A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'al'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
alOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus86.328145
ORK - Orkney 29.8 3 1
SHD - Shetland 11.6 2 2
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness) 70.3 2 1
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 75.2 23 3
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen
DOR - General Northern 31 7 5
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 304.3 120 6
WCE - West Central 13.8 3 3
DUN - Dundee 10.6 1 1
EDN - Edinburgh
GLA - Glasgow 22.8 5 3
AYR - Ayrshire
LAL - General Central 37.2 28 10
SEA - South East (Borders) 137.2 11 2
SWE - South West (Galloway) 13.9 1 1
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry) 6213.2 38 1
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim) 219.7 7 1
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim) 353.4 4 2
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne) 722.3 22 2
GUL - General Ulster 42.2 3 1
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of al in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Bruce, Lorraine Gousters, Glims and Veerie-orums, (Orkney Voices 2021 ISBN: 9780956661661) Orkney, poetry
Ask me no questions, Al tael yu no lies on page 83
Al awey an git the dustpan an br on page 88
an al awey home on page 147

3 matches


Greig, Charles A Shetland Bible, (Saint Andrew Press 2009 ISBN: 978-0715209158) Shetland - Lerwick, prose
, 'Am bocht twartree stots an Al need ta see ta dem, A'll no m on page 119

1 matches

Facebook link (I Hear Dee 2021) Shetland - Shetland
anguages at happen soond very alæk.

North Northern B (Caithness)

Byrne, Catherine Alice's Mishanters in e Land o Farlies, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010609) Doric - Caithness, prose
up an pickan e daisies, when al o a sudden a White Rabbit wi on page 7
all o ee, an listen till me! Al soon make ee dry enough!" The on page 23

2 matches

Mid Northern A

Morrison, Gordon Thi Lyfe An Tyme's O An Enshoar Loon, (Authorhouse 2006 ISBN: 978-1425955397) Doric - Boddam, prose
n oncy lad et owned a boatie. Al niver forgait tryen siar tae on page 1
Onywuty, al niver furgait ma trip's oot w on page 3
n, fin er weis fog ov coarse. Al nivver furgait thi majic smel on page 5
ea, aat felt speshial tae me. Al niver furgait lichten thi Bod on page 7
got wer biggest shotie en, An al niver furgait aat. on page 19
Also on pages 31, 32, 34, 46, 48, 49, 51, 59, 62
21 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric - Hale an Hairty, (Argo Publishing 2011 ISBN: 978-0954615345) Doric - Inverurie, prose
ud yer lugs amon the buffet. 'Al/ you can eat' is an offer, na on page 56

1 matches

@FaeFoggie tweeted
Hope there's nae adverts for Al Askan See and Mr Beaujangles.(2019)

General Northern

Blackhall, Sheena Lallans 73 - Obituary for David Ogston, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Doric, prose
e a mairriage sairvice for an al fresco ceremonie, in a ruint on page 12

1 matches

@72redz1903 tweeted
WeGo Does that mean Miller et al shouldn’t count appearances (2020) twitter link
rk for Johnson and Hancock et al (2020) twitter link

@beast_afc tweeted
eld, fae ahint a cooch is foo al be watchin it.(2020)

@cligeey tweeted
Think Al open a tinnie(2020)
@LeftPeggers Al tape it(2020)

@Manuforti1968 tweeted
cht lauch if there wis a flag al'riddy plunted fae the Duchy o(2019)

(South) East Central

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 74 - Editorial, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
fabils of ald poetre / Be not al grunded upon truth’, ye’l
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 111, (self-published 2003) Central, newspaper
nit throw all the realme that al barronis and frehaldris that
1 matches

Waddell, John Halesome Farin, (iUniverse 2004 ISBN: 978-0595330119) Central - Perth, poetry
In huntin, wild, al fresco,
1 matches

Letford, William Bevel, (Carcanet 2012 ISBN: 978 1 84777 192 6) Central - Stirling, poetry
al be the man
1 matches

Muir, Glenn Al Fresco, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Central - Linlithgow, prose
nd settled doon tae enjoy oor al fresco feast. I wis getting a
1 matches

@kennethbryce184 tweeted
adly a got banned fae bdfm - al no hear it unless sumbuddy ha (2021) twitter link
@AfcTranent @MusselburghU al b in the area 2 nite guys wal (2020) twitter link
george clarks amazing spaces al - wee bit mair intulectual t (2021) twitter link
@ajmc1066 al watch the stuff where they go (2020) twitter link
n n fraser were decent 2 nite al but joe linton did nothin in (2021) twitter link
and 104 other occurrences.

West Central

Wilson, Rab Accent O the Mind, (Luath 2006 ISBN: 978-1905222322) Central - New Cumnock, poetry
An ins-pi-ra-tion-al story! on page 146

1 matches

Wilson, Lucy Lock Doon, (Greenock Telegraph 2021) Central - Greenock, poetry
Should tidy ma room but al make another excuse.
1 matches

Hodgart, John A Catalogue o Sair Neglect, (Bella Calledonia 2016) Central - North Ayrshire, blog
Gifford, Alan MacGillivray et al, wi an advisory team o ASLS m
1 matches


Thomson, Mark Bard fae thi buildin site, (Luath 2007 ISBN: 978-1906307141) Central - Dundee, poetry
eh knew it hid ti be I'o-re-al, coz yir on page 100

1 matches


Armstrong, Graeme Young Team, (Picador 2020 ISBN: 978-1529017366) Central, prose
'Aye right, man. Cunt's no Al Capone, Kenzie! You hink ever on page 5

1 matches

McQueer, Chris Hings - Short Stories 'n That, (404 Ink 2017 ISBN: 978-0995623866) Central - Glesga, prose
. Fair question right enough, al gie her that. Ah pick mah swo on page 171

1 matches

Geraghty, Martin A Bad Sport, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
Save yirsel’ a few quid … al get her ti drap yi aff, soldi
1 matches

Geraghty, Martin The Pusher, (TheCommonBreath.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
Urr wiz it a cycle? An al fresco lunch? Or wan ae yir m
1 matches

Geraghty, Martin 378, (TheCommonBreath.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
d tae head yet. Get dressed n al take yae fir a Fryin Scotsman
1 matches

General Central

Clark, Thomas The Boggin Beginnin, (Itchy Coo 2021 ISBN: 978-1785303524) Central, weans
lutely smashin scriever cawed Al Foncoot. We'll jist be giein on page 75
yet guid name, and the name o Al Foncoot forby, Onyweys, I'll on page 78
hree o The Wunnerfu Waddin by Al Foncoot is aboot tae stairt!" on page 138
borin and glaikit" - play by Al Foncoot, cause it wis a honki on page 142

4 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 67 - Andra’s Sang, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, poetry
-43. Owerset frae the Provençal bi Derrick McClure on page 50

3 matches

Macafee, Caroline Lallans 57 - Lea the leid alane, (Lallans Magazine 2000) Central, prose
for minority leids. Nelde et al. i their crack aboot the Euro on page 56

3 matches

Fitt, Matthew Jordan's New Jaiket, (Education Scotland 2014) Central, weans
an skelps the baw. Go-o-o-o-o-al!
really hard. Go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-al!
2 matches

Macafee, Caroline Lallans 63 - Auld plain Scottis, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
Gabriell, Sanct Raphaell and al the Angellis, Sanct Jhone the
, Sanct Jhone the baptist and al the haly patriarchis and prop
ct Niniane, Sanct Martyne and al haly confessouris, Sancte Tan
3 matches

Seth-Smith, Niki Chynge o sum kind is comin either wey, but a vote tae leave wad empooer Europe’s faur richt, (The Sair Fecht 2016) Central, blog
Cameron an aidit by Merkel et al, nor ane biggit by Boris John
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando “Blood Upon the Grass” – merk twa?, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
a kintra whaur makar Mohammed al-‘Ajami haes been sentenced
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando The USA: Whit happened tae the Guid Guys?, (The Sair Fecht 2014) Central, blog
by the likes o the Taliban an Al Qaeda. Jalouse for a meinute
1 matches

McMillan, Hugh The Return of the Brownie of Blednoch, (no publisher recorded 2022) Central, poetry
Frae Nahr al- Bared tae Kounoungou,
frae Al Weed tae Shamsatoo,
2 matches

@alistairdunn tweeted
mes, after trying stuff oan, 'al need tae see if the wife lets(2014)
d money tae watch that shite, al fire abuse at them for 90mins(2017)
ce yer birthday last year, so al no mention anythin about how (2017)
such an uproar, fair tae say al no be left in charge of it ag(2014)

@changed_days tweeted
e issue. Once a break the ice al be sound, so av a few month t (2021) twitter link
ee tae DM me mate. A cany say al give ye everythin ye need, bu (2021) twitter link

@ThonJacobite tweeted
, Rikki Fulton, Lex McLean et al and a big dose o' the Laird o(2020)

South East (Borders)

@cammyrudkin tweeted
t on ti any ma killie players al no be a happy man ??????? blu(2020)
@BobbyRobson46 al no make eet #aworkafullday(2012)
@StuMcCulloch al hev yin for yow #tasty(2012)
@randy_brandy aye al ge e a shout(2012)
hisholmiain e ken yircel tho #al no ref the world cup final in(2012)
and 5 other occurrences.

@MartyMacMurtrie tweeted
yet oan the pitch, he is Big Al, ironic eh? https://t.co/Tpey(2020)

South West (Galloway)

McMillan, Hugh Whit If? Scotland's History as it Micht Hiv Bin, (Luath 2021 ISBN: 9781910022900) Central, poetry
thru the giffar of al grace on page 33

1 matches

West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)

Burgess, Wilson Dae Ye See: Ulster-Scots Poems, (Scots Language Centre 2007 ISBN: 978-0955791604) Ulster - L'Derry, poetry
ed goals bae the dizin, wae'd al'seen enuch. on page 2
An' the sacret Ah'll gie ye al' free, on page 3
That wiz al' Ah had time tae ate on page 7
In al' Ah think there wir ten, on page 13
there's guid py' they say for al, on page 15
Also on pages 17, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44
38 matches

Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)

Gillen, Charles Whun A’ The Kye Had Names, (Ullans Press 2005) Ulster, poetry
time tae tak’ tae ye an’ al’ the kye had names,
All coorse machines dae al’ that noo, an’ cans nae l
Och! Al’ the sime I lake’t it whu
the sime I lake’t it whun al’ the kye had names.
ed the fermin’ trade, an’ al’ his kye had names,
7 matches

Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)

Fenton, James On Slaimish, (Ullans Press 2009 ISBN: 9781905281299) Ulster, poetry
'Al A iver had in the worl' on page 22
Beyont al boags the solaid grun, on page 43
Al else is faitly pakkaged, pit on page 44

3 matches

Campbell, Robert Lock Doon Poyams, (Independently 2021 ISBN: 979-8742155812) Ulster, poetry
Glent oh liecht tha fin'al day on page 17

1 matches

East Antrim (Larne)

Robinson, Philip Oul Licht, (Ullans Press 2017 ISBN: 978-1905281305) Ulster - Larne, poetry
A flooch o wun an al's awa on page 4

1 matches

King, Angeline Weans o Latharna, (angelineking.com 2021) Ulster - Larne, weans
lie want tae play on bikes an al. Ah'm bored o bikes an al.’
. Ah'm bored o bikes an al.’
airms an legs that shoogle in al the wrang directions. There
nnae see much o Gary yince ye al go tae different secondary sc
It was true that we were al gaen tae different secondary
21 matches

General Ulster

Mc Donnell, John , (Facebook 2021) Ulster, prose
in...shae polished hit nairly al Doon an whut shae left Mae wu
1 matches

Mc Donnell, John Joogins, (no publisher recorded 2020) Ulster, prose
t till yer fether gets hame...al tha time shae wus whackin tha
ha dandy an beano so a knowed al wis firgiven fer noo.
2 matches

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