A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching large dialect region

McAlpine, Joan matching with Ulster

Total unique words from McAlpine, Joan = 914
Total unique words from Ulster = 17,857
analysis words = 100
Author only total : 59.0%
Overlap total : 41.0%
Dialect only total: 59.0%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
McAlpine, Joan Ulster
and scots language doric are to there have spik my folk of has by scottish their who motion been like written when great which if board scotland government national english support gaelic wis poetry just macdonald first year dinna parliament spikkin official words fae here am angus ah north-east bit him mony census you were wid group think one the a in o i tae that is an it they s was for leid this as but we on wi be at he ye or no up me nae oor had she his fur hae guid can yin wee dae tha wus an' o' oot aa bae hir yer frae said thaim fer ulster-scots shae ir hïm the' doon thon mair wull aboot thair yae sae n ma noo cum wud whut fowk haes ulstèr-scotch t oan ower wur awa man whan then hïs es see mae til bak gie oul sayed bes day ither wi' ain intae aff
59.0% 41.0% 59.0%