A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'tae-'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
tae-Occurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus2.897
ORK - Orkney
SHD - Shetland
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen
DOR - General Northern 8.9 2 1
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central
WCE - West Central
DUN - Dundee
EDN - Edinburgh
GLA - Glasgow 13.7 3 3
AYR - Ayrshire 26.2 2 1
LAL - General Central
SEA - South East (Borders) 25 2 2
SWE - South West (Galloway)
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of tae- in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Cormack, Kevin Toonie Void, (Abersee Press 2022) Orkney, poetry
dot-tae-dot fate. I sank intae an epic on page 26

1 matches


Johnson, Laureen Alice's Adventirs in Wonderlaand, (Evertype 2012 ISBN: 978-1782010081) Shetland - Voe, prose
A Mad Tae-Pairty on page 68
a forest. "Hit's da stupidest tae-pairty I ever wis at in aa my on page 76
da Hat-makker. He cam in wi a tae-cup in ee haand an a piece o c on page 112
e shook, "--an I wisna hed me tae-no for mair as a week or sae-a on page 113
a poor Hat-makker slippit his tae-cup an his clined bread, an gu on page 114
Also on pages 125
7 matches

Sinclair, Lise Juist laek Maunna, (Shetland For Wirds 2010) Shetland, poetry
Tae-laeves, tikk an sturkened wi s
1 matches

Facebook link (Wir Midder Tongue 2016) Shetland
e wye fae da wark joost afore tae-time. Mam windered if I wid li

Mid Northern A

Blackhall, Sheena Minnie, (Scots Language Centre 2004) Doric, prose
hid born the brunt o the seen-tae-be-Hogmanay cleanin yestreen,
wn, and his mither still weel-tae-seen, the grieve wis wytin his
2 matches


Uri, Antonia Widney’s Fuil, (Mak Forrit 2017) Doric - Aberdeen, blog
ally awaur he wis, fan a weel-tae-dae loun askit him, “Hullo J
1 matches

Uri, Antonia Flooery achievement for the Scots Government, (The National 2019) Doric, newspaper
n unthinkable, makkin the day-tae-day lives o mony a gey lot eas
1 matches

General Northern

Hamilton, Roddy Lallans 63 - Beggerey’s Greenhoose, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Doric, prose
nstructit oot o a kinds o day-tae-day rubbish an a few mair ambi
1 matches

North East Central

Heather, Alistair Whaur we cam fae: the Pechts, (Mak Forrit 2018) Central - Angus, blog
the maist bonnie an conducive-tae-life airt they could find in t
1 matches

Heather, Alistair Tartan Tourism nae mair, (The Herald 2018) Central, newspaper
opones The Sneck, a mair true-tae-modren speech version that rem
1 matches

(South) East Central

Montador, Eileen Shriek of the Maws, (Goblinshead 2003 ISBN: 978-1899874439) Central - Fife, prose
Ah kin tae-us that micht look geiy funny on page 32

1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 76, (self-published 2000) Central, newspaper
will screive a gaitherin o up-tae-the-meinit cuttie stories that
1 matches

West Central

Clark, Thomas Wha's Like Us?, (Bella Caledonia 2017) Central - Bellshill, blog
t we'd suiner set wi the weel-tae-dae o bonnie Barcelona than th
1 matches

Kirk Jn, Albert Feydom, (albertkirkjr.com 2022) Central - Aryshire, blog
(backies oot, nae tae-bashers)
1 matches


McHardy, Stuart The Wey Forrit, (Luath 2017 ISBN: 978-1912147014) Central, prose
preferrit is ane-tae-ane. Ye get twa options an tha on page 31
jobs tae little mair nor hand-tae-mooth lives. on page 90

2 matches


Sneddon, Duncan Lallans 83 - Biggin Brigs – Nummer 3: Cornish, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Central, prose
thaim that yaises Cornish day-tae-day is like tae be a guid sich on page 107

1 matches

Kurtoglu, Wulf Braken Fences, (Caroline Macafee 2011 ISBN: B006JE3UQW) Central, prose
cle jynin the neist lik a dot-tae-dot puzzle in a bairn’s beuk
1 matches

Monahan Brown, Ricky Dùn Èideann, (The Scores 2020) Central, prose
at the scene ahint the flair-tae-ceilin screens o anither muckl
1 matches


Clark, Thomas Alice's Adventirs in Wunnerlaun, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010708) Central, prose
me, an---och, this 1s aw back-tae-front! Ah'll see if ah still k on page 19
moose? Everythin's that back-tae-front doon here, ye'd hink it' on page 21
member hings the wey ah used tae-an ah cannae even stey the sam on page 45
letter, wrote bi the prisoner tae-tae somedy." on page 117

4 matches

Armstrong, Graeme Young Team, (Picador 2020 ISBN: 978-1529017366) Central, prose
this is just before the five-tae-nine bell and at the mornin in on page 44

1 matches

Bolland, John A Chocolate Cowboy, (From Glasgow To Saturn 2008) Central, prose
ces. Derek kent. That wiz ten-tae-nine an three miles doon tae L
1 matches

Bennett, Peter The Guru an Zander, (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
combinations an bespoke, made-tae-measure units an drawers intae
1 matches


Begg, James A. Alison's Jants in Ferlieland, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010845) Central, prose
s! That will be a richt queer tae-dae, tae be shuir! But aathing on page 20
ry again: they had a wee heid-tae-heid talk aboot this, an efter on page 24
icht: then it kecklt. "Whit a tae-dae!" said the Gryphon, hauf t on page 44

9 matches

General Central

Clark, Thomas Animal Fairm, (Luath 2023 ISBN: 978-1804250396) Central, prose
' and yin o the 'S's wis back-tae-front, the spellin wis richt a on page 6

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Scots Warks - Uphaud an guidance for screivars, (Scots Language Centre 2015) Central, government
* Formal tae-the-pynt langage on page 9
hat means that the'r no a ane-tae-ane correspondence atween the on page 62

3 matches

Robertson, James The Hoose at Pooh's Neuk, (Itchy Coo 2010 ISBN: 978-1845022945) Central, weans
ween-oorsels-and-dinna-let-on-tae-naebody, it's Cauld.' on page 10
, an Och-Rabbit-Iam-that-gled-tae-see ye Teeger. That's hoo.' on page 104

2 matches

Clark, Thomas The Boggin Beginnin, (Itchy Coo 2021 ISBN: 978-1785303524) Central, weans
aboot how ye've pit the auld tae-bash tae me and ma evil ploys. on page 99

1 matches

Grae, Emma Be guid tae yer Mammy, (Unbound Digital 2021 ISBN: 978-1789651171) Central, prose
ation process began wi a face-tae-face interview wi a representa on page 35
casts me a you-better-listen-tae-me smile and leaves. Ah cannae on page 84
rce a smile stretchin fae ear-tae-ear. on page 86

3 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 67 - review, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
frae the maist aureate o back-tae-Dunbar Lallans tae gallus Gles on page 109

1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 73 - Historical Lexicography and the Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1700, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
ially gin they were in kittle-tae-read manuscript form. on page 14

1 matches

Sprott, Gavin Lallans 73 - Cain, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, poetry
He wes up-tae-date, kind, on page 73

1 matches

Wilson, Rab Lallans 73 - reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
man, tho, wha stauns shouther-tae-shouther wi aa the greats o th on page 134

1 matches

Falconer, Gavin Lallans 63 - Richt Scots an Pithy Scots, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
depends on findin eneuch ane-tae-ane corresponds atween Scots a
1 matches

Thoumire, Elizabeth For the fat romantics, (Bella Caledonia 2018) Central - Edinburgh, blog
wth; mair success in the food-tae-go mercat, daein up 132 stores
1 matches

Rennie, Susan Kat an Doug on Planet Fankle, (Itchy Coo 2002 ISBN: 978-1902927459) Central, weans
gee, her skirt wis roond back-tae-front, an her shae-laces were
1 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 59 - A Stot an a Cleg, (Lallans Magazine 2004) Central, prose
me cairdin o Cecco wins him a tae-haud in the letter-huird o Ita
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando Indytwa?, (The Sair Fecht 2016) Central, blog
at raelly dae affeck fowk dae-tae-day. Hoo confident are thae fo
1 matches

McClurg, Fernando Tae see oorsels as we see ithers, (The Sair Fecht 2015) Central, blog
kintras; say, sum generic-an-tae-Wastren-een-interchangeable ki
1 matches

Ahmad, Nyla How We Celebrate – scrievin prompt, (Scottish Book Trust 2021) Central, blog
Yer piece could be a tae-dae list o things ye dae in th
1 matches

Wilson, Rab A centre of undeemous excellence fir Scots leid, (The National 2017) Central, newspaper
s anent Scots, it provides up-tae-the-meenit news o current main
1 matches

Begg, James A. Lallans 74 - The Killie Fleshers - 1786, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
ae about her, a close an weel-tae-dae faimily for support - an
1 matches

@mcfarlane_irene tweeted
Here Jim Smith, a richt doon-tae-yirth fairmer chiel, hiz whit (2018)

South East (Borders)

Halfpenny, Cameron Ahlice's Adveenturs in Wunderlaant, (Evertype 2015 ISBN: 978-1782010876) Southern - Borders, prose
etter, written b' th prisoner tae-tae somebody." on page 118

1 matches

South West (Galloway)

Paterson, Stuart A. Wheen: New and Collected Poems, (Ulster-Scots Community Network 2023 ISBN: 978-1838480431) Central, poetry
toons shairly bairn so's haun-tae-mooth's lang syne an aw hae fa on page 77

1 matches

Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)

Morrison-Smyth, Anne Alice's Carrants in Wunnerlan, (Evertype 2013 ISBN: 978-1-78201-011-1) Ulster - Ballymoney, prose
e mine things the wye A use't tae-an A dinnae stye the same size on page 45

1 matches

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