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Occurrences of mukkil in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - SEC mukkil obleigement bi lowsin me frae
Central - SEC mukkil feth aither, bot didna wiss t
Central - SEC mukkil sorrit horss, sae thai cuid h
Central - SEC mukkil ti tel, bot Tammas wes ower w
Central - SEC mukkil ti bigg thair clachan an plau
Shetland - SHD Mukkil klappin an æ ee loddit wie t
Central - WCE forby on the airlie poetrie (mukkil o’t nou unkent) sik as ‘O
Central - SEC airmour, mukkil horss, swuirds an bukklers, a
Central - EDN ie daft as sum wuid a pit it, mukkil follaed about bi keillies, at
Central - WCE 1 (an atweill, whan this man- mukkil editorial wark is feinisht, t
Central - EDN nth; an a bonie sitwat howff. Mukkil companie, billie?"
Central - SEC a mukkil concrete lek. Sae Broun hed t
Southern - SEA A mukkil dae trips delicat
Central - WCE e seems ti be, leiterallie, a mukkil big mou. Hogg gies us a braw
Central - SEC t on ilk cheke o the brace. A mukkil buird wes set i the mids o th
Shetland - SHD da mukkil kullirt stamps
Shetland - SHD Da mukkil kulirt stamps
Central - SEC a man. He wes gied a mukkil din Clydesdale bi the Rid Dou
Shetland - SHD We aaind a mukkil
Central - WCE ed i the Simmer o 2008. Sae a mukkil roun o applause for a braw ed
Central - SEC tirn. Nou at John wes frie a mukkil birn bene liftit frae Ruth’
Central - SWE the things this warld ti se a mukkil hae we sein
Central - EDN ht. Sae Barbar hed ti kerve a mukkil ruid aw hissell ti schaw thai
Central - SEC ntit on a strong garron, wi a mukkil bare-fuit
Central - SEC e hale steidin wes ryved wi a mukkil gell o lauchter. The
Central - LAL n Inglan, fu o ideas, an wi a mukkil law an order agenda on his mi
Central - EDN faither wes breingin on wi a mukkil stane at he hed fand a bittie
Central - SEC links an champit tatties wi a mukkil daud o
Southern - SEA ie frae yer frein's brou wi a mukkil aix!
Central - SEC whan thai hard a drone, lik a mukkil ingine.
Central - EDN nie caunnils, a jocteleg an a mukkil ledder flesk. The main cargae
Central - SEC ve. (Moira gies hir guidman a mukkil smack) Atweill, oot o aw ma h
Shetland - SHD an wha's t'sae dey hedna mukkil pliesjir
Central - SEC i arreist thaim he wesna in a mukkil
Central - WCE s o the Scots leid scene in a mukkil pert o the Twantiet Yearhunne
Central - SEC wes strypin a mukkil durk on a whittil, bot semed
Central - LAL e loss mind at we ir pert o a mukkil lairger Yirth Communitie. Thi
Central - SEC n Free, wul nae dout tak up a mukkil swatch o his time. But fritha
Central - SEC shuirlie the result o a verra mukkil darg, the’r nae bodie at’
Central - EDN “We dinna gang thare verra mukkil, uz Wattir fowk.”
Central - SEC . He sayed nivver a wird as a mukkil blak
Central - LAL ionar o the Scots Leid haes a mukkil entrie (www.dsl.ac.uk) an ye
Central - SEC spounge. The Crowner wes a mukkil boukit man, at gied hir a gen
Central - WCE t Margaret’s Mirror’ is a mukkil yairn, the first sik, atweill
Central - WCE rmstrang, a kemp wha swacks a mukkil twa-haundit swuird that he wu
Central - WCE servin his wark. But it’s a mukkil darg, an no the biographer’
Central - SEC nivairsitie o Stirlin, that a mukkil collogue wes held ti merk an
Central - SWE We coft a mukkil new TV wi plasma screin an aw
Central - WCE this event attrackit a mukkil audience, an maist o the heid
Central - SEC twa mukkil buists.
Central - SEC ebidin fleit o luve. She haed mukkil ti thole, mair sae in the les
Central - WCE iterarie redactioun wul finnd mukkil here for thaim, but the ordna
Central - EDN ne auld crok lik me canna dae mukkil ti halp ye tilt. The sairvice
Central - SEC dwam, mynd, or ye cuid dae mukkil hairm.” Mirren hecht ti hau
Central - EDN e cam ti sei at he'l cuid dae mukkil mair wirk nir thai duin, kiz
Central - SEC rby cheritie an awmous. A hae mukkil skeill, an monie cherms lairn
Central - LAL or applied thai micht no hae mukkil effeck. It is throu indiveidu
Central - GLA seestem is that it disna sae mukkil warrandyce at thi maist likit
Central - SEC the kintra he aince duin sae mukkil ti heize up, didna
Central - EDN ntra divyded bi sie lochs sae mukkil bits o the jurnay wes bi boit
Central - SEC yde ben Tornes, he gantit sae mukkil at hiz
Central - WCE e same bourd Sam Beckett made mukkil o, a lang year efter!). He is
Central - SEC The mukkil bouk o Grant Brecham, hirplin
Central - SEC communitie taks tent til. The mukkil, hinmaist threip o the audit
Central - WCE e, kis it maks us raelise the mukkil loss Scotland haes tholit as
Central - WCE ot his dirk an warsils wi the mukkil beiss. But baith faws a hunne
Southern - SEA the lest tyme atwein the mukkil bens,
Central - LAL yearhunner, the killin o the mukkil bison hirds in North Americki
Central - SEC the tapmaist hicht o the mukkil fortrace, ilkane wes murnin t
Southern - SEA lochan at mirrors the mukkil bens.
Central - SEC Nixt yeir A toukit the mukkil drum. Apairt frae wir freins
Central - GLA Gie mukkil perties mair saets as thair p
Shetland - SHD Wid reddir rekkin wie mukkil odds.
Central - EDN awaw wi’t, “this is owre mukkil!”
Central - SEC eill, dinna fash yeirsell, ye mukkil sumph, ye; ar; gaun; whidder;
Central - SEC r a swuft keek at wul tell ye mukkil at ye need ti ken. It is in P
Central - SEC rk, frae spaicial denners, ti mukkil collogues an ither sik, an na
Southern - SEA sister, wi mukkil feelin i his vyce, “Yin kan
Central - WCE t beiss. A skartin ensues, wi mukkil blouster shawn bi baith, or t
Central - LAL capes. Scotland is blissit wi mukkil steids o relativelie naitral
Central - WCE nither edeition o Lallans, an mukkil o note haes happent sen the l
Central - LAL monie machines an devices an mukkil kennin at it is rael aisie fo
Southern - SEA Gret warships an mukkil bairges
Central - SEC e oot. An for aw that we spen mukkil o oor time grushin gerunds, w
Central - SEC l it uises turns aroun seiven mukkil categories, or airts o invest
Central - SEC pupils wha ir seeminlie haein mukkil mair fun wi lexicographie nor
Central - GLA ercentage o votes (thus giein mukkil poustie til thi preises o a p
Shetland - SHD Hit's waantin næthin mukkil,
Central - WCE ocht ither! The deils acks in mukkil the same wey as the Cervantia
Central - SEC the lest pege wes prentit in mukkil, blak
Central - LAL Hie-Heid-Yins uised ti pit on mukkil sojer-like huntin splores for
Central - SEC Naither John na Frizzel wun mukkil rist thon nicht. Thai wirked
Central - WCE The haill thing is a piece o mukkil ingyne, at aince rideiculous
Doric - DOR apers. Ower the year, the war mukkil
Southern - SEA e say, “Ae goose is raither mukkil fur yin tae eat bot no eneuch
Southern - SEA Frae a loun Ah never mukkil lykit the toun.
Central - SEC ower mukkil ti dae an ower monie bairns t
Southern - SEA Gin this is murnin, ower mukkil’s here
Central - GLA rlie thon seestem's faur ower mukkil o a tikkler fir the feck tae
Central - GLA Pairlementars an it gies ower mukkil pouer until the perties tae w
Central - LAL r lives in a wey at pits ower mukkil wecht on us humans, an we los
Central - WCE itin ti gie an eik til a mair mukkil projeck, but for the-nou, an
Central - WCE Morton for hir mukkil leiterarie an saicretarial sk
Central - WCE on saunts awa. The leddies ir mukkil fasht, but the guid Dr. gies
Shetland - SHD eftir mukkil aksin
Central - EDN it's hoose or hous, muckle or mukkil. Until we can conneck wir wri
Central - WCE . A hae threipit aboot John's mukkil contreibutions til oor magazi
Central - EDN The doctour nivver's mukkil's muivit. He spak til'm, as a
Southern - SEA as mukkil for him, sae A wad!
Central - LAL ti presairve an haud on wi as mukkil o the naitral balance o Naitu
Central - LAL nd an ithergaits; as weill as mukkil game hunts in Africkie i the
Central - WCE am aboot kis o what he wes as mukkil as what he did. But he ne’e
Central - EDN unlie naethin – haiflins as mukkil wirth daein as semplie plowte
Central - LAL indae seat. No that there was mukkil ti see: jist the lichts o the
Central - WCE ext. Shuirlie, Fleming brings mukkil til't. Herk at hou he caiptur
Central - WCE sayin at Elaine is mukkil mair muisical nor me!). We st
Central - EDN bade oniewhaurs ense in this mukkil warld, it arase a guid bittie
Central - EDN in Scots, an thon maga spens mukkil maucht argiefiein owre spells
Central - WCE but as a man, bi aw accoonts mukkil loued bi thaim closest til’
Central - WCE n Law haes raicentlie dedicat mukkil o his virr an smeddum.
Southern - SEA Tak aff that mukkil woolen jaiket!"
Central - SEC “Ye ken ye pit mukkil vailyie on yeir ingaitherin o
Central - WCE This is the first mukkil biographie o a trulie extraor
Central - WCE l in his awn richt forby. But mukkil mair wechtie nor thon: he wes