A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of bag in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Doric - DOR bag or twa o plastic. It took Jon
Central - LAL ing the caber', 'curling' an 'bag the sheep'.
Central - LAL ing the caber', 'curling' an 'bag the sheep'.
Central - LAL Snod in a Jenners' bag, tae mak her howff
Shetland - SHD mples o røts wid be oo, dug, bag, hoose, gadder, spaek, ken, b
Central - WCE Juist gie me ma auld piece-bag, twa slice oan cheese, an ma
Central - WCE the piece-bag oan yer achin shooders, ye wi
Doric - MNA e bull, it luikit like coalie-bag lifts, like ye played in the
Central - LAL nort intae the proffered nose-bag as his maister sat doun on th
Central - WCE s a psaum-buik in his saiddil-bag, syne follaes him til a kirky
Central - LAL airn baur in a nearhaun scuil-bag tae hide it fae the maister's
Central - LAL idnae want tae birn yer scuil-bag lest weik. A juist wantit tae
Central - LAL 'Wis it your scuil-bag A lichtit? It wis a braw blee
Central - LAL ae ma bedroom, fund ma schuil-bag an empied aw the graith oot o
Shetland - SHD tangin mi face, a birlin bean-bag spret oppen
Central - SEC gs in a poke ben hir schoppin-bag. Thai mebbies bene brak on th
Southern - SWE And then we'd get the jeely-bag,
Central - GLA instead Ah dragged thon polly-bag o nuts along the tarmac, up a
Central - SWE ther an ee pulled oot a kerry-bag wae somehin in it an goes:
Central - SWE Ah opened the kerry-bag an Ah couldnae believe it. A
Doric - MNAstal yer mangin (be quiet), a bag o neddies (chips) and yarries
Central - GLA on here wae ma bass guitar, a bag ay claes an three an a hauf g
Central - EDN ae roond shot tae canister, a bag o’ pistol ba’s which spre
Ulster - GUL@GribbenC A bag o dulse fae tha Auld Lammas F
Doric - DORink he was that gid. Looked a bag o nerves and shat it a bit I
Shetland - SHD miss. We haaled, an up cam da bag, fairly stentit. In meenits d
Doric - MNB and I took ma empty pen and a bag o’ peas. Faan I got there I
Shetland - SHDe library. Excitin ta open da bag ta see whit someen chose for
Central - GLA her line each fur us aw fae a bag he whips oot his poakit an it
Central - GLA n’s staunin behind me wae a bag ay cans, laughin at ma enthus
Central - SWE sticker on the big blue IKEA bag he’s got slung ower ee’s
Central - SWE ’d up and tane his big IKEA bag wae him and made straight fur
Central - DUN meltin on yir tongue like a bag o Quavers
Doric - MNA es lay scattered aboot like a bag o kennlers for the fire aroon
Central - EDN ny as buggery - juist like a bag o kinnlin, ribs an bones stic
Central - SECashwilsonauthor never yaise a bag - ee end up leanin tae one s
Central - LALin cauld. She even took a tea bag oot the pot the ither day yas
Central - GLA wash this afore ye put a tea bag an boilin watter in it. It’
Central - LALaneyGodley A cauld yaised tea bag will sort that oot. ??
Central - GLA es in it than yer average tea bag, an a pair ay maroon joggies.
Central - LAL The jannie came wi a bag o saut,
Central - SEC aa happit up in her coat wi a bag an gas mask tin clankin at he
Central - LAL wondered hoo she did it wi a bag pinned tae hur stomach. She w
Doric - ABN but ye micht want tae pack a bag for a fu day o beach fun. Din
Central - GLA They stuck a bag oer ma heid an drove the van
Central - GLA need oot ae here. Ah grab ma bag and jaiket and head fur the d
Central - LAL ay, throwin ma fings intae ma bag.
Central - LAL ff. Ah stuN ma story intae ma bag and walk oot the class.
Central - SEC surroundings. But even wae ma bag weighin me doon ah somehow ma
Ulster - PUL wus gaein hame, haunin him a bag. "Thars a wee bone, an tha le
Central - WCE preet wis staunin there wi ma bag an aw ma stuff.
Central - WCE preet wis staunin there wi ma bag an aw ma stuff.
Doric - DOR sic a feartie! A’ll tak ma bag an jaicket aff sae whan A
Central - GLA trackie bottoms ah hud in ma bag cos the fuckin tube had negle
Central - SWE fling doon ma bag, poor oot ma flask an lig
Central - SWE costin six times mare fir ma bag ae pants, socks and t-shirts?
Central - WCE he class the day an ah pit ma bag doon on the desk next tae wan
Central - SEC ae take ma pencil case oot ma bag. Along wae a jotter that ah q
Central - SWE A pull ma cap oot ma bag, yank it on, staun up, and ne
Doric - MNA st as he said it wid be, an a bag o Sainsbury’s shoapin aside
Central - WCE n an fried rice an chips an a bag ae prawn crackers an two bana
Doric - MNA At playtime she got milk in a bag wi a blue straw that wis stil
Central - SEC She pit the odd yins in a bag
Central - SEC When she served cabons in a bag, Her tongue would weirdly dan
Ulster - EUL o cheese an onion crisps in a bag for crisp sandwiches bae the
Central - WCE 'He'd dee'd they said eatin a bag o chips',
Doric - DOR a couple butteries short o a bag fae. What an arsehole.
Doric - MNB freen and went tae pack up a bag. She wis quite happy aboot me
Doric - ABN t a bottle o fizzy juice or a bag o skittles, will dae sae. Ye
Doric - DOR for a bag o tatties at wis fer foo o bl
Doric - DOR ninety pence for a bag o sticks an peats (Ey hid bee
Doric - DOR so he asked the fermer for a bag o tatties. Neest
Central - LAL oan the way in exchange fur a bag o sugar. God knows how Maw wo
Doric - ABN and the strong gale. He has a bag on his back stappit ticht wie
Central - EDN y tae the freezer and grabs a bag ae ice cubes and then heids b
Central - GLA Cannae believe it wis a bag ae whelks that killed mah da
Doric - ABN He taks a bag o peanuts oot his Boo-Hoo poo
Central - WCE Tommy went an bought a bag ae speed aff this guy in four
Doric - DOR Wullie got a bag riddy fur iz ta tak ma hoaspi
Central - LAL He brocht oot a bag o tools an biggit twa wee wui
Central - GLA “A bag a nuts,” Ah seyd. “ An ai
Doric - DOR empien oot the picnic bag an stowein twa sea-maws wi th
Central - GLA in ma hand, held up a plastic bag, brimming tae the top wi thre
Central - GLA running shoes in one plastic bag and three wee baby dugs in th
Doric - DOR Wearin an aul plastic bag
Central - GLA jist a Galbraith’s plastic bag o’ monkey nuts an aipples,
Central - GLA h oan Chewin the Fat. A mixed bag ay accents. Lived in the Bord
Central - SEC d dearest pal. A family sized bag ae Monster Munch.
Central - SEC ame is bein cawed is the auld bag ae bones seated behind his de
Central - GLA e us, fun’ a mingin’ auld bag that someb’dy hid flung oot
Shetland - SHD no pittin it back in me hand bag when I got hom. Noo I'm cowld
Southern - SEA ma pipes in o ae bag, slung owre ma shouthers, rid
Orkney - ORK flask back in the owid plece bag And then, hid's back tae wark
Doric - DOR chin in his haund a wee suede bag. The birds hung noisy, like a
Doric - MNA ied them up intae the mak dee bag. Pickin up the aspen branches
Central - GLA intae a wee bag ae marchin powder an stuffs i
Central - WCE it’s PHENOMENAL!) an a wee bag o jeely bear sweeties. An the
Central - SEC peened tae her coat an a wee bag. Her gas mask can hung roon h
Central - GLA e?’ he sais, haudin the wee bag up, lookin at it, accusingly
Central - EDN . Is thair onie ID in yer wee bag thair?’
Doric - DOR room tae get red o ma message bag stuff an ma piece. Wyvin bane
Doric - DOR Meg teemed her message bag an ere wis nae pancakes tae b
Central - SEC y week that passed on by, The bag kept gettin bigger
Central - EDN el, he didnae see a sowl. The bag mustae bin his ain. Mebbe it
Central - SEC ually Kitkats or Bandits. The bag was then shoved intae the boo
Central - SEC thought. The bag'll get stuck on the rocks an
Doric - MNA the door, sneak in, grab the bag an bugger aff smartish.”
Doric - MNA e drive. A sneak in, grab the bag an rin for it. Noo, if by ony
Central - GLA ure it’s quiet, ah grab the bag fae the passenger seat an hea
Central - WCE d o the table. She opened the bag and got oot a pooder compact
Central - SEC gi'en it back. He turned the bag upside doon an strew the cont
Doric - MNA Tae the bag - but syne he got a scare
Central - SEC o biscuits wis added tae the bag asweel, usually Kitkats or Ba
Central - EDN ss. Dippin his hand intae the bag and plonks a couple maire int
Central - SEC suttin definitive oot ae the bag, sooner, rather than later. E
Central - GLA he comes stoatin back wae the bag after a minute. There's that
Doric - DOR ld. He said." echty pence the bag wis
Doric - MNA ang time, if ivver, afore the bag wiz fund. A cannae mind noo w
Central - SEC n ig tellin me tae ignore the bag and go aboot ma business but
Central - LAL@MRadclyffe If the bag is mesh, he's in nae danger o
Central - SEC he locked the door, flung the bag ontae the bed an stared at it
Central - GLA an waves me oot. Ah clock the bag oan the flair again as ah dra
Southern - SWEh in the nicht ser?" Then the bag'd get opened an he'd lowse a
Doric - MNA ed everythin else back in the bag an threw it far intae the bus
Doric - MNA ot wiz far worse. Snappin the bag shut he laid it on the cheer
Central - SWE or we hud five bunnies in the bag. We moved oan an fun another
Doric - MNA ith's bellows wi holes in the bag, garrin him sook the win in h
Central - SEC poun o smelly kippers in the bag, Hughie sneered tae himsel.
Doric - ABN ‘Fit’s in the bag?’ speirt Munro.
Central - LAL fication is just aboot in the bag, and ah sent off ma applicati
Doric - MNA eps inside, his fist roon the bag an he wiz oot agane, rinnin d
Central - GLA whelks in years.' Ah hawn the bag tae mah da an he starts wirin
Ulster - EUL as it real? The hannles o the bag wur open.
Doric - MNA int some bushes. Key taks the bag fae under his jersey an we st
Doric - MNA ees me beltin awa, A pass the bag tae you, you rin in the oppos
Central - GLA in pish while he hands us the bag. He bumbles aff wae his can a
Central - SWE which let a few cats oot the bag aboot Glebe St shenanigans, R
Central - GLA Ah put the bag doon an collapse oan tae Scan
Central - EDN o a tattert quilt, a chackie bag, an eventually e’en some au
Doric - MNA wife wad wint sic a hudderie bag o feathers as ye, fur a man
Shetland - SHD da skyipper. He hed a duffle bag ower his shooder. Weel I took
Shetland - SHD cases a Whiskas, an a muckle bag a dug maet. If dey tried ta a
Central - WCE eicht. She wis eatin a muckle bag o tattie crisps and howkin th
Doric - DOR wi Dad’s spade in his gemme bag.
Orkney - ORK d me baccy in the buddom o me bag.
Central - WCE ubber flippers in a polythene bag fell oot. Aw yi need noo is a
Central - AYR t, an brocht the keing a fine bag o paitricks. Sae it gaed on d
Central - LAL ption. Amang the examples are bag o’ yeast (priest); china (m
Central - GLA n tae walk © back. His white bag is lyin spilt aw over. Six pl
Central - WCE , dug oot fae somebody's tote bag full o thaim, whaur they'd be
Central - SWE irtit. He jist slung the blue bag o’er his shooder and slunk
Doric - DORi quite fancied ane we ma big bag o crisps!
Central great an’ we aw goat a big bag o’ sweeties an’ stuff. Oa
Doric - MNA ay anuff bawbee's fur twa big bag's a broth mix," say's Nabbie,
Central - SEC ash tae the bog wae their big bag ae snow, leavin me oan ma lon
Doric - MNB nd made sure a hid a sleeping bag. Dexter hid been doon tae the
Central - SEC aced in a big canvas shopping bag alang wi twa thermos flasks (
Central - GLA e daft wee lassie an grab mah bag aff the table, 'but see the m
Central - GLA in while ah root aboot in mah bag fur the knickers an the Doubl
Central - GLA eat. Mo gestures taewards mah bag fae across the room. Ah open
Central - SEC ikes. Along wae a see-through bag ae green. The square mirror h
Central - SEC iver quickly tosses a rubbish bag fae the motor before speedin
Doric - MNA An fan he gave thi bag a dunt,
Doric - MNA Fan Wullie blew intill thi bag,
Doric - NNB Black bag swelled
Central - SEC5 if a did a wood huv a black bag ower ma head - perish the th
Doric - DOR door. Then ah threw ma skweel bag on the fleer and made ma wye
Central - SEC ide the bright rid Royal Mail bag holstered oor his shoulder an
Doric - DOR he threw the school bag intae the cuboard an shouts,
Central - WCE a shrimp than her; his school bag wis nearly as big as him. Is
Doric - MNA his mam waks en we his school bag. "Speak oh the divil." Says t
Central - WCE he year he brocht roon a bean bag… aye that wis the kin of ki
Central - LAL Ah've acquired a Jane Norman bag, since that's the aniline acc
Shetland - SHD is gadderin her track suit an bag, an jöst pat me hand on her
Orkney - ORK rvously wae his nylon shopeen bag.
Doric - DOR istlik hae summit in heez ain bag.”
Shetland - SHD ag 'to empty out from the bin bag') ~ owsed (I owsed
Central - GLA nce and men lifting a big bin bag intae the back of it. There w
Central - WCE wid look good in a black bin bag. Whit aboot yir white jeans w
Central - WCE ut three holes in a black bin bag an tolt Charlene tae go as a
Doric - DOR haudin ticht ontae oor fushin bag, the wand, an oor bait bag wa
Central - GLA e claes he hud oan, a sleepin bag an a kerry oot. ‘There it
Central - GLA ip then? Ah brought a sleepin bag like ye sais but this isnae t
Central - GLA n the confines ay his sleepin bag, lyin oan the flair by the gr
Central - SWE bus wae his big IKEA shoppin bag. He’s drunk noo, the twae t
Central - SEC ught the cops had her shoppin bag, so she owned up. But some we
Central - SEC e Isa's broon leather shoppin bag wis lyin.
Doric - MNA "Alec." Ina dumpit er shoppin bag doon oan the kitchen fleer, "
Central - SEC o upset tae mind o the missin bag. They couldna pin onythin on
Central - SWE Mr Gobbs hud ees big firritin bag slung ower ees shooder, an au
Central - LAL heid roond the fact that yon bag o shite is the president o on
Central - LAL ds yi beachit. A wee laithern bag slippit ower the boord. 'Aye,
Central - GLA straightens up n sits his own bag doon. He spins roon wae his h
Central - LAL hoo tae shew an we made a lap bag wi oor initials done in cross
Central - SEC a wee mirror oot her make-up bag. Ye hud tae be careful whit y
Central - EDN An auld shouder bag lee oan the scoorie girse asi
Central - WCE her bag that Harpreet tripped ower an
Doric - DOR wis bakin this mornin an, her bag is fer foo o pancakes, jist
Central - LAL e pulled oot the pack fae her bag.
Central - EDN in his room. She pit doon her bag an creel. The soon o the door
Doric - DOR upon her bag, Jonsar say's "Ere's ae thing
Doric - MNAory classroom) to pick up her bag ??
Doric - MNA x and teen oot a smaa leather bag tied at the top. He untied it
Doric - MNA hid in his hand a wee leather bag exactly the same as the yin u
Doric - MNA d put them in the wee leather bag. He handed them tae Jessie, s
Central - WCE n said. Kelly Marie opent her bag up an took oot a green projec
Central - LAL867 I'm away tae open another bag o' bricks Bear... Catch ye so
Central - WCE a black permanent pen oot her bag. Then she wrote on the lamp p
Central - LAL eanwhile, Arachne got oot her bag o threids an stertit tae choo
Ulster - GULe enjoy this weans’ shouther bag fae @USCN1 @IanCrozier11 @eab
Central - WCE e rain wi a Kwik Save cairier bag is a mystery ye could scry in
Central - WCE he hoose ah opent the carrier bag tae show ma ma whit ah'd boug
Orkney - ORK gifted in an owld cerrier bag.
Central - LAL a jaikey. He'd a broon, paper bag in wan haun and a shoe that l
Central - SEC uldnae box ma way oot a paper bag and horses gied me a sair ers
Doric - ABN ase seepin' through the paper bag wis a guid sign
Doric - ABN ase seepin' through the paper bag wis a guid sign
Central - GLA the van in a wee white paper bag.
Central - LAL undin Cathy a glittery silver bag. 'Ah saw that lovely silver g
Central - LAL MCR tip-exed oantae yer bag. Somewan oan the otherside's
Central - GLA Romance Tipp-Exed oantae yer bag. Somewan oan the other side's
Central - GLA sais, haundin him the freezer bag wae his gear.
Doric - MNA ear, the guy wis a fertilizer bag stappit wi strae, wi a neep h
Central - GLA tae onythin that's no thair bag
Central - LAL “The book in yir bag, A left yon fir ye. The ribbo
Central - WCE id yi no huv Strepsils in yir bag wa? day, Aye but that wis fur
Central - WCE said, Kirsty don't forget yir bag an yir jacket.
Central - SEC filled it wi Isa's bag an purse. He couldna wait til
Central - SEC As fer Isa's bag, eftir dark, he wid drop it i
Doric - MNA rd thi boatie wee yer jyner's bag, teem oot thi bag, start chap
Doric - MNA pin the catch on his doctor's bag thegither wi a snap. 'Leave h
Doric - MNA ot the feed inno each shelt's bag. It wis Jock Dow fa gaed the
Central - WCE Harpreet tripped ower sumdy's bag an fell intae the table
Southern - SEA one. They hae a muckle canvas bag, which tied up at th mooth wi
Doric - NNB done. They hed a beeg canvas bag, wheech tied up at e mooth wi
Central - GLA wis done. They'd a big canvas bag that tied up at the mooth wae
Central - SEC wis put back in their canvas bag. We wearily climbed the stony
Southern - SEA@AimeeSpalds Bag with water proof map,compass,
Shetland - SHD it. Dey hed a muckle eanvees bag, tied up at da mooth wi strin
Doric - MNA en fur eerin's, we a wey fies bag ower wer shooder's. So Baggy
Central - GLA ouches doon an goes intae his bag. Pearcey’s a distant figure
Central - GLA bottle ay wine alang wae his bag. ‘Awright troops! Good day
Doric - DOR awdust he gaed Jonsar Eck his bag
Central - SEC hus trotted oaff tae park his bag ae bones nixt tae the firepla
Doric - MNA it runs awa. He flings on his bag and looks doon to his feet, t
Doric - MNA Johnny Cassidy zippit up his bag, redd up his desk, an ruggit
Central - SWE in either, so he’s left his bag in his spot in the queue and
Central - LAL s like a dug's dinner oot his bag and avoids eye contact wi me.
Central - WCE anythin; aw she had wis this bag ae funsize fudges that wur in
Central - SEC That fills this bag o mine,
Ulster - CUL s dane. They had a big canvis bag, whuch tied up at the mooth w
Doric - MNA k wheeched awa his doctor’s bag in time afore she sat her dou
Doric - MNA esk he readied his doctor’s bag wi some o the things he’d b
Central - GLA s ah am tae the spot. ‘That bag fur me, is it?’ he sais.
Central - WCE this big jobby that some clat bag had abandoned, that wis noo b
Central - WCE tin papped next tae that clat bag. Ah said tae her, Dae yi not
Central - WCE cident she's the biggest clat bag ae the century. Yesterday oor
Central - LAL Hamilton wis a richt rat bag in ma opeenion.
Central - LAL o her things intae a cairpet bag and snuved oot the fairm by a
Central - EDN wheen haudins intil a cairpet bag and sleekit oot o the ferm by
Central - LAL e the room hauldin a wee gift bag.
Doric - DOR , the wand, an oor bait bag was fykie. A raw o muckle sta
Doric - ABN r the hairbour. Een had a kit bag on his shooder, the ither cai
Doric - DOR k wis jist fillin up the last bag o the order, fin ere wis a sh
Central - LAL t where he bought the biggest bag o Liquorice Allsorts oan sale
Shetland - SHD ll. Meenie hockit in da first bag.
Central - SEC m8 - hees just a fitbaw baw bag lol
Central - WCE she says, of Ya wee baldy baw bag, or the best wan of aw, Ya we
Central - GLA stope starin’ at the fancy bag ma parents’ bought mi a cou
Shetland - SHD Dull get upstairs an pack dy bag. I want dee oot a dis hoose a
Central - SEC im who was gon hame in a body bag. Awbdy hud tae stawnd oot in
Central - GLA door gat carted oot in a body bag an aw durin the first wan. Ma
Central - SWE ff mi wae his muckle big body bag. He shuffles a bit, snorts, g
Central - SECake a hip flask n a wee doggy bag - wae ur steak n gravy pies
Central - LAL the cheap wee toy in a Lucky Bag!
Central - GLA n’ thim intae an Aldi polly bag.
Central - GLA ing a newspaper fae his polly bag n hawdin’ it up. The Sunday
Central - WCE went an hung hersel wi a poly bag. Laura startet giein evrubdy
Central - GLA haudin a kerry oot in a poly bag. Fuckin mad wae it, they ur.
Central - LALDid they pit a poly bag on that bairn's heid at the e
Central - GLA n the lid back intae the poly bag. ‘We’ll go six points cle
Doric - DOR o your strainers. My bag o tatties were in the bin nee
Shetland - SHD t her photo gently back in my bag. Dan I rang da number.
Central - EDN e suddenly, “I’ve left my bag at the security desk.”
Central - SWE Quit the country bag and baggage!
Doric - DOR ither yin plankit heez bag on the flair an tain oot a we