A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of raggle in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - EDN Raggle gantit at the fire. His haun
Central - EDN Raggle tane Iskander be the front o
Central - EDN Raggle wis made up. “Noo,” he sa
Central - EDN Raggle escapit fae him, an catched B
Central - EDN Raggle follaed him intae a quate cor
Central - EDN Raggle leukit at him solemnly. Unner
Central - EDN Raggle blew oot his lips. “Prwhew.
Central - EDN Raggle leukit awa hastily. He hadna
Central - EDN Raggle opent his mou tae lauch, than
Central - EDN Raggle wis quate for a meenit, consu
Central - EDN Raggle noddit silently.
Central - EDN Raggle tane a boo.
Central - EDN Raggle smilet an waved his haun towa
Central - EDN Raggle’s een lit up. He copied her
Central - EDN Raggle waitit silently for her tae g
Central - EDN Raggle pu’ed his tap lip intae his
Central - EDN Raggle cam towart Beatrice efter the
Central - EDN Raggle cam towart Beatrice efter the
Central - EDN Raggle tane a boo.
Central - EDN Raggle wis dour for the rest o that
Central - EDN Raggle an Derriakin, alang wi some i
Central - EDN Raggle fell asleep, an she gaed oot
Central - EDN Raggle jynt thaim wi a joog o tea. H
Central - EDN Raggle glowert at him. Whan Beatrice
Central - EDN Raggle, leeve happily ever efter ...
Central - EDN Raggle shrugged. He played wi the co
Central - EDN Raggle heftit a stane an lobbed it d
Central - EDN Raggle pat on a tuithy grin an muved
Central - EDN Raggle’s een follaed her haun as i
Central - EDN Raggle lay waukin at nicht on the fl
Central - EDN Raggle heard again in his mind whit
Central - EDN Raggle noddit enthusiastically. Then
Central - EDN Raggle glowert. “Because Ah Use me
Central - EDN Raggle cud see that he had got his j
Central - EDN Raggle wis aamaist in tears. Flaucht
Central - EDN Raggle’s ancestors likit Hsien. A
Central - EDN Raggle, whan he wis aroon, gaed back
Central - EDN ea it! Get awa fae the larry! Raggle, get the hell oot o here, tho
Central - EDN “Na, Raggle,” she sayed, thinkin it wis
Central - EDN er a puckle days on the road, Raggle’s wounds wis mendin cleanly
Central - EDN Neanderthal features as Tad, Raggle an Derriakin, arrived yin eve
Central - EDN A lot o things haes chynged, Raggle. It’s been a lang time.”
Central - EDN memory ... Afore Ah met thee, Raggle - an the lave o you - gin o
Central - EDN Efter a wee, Raggle absently-mindedly pu’ed a s
Central - EDN he newcomers. In a wee while, Raggle jynt thaim. Beatrice noticed
Central - EDN Meanwhile, Raggle had been watchin an gettin ma
Central - EDN . “Quhit is thoo ddin here, Raggle?”
Central - EDN sed. “Ah dinna ken a thing, Raggle. Ah dinna ken a thing.” Hsi
Central - EDN airn unfairly checkit. “Oh, Raggle, Ah’m sorry,” she sayed.
Central - EDN pwart. “Ah’m kinna daark, Raggle, bit ma mither is fair, lik t
Central - EDN that ran oot tae meet thaim, Raggle an Derriakin in the fore. E
Central - EDN d be pitten awa, bit the man, Raggle, wad sit at a remainin buird,
Central - EDN Derry sayed. “Bit, ye ken, Raggle, they’re ower wee for thair
Central - EDN y wis gaithert in the evenin, Raggle dashed aroon pittin oot maist
Central - EDN ae spick tae the wumman suin, Raggle thocht. Or thon Bill Henderso
Central - EDN rice her lane wi the woundit, Raggle deid or deein, unable for tae
Central - EDN alised he wis reid. “Quhit, Raggle? Come on, tell me.”
Central - EDN exclamation. Efter a moment, Raggle realised whit
Central - EDN “Ay, Raggle,” she sayed. “Fooever you
Central - EDN “Hey, Raggle, thy peedie sister is gettin
Central - EDN preesoners’. Fortunately, Raggle had noticed as weill. He crie
Central - EDN Unexpectitly, Raggle muved towart her an twinet hi
Central - EDN r ambiguity. “Ah’m sorry, Raggle. Na.”
Central - EDN an saw quhit strang he wis - Raggle flexed his biceps against the
Central - EDN an saw quhit strang he wis - Raggle flexed his biceps against the
Central - EDN the haun an pu’ed him awa. Raggle turnt tae leuk back, leukin f
Central - EDN tae gang, sae Beatrice gaed. Raggle tane her be the erms an halpi
Central - EDN n Beatrice wisna ill-pleased. Raggle had been an ideal maister for
Central - EDN made her haun faa doon deid. Raggle gruntit his approval, an they
Central - EDN pears facin the dug’s heid. Raggle led a chorus o snarlin. Than
Central - EDN ae press as haurd as she cud. Raggle’s heid sweyed loggarly on h
Central - EDN r. “Oh, the gods, Beatrice. Raggle’s ma comrade. Ah canna dae
Central - EDN er that he’d had nae chyce. Raggle tane that for grantit.
Central - EDN ase name wis Mornin Sunshine. Raggle shapit sunrays wi his crossed
Central - EDN wis fower patients in there. Raggle wis on his back wi his een sh
Central - EDN heid, Hsien watched her gang. Raggle didna waste nae time. He stui
Central - EDN Hsien wis annoyed wi hissel. Raggle didna need him for this instr
Central - EDN wis ettlin tae come wi thaim. Raggle an the ither patients wis aye
Central - EDN spickit tae the aald weemen. Raggle’s twa hauns made gabbin mou
Central - EDN He mumblet somethin. Raggle, meantime, hadna tane his een
Central - EDN mak oot whit they were sayin. Raggle’s cursin, which had stoppit
Central - EDN ennin that he unnerstuid her. Raggle wis fu o attentiveness as wei
Central - EDN d whiles ablow thair sleeves. Raggle didna. She tane his stubby ha
Central - EDN le. An that chist, thae erms. Raggle wis aa man. Whit wey no? she
Central - EDN hid the surroondin muntains. Raggle wis flustert be his ain audac
Central - EDN Beatrice’s langage lessons. Raggle stertit tae appear at her sid
Central - EDN e be creepy, Beatrice thocht. Raggle catched her ee, invitin her t
Central - EDN n the Neanderthals rin wi it. Raggle an Derriakin spak a lot aboot
Central - EDN An he seemt tae be takin it. Raggle watched, fascinatit, as his r
Central - EDN wa tae get her ain breakfast. Raggle acceptit watter, bit refused
Central - EDN for the graith they had lost. Raggle declaret hissel fit, an gaed
Central - EDN oon. She hadna heard naebody. Raggle wis there.
Central - EDN Dada had a fierce integrity. Raggle simply had integrity. He hadn
Central - EDN ther wis. Excep that it wisna Raggle. Derry wis disappyntit, bit m
Central - EDN “Ay,” agreed Raggle eagerly. “Thoo canna see sa
Central - EDN Beatrice gied Raggle an enquirin leuk, bit he wadn
Central - EDN stit aal bastarts,” advised Raggle.
Central - EDN “Hae a shottie,” sayed Raggle. He haundit her a widden swor
Central - EDN “Just watch me,” sayed Raggle, through his teeth.
Central - EDN “Ah weill,” sayed Raggle eventually, drappin her hauns
Central - EDN “Deifness,” sayed Raggle.
Central - EDN d hear yer ancestors. Wha did Raggle think wis botherin him?
Central - EDN hini, what else have you told Raggle?”
Central - EDN only fifteen. And your friend Raggle came right up to me half an h
Central - EDN wisna even smilin. “Ah mind Raggle’s grannie. She’s tane her
Central - EDN ou.” She tane the stane fae Raggle, wha noddit triumphantly at H
Central - EDN s shoother aye felt waarm fae Raggle’s touch. It wis a bauld thi
Central - EDN innocent as it wis comin fae Raggle. No that ony o thaim Beatrice
Central - EDN on him.” The man leukit fae Raggle tae Beat-~ rice. “It didna
Central - EDN Sae Raggle biffed him in the face. Wi so
Central - EDN r thee,” Beatrice sayed tae Raggle. “There wisna a lot o hurts
Central - EDN s interestit wad get back tae Raggle faster nor announcin free dri
Central - EDN an “Quhit did Iqbal do tae Raggle?”
Central - EDN him. They were obleevious tae Raggle an aa ither body. They were t
Central - EDN aff. “Ah winna say ocht tae Raggle if ye dinna.”
Central - EDN est approach.” He turnt tae Raggle an suggestit it wad be safer
Central - EDN on the flair, an returnt tae Raggle. She sent Derriakin awa tae g
Central - EDN rt explainin paleontology tae Raggle. “Quhan Ah sayed the Aald P
Central - EDN s surprise, booed deeply tae Raggle an strade aff.
Central - EDN wis a bauld thing tae dae, be Raggle’s standards. Bit than, he w
Central - EDN yce ... Juist the same, aside Raggle - an the ithers, o coorse -
Central - EDN looed. Noo she wintit tae see Raggle. Bit Guzul wudna lat her. “
Central - EDN . Wis she Raggle’s dochter? Na, he wasna aul
Central - EDN ople, he didna think sae. Gie Raggle or Derry access tae a modren
Central - EDN ople, he didna think sae. Gie Raggle or Derry access tae a modren
Central - EDN naged tae catch a glisk afore Raggle deleeberately blockit her vie
Central - EDN s chin, tryin for tae imitate Raggle’s heich, bit resonant, vyce
Central - EDN e fellaes - apairt fae young Raggle there.
Central - EDN re really linkin ma name wi Raggle gin even Bill haes pickit it
Central - EDN gait, as she traikit alang wi Raggle. Wis she Raggle’s dochter?
Central - EDN she thocht. “Whan Ah’m wi Raggle, Ah feel, first an foremaist,
Central - EDN t, curcuddoch wi hersel an wi Raggle tae. Maybes a man lik Raggle
Central - EDN wis haein a langage lesson wi Raggle yin evenin whan her attention
Central - EDN had mair practice sessions wi Raggle whanever he wis aboot the pla
Central - EDN tae. Maybes a man lik Raggle wad hae it aa his ain wey, if
Central - EDN n cud see that. He maun think Raggle had noticed as weill, an that
Central - EDN ns cud be heard fae there, an Raggle’s vyce, cursin stievely.
Central - EDN egant motion. She stoppit, an Raggle leukit at her wi delight.
Central - EDN Falad assumt that Beatrice an Raggle wis mair or less an item, an
Central - EDN that she wis expectin. She an Raggle had had a lang, intimate rend
Central - EDN “There naethin atween me an Raggle.”
Central - EDN Whan Raggle saw Hsien’s haun at breakfa
Central - EDN sed foo wanresty she wis whan Raggle cam ower tae whaur she wis ea
Central - EDN Hsien an Raggle dug oot an auld dummy an wech
Central - EDN ce thocht - Derriakin’s an Raggle’s bude tae be identical. Bi
Central - EDN dder there wis onythin atween Raggle an Beatrice. That gied hima
Central - EDN dder there wis onythin atween Raggle an Beatrice. That gied hima
Central - EDN i hissel: “They’re gotten Raggle, Ragoran o the Aald People, R
Central - EDN gliness. Whit wey sud she fin Raggle ugly, efter aa? His face wis
Central - EDN e cud imagine the scenario in Raggle’s mind: the lamasery owerru
Central - EDN Ten wicks had passed sin Raggle had gien Iskander a black ee.
Central - EDN he pit a protective erm aroon Raggle an swept him aff wi her, lea
Central - EDN en got up an pit his erm roon Raggle’s shoother. “Lat’s spic
Central - EDN ter o her, an she keekit roon Raggle. E’en fae the corner o the
Central - EDN t). Bit the gun-ile stains on Raggle’s haun, an his broken nails
Central - EDN as quick as she cud, awaur o Raggle lowerin. She hurried awa. She
Central - EDN they muved aff, she cud hear Raggle mungin tae the lauchin Hsien,
Central - EDN e larry as weill, tae be near Raggle.
Central - EDN ae hissel, “Ah’m no shair Raggle cud staun the shock in his pr
Central - EDN “Wh’else ye dae for Raggle?” he asked. “Eh? Eh?” H
Central - EDN dae this for Raggle?” he speirt.
Central - EDN he direction o the hut, whaur Raggle lay, a patient. “Dinna gie
Central - EDN git. Kamile likit him. Whiles Raggle’s cynical auld ancestors th
Central - EDN ” she repeatit. “Whit dis Raggle hae tae dae wi onythin?” Sh
Central - EDN y. Aa the time thinkin it wis Raggle’s! Bastart.
Central - EDN hildbearin age till noo, that Raggle kent o, bit this wis a wumman
Central - EDN aed on, Beatrice noticed that Raggle wis lea’in it mair an mair
Central - EDN somethin aboot his tone that Raggle didna like. Wis he lauchin at
Central - EDN n that she wis richt, an that Raggle wis lyin in danger only a wee
Central - EDN m. Beatrice noticed than that Raggle wis the only ither man amangs
Central - EDN rriakin. She tane yin leuk at Raggle an steert him aff, protestin,
Central - EDN “Forget Raggle,” she sayed. “There naeth
Central - EDN ug. Hsien stuid up an claucht Raggle be the shoothers, bit than Be
Central - EDN Hsien claucht Raggle’s fore-erm, athoot ill will
Central - EDN Bit Raggle refused tae listen tae this k
Central - EDN Beatrice an she blushed, bit Raggle, proppit up in the ermchair f
Central - EDN laudit an cried for mair, bit Raggle had duin his piece an wis fee
Central - EDN laudit an cried for mair, bit Raggle had duin his piece an wis fee
Central - EDN is kinna discombobulatit, bit Raggle wis livid. He actually stuid
Central - EDN ” Hsien made nae reply, bit Raggle felt his muscles tense.
Central - EDN “An twist,” addit Raggle, merrily pantomimin the actio
Central - EDN is mou set in a line, cleekit Raggle be the haun an pu’ed him aw
Central - EDN “Than quhit?” askit Raggle.
Central - EDN kander blenched bit he leukit Raggle in the ee an replied, “Hsie
Central - EDN bonny face, eh?” He powkit Raggle in the ribs. “Follae thy fa
Central - EDN Hsien lowsit Raggle, an he lundert awa.
Central - EDN A faurawa leuk saftent Raggle’s craggy face. “Briar ros
Central - EDN ” Derriakin sayed, “aboot Raggle.”
Central - EDN Bit it wis him that drapt Raggle’s erm, as the younger man y
Central - EDN Dis thoo think sae?” speirt Raggle. Than he leukit sidieweys at
Central - EDN Is thoo aal richt?” speirt Raggle.
Central - EDN is thochts wis interruptit by Raggle. Bill wis kinna discombobulat
Central - EDN uld People made o it? The wey Raggle telt it, they had steppit oot
Central - EDN Raggle,” sayed Hsien, “gin it’
Central - EDN Raggle,” she sayed apologetically,
Central - EDN Raggle, shut up,” she snappit.
Central - EDN Raggle is jealous o his nurse,” Hs
Central - EDN Raggle?” she repeatit. “Whit dis
Central - EDN Bill wis the first there. “Raggle, git a grip, lea
Central - EDN “Beatrice,” Raggle speirt, “dis thoo ken wis?
Central - EDN The dugs follaed the game,” Raggle wis tellin her, “an the fow
Central - EDN h’ve seen picters o kye,” Raggle telt him. “Iskander shawed
Central - EDN “That mony fowk,” Raggle wis sayin. They cam back up t
Central - EDN e they’re in the funnel,” Raggle gaed on, “you shut it aff w
Central - EDN “Thon’s hellova brits,” Raggle commentit, impressed.
Central - EDN “Lat me dae it,” Raggle sayed tae Beatrice. Than wi
Central - EDN An we sud hide the larry,” Raggle pyntit oot. “Naebody gings
Central - EDN the lad be.” Raggle lowsit Iskander an sut doon i
Central - EDN “Muckle gid it dis me.” Raggle felt the cauld vomit feel o d
Central - EDN “Ah.” Raggle noddit. That explaint whit we
Central - EDN ae the north, dis thoo no?” Raggle speirt at her.
Central - EDN atrice, is thoo aal richt?” Raggle wis leanin towart her.
Central - EDN “Keep thaim oot?” Raggle speirt, puzzlet.