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Occurrences of butter in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Doric - DOR etc. etc. Hake done I milk & butter.
Doric - MNA er wis cauld meat an breid n' butter, syne Minnie wis left tae her
Doric - DOR A wee dod o' butter spreid an' a'
Doric - DOR A wee dod o' butter spreid an' a'
Doric - DOR A wee dod o' butter spreid an' a'
Central - LAL clachan, we're rinnin oot o' butter and we're daein dry FUCKIN Fe
Central - LALe when wis breid n (Scottish) butter no healthy!
Central - WCE Aiblins some 'Stork', butter wis faur owre douce
Doric - MNB needin porridge oats, breed, butter, milk and a fancied some meel
Doric - MNA he lave, an did aa the bakin, butter makkin, jam makkin an cheese
Central - LAL the t - for example, watter, butter – an say it wi a glottal if
Orkney - ORK bannocks, butter, tea.
Central - LAL hings as meat, bacon, grains, butter, sugar, cheese, eggs an ither
Central - SEC icey, nicey tae her neebours, butter widnae melt an aa that. They
Doric - NNB or so-an what wi e bread-an'-butter gettan so thin-an e twinklan
Doric - NNB an han an a piece o bread-an'-butter in e ither. "A beg pardon, ye
Doric - NNB el till some tea an breid-an'-butter, an then turned till e Moosie
Doric - NNB s teacup instead o e bread-an-butter.
Doric - NNB er, "A cut some more bread-an-butter-"
Doric - DOR sper at sounit like "Breid-an-butter, breid-an-butter," an Ailice
Southern - SEA cup in yin haun an a breid-an-butter piece in th ither. "Ah beg pa
Doric - DOR aiblins tak tent o a Breid-an-butter-flee. The wings o't are scrim
Central - GLA n haun an a piece ae breid-an-butter in the ither. "Beg
Central - GLA teacup steid ae the breid-an-butter.
Central - GLA r so-an whit wae the breid-an-butter gittin that thin-an the twink
Ulster - CUL rsel tae some tay an breid-an-butter, an thin turnt tae the Dorrmo
Central - GLA n, "Ah cut some mair breid-an-butter-"
Central - WCE hissel fu o breid and peanut-butter and strawberry jeely.
Central - LAL Ma wee Jeannie's sic a butter-ba
Shetland - SHD I gae da butter ta da lad.
Shetland - SHD Bit someane did tell aboot da butter. Da Mistress wis in poor humo
Doric - MNA oaf an bannacks, creamy yalla butter baas, corters o breid wi grea
Orkney - ORK Here's a butter-nut tae sook.
Shetland - SHD An da box a butter wis lyin kummelled apo da bri
Ulster - GULot with the big spoon, dumped butter in it too??????
Orkney - ORK Dae you hiv rancid butter and soor milk?
Central - SEC okin. Ken, sometimes ye could butter yer breid wi the atmosphere i
Orkney - ORK Candlewick bedspread, and butter dishes
Central - LAL Bread and Butter Politics
Shetland - SHD lovely bright yallow Shetland butter, wi plenty a saat atil it, pe
Central - WCE it wisnae aboot the price ae butter. It wis aboot aniseed balls a
Central - LALgpang Aw a jus huv it wae nae butter!
Central - SEC Albeit nae butter he could get,
Orkney - ORK wae butter
Central - GLA couple ay slices ay that wae butter wid be magic.’ he sais.
Central - GLA couple ay slices ay that wae butter wid be magic, he sais.
Ulster - CUL ighed the Hatter. "A toul yae butter wudnae suit the works!" hae a
Shetland - SHD atter wi a seich. "I telt dee butter widna dö ida intirls o him!"
Doric - NNB sighed e Hatter. "Ah telt ee butter wouldna suit e works!" he add
Southern - SEA sighed th Hatter. "Ah telt ee butter widnae suit th works!" hei ad
Doric - ABN my hairt is like the butter
Ulster - GUL Wi the butter n jam and a wee bit o cheese
Central - LAL e wis eatin that breid an the butter she put on it wis an inch thi
Doric - MNA "Na!" Jock lickit the butter aff is knife an steered is ta
Doric - DORicht ,nae ower hate tae mak e butter sap in, got tae be runnin' so
Central - LAL ook-haundit mannie said, like butter widnae melt. Straicht awa Vio
Central - WCE Twa pund o lard, some butter.
Central - LAL Ah asked posh Granny fur some butter oan ma toast, and ah couldnae
Doric - DOR ccan a thing agait Ill hae ye butter't! It gaed richt throwe my he
Central - GLA he Hatter sighed. "Ah telt ye butter'd waste it!" he went oan, sta
Central - AYR uchd the Hatter. "TI tellt ye butter wadnae dae tae ile the warks!
Orkney - ORK s there on his creepie, as if butter widna melt.
Central - SEC The sorrow crap of butter he gat.
Shetland - SHD!” “Oh... dat’ll be de bog butter
Central - SEC per like a hoat knife through butter. This little yin is playin a
Shetland - SHD ll hae sookit piltocks, fresh butter an a plate o mellie tatties:
Shetland - SHD ick brünnie, klyned wi fresh butter an doon i da neuk, wis a piec
Central - LALer (plain breid, o coorse) wi butter! Noo, dae ye hae roastit chee
Doric - MNA ae, an spreid her a scone, wi butter an brummil jeely.
Central - LAL py skin and it's aw filled wi butter inside!'
Doric - DOR Takin a het rowie smeared wi butter
Doric - MNAter toasted het an smeared wi butter. https://t.co/yGk3QkjEO8
Shetland - SHD l awa and his face looked lik butter widna melt.
Doric - ABN s ahin their back, lookin lik butter widna melt in their moo. Thei
Ulster - EUL ‘Ye must lik butter,’ ah saed, an Jenny leuked
Central - WCE ? Thon cake wis made fae real butter and real cream! And thon, tho
Orkney - ORK Plenty spirkan ferm butter
Doric - DORn I've nae foond 'er. She can butter 'ma rowie ony time!
Doric - DOR a finer Xmas cracker. Ye can butter ma' Jacobs ony time
Shetland - SHD ersel ta some tae an bread an butter, an dan shö turned ta
Orkney - ORK breed an butter, macaroni-cheese pies
Central - GLA s sorta hing bein ma breid an butter. A wee circle developes. I'm
Ulster - CUL ae - an what wi the breid an butter gittin sae thin - an the twe
Central - GLA a ay business is the breid an butter. A community service, if ye l
Central - LAL Plain breid an butter,
Doric - DOR tae hann an a fang o breid an butter in the tidder.
Ulster - CUL yin haun an a bit o breid an butter in the ither. "I beg yer pair
Ulster - CUL Hatter, "A cut mair breid an butter - "
Central - LAL leshin tred is their breid an butter . . . but for nou, let them b
Doric - DOR , an heild on wi his breid an butter.
Central - WCE Plain, ordinary breid an butter work.
Southern - WCE Plain, ordinary breid an butter work.
Shetland - SHD gyen wi da fill o’m a clean butter!
Shetland - SHD a her foo ta mak kirn milk an butter. I did miss aa dat kind a thi
Doric - MNA ey likewise cairriet cream an butter an eggs. Alec an Ned hid bin
Orkney - ORK The aiggs an butter aer ready
Central - SEChe dives - guid auld breed n butter centre forrit wis the wee man
Central - SEClower leagues fir the breed n butter stuff
Central - SECrobertmdaws a team of breed n butter players that gave there all f
Central - SECout a doubt - a real breed n butter centre forrit - top drawer w
Central - SECthese lads r the reel breed n butter players lol
Central - LAL for milk frae the coos. When butter was made you got a drink o so
Central - LAL its rolls and bowl of beaten butter, naebody'll be speirin efter
Central - AYR thaim straucht awa in butter an oatmeal alang wi ony fresh
Central - LAL Ye juist naein butter, cat?
Doric - MNA We rubbit his nose in butter
Doric - MNA de at hame wivin socks, makin butter an croods Watched TV when she
Doric - MNA scones; he saa her makkin butter and cheese, colleckin eggs an
Orkney - ORK alt pork and kale, sweeman in butter - I think that's me favourit
Doric - DOR atmeal; cuttin ham and pittin butter intae wee roonds wi a thistle
Doric - DORMrMalky Oven cookit in milk n butter, use the sauce to mash yer ta
Ulster - GUL t it split an a great slab on butter in the middle tae make it swe
Central - DUN rity faws like a hot knife on butter on aw maitters cultural in th
Central - LALRobertMiggins Wae a big dod o butter an some gravy tae dook it in
Ulster - PUL ces o Watter 3. 'Twa oonces o Butter 4. Twa tablespoons o Lyle's G
Doric - DOR n ye jist say 'A little bit o butter, a little bit o butter aneth
Doric - DOR , a little bit o butter aneth yer breath an mak the r
Doric - ABN fae the squashed up butter
Central - WCE rt, tho Edwin Morgan an Peter Butter war. Frithat, the depairtment
Central - GLA een hur wearin a cross. 'It's buTTer,' she replied, shakin hur hei
Ulster - EUL e saft, Ma. Leuk, Ma, saft as butter. But if ye see me an Maisie h
Doric - DUNAh! A buttrie! Is butter nae overkill, but? https://t.
Central - LAL rough the ceilin as if it wis butter.
Doric - DOR -vricht said naethin but "Iss butter's like tae spyle."
Ulster - GUL got stuck in...shuin tha het butter an saft yolk wus runnin Doon
Central - WCE es, lik Juno, ye'd hae thocht butter
Doric - DOR @Wattiejwattie Normally jist butter. Bit dependin' on foo bad 'e
Doric - MNAe is ma honey drizzled peanut butter infused banana encased in hal
Central - WCE d wi a mixter-maxter o peanut butter and strawberry jeely. The mit
Central - LALnTelfer744 Aye!! A dinnae huv butter, bit ye ur meant tae huv it!
Central - LALefab Aye! Ye ur meant tae huv butter or spred!
Central - GLA sel tae some tea an breid-an-~butter, an then turnt tae the Dormoo
Central - WCE is chips ‘n’ peas ‘n’ butter't breed Bit the ‘hing a cou