A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching small dialect region

Hall, Nat matching with Dundee

Total unique words from Hall, Nat = 84
Total unique words from Dundee = 10,581
analysis words = 100
Not enough words on the left to process, only going through the top 84 words
Author only total : 88.1%
Overlap total : 11.9%
Dialect only total: 88.1%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
Hall, Nat Dundee
da ta hairst wir i' moarnin licht hear windaes sistimus languages stanes i wipe need sun fur leave understaands reminds gansies records innerdaeks world eight juist telegraph wires gadder staris glass ahint callishang bricht apö yet spaekalation codes ain hang simmer last early gone rust meadow nicht atween creepin mirkin noo mareel feel leaves aa alone pipit girse tv cloods whaar masts dark o' blue october eens laek morsels hentin thief next hellery gale o an wis afore a oot as in wi is the tae that it on thi they his he fer be had but were this aw jist at fae we fowk up there eh hae no ye been their them or ti are whit time nou it's back aboot like nae scotland wuid yi ower ane aye me yir meh get him mair aff sae by ither bit wee cin day oor see got weel some so eftir monie bi wey things bein lang
88.1% 11.9% 88.1%