A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of haes in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

- basic concord - post-sorted concord - map and chronology - chronogrid - similar spellings - fine-grain concord -
Central - LAL haes faushioned. Tae us it maun be
Central - SWE haes the effect o jyning auld foes
Central - SEC haes a lang history an ilka yin ha
Central - LALHaes it been a year awreddie?! htt
Central - LAL haes
Ulster - WUL Haes hae got nae sense a' tal?
Central - LAL haes
Central - SEC haes the street names written in b
Central - AYR Haes nae mizzure tae it if it’s
Shetland - SHD haes a 3-wye contrast system wi di
Doric - ABN Haes the rin o the warl.
Central - SEC Haes oniebody else heard onie ithe
Central - LAL haes won at this greement in thon
Shetland - SHD haes fun oot at dryin oot
Ulster - PUL Haes gien me this scunnersome luck
Ulster - BUL Haes rived mae hairt.
Ulster - GUL Haes turned intae a labour.
Ulster - WUL Haes a big inflooans on a man.
Central - LAL Haes the clean gust o winter on it
Ulster - GUL Haes onie guid cum frae it? A dinn
Southern - SEA haes hatcht intil a chirker hunker
Southern - SEA Haes lasted th rest o ma life."
Ulster - SYN Haes this dwellin-place bin ettled
Southern - SEA haes baith dwyned oot. It’s tyme
Southern - SEA haes breirdit inti littil burds an
Southern - SEA haes gaen ti grund langsyne.
Southern - SEA haes cuist a fauch lyke shroud.
Ulster - CUL p it," said shae tae hirsel; "haes een's that near the tap o hae
Ulster - CUL t metters it hoo far wae go?" haes scaaly freen replied.
Central - SEC t"? How is't the Scots "guid" haes the diaphoneme but the ither
Central - SEC aa feardie that "Auld Scots" haes dee'd oot.
Central - LAL eferendum campaign braidcast" haes the same
Shetland - SHD t. 'Dis göd man', dey said, 'haes gien ta be aside dis ill-nait
Ulster - BUL Shadow guid' haes gi'n thine leadin',
Ulster - WUL O' haes place in the world we live,
Ulster - WUL Tho' o' haes cal'in he wis proud,
Central - LAL ak o the auxiliar verb 'hae' (haes, haein, haed).
Central - SEC n, Sant Jordi's Day (23-4-03) haes been celebrated bi giein awa
Central - SWE nd Gaelic (his hamewart leid) haes been publisht in sindrie maga
Central - LAL thinkin here o the kailyaird) haes been redolent o a leid in its
Ulster - GUL h Cooncil (tha Heich Cooncil) haes lappit in a Roadin fur the Ul
Central - LAL nology (http://www.space.com) haes a virtual veage throu space a
Central - EDN on, plural); thoo (possessor) haes mair preens (neutral as tae p
Central - LAL the links (Written Resources) haes mair as 28 different airticle
Central - EDN en pruiven by Science, feres) haes intil them substances that’
Central - LAL y, (http://www.astronomy.net) haes resoorces that gies a haund t
Central - LAL http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov) haes aw kin kynd o ken an wittins
Central - SEC ae thair dignity an humanity) haes become a by-word for writin a
Central - SEC irst performed there in 1986, haes been owerset intae Scots frae
Central - EDN blet in a nasal vyce: “Tad, haes thoo mendit that hole in thy
Central - EDN o nae Wanderers bein catched, haes thoo?”
Ulster - SYN r, ay, tha Christ, tha Loard, haes thïs nicht bin boarn ïn Bet
Central - SEC the hinnermaist ane, gadgie, haes been in the Concise Scots Dic
Central - LAL s melt Belarusian an Roushie, haes nae staundard form an is afte
Central - WCE ir thare. Willie, seeminlie, haes turnt ill throu the moyen o h
Central - LAL playwright Ishbel McFarlane, haes a weekend warkshop oan Scots
Central - EDN t a link tae the piece there, haes gart me consíder the naitur
Central - WCE be praisent. Monie, o coorse, haes gaen til the Laun
Doric - ABN Ae chiel fa, ah believe, haes haen a grand impact on motiva
Central - SEC an aw, accordin tae Eurolang, haes gien Gaelic upsteerers the bo
Central - SEC thian, the Scots Tung Quaich, haes again been weel worth while.
Central - SEC tae sinder Scots fae English, haes startit uisin it for "stop" i
Central - SEC age in Britain efter English, haes a nummer o disadvantages tae
Central - LAL looks o the ‘eflin’ fowk, haes lang been embeddit in thir st
Central - LAL ew daily paper, The National, haes been stairtit; Bella Caledoni
Central - LAL tweill the haill Yirth itsel, haes a richt ti be respeckit an gi
Central - SEC s. Thair mooths, it wad seem, haes a mind o thair ain an is gey
Central - AYR 's got tae come doun the lum, haes he?" said Alison tae hersel.
Shetland - SHD a ene at I’m caad Shaetlan, haes ony non-English wirds ithin h
Central - SEC Tung maimber frae Aiberdeen, haes lat it be kent that she is a
Central - SEC . Scots writer, Edwin Stiven, haes owerset it intae maistly mode
Central - LAL a fouthy wrutten tradeetion, haes been daein weel, e’en if no
Central - SEC vaigin Reporter, Irene Broon, haes sent in a braw
Central - SEC k's owthers, James Robertson, haes feinisht A Scots Parliament (
Central - LAL ir days, wi Scottis fushioun, haes becum a lingua franca for the
Central - SEC ry Schuil in the Honest Toun, haes won the Scots Tung Quaich. Wi
Central - LALhat creative wi the PS5 logo, haes it? https://t.co/YF3SNvvN12
Shetland - SHD a pit in bit shö, bliss her, haes gien da very money dat shö w
Central - SEC d, wir convener an thesaurer, haes been left wi mair siller nor
Central - SEC born poet, Maureen Sangster, haes duin wi her hinnermaist publi
Central - LAL e. Thir ideas, an monie mair, haes been the subjeck o conversati
Southern - SEA , strachts, vennels an wynds, haes been ruthlessly censored oot,
Central - SEC for aw thair uphaudin words, haes onie ettles at aw tae dae och
Central - SEC t weys in different dialecks, haes their origins in a common his
Central - SEC o the Ulster Scots an Gaels, haes haed millions o punds gien ta
Central - LAL cht faw-back i terms o saets, haes actually seen its vote gae up
Central - NEC utterly destroyed the Pechts, haes been the maist damagin ane ta
Ulster - CUL elba wus presst hard agin it, haes attempt didnae work. Alice he
Central - SEC n ratified bi the government, haes been in force noo for a year
Central - SEC e be makin a guid betterment, haes brocht it hame that noo's the
Central - LAL , from the Unity tae Taggart, haes aye been guid at projectin a
Central - LAL e Macbeth, haill or in pairt, haes been subjeckit tae diverse ow
Central - SEC jeck's owthors, Matthew Fitt, haes been tae fowertie Scottish sc
Central - WCE ill as leiterallie til a dou, haes seeminlie been forleitit bi t
Central - LAL ippit, bocht an muived throu, haes been creatit bi the fowk in t
Central - LAL ts Pairliament in Edinburgov, haes awready allied hersel tae tre
Central - SEC ic a sma wittins blat as STW, haes been acceppit bi the Scottish
Central - SWE ken, luik! - haes beauty
Central - LAL minatin ower Scots). U. an B. haes unnergane some furrin influen
Ulster - GUL h hit aff fur ye if yer bate. Haes got a guid eppatite haes,nt h
Doric - ABN life, ye can nivver be seer. Haes he haen a mishanter an teen t
Central - SEC r syne it wis first furthset. Haes somebody no been takin guid e
Central - SEC e 18 poems in the pamphlet, 3 haes been written in Scots: A Keek
Central - SEC hae been gien about Nummer 73 haes been guid, an we’l aye be w
Central - SEC prose is concairnt, Nummer 74 haes Andy Eagle makin a walcum ham
Central - WCE noo, at wan straik, Covid-19 haes driven us frae the leas, sent
Central - LAL o Florida in Americae in 2018 haes noo shawn that the asteroids
Central - SEC The year 2009 haes areddies pruived ti be a heic
Central - SEC ink the very air A breathe. A haes tae coont ma siller an study
Central - AYR an that foul butcher Earlshaa haes hackit aff the heid an hauns
Shetland - SHD wirkin fokk onywye, da men aa haes ta gying ta sea, fur dir nae
Central - LAL ernment's support for MG ALBA haes let them alang wi BBC ALBA pi
Central - LAL ecently, the dialeck o Glesca haes been cried “bizarre” by J
Ulster - SYN th," qo he, "Thïs puir weeda haes gien mair nor onie o tha rest
Central - LAL ion, ultimately racist agenda haes been fully legitimised by us,
Central - SEC advert for Scottish Blend tea haes revertit back tae an airlier
Doric - ABN Fa haes seen sic ferlies?
Doric - ABN portant lesson. As a quine fa haes growen up in the kintra, ah w
Doric - ABN yer time, tae mak somebody fa haes naething’s day.
Ulster - SYN Wha haes tae fill oot tha heid-coont
Central - WCE wha haes gien me wittins an keppit me
Central - LAL lauch an cranlike dance, wha haes
Central - WCE oncairnt aboot his uncle, wha haes seeminlie fawen intil a mista
Central - DUN whilie tae notice ma pal, wha haes a rare Doric tung in his heid
Central - EDN n angst-ridden transgenic wha haes his ain excellent reasons for
Central - LAL crofters, an aw the fowk wha haes leived on the laun for genera
Central - LAL hertit sae-cawed Scotsman wha haes nae unnerstaundin ae, or resp
Central - SEC i Maister Mark Meiklejohn wha haes speirt Scots Tung for permees
Central - LAL Wikipedia haes functions for talk that allou
Central - SEC Natalia haes juist cam up til the windae f
Central - LAL life ayont oor warld. Europa haes a rocky hert an is happit wi
Central - LAL ae aw tastes, but his Phaedra haes the mense o ettlin tae eik oo
Central - LAL Pairt 7 o PPERA haes intil‟t fower chapters sett
Central - WCE urrencies i 1971, ilka kintra haes facedd the threit o capital f
Central - WCE e bigg socialism in ae kintra haes failed: capitalist pooers com
Central - LAL owk micht no can see it. NASA haes a guid walin o picturs o the
Central - LAL th o the corruption o the USA haes been laid bare wi an unexpeck
Central - LAL emony an the wey that the USA haes yaised an consolidatit its po
Central - LAL l no lang syne, no muckle ava haes been done for tae gie the Sco
Central - LAL say that the lest year or twa haes been an ee-opener. It’s no
Ulster - EUL Bab haes a skelf in his left ee,
Central - LAL collogues, an the Linden Lab haes a management blog (http://blo
Central - WCE claer frae the stert at Robb haes duin his hamewark. In the air
Central - LAL y, excitedly) whan the adverb haes been makkit fae an adjective.
Central - SEC in Scotland's future, the BBC haes missed oot or ignored the big
Central - SEC V high heid anes frae the BBC haes been tellin a British Pairlam
Central - GLA Everythin that Gaelic haes the day, we hae haed tae fech
Central - GLA hae a wee luik at whit Gaelic haes the day an ask yersel hou Sco
Central - EDN or contribution tae pop music haes been, whan ye consider Scotla
Ulster - CUL Hoo neatly spread haes claas
Central - LAL tin an Greek fae oor mous wad haes us ferlie at the fact.
Central - LAL The best o the darg produced haes been athin the seestem o Scot
Central - SEC rae England. Berwick-on-Tweed haes chynged haunds atween Scotlan
Ulster - CUL in that the Moose had changed haes mine an wus comin baak tae fi
Central - SEC ar noo an tho the Scots uised haes gotten a bit peelie-wallie in
Central - LAL ditionally the Gàidhealtachd haes been a term uisit for the Hei
Central - LAL vance the term Gàidhealtachd haes for policy application an whi
Ulster - CUL Said haes fether; "dinnae gre yersel ai
Ulster - CUL "In mae youth" said haes fether, "A tuk tae the laa,
Central - LAL ds like dead whaur Scots deid haes ‘ee’ or ‘ai’ soonds)
Orkney - ORK A leid haes mony registers, ilk suitid ta
Orkney - ORK wad i a job interview. A leid haes mony dialects teu, varyan fae
Orkney - ORK ect, fir the claim tae a leid haes lang been pert o the claem to
Central - LAL e areas whaur the Gaelic leid haes a scowthier staunnin an thit
Ulster - GUL otch. Tha Ulstèr-Scotch leid haes Pairt II stannin, 'at lays do
Ulster - GUL tch heirskip, cultùr an leid haes an ootlat throch leevin pict
Central - LAL as a wrutten and spoken leid haes inti't the resources a Scots
Central - SEC on that we an wir mither leid haes haed tae dree for far ower la
Central - SEC in Dictionar o the Scots Leid haes juist been furthset on the wa
Central - SEC tertit is that the Scots leid haes won the richt tae hae a Scots
Central - LAL Ony leid haes weel kent pattrens o speech,
Central - LAL hauf o constant war an dreid haes left monie Americans ready ta
Central - LAL er? Dundee sangsmith Jim Reid haes componed mony guid sangs, lik
Central - LAL For an instance, the wabsteid haes intil't a page gien ower tae
Central - LAL Ower an abuin thon this steid haes news an forums whaur ye can h
Orkney - ORK thir unfaaldan Light, Astrid haes the shutters doon an cruisies
Central - LAL . The example o the word guid haes aften been uised. Gin ye’r
Central - LAL . Govrenments aroun the warld haes been smert in creatin environ
Central - LAL thegither, this virtual warld haes syne been uised for schuilin,
Shetland - SHD Recently wir 5yr auld haes been learning his soonds an h
Central - LAL ’s a bit o a rhymester, and haes pit aboot some o his verses a
Shetland - SHD l ken dat da Göd Man's haand haes been ower it
Central - SEC Scotland an Northern Ireland haes been haein words aboot the wa
Central - LAL hauras the meetins in Ingland haes been maistlie gien ower til l
Central - SEC Scotland haes a sindry an colourfu language
Central - SEC guages in Scotland. "Scotland haes mony ither languages. We will
Central - SEC BBC Scotland haes a wabsteid for thair kenspeck
Central - LAL Braid Scotland haes nae peer the warld's lenth la
Central - EDN naissance an Baroque Scotland haes been forgotten. In the een o
Central - LAL 19t century fowk in Scotland haes campaigned for either hame-ru
Central - LAL rd-thinkin, thaim in Scotland haes been devotit ti experiencin w
Central - SEC he minority leids in Scotland haes sindert ower-setters intae tw
Central - LAL Education Scotland haes gied guid support for Scots a
Central - SEC r the Universities o Scotland haes pit up siller tae cairry oot
Central - LAL les at makkin siccar Scotland haes the maist effective leadershi
Central - LAL lichtit objects ower Scotland haes grown ower the last thirty ye
Central - SEC Register Office for Scotland haes furthset the follaein Househo
Central - SEC leet o the resources Scotland haes - in expertise or graith -
Central - WCE lise the mukkil loss Scotland haes tholit as a result o Scott’
Central - EDN maist tae deny that Scotland haes its ain culture and leids. Ye
Central - LAL tae mak siccar thit Scotland haes a effective leadership group
Central - LAL tae mak siccar thit Scotland haes the maist effective leadershi
Central - SEC s, an schuils athort Scotland haes makit thae Roald Dahl Scots o
Orkney - ORK , and the abundant shell sand haes a purple hue in the morning s
Central - SEC novelists an playwrichts and haes aye been rowed intae the muis
Shetland - SHD an da grund haes nae want o göd watter.
Ulster - SYN ae thaim, 'Tha Kïngdom o God haes cum nearhan ye.' But ïf ye g
Ulster - SYN vine afore tha Kïngdom o God haes cum." An he tuk tha breid as
Ulster - SYN k aboot tha great thïngs God haes daen for ye."
Central - SEC cottish Borders Tourist Board haes peyed cooncil offeecials 10,0
Shetland - SHD Da Loard haes set da steid o it apo da sea.
Shetland - SHD Da Loard haes set up his throne i da Göd P
Shetland - SHD 'll ken dat da day o da Loard haes come - a day dat will mak yo
Ulster - SYN "Tha Loard haes bin mair nor guid tae me",
Central - SEC The award haes been rinnin for three year no
Central - SEC ike wi ither years, the caird haes the follaein braw poem, screi
Central - SEC illintlie, the feinisht caird haes turnt oot tae be a braw adver
Doric - ABN ner tae oor gairden. Nae bird haes received as guid hospitality
Central - LAL life on it. The word Yird haes its oreeginal in the auld Ger
Ulster - SYN Gin a memmer o this hoosehaud haes axed fur a Sing’l Speirin F
Central - LAL hreids Calvin's creed an gowd haes tint its learn.
Ulster - WUL Instead o' bae haes name.
Ulster - CUL in livery, itherwise, gan bae haes face only, shae wud a ecaalt
Central - LAL ener. It’s no that Americae haes fawen frae some “guid guy
Ulster - CUL ie different sizes in yin dae haes turnt mae heid."
Ulster - WUL an' tak aboot the places hae haes been.
Ulster - CUL "But shae haes tae git a prize fur hirsel, e
Central - EDN wee aside here: a freend whae haes jist startit watchin Outlande
Central - WCE cíties frae their seas, sae haes oor language strauchelt tae r
Ulster - WUL Sae iv'ry man, accordin' tae haes Faith, goes doon haes chosen
Ulster - CUL ce, wha had pyed nae heid tae haes last remark. "It's a vegetabl
Ulster - CUL jest upset the milk-jug intae haes plate.
Ulster - GUL met Foxy Loxy. They run intae haes den,
Ulster - CUL whin the rabbit reacht intae haes poaket an brocht oot a waatch
Ulster - WUL As he wak'ed oot tae haes daily toil,
Central - LAL o Scots descrived abuin mebbe haes something adae wi the kins o
Central - SEC hs, but in a saicont his face haes that blank, taen-like cast ag
Central - SEC hs, but in a saicont his face haes that blank, taen-like cast ag
Ulster - GUL This Wee Place haes flaws,
Southern - SEA The ice haes turnt the shop ruifs
Central - SEC ll aye in guid fettle - Nice haes a
Shetland - SHD , "said da Duchess, "as grice haes ta flee; an da m - "
Central - AYR Whit chance haes yae man's vyce agin
Shetland - SHD gotten oot o it? Nivir wance haes du set on a foy fir me an my
Central - LAL that the fowk in the owdience haes tae unnerstaun the dialogue a
Central - WCE Weel, the actual experience haes lairnt me ithergates, an it t
Orkney - ORK the black haert o her silence haes aafil gravity,
Orkney - ORK the hairt o Astrid's silence haes aafil gravity, an so the conv
Central - LAL The lest decade haes been defined, braidly, by SNP
Central - GLA Ivryplace ootside haes chairm tae me
Central - LAL This style guide haes been makkit wi Scots-speakin
Central - LAL that uses the Latin alphabee haes whit is kent as a howe orthog
Doric - ABN on. The story o Fiona an Bee haes brocht back fond memories o a
Ulster - EUL But nane but thee haes frae tha wame Taen care ma ha
Central - LAL cots Language Society Comatee haes taen the view that we shuid h
Central - LAL richt eneuch that Second Life haes mair nor 3 million indwallers
Ulster - GUL An thon auld wheel o life haes made it roon anither year,
Central - SEC Natalia Ivanovna Sedova. Lyfe haes gien me a gowpen o guid meisu
Southern - SEA gloamin o ma lyfe haes flaen awa,
Central - SEC ower what a lot o the langage haes been lost, an aa feardie that
Central - SEC ht an tho Scots as a language haes been acceppit bi the British
Shetland - SHD Ivvri language haes a system o contrastive soonds
Central - SEC s hou mony years oor language haes afore it dwines awa past the
Central - SEC a tsunami. The Scots language haes waited lang eneuch in the jyl
Central - SEC 's sellin. The Scots language haes been stigmatised for a lang w
Central - EDN p 10 wirds the Scots language haes gien the warld. Ane o the wir
Central - SEC r nor that the Scots language haes been deliberately singelt oot
Ulster - EUL He haes nae heicht ava.
Orkney - ORK He haes knobbly knees, an each toe ha
Orkney - ORK "He haes knobbly knees, an each toe ha
Orkney - ORK "He haes muckle long tusks,
Central - SEC ye micht no suit awbodie." He haes written it in his hamelt Jedd
Central - WCE thair speirits. Seeminlie, he haes anelie tellt thaim aheid o ti
Southern - SEA In the forenicht, he haes poppies.
Central - SEC is brief, sen, i the past, he haes run his awn film an televeisi
Shetland - SHD me an see dy boy, sees du, he haes hair lack dee, an dy een. We'
Central - SEC de in Glenlyon for a time. He haes a strang fainness for Perthsh
Central - SEC frae his native Jedburgh. He haes haed 3 buiks o his poetry pub
Central - WCE 's life an weird cums oot. He haes been murthert an his banes li
Shetland - SHD Hit's aa in his mind, yon: he haes nae raeson for nae lamentatio
Ulster - SYN 'll mak hïm ruler ower aa he haes. But ïf tha sarvint says tae
Shetland - SHD t up tae da thrivin garage he haes da day. An Sylvia fan shü he
Central - LALreind o mines. No shuir if he haes a Twitter.
Central - WCE wark an nae dout dour darg he haes putten intae editin 17 (Ay!)
Central - WCE il a wickit wumman bi wham he haes a whein mair affspring. As we
Ulster - SYN An he haes lukt eftèr hïs sarvint Isra
Ulster - EUL An he haes bigged it up tae rise Abane t
Central - SEC kinna fowk in the warld an he haes lat it be kent that this wis
Southern - SEA Whan he haes ingethert aneuch siller
Central - WCE on his awn abeilities whan he haes ti gie us leivin, direck spei
Central - LAL ’s heid tae fricht, when he haes only hauf a wit tae begin wi!
Central - SEC aye get a wee len o ye gin he haes tae."
Central - WCE ocht e’er sichtit. Altho he haes been a bauld sojer, the Gener
Central - WCE peiker tells us o a letter he haes gotten, whilk he is nou passi
Shetland - SHD fir he haes lifted my haert
Ulster - SYN Loard ïs cum ower me, for he haes anointit me tae tell oot tha
Central - EDN She haes tae hae a reason, thocht Beat
Ulster - EUL "She haes the leuk o yin that was born
Central - SEC rers. In Maureen's words, she haes, "...been concairned wi giein
Central - SEC dicht a dish, but for aw, she haes naething atwein hir lugs but
Central - SEC uva handy thing tae huv". She haes created a clever mellin o pai
Central - LAL unity World Service Asia. She haes warked i baith Scotland an Pa
Ulster - GUL reen and sowl mate Diane. She haes pit up wae aa o mae nonsense
Central - SEC natural an no pitten on. She haes managed tae get intae the ski
Central - SEC plished public performer. She haes featured afore in the McCash
Central - SEC tory walin Hieroglyphics. She haes written for the wireless an t
Central - SWE Singin? She haes the souch o a body Ah ken.
Central - LAL leet o the ballad swatches he haes includit in his collection, w
Central - GLA Whan, hauf awake she haes her hauf a snooze.
Ulster - EUL "I suppose she haes hir uises! Sure, there was na
Central - EDN inbreedin ~ than o coorse she haes damaged bairns - an for this
Central - SEC crives a challengin crack she haes wi her Auntie Janice an in li
Central - SEC n her een. What bonny een she haes, Faither: pure licht olive, a
Central - SEC el seen bi the dedications he haes makit tae fowk in the warld o
Central - SEC for aw the wycelike help she haes gien me ower the years.
Central - SEC ang wi mony o the teachers he haes come intae contack wi haes no
Ulster - WUL Fir she haes him whir she wants him, in ac
Central - GLA aa that she haes seen
Central - WCE her, ti the streitch that she haes aiblins tint hir wuts (alloui
Central - SEC set tae enjoy the meenit she haes tae see'z ma chainge, but syn
Central - LAL at the issue rins on, but she haes that tae thank for her newly
Ulster - SYN wattèr for ma feet. But she haes waasht ma feet wi hir tears,
Central - SEC a hae. The raeson he douts he haes "nae uther choiss" is that he
Central - SEC bittie wi the wumman, nou she haes a interpreter, spaekin tae th
Central - SEC t that near thegither that he haes tae jouk his knees tae win co
Central - EDN uch tae catch rabbits. Yet he haes owerance o aa the bease. He p
Shetland - SHD e you. Lat aabody ken whit he haes ta say. Da Loard is no plaese
Shetland - SHD Roberston, an dis is whit he haes ta say aboot spellin:
Shetland - SHD fir dat is whit he haes promised,
Ulster - WUL "But he haes'nae aks me yit."
Ulster - SYN va, as far as whut yis say he haes daen. Na, Herod dïdnae ither
Orkney - ORK ncle. Thur the only family he haes left noo.’
Shetland - SHD Uncle Robbie haes dis wye a carryin da hay like
Central - EDN r a laddie. Mony’s a laddie haes nae beard at thy age. Luik at
Central - GLA eck o speikers kis wur meidie haes gang roon thar mous wie Ingli
Ulster - PUL llusesP ses Maggie, "Naebodie haes thaim nooadays .
Central - LAL the laist twa year the bodie haes brocht a walcome focus tae th
Ulster - EUL breest poaket. "Young Hughie haes yin the same." Daniel teuk th
Central - LAL ric muivements an aw) Roushie haes been dominatin ower the ither
Central - NEC a tomb at Elgin. The stookie haes haed fowk ettlin tae blaw it
Ulster - BUL Wullie haes a doag caa'ed Laddie, an his
Central - EDN on expletives. “Thy grannie haes verra pur judgement” didna
Central - SEC o sic a guid quality, Campie haes setten itsel up as the standa
Central - SEC 'mither-tongue-plus-twa norie haes tae be cairriet oot throu aw
Southern - SEA ss o pryde in Scots identitie haes been a parochial seal amang l
Central - LAL lie, the Radical Caur pairtie haes sclintered twice raicently: i
Central - LAL s Fowks Pairtie. This pairtie haes been unco successful — it
Central - SEC that's whit I howp Migraasje haes duin."
Central - LAL ng wi this comes whit siclike haes adae wi the betterin o the li
Doric - DOR see fur yersel. Ye de think e haes
Central - LAL our i Scotland, Kezia Dugdale haes awready said she winna suppor
Central - LAL m Murphy an noo Kezia Dugdale haes failed, failed utterly, tae l
Central - SEC sbelievers but syne the Bible haes been gey influential tae Wast
Central - LAL irds. The Basic Inglish Bible haes haen the benefit o modren Bib
Central - LAL Google haes the technical ingine tae cros
Central - LAL or the bygane ten year Google haes been upbiggin its empire by e
Central - LAL a poetic pynt o view, muckle haes been made o the alliterative
Central - SEC ter. For exemplar, hou muckle haes cooncillors an ceevil servant
Central - GLA The caunle haes a hert - it canna bear the p
Orkney - ORK The title haes three good Orkney wirds:
Central - LAL ot the reid planet. The ettle haes been tae detect neutrons comi
Central - LAL This is the warld that's name haes gien fowk a comic terr. Uranu
Central - SEC t thaim on the erse. The time haes come when the words o Scots g
Ulster - GUL Springtime haes aye bin my favourite saison o
Ulster - GUL As Faither Time haes maved alang,
Central - LAL ime in time machines, as some haes suggestit? Or is awbody that
Ulster - GUL Dae ye see this wee rhyme haes a moral
Southern - SEA Scottish Parliament, the tyme haes shuirlie cum ti conter thir e
Central - SEC wershness. Insteid, ilka ane haes an acceptance o the reality o
Central - GLA nent the FPTP seestem, ilkane haes its ain guid and bad pints bo
Central - EDN her hauns. “That ither ane haes spoke tae thee first. Ah thoc
Central - SEC fish in the sea but this ane haes got me fair bumbazed. A wadna
Southern - SEA The tane haes juist stertit ti speak.
Central - LAL ter realisation. The lest ane haes a different vowel, but that m
Central - SEC e fack that the abuin by-line haes raicentlie been chynged on th
Central - SEC n vyces an rhythms that Byrne haes the perfeck lug for wi lines
Central - LAL Neptune haes 14 moons that we ken o, an th
Central - LAL als hit an its neebor Neptune haes affen been cawed ice etins ra
Central - WCE ay. In nou kythes that Browne haes been the subjeck o anither se
Ulster - SYN o tha proafits frae lang syne haes cum bak tae life." An he axt
Central - LAL awburrows is veive yit. Thare haes been a througaun case-law on
Central - LAL The documents conteined here haes been waled bi the screivars o
Central - NEC the time cam. Aa’hing here haes ae fit in truith an anither i
Central - LAL ce at different levels, there haes been neither the time tae for
Doric - ABN fantastic achievement, there haes been some criticism o the eve
Central - SEC u aw Europe. Saicontly, there haes tae be a focus on betterin la
Central - SEC st some kinna slang sae there haes aye been a nummer o Scots spe
Central - LAL for yung adults. While there haes been a walcome growth i the n
Central - LAL duin. That data-liftin empire haes become the embodiment o insta
Central - SWE playin sae yon score haes tae be
Central - LAL a majority, an therefore haes nae mandate for anither refer
Central - LAL cotslanguage.com . The Centre haes a fouth o free heich quality
Central - LAL atus quo, Scotland’s future haes been haundit a new sort o pai
Central - EDN t tells ye that man and bease haes a common interest, that the s
Central - EDN ives a lang time. Nane o yese haes iver seen a deid cuddie,’ a
Central - LAL ou this consultation exercise haes been conductit, please sen th
Central - SEC rs awa'; whin ilka thing else haes changed, this wull nae. A gri
Central - SEC ature Trust. The tale's sense haes been pawkiely distilled bi Al
Ulster - SYN Tha heid o tha hoose haes tha job o makkin shair this s
Central - GLA The Granite Hoose haes gat a Sale
Central - LALrMDempster Ma grannie's hoose haes ceilin's like 'at
Central - LAL ose made o widd, the collapse haes been sudden, but is a result
Central - LAL or shair is that oor universe haes billions o galaxies intil't,
Central - LAL important an tae date haes aye fund the opeenion o the C
Central - LALfrites the day, sae chocolate haes tae be avoidit at aw costs. S
Central - SEC al language, the French state haes makit it plain as parritch th
Central - SEC threap that the French state haes abuised a nummer o human rich
Central - SEC gaun syne the Cooncil o State haes makit the uiss o regional lan
Central - SEC n, the French Cooncil o State haes in the first place breached t
Orkney - ORK Ivry scratch or mosquito bite haes tae be cut oot. Profligate? W
Central - SEC kenable that Ian Nimmo White haes thocht lang on the darg o vai
Central - SEC s the nou, the ScotsteXt site haes fower hale novels, hunders o
Ulster - GUL got a guid eppatite haes,nt hae.
Central - WCE n o Lallans, an mukkil o note haes happent sen the lest ootin. A
Central - LAL mind the pairt that yer vote haes i the braider democratic proc
Shetland - SHD Becis StE haes a derivational morpheme - ie
Central - SEC onie a braw an rousin tribute haes areddies been peyed til’m h
Central - AYR "as I said afore, An yer kyte haes grown ower muckle fat;
Ulster - CUL noo-a deys. Tha Ullans tongue haes baen miscaa'd ower tha years
Central - LAL air leimitit. The haill issue haes came doon, on baith sides, ta
Central - EDN ckit intae chickens? The lave haes aa gane tae the mercat for th
Central - GLA but obviously no if Steve haes happint
Central - SEC forrit an that the Executive haes jaloused that the'r a want fo
Central - SEC 2001, the Scottish Executive haes been threapin that the Househ
Central - SEC other, the Scottish Executive haes gien the paper £70,000 (€1
Central - LAL niver buin kisst. Bit he aye haes a smile as bricht as firewirk
Central - LAL reeginal text. Owersettin aye haes had this uiss frae Bishop Gav
Ulster - GUL Invention aye haes got a place
Central - SEC f-a-Box Competeetion that aye haes aabody in kinks o lauchter. T
Central - LAL choice tae keep this leid aff haes a direct affcome for thaim th
Ulster - CUL ice cud hear him sighin es if haes hairt wus gan tae break. Shae
Central - EDN that the past year an a hauf haes made us aw a bittie ower fam
Central - LAL Bòrd na Gàidhlig haes as hits foondin legislation t
Central - LAL ups. Mair, Bòrd na Gàidhlig haes the pooer for tae cooncil, wh
Central - LAL the leid. Bòrd na Gàidhlig haes functions for tae gie cooncil
Central - GLA A cuirious thrang haes gaithert roon ma cairt.
Shetland - SHD Freda Laesk at sings dis sang haes a lock o ‘aw’ soonds in w
Central - SEC Argyll Publishing haes furthset a walin o poems bi W
Central - LAL Monie’s a thing haes chynged sen thon time. Out-th
Shetland - SHD said da Duchess. "Everything haes a moral if a body ean only fi
Ulster - EUL Fur ivry thing haes jist twa sides,
Southern - SEA Spring haes fair cum at lest.
Southern - SEA the fluids o Spring haes risen.
Central - LAL SEEDER YER ETTLE. Morna Young haes wrutten the sheed anent artic
Central - SEC The Guid Scots Tung haes haed tae dree a muckle skaith
Central - SEC incomin siller tae Scots Tung haes aye been that sma that thare
Central - SEC A new maimber o Scots Tung haes gien us parteeclars o a Scots
Central - LAL aheid – an oor ain wee blog haes stairtit, giein a perspective
Central - LAL ly Scots-medium politics blog haes played a wee pairt as weill.
Central - LAL ae the days o Skene, the darg haes haed tae stert wi a body o te
Shetland - SHD ace, an grett een laek a frug haes; an baith o da flunkeys, Alic
Central - SEC Jimmy, Liz an Anne Marie each haes the natural capacity o experi
Central - SEC Tho the Scots Tung Quaich haes been gaun for three year noo,
Central - SEC reens in America, ane o which haes postit tae me a piece aboot t
Central - LAL Reseirch haes been encouragit intae the att
Ulster - GUL e, tha Boord o Ulstèr-Scotch haes shoart syne foondit tha Ulst
Central - WCE In the same wey as the Dutch haes dredged new cíties frae thei
Ulster - EUL Yin swutch haes lectric's age brocht in
Central - LAL guarantee o that). No eneuch haes chynged i terms o the case we
Orkney - ORK teid o a future whar Engliesh haes erodid aathing ither. (By the
Central - SEC Scots in airts whaur English haes hauden owerance for generatio
Central - LAL glish grammar is that English haes the buik. Its grammar has bee
Shetland - SHD tions, etc). Standirt English haes nae politeness distinctions,
Central - LAL thaim studyin Hiberno-Inglish haes tendit tae, or, atweel, buid
Central - LAL scussion o Mid-Ulster Inglish haes been affectit by politics an
Central - LAL tae the spheres whaur Inglish haes rung unchallanced for sae lan
Ulster - CUL hen efter dark. Nae gret push haes bane pit on oor wake kneed po
Central - SEC "Dauvit, yeir wush haes cum true."
Central - LAL mmar o modren Soothron. Baith haes influences fae the auld leid
Ulster - CUL much, that hae shuk aff baith haes shoes.
Central - LAL recent colloquial Scots baith haes thair place, but bourached th
Ulster - SYN up an gang yer wye, yer faith haes made ye weel."
Central - SEC psteerers the day, the skaith haes been duin areddies an tho tha
Central - SEC cht ane an whuther ony skaith haes been duin or no.
Orkney - ORK hou langsom hid is at sci fi haes fir the most pert sattled on
Shetland - SHD Standirt English wye, at onli haes a 2-wye
Central - LAL ur makar Mohammed al-‘Ajami haes been sentenced tae fifteen ye
Shetland - SHD ronunciation. Forby dat, shui haes nae ‘ch’ soond in wirds l
Ulster - CUL ck wi its ee-lids, sae hae wi haes neb
Ulster - CUL Hae's killin the time! Aff wi haes heid!'"
Ulster - CUL fferences big or wee. "Aff wi haes heid!" shae said wi'oot even
Ulster - CUL er players, an gowlin "Aff wi haes heid!" or "Aff wi hir heid!"
Ulster - CUL mpin aboot, an gowlin "Aff wi haes heid!" or "Aff wi hir heid!"
Central - SEC come intae contack wi haes noticed some gey surprisin oo
Central - WCE he ins-an-oots o what in fack haes happent.
Central - SEC een o the weedae, “Mr Mack haes haed a fùll coorse o traetme
Central - SEC ts and Speech (SCOTS) projeck haes been brocht forrit an wark on
Central - SEC E £200,000 Itchy Coo projeck haes been gaitherin in interest fr
Central - LAL body a planet or no? Plutock haes mony o the kenspeckles that b
Central - LAL ke or throu Frainch) an Greek haes baith haen a haun in swackeni
Ulster - SYN til ye in tha poast. Tha buik haes an owresettin o ilka heid-coo
Central - SEC COLIN Wilson's new buik haes juist been gien a date for fu
Shetland - SHD wis still lack dat, bit fokk haes nae time ta gadder seaweed, o
Central - WCE ir shawen intil a room whilk haes a keekin-gless, the scripturs
Central - LAL r developments, baith o whilk haes fasht human richts an civil l
Central - WCE Leiteratur, the oncum o whilk haes liftit the deiscipline oot o
Central - GLA eickshuin krehd wittins whilk haes monthly newspages anent wur l
Central - SEC Government. The Cornish folk haes haed tae dree the dunts o lit
Central - SEC n culture an the Cornish folk haes haed naethin. He said an aw t
Central - LAL Fowks i Denmark haes stairtit speakin about the Re
Central - LAL nie times, an the day Denmark haes twa descendent pairties: The
Central - WCE Recordins o Lorimer's wark haes been featured i the 'Reviews'
Southern - SEA e tak tent here that his wark haes thon swackness in its Scots t
Central - LAL uments conteined in this wark haes been waled fae baith register
Central - SWE as December's dowie mirk haes
Central - LAL rdinators an aw. This network haes been establisht an is locatit
Central - EDN ’s a ferlie the Carver beuk haes survived.
Central - LAL s true that sum fowk i the UK haes the option tae back reformist
Ulster - CUL ," said the sage, es hae shuk haes grey locks,
Ulster - CUL The Knave shuk haes heid sadly. "Dae A luk lik it
Ulster - CUL The Hatter shuk haes heid aal mournful. "Naw mae!"
Central - LAL r time the maucht o the Plouk haes dywned sae that it micht disk
Central - LAL rchment in the 1370’s, fowk haes been haudin a wrutten crack t
Central - LAL heich hievens thairsels. Fowk haes aye leukit up at nicht an bee
Central - LAL . This year, 2012, monie fowk haes been argiein that this Declar
Central - LAL a tickler, but a puckle fowk haes suggestit that whan the Sun G
Central - LAL awledge is diffuse. Some fowk haes the structurs an soonds o the
Central - LAL her computer gemmes some fowk haes justifee'd wirries aboot the
Central - LAL her computer gemmes some fowk haes justifee'd wirries aboot the
Central - LAL ava that sae monie bleck fowk haes sae little trust i the polis?
Central - LAL A wheen fowk haes speculate that ootrels micht
Central - SEC processed awthin fowk haes clyped, they'll wecht aw the
Ulster - SYN A hale lock o fowk haes taen ït ïn han tae draa up
Central - LAL ane ten year thoosands o fowk haes pit thair names forrit tae li
Central - LAL rue nor in Ulster, whaur fowk haes thrawn thegither elements fae
Central - LAL e planet’ isna new, as fowk haes been warkin for naitur consai
Central - LAL ne, isna haillie new, as fowk haes been thrang in Naitur Consair
Central - LAL . Fae thae times onwards fowk haes held-gauin in Scots for polit
Central - SEC in the clessroom. Leirit fowk haes tae be heard bi (1) uphaudin
Central - WCE aiblins the ane at maist fowk haes been waitin for, an, as Robb
Central - LAL is weel seen that sindry fowk haes haen near encoonters wi objec
Central - LAL unner whit a crack aboot meal haes tae dae wi politics, but this
Central - LAL mair, see whit Ishbel hersel haes tae say aboot it – i Scots
Central - LAL Scotland itsel haes a lang tradeetion o fowk that
Central - LAL lish or Hiberno-Inglish itsel haes the upper haund. Scots wirds
Central - LAL y. The Milky Wey galaxy itsel haes millions o sun girds intil't.
Southern - SEA ma traivel haes duin nae mair
Central - SEC sh Airts Cooncil. The Cooncil haes contreebutit anither £27,500
Ulster - GUL 4.38 Whaur tha Heich Cooncil haes bidin forespaikers in a wheen
Central - SEC THE Scottish Airts Cooncil haes set up a Leid Forum tae explo
Central - SEC three year noo, Campie Schuil haes only taen pairt in it in the
Central - GLA s prelim), the original spell haes been fittert wi tae mak it ma
Central - EDN name wi Raggle gin even Bill haes pickit it up, she thocht. “
Ulster - CUL s an frownin at the cook till haes een wur near oot o sicht, hae
Shetland - SHDrt o it really, America still haes a lot tae do.
Central - SEC t o ma pound notes an A still haes this pound coin an twathree c
Central - LAL ’ — Derry Ceety aye still haes the Scots negative encleetic
Central - SEC her minority leids that still haes a lang gate tae gaun Mònica
Doric - DOR e hirsel o yowes on this hull haes onie amoonts o mait, sae
Orkney - ORK oiïms, bit the wark as a hol haes a kaindlee vernaclir flo. Iso
Ulster - EUL "The oul warl haes bin restored," asserted Sally
Central - SEC Research Buird (AHRB).The DSL haes includit wee bits o speeches
Ulster - CUL nither mixture o voices-*Houl haes heid up-Brandy nooDimnae chok
Central - SEC ha kens? Berwick's fitba team haes played in the Scots League fo
Central - DUN far back in time. A wee poem haes come doon thru the years that
Central - LAL ung-taiglet miner in the poem haes tae gie the news tae a neebor
Central - SEC dia Robb tells that this poem haes been read frae a guid puckle
Central - LAL t yearhunner, but thon system haes chyngit aw throu thon tim an
Central - SEC Cooncil nem an logo on thaim haes been pit up aw ower sindrie p
Central - LAL isers less nor 50,000 o thaim haes the premium accoonts that’s
Central - SEC on areddies. A nummer o thaim haes been pit up in libraries, sur
Central - SEC aelic includit. Friday 2.00pm haes "Old Scots/New Scots", minori
Ulster - SYN This speirin foarm haes bin fillt oot tae tha best o
Central - LAL drogen intil helium an helium haes been sinkin tae the hert o th
Central - GLA an haes lapped us aa twice in ten mee
Central - LAL KIP resigned, un-resigned, an haes mired thaimsels i confusin in
Central - SEC Cannonmills, Auld Reekie, an haes haed ane o wir NAE SMOKIN sig
Central - SEC an televeisioun companie, an haes been a direcktor o the Celtic
Ulster - BUL oda breid oan tha griddle, an haes tha pan oan forbye" Wullie gi
Central - LAL t wi, kythed in the sooth, an haes been growin sensyne. It is no
Central - LAL Orthodox faith i schuills, an haes a strangly populist-nationali
Central - LAL truck a strang cord wi us, an haes done sae intae ma adult life.
Central - LAL s ootset on 25 Januar 2021 an haes intil't soondin guides.
Central - SEC re wis estaiblisht in 1943 an haes been delichtin
Central - LAL The Simpsons' is that orra an haes intil't that mony weel seen S
Central - SEC 98 in New Writing Scotland an haes turned intae an accomplished
Central - SEC n Medicine, beirs the gree an haes taen the nummer ane poseition
Central - LAL ae Kilmaurnock in Ayrshire an haes aye been prood o his langage.
Ulster - EUL Lake whut tha poet's han haes writ.
Central - WCE runs ti 263 pages in lenth an haes eicht blads o cuttie feiction
Central - SEC or the schuils o East Lothian haes gien a wheen o fowk, young an
Central - LAL phy (forby, modren Belarusian haes twa staundard orthographies!)
Orkney - ORK then. An at maens wir spaekan haes ai been inflooïnsd bi ither
Shetland - SHD mæte meant 'maet' as weel an haes da sam ancestor as Aald
Central - SEC ised tae the graphic novel an haes a page at the hinneren wi a s
Ulster - GUL 4.45 Reengin Airlan haes tha ontak o tha priggin o tha
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes twa wyes o negatin sentences.
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes a braali versatile derivation
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes twa forms 'by': da unstressed
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes a set wye o spaekin aboot non
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes twa pronominal address forms:
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes a braa twartree twa-wird phra
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes twa forms at baith translates
Shetland - SHD Shaetlan haes da pronoun opposition da tane
Shetland - SHD in maist languages, Shaetlan haes tree
Shetland - SHD p, t, k, s, f, etc). Shaetlan haes da follooin major consonant p
Shetland - SHD "waik" (unstressed). Shaetlan haes da follooin major vowel phone
Shetland - SHD r or da dugs ir big. Shaetlan haes dis kind
Shetland - SHD n yun?, an sic laek. Shaetlan haes tree distance
Shetland - SHD He's her book. Shaetlan haes a paradigm o possessive deter
Shetland - SHD , shø isna spaekin. Shaetlan haes twa different wyes o markin n
Shetland - SHD da een at's spaekin. Shaetlan haes a speecial kind o reactive re
Shetland - SHD century, so at noo Shaetlan haes baith da aalder ee(n) an da
Shetland - SHD røt or stem) bides da sam an haes da sam basic meaneen, bit it'
Shetland - SHD Da Göd Man haes pitten his speerit athin me.
Shetland - SHD rn forgie dem. As da Göd Man haes forgien your faats, so forgie
Central - EDN e yird as it will be whan Man haes vainisht. But it mindit me o
Ulster - SYN ye'll see that tha Sinn o Man haes tha richt tae forgie sïns he
Ulster - SYN hae nests, but tha Sinn o Man haes naewhar he can caa hame." Ani
Shetland - SHD ed grammatical gender. German haes it still: a shair is a he (de
Shetland - SHD Her man haes nae faer o her an kens dat he
Ulster - WUL Poor man haes baen hum'led bae weemin,
Central - SEC unbekent raison the Scotsman haes him sayin,
Ulster - SYN ut we hae daen. But thïs man haes daen naethin wrang ava!" An w
Central - LAL sae faur as we ken nae human haes set fit on it again in near f
Central - LAL for Scots athin education an haes promotit an developit a onlin
Central - EDN recogneition or protection an haes neist tae nae veisbility in t
Central - SEC ay daesna hae eneuch words an haes tae be biggit up an forbye, t
Central - LAL that bydes, warks, studies an haes a future there.
Central - LAL s oot for billions o miles an haes intil't millions o jeelt an i
Central - LAL cientific speirars that Titan haes sae muckle methane in its atm
Central - LAL isin a Google Mail accoont an haes niver gree’d tae sicna prat
Central - SEC Anne Donovan haes written the hail novel in whi
Central - SEC Ower 20 year on, Anne Donovan haes setten her debut novel, Buddh
Central - SEC throu an throu an yet Donovan haes makit her able tae hae a gret
Central - SEC ireless an the stage an aw an haes been warkin on the screenplay
Central - GLA askin if onywan haes seen her man
Central - LAL at’s throu its alpha sey an haes been gien ower tae a wheen ui
Central - SEC taen as an ethnic minority an haes stertit up a legal challenge
Orkney - ORK be productive, but sometheen haes been lost, too. We make more
Central - SEC Maureen haes includit an aw, 3 Scots poems
Central - LAL negotiatin the noo. The Queen haes telt Lars Løkke Rasmussen fr
Shetland - SHD nae fear o a splinter. My een haes a short handle, cis I'm no ve
Central - LAL ssessive pronoun 'mine' affen haes an '-s' eikit for tae mak it
Ulster - GUL takins tha resydentèrs gien haes bin uised tae sowther an ford
Central - EDN is it really maitter if Hsien haes a heritable ... is it e’en
Central - LAL e is the ae warld that we ken haes life on it. The word Yird hae
Central - SEC hat ye talkin aboot? It's men haes baas, no weemin."
Central - LAL cht glad tae say this pattren haes chynged. For ower a year noo,
Central - LAL that belangs a planet an even haes its ain moons – Charon, Nix
Central - LAL l a thin atmosphere that even haes a breith o wind til't. But Tr
Central - SEC l for listeners. Edwin Stiven haes him mindin us that the climat
Central - LAL referendum, the Aye campaign haes lairgely ceased tae exist as
Orkney - ORK ays o April shooers. The rain haes washed the gutter fae the tho
Central - LAL Britain haes been a leader in warkin tae e
Ulster - CUL t yit," said the King, rubbin haes hauns; "sae noo let the jury
Doric - MNA TED] The rest o this recordin haes bin eliminated. As weel as th
Doric - NNB The wordin haes alreddy worn aff thae gravest
Ulster - GUL skeel recks gyely): Screengin haes kythed 'at weans' rairin an o
Central - SEC ine. A guid wheen o fleetchin haes been gaun on an nae doot the'
Central - GLA Aw thin haes a day on which it's born.
Ulster - CUL said the Duchess. "Iverythin haes a moral, if yae can only fin
Ulster - CUL wurds es afore, "It's aal in haes heid, that: hae hasnae got on
Ulster - CUL rdon!" said the Moose, pullin haes ee-broo doon, but muckle poli
Ulster - GUL Sïx heid airts fur hannlin haes bin ootwaled 'at wull be tae
Ulster - CUL uneasily at the Queen, an in haes confusion hae bit piece oot o
Ulster - CUL , wha seemt tae bae taakin in haes sleep, "that 'A braithe whin
Ulster - CUL some time busily scrievin in haes notebook caalt oot "Wheesht!"
Ulster - GUL cotch in tha coorse o lairnin haes affen reestit owre tha heid o
Ulster - SYN n toul hïm: 'Loard, yer coin haes made ten mair.' 'Weel daen!'
Ulster - CUL Mock Turtle, suddenly drappin haes voice; an the twa creatures,
Ulster - PUL artan purse fu o oul coins in haes room. A hae mine o hoakin thr
Central - SEC ecret ahint this kin o writin haes aye been what's nouadays caad
Central - SEC ocabular. Spence's owersettin haes been weel thocht oot on this
Central - SEC Nane o the abuin haes ocht tae dae wi the fack that
Central - LAL atus, an the discussion abuin haes taen note o the possibility o
Central - SEC a lang history an ilka yin haes an auld toun an a new toun.
Central - GLA The Auld Yin Haes Anither Crack
Ulster - EUL Tha saft-skin't yin haes staney hairt,
Central - LALntrae an Lewis Grassic Gibbon haes a great collection o short st
Ulster - WUL Wae a load on haes bak' no unlik' a Wee Still.
Central - SEC the report. That permeeshion haes been gien bi Scots Tung an we
Central - SEC de Luca's Shetlandic vairsion haes been cried Eye an Ingin,
Central - AYR rk. In mitigation the session haes ta'en intae consideration the
Central - LAL at the focus o the discussion haes been sair leimitit. The haill
Central - LAL ant role that scuil education haes in promotin the yiss o Scots.
Central - LAL ace, an important legislation haes been supportit ben the Scots
Central - LAL . The recentmaist legislation haes been the Gaeltacht Act o 2012
Central - SEC Matthew Fitt's imagination haes gien vyce tae Kate, the lang
Central - LAL y and the actournay quotation haes come mair deviously via Illus
Central - LAL rtain: lest week’s election haes raised mair questions nor it
Central - SEC t on a classic wark o fiction haes been accomplisht an I wad dau
Ulster - CUL aw the same the nixt question haes tae bae, 'Wha, A wunner, am A
Central - SEC Devolution haes gien thaim custody o yin o th
Central - SEC "Devolution haes gien thaim custody o yin o th
Ulster - WUL Wae an oxygen mask on haes face:
Ulster - GUL in the wudds. A seed fell on haes tail. Chicken Little sed, “
Ulster - GUL in the wudds. A seed fell on haes tail. Hae met Henny Penny an
Ulster - SYN h !" the' wur toul. "An Simon haes saen hïm!" An tha twa frae E
Central - LAL he Gaia Foundation7 in Lonnon haes been thrang here. It jyned wi
Central - SEC Broon haes a hinnermaist clout at Hugh M
Central - SEC , whaur Baillie Angus Cameron haes turnt up ae September
Central - SEC COLIN WILSON haes lat it be kent that his new a
Central - SEC Colin Wilson haes lately brocht up the idea o u
Central - SEC Wullie an DC Thomson haes fund thirsels in the news a l
Central - LAL is darg and Randall Stevenson haes cairriet it on tae the feenis
Shetland - SHD dependin on da role da person haes idda sentence: da subject for
Ulster - CUL , coontin aff the subjects on haes flappers, "- Mystery, ancient
Ulster - CUL he coort!" an the King put on haes glesses an lukt roon, tae mak
Central - LAL hat we cry them starns. Starn haes its oreeginal in the auld Ind
Central - SEC The kenspeckle yarn haes been re-imagined intae the st
Central - LAL Like Jubiter, Seturn haes mony moons – 82 that we ken
Central - LAL ots grammar on the ithir haun haes nivvir been taucht in scuil.
Shetland - SHD tae shaa whit role da pronoun haes atidda sentence, as Shaetlan
Central - SEC yces). Auld Maister Henrysoun haes been sittin on ma awn shouthe
Central - SEC Robert Henrysoun haes aye been a walcum veisitor ti
Central - SEC The new toun haes braw boulevards wi raws o tre
Central - AYR The sun haes been unco het oan ma pow
Central - LAL Ower 4.6 billion year the Sun haes been mellin hydrogen intil he
Central - LAL an the pairt taewards the Sun haes its day. Aboot 29% o this war
Central - LAL aderless opposition, Kamerón haes taen the opportunity tae anoo
Central - LAL rvatives unner David Kamerón haes surpreised commentators by ta
Ulster - WUL oo since Sam reached the en'o haes time.
Central - SEC THEW Fitt's But n Ben A-Go-Go haes been pitten on tae the lang l
Orkney - ORK day! Rejoice, fur You-Ken-Who haes geen at last! Even Muggles li
Central - LAL er itsel. This is whit wey Io haes nae less nor 400 volcanoes in
Ulster - CUL shakin richt doon tae the eno haes tail. "As if A wud taak aboot
Ulster - CUL eemt tae wink at hir wi yin o haes wee een, but said naethin.
Central - SEC in the minority for Itchy Coo haes selt 80,000 copies ower the h
Central - EDN uhit snod we are. Maybes thoo haes tae see that first.”
Central - EDN “Thoo haes tae chise, thoo kens. Thoo ca
Central - EDN .” She bit her lip. “Thoo haes wide hips,” she sayed, “t
Central - SEC Johnnie noo haes a job, a wife an a hoose an t
Shetland - SHD whit wye Standirt English noo haes da sam form øsed baith wyes.
Shetland - SHD s is why Standirt English noo haes da sam form øsed baith wyes.
Central - EDN it is clear that Cornish noo haes a presence that it haesna for
Central - LAL Labour noo haes nae hairtland. It barely haes
Central - LAL The Scots Government noo haes a Scots Langage Policy. Mair
Ulster - CUL e said tae hirsel, "baecaas o haes big tap-piece."
Central - SEC c an set designer Becky Minto haes creatit muckle haund stitched
Central - EDN e mak them stieve? Ivery drap haes gane doun the thrapples o wir
Central - SEC ae this means the local sheep haes tae be clippit oot o season.
Ulster - GUL Wee Bo Peep haes loast hir sheep
Central - SEC n in areddies an ae Scots MEP haes been gien a quote for five hu
Central - LAL tynin voters, an whan the DFP haes made deals wi the ithers, tha
Central - LAL The SNP haes been gied a braw Yule present
Central - LAL The SNP haes tynt its majority, but the on
Central - LAL The SNP haes the maist tae gain frae this
Central - LAL I ken that the SNP haes planned a campaign frae this
Central - LAL FI also confirms that the SNP haes succeedit in takkin in maist
Central - LAL n lairners alike. The new app haes thoosans o audio files for ta
Ulster - WUL Robby wis ther', geff up haes sock,
Central - LAL groups o rings an ilka group haes hunners an thoosands o wee ri
Central - SEC The formal ettles o the group haes aye tae be decidit yet but, i
Ulster - PUL He near haes his ma roon the bend-o
Southern - SEA Mair as thertie year haes stoured
Southern - SEA seivinteen year haes gaen in.
Orkney - ORK s I say, even if You-Ken-Whar haes geen –‘
Central - GLA hit happens is at ilka waelar haes twa votes - the first is uiz
Central - GLA votes, is eleckit. Ilka votar haes twa waels. If naebodie is ele
Central - LAL Januar haes also seen the Edinburgh launc
Shetland - SHD afil serious-wye. "Whit idder haes du i dee pootch?" he guid on,
Central - LAL 17. The Order haes intil‟t parteeclar proveesi
Central - SEC rs that disna see this differ haes a haurd time tryin tae think
Ulster - PUL n wairm it up tae tha shugger haes aa meltit.
Central - SEC irsion o the Opera stravaiger haes been biggit up bi a neibourin
Central - LAL aboot hoo the SNP nae langer haes a majority, an therefore haes
Central - LAL "Ma faither haes a box-trap it hame. Div ye wa
Ulster - SYN times. An jist as ma Faither haes gien a Kïngdom tae me, sae A
Ulster - SYN aen tae iz? Me an yer faither haes bin worried seek lukin for ye
Central - SEC n – Kiltie. The Big Brither haes tae decide gin he wants tae b
Ulster - SYN rvint toul hïm, 'Yer brither haes cum hame, an yer faither haes
Ulster - SYN , an ye mine that yer brither haes ocht agin ye, jist lea ït do
Central - LAL ly for the reader, the owther haes duin a graun job in presentin
Central - LAL ise o Scots whaur the speaker haes chynged tae English whan spea
Central - SEC r thir than a English spaeker haes, but a body dis hear folk say
Central - SEC n "straight". A Scots spaeker haes less o a excuise tae niffer t
Southern - SEA parfumed whuffs o the Simmer haes gaen,
Ulster - EUL Ma nummer haes cum up.
Central - LAL ific-mindit, but a sma nummer haes left us clawin oor heids tae
Central - AYR r him... an then, nae shuiner haes he got the croun back on his
Central - LAL llyin aroond the reid baunner haes been a strikin, though mibbie
Central - SEC es an e'en coontin. The paper haes pit forrit the norrie that a
Ulster - CUL p in a big hurry: "this paper haes jest bin pickt up."
Central - EDN Scotland efter Brexit proper haes taen place.
Central - WCE auld cuppil, whause dauchter haes been taen inti sairvice bi me
Central - LAL ho it isna weel kent, Jubiter haes three fent rings aboot it tha
Central - SEC em. Mony a traditional writer haes written his ain Aiberdeen-awa
Central - SEC in the dreich Scottish winter haes aathin tae dae wi wha ye gang
Central - LAL Register haes adae wi aa the aspects o lang
Central - SEC direck contack the Meenister haes haed wi the CPG an he howped
Shetland - SHD dus du no care dat my sister haes left me wi aa da wark ta dö?
Central - EDN sewerage — Scottish Watter haes owerance o baith o thir — h
Central - LAL steids the unnergroun watter haes becum ower wersh for ti wauch
Central - LAL n relatives. Tho the computer haes made a lot o things easier, d
Ulster - CUL Alice had bin lukin ower haes shoother wi some anxiety, "Wh
Ulster - CUL tone. Hae lukt nervously ower haes shoother whin hae spoke, an t
Central - LAL ae the twa-three lines Frazer haes at the end ae the play. His l
Ulster - CUL "An yer hair haes got wile white;
Central - LAL kent as Linden-Dollars. Thir haes gien rise tae a thrang econom
Central - EDN iver gangs upo fower legs, or haes wíngs, is a freend. And mind
Central - EDN iver gangs upo fower legs, or haes freends, is a freend.
Orkney - ORK har English daesno ower aa or haes been forcibly expelled, whar
Central - LAL w whaur the word searched for haes been used.
Central - LAL But whit for haes thare no been an equal-aqual
Central - SEC hir's in the public domain or haes what permissions is nott, an
Central - LAL e set furth mair in Scots nor haes happent thir fower hunder yea
Central - SEC Ruth Tittensor haes been a bodie weill-intressit
Central - WCE (nae mair) that the narrator haes aiblins been owre wersh in hi
Central - LAL examples I’v gien sae faur haes been adae wi spellin, I’ll
Ulster - CUL Language. Noo tha mair thaur haes bane a weethin o progress in
Ulster - CUL this bein tha fect that thaur haes bane nae rale effort bae tha
Central - LAL nglish nor it is. An naewhaur haes that been mair true nor in Ul
Ulster - CUL "Hae taen mae fur haes hoosemaid," shae said tae hir
Central - NEC a shame, as nae single figur haes been sae popular an influenti
Central - SEC Labour haes gien a specific pledge in its
Central - LAL say. For generations, Labour haes been able tae commaund the lo
Central - LAL airvest ahint that e's labour haes won.
Central - LAL e be listenin tae whit Labour haes tae say?
Central - EDN een o the warld, Scots cultur haes come tae be thocht on as cout
Ulster - SYN rd, can ye no see ma sïstèr haes left me tae dae aa tha wark,
Central - SEC o the sweirin in aith, MSP's haes the richt tae uise Scots in t
Central - LAL lière owersettins in the 80s haes mair o a city twang aboot tha
Central - LAL As haes became routine i Britain’s
Central - GLA Genetics haes ye by the DNA fallopian three
Central - LAL larin that sports an politics haes nae pynts o connection simply
Central - LAL Norrowa at hoo Scots politics haes developed ower the lest year.
Doric - DOR “Leuk! Yin o the kidds haes fawin ower the baunk an canna
Central - SEC hearin its words in oor heids haes hystit the 'best sellers' fla
Central - SEC rowser) in fower Celtic leids haes juist been brocht oot allouin
Ulster - GUL elie Curn oan Baakgaein Leids haes graithed a Patent fur fynnin
Shetland - SHD es, an langer strings o wirds haes different kinds o intonation
Central - SEC n o the kintra, aa thae words haes gien wey ti the ubeeqitous "g
Central - SEC eet o twa thoosan Scots words haes been owerset intae English, F
Central - SEC the Honest Toun. The notices haes turnt oot braw as coloured fo
Central - LAL times. The emergency services haes proved their wurth in baith i
Ulster - CUL intae the darkness es hard es haes legs wad tak him.
Southern - SEA The Simmer trees haes cled thairsells in shaidaes;
Central - LAL uist slang. But hale langages haes colloquial an slang registers
Shetland - SHD Aa languages haes wyes o combinin morphemes tae
Shetland - SHD re noo. Aa Germanic languages haes twa
Shetland - SHD A lok o languages haes peerie wirds at indicates da
Central - SEC ion in Scotland. Thae chynges haes gane haund in haund wi a grow
Central - WCE Robb, whause lang resairches haes made it rael i the hinneren.
Central - WCE laes, (an Robb’s resairches haes brocht ti licht sum o the rea
Central - EDN e bed wi dugs, an the babbies haes dugs’ heids.”
Central - LAL fowk think. Scots awreaddies haes a braid yaiser base, a guid r
Central - SEC Wee Stories haes been fetchin oot guid quality
Central - SEC cuttie Geordie Jooks stories haes been prentit in the Scots Tun
Central - SEC research intae the Humanities haes concentratit on the biggin up
Central - LAL at individuals an communities haes ower their ain lifes. Delegat
Central - LAL ent tae this. Oor communities haes became re-engaged wi politics
Central - LAL pairtly acause the versities haes been teachin ever mair o oor
Central - SEC ate or aiblins baith pairties haes spats they're fundin hard tae
Central - LAL pooer, but the ither pairties haes adoptit their xenophobic poli
Central - LAL Ower lang ages the pairticles haes been drawn roond Jubiter but
Southern - SEA nese poems in Inglish, whyles haes an auld-farrant, neo-classica
Central - SEC Juist ane or twa o the names haes been chynged tae proteck the
Central - SEC m guidelines in raicent times haes gien Scots a new inlat intae
Central - SEC 1200 tae 1976. The 22 volumes haes hunders o thoosands o quotes
Central - SEC cil Eddication high heid-anes haes ettelt a ploy tae see the bai
Central - SEC SCOTTISH theatre magazines haes been comin an gaun like the g
Central - LAL turs in journals an magazines haes aiblins aw been manipulate in
Ulster - CUL gony o terror. "Aw, thur goes haes precious neb!" es a really bi
Central - SEC question speirs whit meisures haes been taen tae mak better kent
Central - EDN t lang that the river coorses haes chynged. There a thrid river,
Southern - SEA Bi the yett nou, ither mosses haes growne,
Ulster - GUL air tha approbatit lear gates haes a heid pairt in fordèrin an
Central - LAL rid in colour sae astrologues haes cryed it the Sma Rid Plouk. N
Central - LAL kenspeckles that astrologues haes cryed rupes. The'r ane in par
Central - SEC e it" sae aiblins the Basques haes juist gotten thairsels a new
Central - LAL ld say that the Conservatives haes awready begoud a haillsale tr
Central - EDN y. A nummer o anonymous sangs haes survived, tae, an ye can lug
Central - SEC sar" an no Scots Tung. Things haes chynged noo tho efter the muc
Central - EDN She paused. “A lot o things haes chynged, Raggle. It’s been
Central - SEC ry either." Let's howp things haes chynged thae days.
Central - EDN or a bit. Maybes efter things haes sattlet doon again ... we'll
Central - LAL nd'. Fae the stairt, Jillings haes tae warsle wi her subjeck, fo
Central - LAL that auld. Tae date 13 rings haes been coontit. Like the rings
Central - LAL n Pavonis. Geologic speirings haes suggestit that the Tharis Bum
Central - LAL s Doric Proverbs and Sayings haes a wheen saws beginnin wi ‘T
Central - LAL in hecht. The fact that progs haes detectit muckle antrin rises
Central - LAL aroond the Moon. Sindry progs haes been sent tae the Moon ower t
Central - EDN E’en the horse and the dugs haes nae better weird. You, Boxer,
Ulster - CUL ," shae thocht, "tay its lugs haes come oot, or at lease yin o t
Central - LAL time. But Drake an Fermi, is haes been suggestit, micht no’a
Shetland - SHD Dis haes twa strynds - ‘dem’ afor
Central - EDN This haes a close parallel wi the debat
Central - LALThis haes aged like milk https://t.co/E
Central - EDN heal. Milk and aipples (this haes been pruiven by Science, fere
Central - EDN same happenin for Scots. This haes allooed Cornish tae muive int
Central - SEC langage soond grand, and this haes gart some modren Scots enthus
Central - LAL ecords o citizens. While this haes promptit fury frae richts gro
Central - LAL st twa hunner year alane this haes risen fae 1 billion tae 7.7 b
Central - WCE spellin, an ye can tell this haes been skreivit bi an auld soje
Central - WCE from inescapable’, (an this haes mebbies led monie ti regaird
Central - LAL mprehendit, that threaps this haes happent tae them in actual li
Central - LAL wey o thinkin. In a wey this haes a kinna mense, kis we nou hae
Central - LAL is the tairm burrow in Inglis haes a deifferent connotatioun an
Central - LAL a lang while (juist as Inglis haes been dominatin ower Scots). U
Central - LAL ht in scuil. Nae thocht-polis haes set doon the richts an wrangs
Central - LAL opposition activism. This is haes came amid twa mair developmen
Central - LAL kintras, the financial crisis haes made the establishment pairti
Ulster - CUL "Ay, it is haes business!" said Five. "An A'l
Ulster - SYN Jist say yin o yis haes a mine tae big a ture. Wud he
Central - LAL gien aff bi sindry chemicals haes different energies, it’s na
Central - SEC the difficulties monolinguals haes (eg liftin that the French sp
Central - SEC 00 Gaelic speakers, the Gaels haes haed a Gaelic Newspaper cried
Southern - SEA Nae cairt wheels haes fylt it yit.
Central - LAL arld an whither or no ootrels haes ever peyed us a veesit. Div y
Central - SEC hat juist the wirds theirsels haes naethin awfu terrel inbye. Wh
Central - SEC Scots language graphic novels haes experienced the same appetite
Central - LAL ts. Mony o thir chancy cheils haes been soukit up wi Jubiter, bu
Central - SEC ile. Baith teachers an pupils haes pit in some gey hard wark but
Central - LAL Sum recent polls haes awready suggestit that the Gr
Central - SEC Language Dictionaries an ASLS haes appyntit Christine Robinson a
Central - SEC ae gaun. 'Fundin for programs haes tae be melled thegither sae a
Central - WCE tae. The loss o oor freedoms haes makkit us prisoners no juist
Central - LAL i thair verra nature, eedioms haes the swackest o aw functions i
Ulster - GUL weans haes tha richt tae tak tha guid o
Central - LAL thin, it’s that Gleswegians haes an extraordinary ability tae
Central - LAL etters. Ilka ootgie o Lallans haes intil't sindry wark in Scots,
Ulster - CUL or hunners o years tha Ullans haes baen pit doon bae the hale ed
Central - LAL he noo o Gaelic langage plans haes shawit progress, but there a
Central - LAL ew warld pentit abuin aiblins haes mair adae wi the utmaist spro
Central - SEC im or the noo an the spellins haes been chynged a wee bit sae th
Central - LAL , and wi a that his scrievins haes duin tae keep the leid alive
Central - SEC W, there no mony subscreivins haes been received or noo.
Central - LAL e present day (ane o the inns haes sawdust fluirs). The acteivit
Central - SEC fice. A hantle investigations haes maistlie jaloused at he wes t
Central - LAL aration12. The Unitit Nations haes recogneised the depth o feeli
Central - SEC nummer o Breton organisations haes pit forrit a complaint agin t
Central - LAL he Commission anent Elections haes the burden for
Shetland - SHD questions haes a visible subject:
Central - SEC aw, Oor Wullie an The Broons haes been gaun thair dingers for g
Central - SEC read Oor Wullie an The Broons haes the abeility tae write in Sco
Central - LAL scientists kens thae neutrons haes come aboot fae gamma rays ske
Central - LAL sey) that can detect neutrons haes been birlin roond aboot the r
Central - SEC doon tae is that the Bretons haes the richt tae lairn thair lan
Central - SEC mes an aw whan Cornish bairns haes been punished at the scuil fo
Central - LAL In fact, Jock Tamson's bairns haes haurdly been here ava. Oor mi
Central - LAL at least Jock Tamson's bairns haes been tentie tae the Muckle Ri
Central - SEC · Scots bairns haes tae lairn English, sae it's a
Central - LAL rt o national identity, Burns haes given the Parliament a steer,
Central - LAL heir faithfu recordin o Burns haes brocht tae licht mony fascina
Central - LAL 20‘But that Burns haes got a tongue that wad chairm
Central - SEC s the consait that thae curns haes juist aboot the same scant o
Orkney - ORK eeklir Orcadian ekspeereeïns haes its aen parteeklir paens: enk
Central - LAL . Ower lang ages the ice keps haes grown an dwyned mony times ow
Central - LAL Individual groups haes continued (Weimen for Indepen
Ulster - GUL A hunner years haes past us by,
Central - SEC RAICENT years haes brocht muckle chynges tae the
Central - SEC r, 2009. (The main dictionars haes lang syne been completit bi k
Central - LAL ir time, as a wheen screivars haes threapit, or something mair a
Central - SEC e Rabbie Burns. Oor skreivars haes been celebratin this in oor p
Central - SEC Gugan hears whit the maimbers haes tae say' in original]
Central - SEC 'Cross pairty Group maimbers haes thair say' in original]
Central - SEC s Cross Pairty Group Maimbers haes thair say thocht that Scots l
Central - SEC ies alang wi thair publishers haes kindly offered tae gie the th
Central - SEC chance that ane or twa ithers haes duin the same an STW juist ha
Central - LAL ottish Evening News an ithers haes aw stairtit layin oot ambitio
Central - LAL an pop culture, as yet ithers haes suggestit insteid? The’r na
Central - SEC he Convention but forspeakers haes been telt that this winna hap
Central - SEC Scots speakers haes gotten yaised tae tholin thae
Central - LAL r 300 thoosand Scots speakers haes reportit that thay daena writ
Central - LAL en hunner year Scots speakers haes wrutten in Scots.
Central - WCE cots language an its spikkers haes been rinnin on a Sunday servi
Ulster - GUL a leid o tha Scotch incummers haes weered an thraa'ed intil a by
Central - SEC ritish coorts.The campaigners haes haed words areddies wi the Co
Central - LAL he wee smaw oors, whan uisers haes tae redd a puckle soums athin
Central - SEC No aw writers haes an international audience lik
Central - SEC nnerstaun it. Fitba reporters haes aften slippit intae Scots for
Central - LAL es o Yale an Harvard. Reuters haes its ain news centre (http://s
Central - LAL That said, ane-twa screivers haes ettle’t tae push the bounds
Central - LAL ye that . . . Mistress Towers haes juist had a . . . wee wean.
Southern - SEA whyte hairs haes kythed
Central - LAL Mairs haes aye been an unchancy warld fo
Central - LAL planet in oor Sun Gird, Mairs haes gien us mony legends an tales
Central - LAL ith awa. Like the Yird, Mairs haes ice at baith poles made maist
Central - LAL ut aneath the rid stour Mairs haes mony ither colours sic as bro
Central - LAL arld. Anent this, the owthors haes wrutten: our selection was go
Central - LAL the search for life on Maurs haes been adae wi findin watter on
Ulster - PUL id Wullie, "That wife o yours haes me oot a fortune, an aa ye ca
Central - LAL as faur as possible. Success haes been limitit. In thir days o
Southern - SEA ltural heritage. This process haes stertit areddies in Ireland,
Shetland - SHD covered isle, whaar a goddess haes her haem;
Central - LAL objects fae abuin, faur less haes claimed tae be taen abuird an
Central - SEC time. The tale's Scottishness haes been catched bi James P. Spen
Central - SEC s words. The tale's daurkness haes been weel catched bi Cam Kenn
Central - LAL Progress haes been biggin, an throu the pas
Central - SEC AIBERDEEN'S Evening Express haes reportit on a proponed new we
Ulster - CUL the baak o yin flapper across haes een. Hae lukt at Alice an try
Southern - SEA The ferm houss haes echt or nyne chaumers.
Central - LAL or wab o byous Scots dialects haes been hotly debate fae the 192
Shetland - SHD agrees wi da idee at dialects haes nae grammar. He writes:
Southern - SEA Ma haffets haes gaen whyte.
Central - SEC yuiss o Alexandrine couplets haes been uphaudit aw the wey thro
Central - LAL thocht that lang-bidin comets haes thair oreeginal in the Oort C
Central - LAL n aa gree wi yon. Sik thochts haes saired Jackie weill. Hir airl
Central - SEC liteecians an ceevil servants haes been sae sair devalued, naebo
Central - LAL e constitutional arrangements haes creatit confusion aboot the a
Central - LAL Scotland. The twa governments haes gree‟d that the
Central - LAL The governments haes baith gree‟d that the refer
Central - LAL The governments haes gree‟d tae airt throu baith
Central - LAL eement atween the governments haes been set oot in the
Central - SEC Parents haes been frustered at the Governm
Central - SEC n oot in Airticle 8. Paurents haes the richt tae respeck for tha
Central - LAL Scots haes a nummer o regional differs a
Central - LAL Scots haes been gied recognition tae in
Central - SEC angered minority leids, Scots haes its ain particlar rood tae be
Central - SEC pittin up wi something. Scots haes twa distinct wirds for this:
Central - LAL is the same as English. Scots haes some soonds at English disna,
Central - WCE existential threit tae Scots haes lang been the salty lap o the
Central - LAL st nicht, it leuks like Scots haes funn a new bonnie fechter tha
Central - EDN Sae it leuks like Scots haes eneuch direct Romance lendwir
Central - LAL ly, Polish), juist like Scots haes Gaelic an Norse. The nou, U.
Central - SEC he sooth o Scotland. If Scots haes haurly chynged fae the seeven
Central - LAL o Weimar Germany. Wersh Scots haes the danger o bein Inglish, or
Central - LAL h experimental an urban Scots haes been seen in prent mair aften
Central - SEC e tak thair place, then Scots haes nae howp. It's the consait o
Central - SEC ae aboot 1700 an modren Scots haes juist been aroond frae efter
Central - LAL at the spellin o Modren Scots haes chynged sen syne. For aa that
Shetland - SHD blishment is at written Scots haes a plaece in creative writin,
Central - SEC . She said that speakin Scots haes the same effeck on some teach
Central - LAL that onybody writin in Scots haes tae shouther is the endless s
Central - LAL Infinitives in Scots haes a different mak, as ye will s
Central - SEC that incomers fluent in Scots haes tae be acceppit on language g
Central - LAL The experimental kin o Scots haes been haein a haurd time o it
Shetland - SHD indeed! Aa dis forms o Scots haes similarities wan wye or da ti
Central - LAL he vocabular. Writers o Scots haes tae mak thair wales atween a
Central - LAL The dialects o Scots haes a lairge amoont o vocabular,
Central - LAL ither. The third sort o Scots haes its springheid in the urban d
Ulster - CUL r Scots. Baecaas Ulster Scots haes only recently bin wrote doon
Central - LAL aces in the warld whaur Scots haes been eikit tae the leit o off
Central - SEC an forgets that whiles Scots haes twa wirds whaur English juist
Central - LAL n character. Cyrano’s Scots haes tae mak ye greet as weel as l
Central - SEC ds in Scots: thame that Scots haes in common wi English. This me
Central - SEC sang that telt us that Scots haes ower 40 words for rain!
Central - LAL es taks tent an aw that Scots haes a fouth mair speakers, tho th
Central - EDN It's a miracle thit Scots haes bin thrawn eneuch tae survive
Central - SEC r Tung. Sae, North East Scots haes yin mither, Sooth East Scots
Central - LAL s in temperature in sma spots haes been taen tae mean that lava
Central - LAL an made; e’en live concerts haes been hauden bi the likes o Su
Central - SEC Efter the Comatee o Experts haes processed awthin fowk haes cl
Central - SEC hailsome eneuch. Mony experts haes praised the guid things in ai
Central - SEC no ti say aa the best adverts haes ti tell a story. The maist su
Central - LAL lin variations or verb pairts haes been notit aareadies isnae ea
Central - LAL aist modren Scots enthusiasts haes follaed Ramsay’s example, m
Central - LAL 'Ay, A see yin o the jeests haes aaready fawn doon peenin Arch
Central - LAL Still an on, the Nationalists haes noo won a record third electi
Central - WCE Capitalists haes ayeweys haed a contradictory
Central - WCE at across Euripe, capitalists haes creatit the ootlines o a fede
Central - LAL tae operate. Tredd unionists haes cried the policy “draconian
Central - SEC Aince the texts haes been ingaithert, they'll be e
Ulster - GUL CCLEW. Wi fennin this, MWCUS haes taen a ploy fur lear an lectr
Central - LAL air technically fell amang us haes. Firstlins a body maun regist
Central - LAL by the byordnar cauld, Uranus haes a magnetic field that is orra
Central - LAL the size o oor warld. Uranus haes a byordnar tilt til its aixis
Central - LAL ma hert o rock an ice. Uranus haes its ain cloods like ither war
Central - LAL It isna weel kent but Uranus haes rings gauin aboot it – the
Central - WCE the Murdos… But coronavirus haes set oor collective gas at a p
Ulster - CUL e Gryphon, sighin whin it wus haes turn; an baith cretters hid t
Central - LAL plants for a lang time. Laws haes been enackit i that airt an s
Central - LAL yit the actioun o Lawburrows haes stuid the test o time an that
Central - LAL France tae Scotland nouadays haes chaffed the sherp edges aff t
Ulster - EUL Threttie days haes Septemmer,
Ulster - PUL Och, it’s mair nor tay’s haes me dismayed -
Ulster - GUL Implymentin Curn (ICIC), 'at haes tha owerance o Chairtèr impl
Ulster - GUL ds it fends. Its mintins, 'at haes a feck oan this Roadin, bes t
Ulster - GUL t's skailt tae nae enn an 'at haes a guid feck oan tha oncum o U
Ulster - GUL like o spellin an spaikin 'at haes bin a weethin fykie afore, no
Ulster - GUL o Prodysans nor Kethlicks 'at haes a kine o a kennin o Ulstèr-S
Ulster - GUL eengers, landèrs an yins 'at haes a consate o thaim.
Central - SEC ’s Aesopic prose fables (at haes monie a parenthetical insicht
Shetland - SHD ts (a subject an a object) at haes sum kind o relationship atwee
Central - WCE oversie, wi Douglas Young, at haes left its merk on Scott’s mu
Southern - SEA among yer creation, at haes appearinlie gaen gyte aathegi
Shetland - SHD r spaekin aboot dialect, at haes a connotation o backabootness
Shetland - SHD irds at bilangs tagidder) dat haes a noun (entity) or pronoun (a
Shetland - SHD e göd ta worry. Even dem dat haes aathing can suddenly run inta
Shetland - SHD canna mis-spell a language at haes nae spellin. You canna mak gr
Shetland - SHD a wrang wird in a language at haes nae vocabulary. I micht tink
Shetland - SHD l mishanters in a language at haes nae grammar. An you canna oes
Shetland - SHD t da onnly form o language at haes ony standards ava.
Central - SEC nae ither Theatre Companie at haes the expairience ti mount seti
Central - SEC associatit wi hir, an ane at haes made uiss o the skeills o a w
Shetland - SHD Da verb phrase is a phrase at haes a verb (action, process or st
Shetland - SHD in aboot a Shaetlan tongue at haes a connotation o Shaetlan iden
Southern - SEA that haes bund us baith thegither.
Central - LAL vices o modren Scotland, that haes tae include the landwart dial
Central - LAL ke o Scots verb concord, that haes nae influence on a body’s u
Central - LAL on o siclike resurgence, that haes its maist vieve realisation i
Central - SEC for the Scots language, that haes raxed forrit onie feedback ta
Ulster - SYN o tha femlie o Abraham, that haes bin hel ïn bondage bi Satan
Central - SEC a freelance storyteller, that haes owersetten the adaptation in
Central - SEC ays that the Government, that haes ratified the Chairter, maun a
Central - SEC only ane in the warld - that haes its menu prentit aw in Scots.
Central - LAL n though we are a kintra that haes attemptit tae re-mak the EU i
Central - LAL . It's no the only warld that haes rings, but nae ither hae sae
Central - LAL uses an lees an violence that haes became aw ower clear tae see.
Central - WCE the quiet. Thon sílence that haes fawen on oor streets like a s
Southern - SEA waidgin a blade that haes a watterie leim.
Orkney - ORK e representan a language that haes no standardised spaelleen. Th
Ulster - SYN 'm tellin yis, oniebodie that haes left hame, faither an mither,
Central - LAL - on the face o Neptune that haes kythed an diskythed on an aff
Central - LAL in wi a thick atmosphere that haes ammonia crystals intil't that
Central - LAL whan recoontin something that haes happent in the past. Some fow
Central - SEC glish. The sairest thing that haes tae be owercome is gittin uis
Central - SEC eap that the first thing that haes tae be conseidered is whit da
Orkney - ORK ntent is unlike anything that haes been published in Orkney befo
Central - SEC ions for Pairts I and II that haes tae dae wi the Scots language
Central - LAL e time, an o aw the fowk that haes registert, juist 15% wis aye
Central - LAL k a bit cultural capital that haes been skecht by the imperialis
Central - LAL war aye telt it’s them that haes nae interest in independence!
Central - SEC in doggerel. The ae poem that haes a title is the firsten ane, L
Central - LALt for a stey brae. Thaim that haes, aye gets. Tak tent or it’s
Central - LAL cles is o uiss tae thaim that haes the graith an wants tae leuk
Central - GLA bodie eleckit than thaim that haes the maist drochlinest amoont
Central - LAL is – a storm. A storm that haes been blawin for a lang time.
Ulster - SYN ye shud fear. Fear hïm that haes tha pooer tae kïll, an then
Central - LAL oor Sun intil a Rid Etin that haes less mass and it will stert t
Ulster - SYN "Tha yin that haes twa shïfts shud gie yin tae
Ulster - SYN ' axt, "Whar ïs tha yin that haes bin boarn Kïng o tha Jews? F
Central - SEC tae an airlier vairsion that haes a braider reenge o Scots nor
Central - LAL n the air, a description that haes the eerie ring o accoonts fae
Central - LAL . Titan is the only moon that haes a strang atmosphere. This is
Central - SEC s her man, a muckle loun that haes ti stap hissel intae the saet
Central - SEC xley, a Gaelic upsteerer that haes fautit ceevil servants in the
Central - SEC his an the meenister for that haes duin this, that an the neist
Central - EDN Scot. But nocht mair nor that haes survived.
Central - SEC steid o 'minority' leids that haes a high level o bield an micht
Central - SEC whit.s gaun on. Associes that haes clyped tae the Comatee will n
Central - LAL unpopular. The pairties that haes been in govrenment afore (SFP
Central - SEC uiss o a reinge o buiks that haes been developed bi researchers
Central - WCE he wey fowk muisic warks that haes gien it its smeddum sin the 1
Central - EDN o componin. Ither warks that haes survived frae Jeames VI’s t
Central - LAL s wi lang-heidit ootrels that haes the can tae crack wi us, or s
Ulster - SYN hoo ye lïsten. Tha yins that haes wull be gien mair, an tha yin
Central - LAL -coo’. But it is Burns that haes made Scots jist aboot respect
Central - SEC number o Scots spaekers that haes nae experience o Scots as a l
Central - LAL an extension o a process that haes been gaun on fae Auld English
Central - SEC ons in Scots. The fechts that haes been tint is the Scots questi
Central - LAL ters o drama intae Scots that haes maistly borne the gree amangs
Central - SEC ar some dialecks o Scots that haes tae be seen as separate langa
Central - SEC irns wi drawins o baists that haes captions the likes o, crabbit
Central - LAL n gang tae the activists that haes pit in the wark for this –
Central - SEC that thon's a government that haes pyntitlie dingit doon the res
Central - SEC a wee gydals tae onybody that haes thae kinna doots aboot whethe
Central - WCE rl is presentit til’s. What haes happent ti steir up sik a bra
Central - EDN ower the past year? And what haes happent yon milk ’at should
Central - LAL ation, an we soud studie what haes been unnertaen unner the new
Central - WCE mebbies sum-hou ti laern what haes becum o hir guidman. O coorse
Central - SEC ane-the-less, it gies us what haes been cryit a ‘baseline’ f
Ulster - WUL up in Killyleah hae stuck at haes trade,
Shetland - SHD rase is a fixed expression at haes mair as ee wird, bit it wirks
Central - SEC ican Praisident, an ongaun at haes brocht howp an weill-hertitne
Ulster - CUL wusnae gan tae stairt noo at haes age.
Shetland - SHD int tae be da wye wi verbs at haes sum kind o cheinge o location
Shetland - SHD int tae be da wye wi verbs at haes sum kind o cheinge o location
Central - LAL he ‘oo’ soond in words at haes the sindrie ‘ui’ soonds i
Shetland - SHD un ithin 5% o da languages at haes raelative claases, an it onli
Shetland - SHD : onli 6.5% o da languages at haes perfect tense dø dis, an d'i
Shetland - SHD below. Da onli auxiliaries at haes ony
Shetland - SHD astin it layin up guddicks at haes nae answers."
Shetland - SHD it laek it is idda nations at haes da infrastructure tae be kerr
Shetland - SHD wi coont nouns at haes sum kind o closs relationship
Central - LAL lish len-words in dialects at haes tint the Scots maks.
Shetland - SHD e naethin idder. Hit's you at haes da fancy dress."
Ulster - SYN ha follaein condeetions ’at haes held oan, or is lippent oan h
Central - EDN dies, and them amang us ’at haes the docht is pitten tae the d
Central - EDN yet the’r no ane o us ’at haes ocht tae shaw for it. You kye
Ulster - SYN poust or an impediment ’at haes held oan, or is lippent oan h
Central - SEC This online dictionar project haes been brocht oot bi Dundee Uni
Shetland - SHD 1. Dialect haes nae identity.
Shetland - SHD 2. Dialect haes nae defineetion.
Central - LAL Caller maet haes savour tint in jeelin:
Central - SEC er areddies This wee pamphlet haes eneugh for a bedtime story or
Central - SEC at the poems in this pamphlet haes a twist at the end wad seem a
Central - LAL years aheid. O is for Hoolet haes aready haed a run at the Arch
Central - LAL oor Sun Gird. The word comet haes its oreeginal in the auld Gre
Central - LAL llion year or sae, the planet haes been birselt wi hie-energy ra
Central - AYR ae care for her shuin. Jennet haes nae kin hereabouts, nor hae I
Central - WCE Meanwhile, the radical left haes been gruppit by denial, prefe
Central - LAL ovrenement o the radical left haes been stymied richt frae the s
Central - LAL the extra-parliamentary left haes kent an unnserstuid this braw
Central - LAL acht Act, 2012, the Gaeltacht haes been sinnert intae twinty-sax
Ulster - SYN tha licht haes cum ïn."
Central - LAL ns an Robert Fergusson, micht haes apostrophes in aboot the Scot
Central - GLA Whit yer inner sicht haes felt, or glimpst
Central - LAL For ensampul, thocht haes been gien on a want for tae r
Central - LAL we can say Auld Inglis feoht haes gien us fecht by a straucht g
Central - WCE t virtue o haudin yer wheesht haes taen a richt batterin this pa
Central - SEC IT haes been reportit that a kenspeck
Central - SEC IT haes aft been said that whan Gaels
Central - GLA It haes a voice a great flat sich bla
Ulster - WUL It haes a lilt that's al' its ain, th
Central - SEC It haes been said that gin Robert Bur
Central - LAL y Fulton and Jack Milroy), it haes become deeply associatit wi G
Shetland - SHD Shetland heddir fed lamb, it haes a delicate taste aa o its ain
Shetland - SHD s deid. I ken shü's deid, it haes ta be her. Dir naebody else."
Central - LAL hale season! Tae ma mind, it haes spylt the hale thing.
Ulster - CUL "Well, it haes nae business baein here oniew
Central - LAL I maun aloo, it haes been interessin tae leuk frae
Central - WCE it bi Pr. Ton Hoenselaars, it haes saxteen braw skreids, an luik
Central - LAL by the referendum result, it haes actually teen aff an expandit
Central - EDN ome time aroond 1230–50. It haes intil’t a guid feck o muisi
Central - NEC ar gettin ahint the idea. It haes grassroots support.
Central - NEC bonnie pairt o the warld. It haes a muckle cross carvit intae i
Central - LAL r planets in oor Sun Gird. It haes thon Muckle Rid Plouk an 79 m
Central - LALr faimlie, an yer kintrae. It haes soul an hert lyke nane o the
Central - LAL the dreids o his ain time. It haes aw the eiks an ideas o a 1950
Central - LAL ian year is 780 days lang. It haes a tilt muckle like the Yird g
Central - LAL t dark isnae Scots eneuch. It haes a parallel in wark. According
Doric - ABN was resurreckit es mornin. It haes nivver happen't afore in aa h
Central - LAL aes get licht aff the sun. It haes ane-saxt the gravity o the Yi
Central - SEC ottish National Dictionar. It haes been descrived as the maist c
Central - LAL o Venus is its volcanoes. It haes mair nor ony ither warld in o
Central - LAL the regions atween starns. It haes lang been suggestit that whan
Central - SEC een whan she wis daein it. It haes the dowie an wabbit souch o a
Central - LAL leids in Scotland the day. It haes a lang-staundin ballad an lit
Central - NEC agin ane tae their legacy. It haes gied us the idea that the Pec
Central - SEC Hinnerlie; it haes been the dowie darg o editors
Central - LAL boot but progs sent thon gait haes confirmed that the rings is m
Doric - ABN bit e name gaed on; an Mac it haes been sinseen.
Central - DUN -like cratur, an eer since it haes had the name Martin's Stane,
Central - SEC w suit o claes bi the time it haes its hamecomin in Aprile. Wi t
Central - SEC rie is juist the twa. Syne it haes been proponed tae speir oot p
Ulster - GUL An tak pride in whare it haes come frae,
Central - LAL arteeclar for wheat) afore it haes been grund doun or in throupi
Ulster - SYN "A pooerfu proafit haes ris up frae amang iz. God hae
Central - LAL Hit haes been a hantle years fae legis
Central - LAL (Scotland) Act 2005. Tae, hit haes a Framewirk Document thit pit
Shetland - SHD "Weel, hit haes nae business bein yondroo. Ge
Shetland - SHD ct is laek a whaalblub - hit haes nae baens, nae grammar.
Shetland - SHD dialect as a language if hit haes a recognised written form. On
Shetland - SHD language as a dialect if hit haes nae written form.
Central - LAL dependent Scotland, though it haes been gey cairious tae see tha
Central - LALer challenge/game jam, an hit haes taught me wan thing: A'm nae
Shetland - SHD oncept o dialect means at hit haes nae identity, an sae ony vari
Central - LAL r tae celebrate the wirk thit haes been gaun on in the Scots com
Central - LAL Whaur thaim thit haes gied permission for their rep
Central - LAL mair o the guid progress thit haes been wun sae faur an for tae
Central - LAL Whit haes been upsettin, but, is seein
Ulster - WUL Whit haes the computer done tae me?
Central - SEC hes given by Ministers." Whit haes aw thon blethers got tae dae
Orkney - ORK , as mee aen ritan haer, whit haes preeöritaisd speleen ouïr k
Central - LAL ans, a bodie maun speir, whit haes the Executive o Scotland ever
Central - LAL on, but it is impressive whit haes awready taen place syne the r
Central - EDN like a thin tattie broth whit haes aw dried up. There's some ric
Central - SEC darg tae mak a better o whit haes been screivit areddies bi edi
Central - LAL e we micht tak a luik at whit haes happened tae this vowel in it
Central - AYR n o life! I wunner juist whit haes happened tae me! When I uised
Central - GLA But whit haes the mannie done
Central - LAL s scant or no expectit. An it haes aboot it a byordnar pyntitnes
Central - SEC s in the art deco sough an it haes nae
Central - NEC uctur is weel-developit an it haes a relatively diverse economy.
Central - SEC wn national staundart then it haes tae hae a uniform form for sc
Central - LAL ator, an whit ye get oot o it haes nae less adae wi whit ye pit
Ulster - CUL dae ither!" An the Eaglet pit haes heid doon tae hide a smile: s
Ulster - EUL Tha mair it haes nae islan,
Central - LAL raised mair questions nor it haes answert.
Ulster - CUL e ahint the oul doar, whur it haes hug
Ulster - WUL As it haes bin doon the years,
Central - GLA it's no as eith as it haes bin
Central - SEC oot the six Public Ettles it haes been setten tae dae unner its
Central - LAL In mair recent times it haes been proven that the'r ice in
Central - LAL eetions an read the quotes it haes tae get a better ken o its ui
Central - WCE enks til hir for thon, kis it haes been a braw aspeck o the
Ulster - GUL An bae joves it appears it haes stairted tae work,
Ulster - CUL Es it's a dialect o Scots it haes close hnks wi standart Ingles
Central - WCE whan it cums til’t, that it haes belangt a hieweyman, an the n
Central - SEC "Ay, that it haes," Dauvit said warmlie. "Can A
Central - SEC e warld at lairge, in that it haes seen the swearin-in o the fir
Central - SEC cutive's gaun tae awn that it haes a policy for Scots an whan is
Central - LAL forbye tae the extent that it haes been incorporate intil the SN
Central - LAL @Historic_Ally wha brocht it haes somethin as guid. Braw NZ Pin
Central - SEC Here some o whit it haes tae say:-
Central - LAL the USA wi sadness at whit it haes became, wi sadness for the ab
Ulster - GUL itsel tae tha fore athoot it haes ingang tae tha new-fangl't wy
Shetland - SHD n saying "Andrewstown" but it haes nothing tae do wi a "town".
Central - SEC n setten in Edinburgh, but it haes a gey strang association wi i
Central - SEC s leuks guid at first, but it haes tae be sayed that apairt fae
Central - LAL the size o oor warld. But it haes twa moons til oor ane. Thay a
Central - LAL ll be pushed strangly. But it haes nivver been unner sic threat
Central - SEC three hunner year syne but it haes tae be said that thae documen
Central - SEC avehert stuff areddies but it haes tae be duin bi aw schuils, ba
Southern - SEA back end suns nae dernit ruit haes slain,
Central - LAL e Sun sae this is whit wey it haes seasons.
Central - LAL ae Scots screivers. The grant haes proven a braw success seein a
Central - SEC hauras Kenneth Bryans' accent haes the pretentious fawseness o K
Central - LAL t 1980, the Scots Pairliament haes inactit a nummer o bits o leg
Central - LAL rties i the Zkots Pairliament haes awready came thegither tae st
Central - LAL htin, Kamerón’s govrnement haes pressed their advantage tae s
Central - LAL referendum buzz an excitement haes been replaced wi a deeper, st
Central - SEC ervants an the estaiblishment haes left.
Central - LAL yriza as a pairt o govrenment haes been compromised. Whit effeck
Central - LAL Government haes committit itsel tae act throu
Central - SEC thon same Scottish Government haes furthset a Scots Language Fac
Central - EDN that the Brítish government haes been ettlin at pentin us wi a
Central - SEC sairest dunt this government haes gien yet tae the dwynin o the
Central - LAL The Scots Government haes made a wheen strang an forret
Central - LAL The Scots Government haes a forret luikin an braid set
Central - LAL The Scots Government haes committit tae mak mair progre
Central - LAL The Scots Government haes taen a wheen o commitments ta
Central - LAL The Scots Government haes a Scots langage policy thit w
Central - LAL nment an the Scots Government haes baith gree‟d tae
Central - SEC guage as the Scots government haes. The time left for gittin rep
Central - SEC ent whit the Scots government haes duin aboot pittin the abuin r
Ulster - CUL The Hatter opent haes een muckle wide whin hae hear
Central - SEC sae a split new bank accoont haes been opened in the nem o Scot
Central - LAL n deletit or efter an accoont haes been terminatit. Google e’e
Central - LAL lichts wis like. This accoont haes an eerie sibness til anither
Central - EDN 2005, the community in Assynt haes commitit itsel tae simultaneo
Central - SEC ill dee oot. Ilka time a Scot haes somethin tae say an disnae sa
Central - LAL A lot haes chynged in a gey short space
Central - LAL Hooanever, a lot haes chynged wi regairds tae the c
Ulster - WUL Yit wi'oot haes skill an' knowledge,
Ulster - CUL "But aboot haes toes?" the Mock Turtle persis
Central - SEC idea that Scots is deein oot haes been wi us in aa generations
Doric - DOR er troots growe. Ye’r troot haes a muckle heid sae A’m jalou
Ulster - CUL t by - the feart Moose jappt haes wye through the neighbourin p
Ulster - CUL The soar-lik Hatter drappt haes taycup an breid an butter, an
Central - LAL e? Wull this, as Pete Wishart haes suggestit, be the lest electi
Shetland - SHD n. Ivvri syllable at its hert haes a vowel or a soond at's laek
Central - LAL icklie true. A lowse stannert haes kinna warked itsel oot ower t
Central - SEC hie' an 'Wir Leid'. Ilk pairt haes a photie til illustrate it. I
Central - EDN an,” he sayed. “The blast haes kinna blindit me.” He rubbi
Shetland - SHD staetment at da very laest haes tae hae wan predicate (a verb
Central - LAL O coorse the puirest haes ay been the eens wi the least
Central - LAL Scots that oor alphabee jist haes 21 consonant letters tae stau
Central - SEC twa wirds whaur English juist haes ane.
Central - SEC t diaphonemics: spellin juist haes tae be tocht conform tae the
Central - SEC ife an a hoose an the Provost haes saved his
Central - LAL un be conservative. The first haes ti dae wi pittin forrit a hal
Central - LAL r whan the body bein addresst haes authority ower the speaker.
Central - EDN Bill wis sayin. “Thoo just haes tae be caam an ignore thaim.
Central - LAL auntit Forest Community Trust haes been pittin on this spectacle
Central - SEC hat baith him an Matthew Fitt haes been speirin intae the Liet C
Central - EDN holars sic as Kenneth Elliott haes brocht Carver’s Masses an m
Ulster - CUL The King putt haes haun on hir airm, an said tim
Central - LAL Votit Tory aw his life.) but haes either shiftit tae Labour or
Central - SWE originally a 'Cleyholer', but haes leeved in Dumfries fir the la
Central - SEC cottish schuils nouadays, but haes tae lairn aa English culture
Shetland - SHDine an feels none da waar but haes tae go back fir her nixt een
Central - LAL at’s wantin a staundart but haes a byous leeterar heirskip –
Ulster - CUL Turtle let oot a gant an shut haes een. "Tell hir aboot the rais
Ulster - CUL t, wi'oot even waitin tae put haes shoes on.
Central - LAL ck o the wark editin the text haes been verb furms an relatives.
Ulster - SYN unnèrstan. Ay, Faither, ït haes plaised ye tae dae ït thïs
Ulster - SYN Saut ïs guid; but ïf ït haes loast ïts sautness, hoo dae
Shetland - SHD Du haes nae new messages.”
Shetland - SHD "Du haes a lovely peerie boy," Maggie
Shetland - SHD "Du haes nae richt ta growe here," sai
Shetland - SHD "Du haes ta wait till da moarn whin Sa
Shetland - SHD n, as fainly as could be, "du haes nae idea foo blyde I am ta se
Shetland - SHD Bit da wife said, 'Du haes nae daffik. Hoo is du gyaan t
Shetland - SHD aid, 'Noo dat du's seen me du haes feth. Blist ir da fock dat ha
Shetland - SHD , naebody ever leets deman du haes nae idea foo merrin it is hae
Shetland - SHD up," I said ta her. "I ken du haes ta sleep here. Bit we'll spen
Shetland - SHD So du haes a place fir wis as weel;
Shetland - SHD presets (aa da power du haes)
Shetland - SHD ess: "for siccan a vynd as du haes o clearin things oot!"
Shetland - SHD al love da Loard wi aa dat du haes an du sal love dy neebir lik
Central - LAL t Britain’s future i the EU haes managed tae appear varied, co
Orkney - ORK iggie's untentie gittan, sheu haes a waant o tellan, a waant tae
Central - LAL frae aw thon byous graith thu haes
Ulster - EUL My table thou haes kep supply Ma foes jist stan
Central - SEC the keich jawin frae his mou haes aw the reik o an imperial-ste
Central - LAL ettin o texts that up tae nou haes been thocht juist ower lang.
Doric - DOR it I’m gaen tae tell ye nou haes never been telt tae a livin s
Central - WCE iod o fower decades. This nou haes its awn catalogue, thenks ti
Orkney - ORK That Scots nou haes clear and strang material an
Shetland - SHD esus said, 'Whit if wan o you haes a hunder sheep an losses wan
Southern - SEA oor luiv haes never been taigilt.
Central - LAL@scotgov haes annooncit thit LGBTI-inclusiv
Central - SWE s ayont the human ee whare TV haes the mein
Southern - SEA but the Faw haes drakkit ma tears.
Central - SEC Willie Hershaw haes publisht the follaein an aw o
Central - SEC ee year noo an Willie Hershaw haes been short-leetit ilka time.
Central - LAL The term Wildlaw haes intil’t the idea at Naitur
Central - WCE John Law haes raicentlie dedicat mukkil o h
Central - LAL Heid an haunds abuin thaim aw haes been the legacy o parteetion,
Ulster - BUL (His an dis, naw haes an daes: an
Central - SEC The SLRC an aw haes greed tae mak anither £100 a
Central - LAL n kenspeckle dialects that aw haes thair ain spellings an soonds
Central - SEC Like aw guid writers, Matthew haes the gift o writin aboot the o
Ulster - CUL Seiven threw haes brush doon, an had jest stair
Central - SEC pies o the notice shawn ablow haes been gey popular an attracted
Central - LAL in shape, tho. Kenneth Farrow haes kyndlie gree'd ti co-ordinate
Central - SEC news for reportin in the STW haes been gey sair tae get haud o
Central - AYR ny different sizes in yae day haes got me peerie-heidit."
Ulster - SYN luk eftèr ïtsel. Iverie day haes eneuch bother o ïts ain.
Orkney - ORK Sanday haes a magnificent literary herita
Central - SEC . Howanever, Sant Jordi's day haes a romantic side tae it kinna
Central - LAL ade deals wi the ithers, thay haes aften kest a wee xenophobic p
Ulster - WUL An' Ahoghill Al' say haes the lot.
Ulster - PUL richt. Och, it's mair nor tay haes me dismayed - (A waesome sic
Central - NEC c impact o the Border Railway haes been staggerin. Ower a millio
Central - LAL This policy haes been prepared in response tae
Central - SEC The Sang’s the Thing. Nancy haes heard oor singers an musician
Central - LALA howp iverb'dy haes a smash Obaida day! https://t
Central - LALSLawards but A howp iveryb'dy haes a smashin time!
Central - AYR nner-en the Dodo said "Aabody haes won, an they maun aa get priz
Central - LAL sindry treds. Awthing a body haes made hissel, an maist aw ithe
Central - SEC wi something for that a body haes nae chyce) an "dree" (tae pit
Central - SEC aw ower the place. Aw a body haes tae dae is keep thair lugs co
Central - LAL coonter is ane whaurby a body haes some kind o contact, near hau
Central - SEC an in aw thae years, naebody haes complained aboot no bein able
Central - SEC s Pairlament's Corporate Body haes turnt doon a request bi the C
Doric - ABN First an foremaist, aab’dy haes tae tak intae consideration t
Ulster - GUL ties Mannyster Deirdre Hargey haes theday set oot a new Airsch a
Central - LAL@fion_argh Swiftkey haes an option fir Scots anaw!
Ulster - GUL@WillieJohn21 Parsley haes a wheen o daicent notions for
Orkney - ORK “abdee sweeches”. Orkney haes ai been a stopeen paint fir t
Orkney - ORK han hae tae speir whit Orkney haes tae say aboot hid, whit nyow
Central - LAL ig o Allan an the Firth o Tey haes routes lik Glen Alva, the ste
Central - SEC Norrowey Haes its Ain Wey o daein Things.
Central - SEC ae tak tent that the Strategy haes juist been gaun for twa year
Central - SEC rin o new computer technology haes noo makit it a skoosh tae hai
Ulster - EUL Ma God, ma God, Oh why haes thou Forsook me? Oh hoo cum
Central - LAL nae hairtland. It barely haes a core vote. For the first ti
Central - LAL he Aye muivment paradoxically haes grown stranger. The pre-refer
Orkney - ORK t is aal. I suppose he really haes geen, Dumbledore?
Central - LAL rse. The nou, U. an B. mainly haes anely pronoonciation an vocab
Ulster - SYN * haes tha job (or pairtly haes tha job o) peyin tha hoosehau
Ulster - GUL "An me mammy haes sent me tae ask ye, can ye fi
Central - LAL come that the virtual economy haes nou become bund in wi the rea
Central - SEC tit that a kenspeckle company haes been engaged tae leuk intae t
Central - LAL Kenny haes a wife wi a torn-clout face,
Central - LAL day. Tak tent here that mony haes affen wrangly referred tae th
Shetland - SHD boy an said, 'Dis peerie boy haes come wi five beremeal bannock
Central - LAL wird lichtlie!) buik o poetry haes haen a gey lang gestation, an
Central - SEC Scots, an the readin o poetry haes been important in keepin Scot
Central - LAL ns wad stot aboot. An Mercury haes an affa lang day acause it tu
Central - SEC The 20t century haes aesy been the warst for the l
Central - SEC e estaiblisht British society haes pitten it intae, it will only
Central - SEC bi whilk time his gullibility haes led him tae sign ower aw his
Orkney - ORK uture whar language diversity haes thrived, steid o a future wha
Central - LAL nor the SNP. Noo, the pairty haes became, tae a degree that wis
Central - LAL gae up yit again. The pairty haes won mair constituencies nor o
Central - LAL onstituencies nor onie pairty haes taen at a Halyruid election a
Central - LAL ce. The Scots National Pairty haes by aw means been a braw body
Southern - SEA in a low voice, "Eer Majesty haes tae cross-examine this witnes
Central - WCE oem is entirelie stock: Betty haes tint hir wee but-an-ben, whau
Central - AYR The rid wy haes the cuntre,
Ulster - EUL It's iz haes daen tha hairm.
Central - LAL uid ti ken at Edyta an Tomasz haes wun til a lown place. As for
Central - EDN religious an social dree — haes meant the extant lave o muisi
Central - LAL on ither vice — gemblin — haes been duin awa wi bi the Linde
Central - EDN ode, vicar o Saunt Andras — haes intil them warks by a nummer
Central - EDN taund the warld aroond us — haes their origins in the ootpit o
Central - LAL idea o a ‘successful UK’ haes nocht ava tae dae wi ordinar
Central - WCE Meetings, Minutes, Agendas’ haes a parteiklarlie uninvitin tei
Central - LAL ts and a ‘stannard Scots’ haes a fecht on its hauns afore it
Shetland - SHD nguage. Da wird ‘dialect’ haes da effect o makkin da possibe
Shetland - SHD If da wird ‘dialect’ haes inherent in hits meanin da id
Central - EDN Haes thoo naethin adae?” he dema
Central - EDN “Quhit?” he wis sayin, “Haes thae twa got thegither at las
Central - LAL Scots-influenced Inglish” haes a thrivin leeteratur, wi its
Shetland - SHD "Shü haes dat little time," Jessie wis
Shetland - SHD life wir Betty is hedd. Shü haes fower lovely boys, an nine gr