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Occurrences of extra in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

- basic concord - post-sorted concord - map and chronology - chronogrid - similar spellings - fine-grain concord -
Central - WCE Extra watter goat sent doun evri da
Central - LAL Extra spies an informers wur recrui
Doric - DOR extra loads o firewid fae this sawm
Central - GLA extra super skinny, boot cut, strec
Central - DUN extra.
Doric - MNA llt oot the ither artificial 'extra' an stappit it inno her hanbu
Southern - SEA wis the maist, past ordinar, extra-curricular happenin, i the ac
Central - AYR , 'French, music, and washing-extra.'"
Doric - NNB 'French, music, an washan - extra.'"'
Ulster - CUL , 'French, music, an waashin- extra' ."
Southern - SEA l, 'Freench, music, an washin-extra.""
Doric - DOR Cana be helped. I just did 8 extra days on the thistle anyway so
Doric - DOR thare wis a extra yin A tain the same. It wis b
Central - AYR ch meat or meal here tae feed extra mouths... John an me are weel
Southern - SEA Twae extra dabs on baith ma wrists
Doric - MNA are high on the agenda. Be extra vigilant and beware of accide
Central - LALnt pain! He's an auld man. Be extra kind tae him in his last days
Orkney - ORK Me hert gied twa-three extra beats as the big man gripped
Central - DUN ae the village ran alang. The extra hauf mile at times wis a fair
Central - WCE ah thought she'd welcome the extra dosh noo that her mas cut her
Doric - ABN l bees will be chuffed wi the extra poppies on offer tae them in
Central - AYR air than mak up for it wi the extra firkins he milled for ilka fe
Central - LAL Anarchists an the lave o the extra-parliamentary left haes kent
Ulster - GUL a' productions an' wi'oot the extra
Central - DUN ontrol o the pinnace. Nou the extra sails were gey unwieldy an th
Central - LAL n o the gaffer: Is thare onie extra money for wurkin ben the daur
Doric - DOR s oot workin he did need some extra men. It wis
Orkney - ORK And I need some extra claddeen doon aroond me priva
Central - WCE t be as weel tae get her some extra lessons. Ah think in twa or t
Central - WCE nnae afford, Tony says, These extra millions,
Central - DUN government wantit tae impose extra tarriffs on Scottish goods th
Central - WCE ried PLATINUM BLONDE HAIR-DYE EXTRA STRANG. This wis also used ta
Central - WCE er's PLATINUM BLONDE HAIR-DYE EXTRA STRANG. She cannily left a wh
Central - SECco ??. They just get feck all extra ??
Central - SEC gien me it," she shouted, "An extra tenner, ye said. I've nivver
Central - SEC ie frae Glesgie. We sorted an extra bed in ma room an tidied up.
Shetland - SHD n Friday, it's goin ta hae an extra passenger. An ah'm sure dat h
Doric - DORolitical points. It may be an extra cautious approach but the lik
Doric - MNA You're an extra lucky chiel 140 ~ wid ye cred
Central - LALife. And that’s on top of an extra stay in the hospital for the
Doric - ABN ‘Eh... I’m needing an extra solar panel or two if that’
Central - GLA wi an extra helpin o passive aggression
Doric - ABN t. She coulda deen fine wi an extra poun or twa, fit wi Christmas
Doric - MNA e’d ayee managed tae mak an extra sair nott shillin that wye af
Ulster - EUL time, I'd tell hir ''d tak an extra rawl tae bak the buiks wi an
Central - EDN hursday night an’ A took an extra-curricular gym class. There w
Southern - SWE@culturekhan An extra big neck if onybdy says "yin
Central - SEC ed that they shuid be gien an extra helping o fish-food tae see t
Doric - DORDue hame thursday but dein an extra week OT #quality
Central - GLA over before startin, takin an extra big draw tae dae him. It make
Doric - ABN while revealin an extra lingth
Central - LAL ie aw o a sudden thocht up an extra guid pliskie. Although the me
Central - LAL the faimly, wha peyed her an extra fee for this
Shetland - SHD Just bi dat dey wir an extra gust a wind, da porch door cr
Doric - DOR iday. Ma Ma hid pit in fur an extra shift aat the hospital and ma
Central - WCE ebdy wis in so ah went fur an extra-long shower an bawled ma eyes
Doric - MNA od voice announced: 'I/t's an extra-special meet 'n' greet time!'
Orkney - ORK A Granny's an extra mammy
Central - SEC ', bit sometimes he spends an extra couple o' bob ina wee mindin'
Central - DUN rd wa. Jist then there wis an extra strang gust o wind an he wis
Central - DUN l ahent. Howivver this wis an extra dreich kind o nicht an by the
Central - LAL ye get an extra rasher.
Central - LAL hame forgotten, she wrocht an Extra! unner her byline wi aa the w
Central - LAL oor, but still. An Ah pit an extra blanket on the bed.
Central - LALd since he had the hives” an extra dimension. Suggests his anely
Central - LAL d, lik' wan o' thae wee green extra terrestrial gadgies who's lan
Central - LAL Tae pause and open extra wide,
Central - LAL oot on the flair for somethin extra as weill.'
Shetland - SHDDir's somethin extra special aboot bydin in Shetla
Central - LAL nd mibbe a few leaches sookin extra blood. Strangely enough the S
Central - DUN at on public taxes, an gettin extra fae the fack that they nivver
Doric - DOR rather unsucessfully ower yon extra thick bloomers. Nae much winn
Central - LAL roup. Aw it means is a load o extra wirk.
Orkney - ORK an structural possiebility o extra-corporeal photon network cons
Central - LAL a wee drap extra
Orkney - ORK and that's bound tae gae her extra grip whaen id comes tae the H
Central - NEC sae Hercules took alang fower extra sodgers on his ship jist in c
Doric - MNA fit did a’bidy dee wi their extra hour in flechie?
Central - EDN or male homosexuality, an for extra
Central - EDN iver pittin hissel forrit for extra wark aither. He wad gie nae o
Doric - DOR, vine roastit tamataes n fur extra yum, mix mayo wi smokit papri
Doric - MNA An fir aa ess extra effort They'll surely bi a pr
Doric - DOR d Humphy Dumphy, "I aye gie't extra pey."
Doric - ABN th than Fife, presumably that extra twa degrees of caul’ is the
Central - WCE an wir written tae earn a bit extra siller. Their fairfaced sarca
Central - GLA Mayfair, A say, wae a wee bit extra force than usual.
Central - GLA A walk back up wae a wee bit extra swagger. Bverycunt's s lookin
Doric - MNA e bittie mair...an uxexpeckit extra, like." Ronnie grinned. "Walt
Central - DUN n several whalers, were peyit extra, seein as he playit the melod
Orkney - ORK Whit care I aboot extra inches? I weigh eighteen ston
Central - WCE tae a can o ginger, (Irn Bru Extra cause ye ken whit they say, i
Central - SEC hoap. As their hopes ae a few extra quid in their pocket hus quic
Southern - SEAs jist for customers that pay extra rach #weeextrabonus
Central - SEC@EastScotlandFA certainly extra ordinary times that nobody in
Central - GLA the library fur ye gie ye any extra inspiration?'
Central - LAL the library fur ye gie ye any extra inspiration?'