A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching large dialect region

matching with Doric

Total unique words from = 291
Total unique words from Doric = 37,462
analysis words = 1000
Not enough words on the left to process, only going through the top 291 words
Author only total : 70.4%
Overlap total : 29.2%
Dialect only total: 70.8%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
Skinner, Alison C. Doric
granmither's foun amon inside she'd granmither leaves haud box ilka throwe mither's leviathan covert gaithert wardrobe aneth waddin minet buiks haun laid winnert un-yeesed feart laft jonah's freen blad taen cutlery cleisher stravaiged present canteen though fear home holly hall exam stuck yallad reclaimt sellotape nuns spite passed findin atween sat moulin rouge faded halla-veined walks brickle tummelt sortit lifetime christmas inscription io from coupit simmers lurks ocean wave disnae haddie ivvry floats barely cannae sweemin opened caul fa'd whaul swallayed steen jonah grave aet sipper keelt bigger sufferin conscience watched deein huntit dowie fowksang forty lungs warld's grows rises sweem craturs tale sorra sung trawl couldnae knapsack warl ontae laist open foosion frock watch toy meant fowerth birthday mine sturdy neatly broon paper jotters skweel library flap int loupit loose realised bairn's eleivin original colour weel-worn lemonade hays regardless oxblood piles sheen polished cardboard fingers treesur years later rummle forgotten owerlappin rived flaps dickens pages prize flyleaf label crinklet dried weet stappit hunkie tucked oak hidin fower-leafed fecht clover cooried level english sair aifter jane freffly eyre won likely manage ash lurkin herring' red companion' countryside flat-pressed bairn buik sycamores allie's likeness inked cover birk deeside poems burns blue little shoes' frond rowan papers the her she in an a o hid we it wis fan tae aa for wi that its some ain syne wid een as at on they his last him by only auld them intae sea muckle nivver twa said hersel oot han all yon it's see hear ken up ower year noo days nae says be let near bit new still wint foo this fit were their back weel fin anither lang if micht same wye first been baith thocht could big or guid he ye i e ma ah and is like jist yer aboot doon me fae thi till te day but aye there s awa hae time richt wee fur you mair so dinna get bi got say fir aff sae afore far are come wiz temp fowk aat can heid affa cam nicht my hame eit think war roon here tak didna fine hoose did dee efter frae again d was er will id ti ee fa hiv mak then tell pit gin weis gweed ither ony bin i'm wad sade oor to en mither att made kent door seen ah'm win gaed oh oan no of than fair telt ae ay canna iss man na es teen face feel look gie loon wisna eck us thing sin three ye're things eis quine better ye'll mornin div nor even life och o' he'd rain at's ere wes need place ere's dis dae rainfall gaun he's ane left air great bide hale faither gan cud bittie ll mind side eence gied sic wir bein i' best your set maist chiel heard she's widna aul aw mebbe went comin hed ess room came had god am toon keep road name masel niver i'll comes feet ging sure sayin
70.4% 29.2% 70.8%