A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching small dialect region

Pyper, Hugh S. matching with West Central

Total unique words from Pyper, Hugh S. = 1,186
Total unique words from West Central = 20,305
analysis words = 500
Author only total : 68.0%
Overlap total : 32.0%
Dialect only total: 68.0%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
Pyper, Hugh S. West Central
luve dochters hes lass lat amang hebrew owersettin bible bonnie maik hed jerusalem lad breists am gairden myrrh wine lebanon socht gowd sangs bride scent lilies king leuk versions nane sweet lasses mither's dinna testament find lat's mou chairge gazelle shaw aneath buiks pomegranate wull solomon twins ilka lichtsome hert vineyard sang i'm lips vyce siller cuid didna douglas michty teeth leids hirsel luves brocht vine thon's doo canna aften tooer fruits gane forespiel onyane spak cuidna spices wiceheid soond toon men drink milk savour fest locks fand whiles veil hinnie conceived gavin buir luve's lists text bonniest yowes withoot rowst daes straths caller wauken feck owerset vineyards nard doos gazelles fruit acause tree airm fou wird-huird couthy daftness tung lamb saxty appen caa love furth ithers geneva pittin chosen follae forthset my frankincense gaits tint biggit henna shulammite haein rinnin breith appent hauns sen shoud asoond flauchts trinklin seal rich makars desert bring catch lockit esther lily qohelet maisterfu embracin ruth spring lamentatiouns spice forms kintra skeely shorelin keepers stanes mcclure i've hause waa scrolls aeneid cedar bed flowin glint wind fownes jewish wash delytesum gilead kythed pomegranates scliff ilkane purpie haffet taps dochter lue tales kythin brouses throu ettlin literary spellin weel-kent yours owersettins souchs flee fact forrit freends spoken eevory haffets shaddas biblical tods gairdens brings queens parfume iles awesomeness byleid clusters sicweys luesome concubines palm kiss rowth ayont vocabularie wame agin thoosand alane seek auncient we'll match buddin gaird stag skeel solomons tents wantin sun means sons gresp scrievers jowels maun beds hills tongue green croodlin wallie figs blossomin singin rains ripen land inlaid cooried zion blossoms cushie-doo croon waddin-day ben rifts duin rock yere blythe crooned palanquin keekin bens columns linkin wa gae reek pouders parfumed rise streets staunin hadna widna passed ahaud lowse luve''s knowes squares chaumer litter winnock catcht himsel answert tirlis posts claiths ootgane stuffs winter cushin rypers thro frichts claymore wice israel watchin cleughs battle mines blumin nichts' loupin swuird benmaist kirtle neb bath-rabbim leuks damascus atap sits yett heshbon heap the o ma an a tae is i yer in wi like ye his me that scots frae are fur hae but wis it as its oan him aa or he up gin them sae no mair come at her they their by leid hou whit mony be wha awa see dae ower een wid micht english we twa thon sister heid ain can oor nae whaur intae ahint here us ane doon better oot hoose than you nor this whan ony pit hale comin fowk gie life back day mak been baith were haun left mither braw she ither ken roond new and days these ae five wee gaed nou wey fair it's hair made gied read wark whit's thing again time auld for ye're richt weel want young turnt feet yet on best eneuch juist cried set pure hear there's maist there turn watch readin nicht thae tell heard gies aye money buy when seen til he's side ah said aw aboot s jist then yi cause got if miss fae get wan wur so had how honey aff ti think even ah'm she's noo could went lik didnae huv say that's go bit some did big never yir hud da school still bi don't first thir wisnae cannae fir right know of dinnae gaun guid well class year same man though mind says way ah'd ah've somethin only naw really d couldnae lang faither three gettin dead tolt efter afore thaim two roon through daein will tak scottish folk face took bein things wes room asked gaunnae last looked ah'll she'd talkin thought m startet let need after done much away ever lassie mean to look ri haes because next came scott door thocht kent tryin wully yin bad which teacher end has an' hame n sittin every e front night sure used should other help widnae name stuff keep muckle pals who anither always while ur work kept he'd till sayin language your good wir talk gang sat weans place each times ir where wormwidd shut masel tried hersel eat laddie years was actually schuil thair hunner gonnae taen else sit anythin tho hus ten why ask disnae meant past believe lookin must too any before scotland wrang mornin syne half we're mr week make mrs rice quite ve boy wantet book chapter doun another road they'd anaw table try gey et felt stop what pal stood tellin words john cam ya hauf faur hir goat yersel isnae take t hing ll wad since feel high dug bairns wul ye've speired great haud tellt near sumdy fer word fine white owre ye'll monie stramash evrubdy black thi thinkin nearly four saw family sterted home stupit niver wullie play voice paper soon gets ootside we'd they're mad war either phone wean job mukkil mister awn git lavender whin library dis walked verra gien knew watter shoutet tap alang boys comes gless inside minute wit suddenly eyes sum run duffy met awright takin point everythin just rest yon
68.0% 32.0% 68.0%