernie thair richt lik awa wullie i'm ony whaur yakcam cuid wad i'll sae guid thare oor yon braw lang ae ane ti nor gang son thocht ye're mornin wull street jyner syme syne clancy cried gaun gettin speirt bugger stertit gie ilka bluidy hou jyners nou i've job neist bus kis thegither lest thae fower ain siller maun ainly thrie scobie ir grant ivver eyn eneugh went drame the'r warkin kin aix rin hecky duin naethin skuil han sair yez mcbain daein ye'll timmer roun nicht throu cuidna suez alang forbye bein janny close warld maist nixt leukin ye've poems bing christ baith gowden denner erse glesgy trip shair naw stert pey micht they'd haird mony wadna comin haud haein dumb gate paper bits hauf samarkan gets gane screwdriver ach fell tyauvin tuils bleck ok twa'r firsten broun provost hans gless wird hame screws scuil whilk onythin tap rovers ivvery ten sidden teacher singin boss gied licht puir nane morn awfu terry echt drums yersel waa aince owre cauld bate ava broon sash takkin maister luck at's late getting cry ayeweys sinsyne undeimous gizz acause hale stan speired brek eh rinnin screivit war cooncil quo daft chaumers we're pal tirnt aroun dug stannin friday suid heidie ahent cocht pittin uswal windaes turnt it'll hissel sheet front ready anent athoot wrang effie wisnae agin mates sicht hut buik tuik toun deid laddies sall perk gryte lord reid baa derk aabody different sent efternuin lads tellin whill mingin leuk makkin somethin bob stickin darg bookie's scottish wheen offish team biggin eck wunter montgomery lowsin daith waur warkshap saw ilk sherp dab gies onywey nem chairge ruif crack lan lat ding lift wint looed meinit sairgint aw prentice ironmongers ooten yaised mean leukit cherlie's airt d'ye cairds yable sin stour asbestos pottie jack sake faa jimmy fecht mindit gien crosbie feth the an a o wis tae he in i it wi that on his for ye at him but up oot aa no get got me they we be is as whan said telt aboot this haed or back whit hae ower it's efter yer time weel says day nivver bit aye bi see ken you twa nae aff seen he's here and dae like wey man new pit thaim he'd then been afore of door muckle kent dinna that's cam say heid ither s us i'd life young tak didna come mak wisna some whit's did wha gey wir tell there big white fair tea mind scots could them when gaed by noo fae had thing near first her men think than bad yet to road its gotten line thir their haes still year she taen week mine again bairns are better go fund left he'll we'll times days hoose wark anither while disna heard if place they're fine let night mither rain d face took keep my bonny same mibbe atween sea felt can doon hid fur sheu wae aal so peedie wan wid hid's ah'm intae right more cheust hiv whar orkney yir owld will roond fer gaan wur hoo oan thee thoo home good thowt sheu's folk through hids things too there's till darling awey wife last light dance only thay long end eyes bed fock oh very language were set o' even poor am black wirds much ah'll wind kens all best id lass hand whin might meed body git maggie hert feet luk bairn any off taks fir blue sure aroond green whut don't lukkan spaek must your thur want love bessie comes ahint what couldna why feel orcadian saa soon turn every who need taegither teuk claes many beuy most watter noor haem piece notheen each thi dark cat morneen mrs deu mr een doot sky sam next hear two granny high maet side lights grand sat really both far a'm inga start jeust sit great three across air you're warm toon shore cowld hir eynar isno shae moose lost though boy summer floor m field canna lad banks spaekan ivry lot pair geed sun hat eye own under thinkan tang such yur ur disno deep turned eftir dry past gittan coman whole stood rest sometheen quiet window turns deun ha fields bide jist staetion since i'the pat soond grund made bae should aalways run smile never coorse thir's wance leid find aap steps hair happy sleep land teu meenit stone wrong kye bright ll hard inside fire drink ootside reed do cut winter chist mesel pot witch years watched gret enough chance quoys hill name less waant darling's sayan until lie withoot boat island sight wirk trees hands wheel write care writan ah kind these yu fill else room true faer walk gae half dumbledore widna few grip aafal canno boys luv seems lukk'd against hersel west maks tried weet trou above quite nearly kirk ap airms just queek sits clean whaar
64.6% 35.4% 64.6%