A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of stick in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - SWE Stick the dirk in if ye dare?
Central - DUN stick ti thi plan
Central - LALStick tae the fitba Gary, if ye thi
Central - LAL Stick yer tongue in puggie dung,
Ulster - GULStick tae prittas an soda. Nae pizz
Central - LAL stick tae
Central - WCE stick in aa the better at thair ABc
Doric - DOR stick aboot his appearance, bit nae
Orkney - ORK stick oot at thi sides, luk raa, dr
Central - LAL stick tae traditional spellins.
Central - LALers!! Hunners tae choose fae! Stick em oan yer car, bike, wheelch
Central - WCE ll wi the bluidy loat o ye's! Stick aa yer prayers up yer arse.'
Central - NEC chanted when he walked past. "Stick the nut on thae lions. Git to
Central - GLA onghas commands, eyes ahead: "Stick some tunes oan then son. Thir
Central - LAL 'Stick a peen in her!' sais ane o th
Doric - MNA an Eric clappit, syne roart, 'Stick in tull ye stick oot!'
Central - WCE room, brandishin her knife. 'Stick 'em upr she yelloched. 'We've
Central - SEC toon went an' hung a walkin' stick on the front door. Mind ye, h
Doric - MNA r heid, an wink, an tell her 'stick in till ye stick oot'
Doric - MNA e could hear Jerrie stonkers (stick grenades) gan aff and hoped t
Central - LALy hot flush (several a night) stick my bare feet oot from under (
Central - SEC Or, gin they dae, stick oot yer neck
Ulster - GUL Shae sed, “Stick, stick, bate the doag. The doag’ll
Central - LAL and doon, cawin oot 'C'moan, stick! Stick, stick, stick! and Wee
Central - LAL waitin. Buy some scran, stick it in the oven, set the table
Central - SEC gesture. “Nivir mind, son, stick wi me an ye’ll no go faur w
Doric - DORtey, I'm gan tae the bookies, stick ma horse on then Bert's offer
Central - GLA Ah beg yous, stick up tae yer wirricowes
Doric - DOR by, booby! (kent it, kent it, stick it up yer semmit).
Doric - ABN a, it's nae richt - bit, ay, stick in tae yer soup, let it warm
Doric - DOR dral tae bigg a bowlin alley, stick yer name on't so's posterity'
Central - SECose awe the building trade - stick in ma son
Central - LAL rannie wis the size o a match-stick and aye skrunklin fast.
Doric - DOR sugar n shite this season - stick ma neck oot we’ll be in mix
Central - SEC candy-stick ane frae Hanzel an Gretel. In
Doric - DORackburn for e' Angel Delight. Stick tae yer ribs.
Central - LALs the ONLY way to prosperity. Stick at it! https://t.co/gBqLW8wnV
Central - LAL@Jwaca74 @kingkeg58 Stick em oan eBay ??. ??. ????????.
Ulster - EUL thaim that see me hae a lach; Stick oot thair bottom lip;
Central - LALtalking aboot yistirday Boab? Stick tae foties o the sunshine. Gu
Central - SWE A stick in ma earbuds and play ma boo
Central - LAL a stick, a stane, a neisty curse.
Central - SEC tae the nines wi' a hat an' a stick. Then, wad ye believe it, up
Doric - MNA speen, a stick, an the tap o granny’s tea
Doric - DOR then ye've jist thrown awa a stick
Central - LAL l mak ye wan. And he lifted a stick and tigged Pooh on the shoode
Shetland - SHD whalp med anidder run for da stick, an wis dat aaber ta get a ha
Central - LAL u it seemed he wisna ti hae a stick frae thon hous. In the end, K
Doric - MNA intosh. Faith, there wisnae a stick in the place that didnae reek
Orkney - ORK You could stir hid wae a stick
Ulster - GUL ist as if A've bin bate wae a stick,
Ulster - GUL Or bate them wae a stick!!
Central - EDN “Knock his hands off with a stick.” Tick. “Switch off at th
Central - WCE ye dinnae fend thaim aff wi a stick
Ulster - PUL tae fecht tha weemen aff wi a stick."
Central - LAL ngside as we rollit them wi a stick up an doun the street. Spinni
Central - LAL n yin o the mairket lads wi a stick. A lang time efterhaun, his f
Central - LALI turn it oot, smooth it wi a stick an say “Lord, here’s the ce
Central - LAL I turn it oot, smooth it wi a stick an say "Lord, here's the ceme
Doric - DOR I’ll poke yer een oot wi a stick.”
Southern - SEA loundert wi a stick.
Doric - MNA he laddie, sikkin a fun, an a stick
Doric - DORr Dohd Michael? #ClubDoricana stick tae makin' dra'ers Ye giep #C
Doric - MNA usual nondescript style an a stick-thin Elspeth wis dolled up te
Central - WCE ne, It's lik a big turd oan a stick. Ah went an flung the chocola
Central - LAL peat bogs is pure shite oan a stick, man. It'll drag ye doon 'til
Central - SEC re. Like a kebab. Stuck oan a stick. No gettin tae see it? She ca
Central - LAL g on the inside, sae it didna stick tae yer fingers an then get o
Central - LAL id in winter. Forby, he cudna stick Eros, an wis ayewis luikin fo
Doric - MNA n Eric, weel... he jist cudna stick onybody fa hid an opeenion at
Doric - DORanche @HairyAngus Dinna ken a stick dealer oot at wye
Central - SWE wavin a stick at ilka bodie he saw
Doric - MNA "Ah jist canna stick im, at's aa."
Central - SEC the park wae ma mask oan n a stick tae the 4 metre fae the touch
Doric - MNA rant...a lip-glossed moo on a stick...a know-it-all in
Central - LAL clocker inside the shank o a stick o celery. Yon's whit I like.'
Central - LAL There noo" said Heehaw. 'No a stick o it left Mind, there's aye a
Central - LAL an gote aboot wi the help o a stick. But wi aw her afflictions, i
Doric - MNA loon booed doon tae pick up a stick bit dash it aa, did Teenie na
Central - SEC dnae get weet. Ye pickit up a stick an pleutered awa at the weet
Doric - MNA horseman gaed ilkie Brither a stick o chakk an a sclate inno thei
Central - GLA her sometimes. Ad throw her a stick or a wee chunk fae ma breakfa
Orkney - ORK Jimmack begged fur a stick o explosive - whitivver hid
Central - GLA lastly wi three, but wan's a stick, ye twat.
Central - LAL uddie? she skraiched. 'It's a stick o chuddie!'
Ulster - GUL The oul wumman met a stick.
Central - LAL appin for a moment tae lift a stick and fling it awa.
Doric - MNA i a fite mowser that needit a stick tae wauk. An da's mowser's br
Central - LAL e it, yer wee sister's jist a stick ahint a thrawn cuddy."
Central - WCE ent tae it. For its no just a stick tae bash the SNP wi. It’s f
Central - WCE younger, she wisnae exactly a stick insect. She takes after ma gr
Central - EDN ock aff their han’s wi’ a stick!” Aw’ sound advice, gin t
Doric - MNA Noo ye can plug in a USB stick or doonload aff the internet,
Central - WCE e doon the post box so's it'd stick tae aw the envelopes then jis
Central - WCE p doon thi post box so's it'd stick tue aw thi invloaps then jist
Central - SEC a airgyment, me or Nancy wad stick up for the tane, syne Nancy o
Central - SEC a airgyment, me or Nancy wad stick up for the tane, syne Nancy o
Doric - MNA na!" roart Joyce. "An Ah shid stick aat rocket far the sin disna
Central - DUN ld lads wuid aye tell ye wuid stick tae yer ribs. Plain honest fo
Central - GLA formidable enemies but A wid stick wae the mighty lion any day a
Shetland - SHD dence wis mair as Alice could stick: shö raise, scunnered, an wa
Central - SEC iff as weel. An mebbe I could stick ma heid oot the windae whenev
Shetland - SHD id da Duchess; "I never could stick figures!" An wi dat shö bega
Central - LAL And stick tae things ye understan.
Ulster - EUL ick, sore an tired o the band stick.
Central - EDN Ah noad ma heid and stick ma gless oot tae him.
Central - LAL at the tither, and the third stick wis laid athort them. Wee Gru
Central - LALif yer a pielet? Ye mibbe cud stick wan of ees oan yer plane. A k
Doric - DORonally think the cooncil shud stick een up o' John Ingles. Fit a
Central - WCE hat's no the reason ah didnae stick up an auld picture. The reaso
Central - LAL hedges. The animals couldnae stick Moses cause he wis a clip-ma-
Central - SWE and before long they wouldnae stick up for me any mair. A wished
Central - NEC me across noo or ah'm gonnae stick that oar right up yir... "
Central - LAL he's gonnae stick the SS20 heid on ye
Central - GLA wantin any, he’s just gonae stick wae his wine. ‘Yous watch w
Central - LAL as ah like tae call them, tae stick their parties where the sun d
Central - GLA een askin fur ye. We need tae stick the gither, you an me. Apart
Central - DUN t seems that Selbie tried tae stick William wi his ain knife. Our
Doric - DORld ootside noo, I’ve hid tae stick the heating up a bit, especia
Central - DUN ew aulder they jist seemd tae stick thegither.
Central - LAL e be pals anymair. Ye hud tae stick tae yer ain.
Doric - MNAfinitely. We teachers hae tae stick thegither an caa oot folk for
Doric - MNA ry bit o self control nae tae stick the object o his jibes fair s
Doric - DOR@DoricPhrases Mi'be tae stick on tap o the bondie on squib
Doric - DORhing, the argument wid be tae stick em in the tap deck and hiv a
Central - LAL@JeffBrazier Awesome tae stick yir heid in a book! Grateful
Central - GLA aa hae a mandate tae stick the buit in
Central - GLA n, she picked up a wee bit ae stick, an held it oot tae the puppy
Ulster - EULs truth, ah’d be as weel tae stick tae pictures! ??
Doric - DORn em. In fact they a seem tae stick up like it's viagra!
Doric - ABN ae get a new photie ta'en tae stick on my new card.
Central - WCE waw, howpin for somethin tae stick. But the notion that teachin
Central - WCE hon. Ah bet ye were tryin tae stick anither fedder in yer bunnet.
Shetland - SHD add as weel at I'm tryin tae stick wi buyin books frae Waterston
Doric - DOR how ye set up the ba has tae stick up front. Ye can try and pas
Doric - DORhe is looking for cockles tae stick in her soup for her man! Peer
Central - DUN they jvver ask businesses tae stick tae their projections an mak
Central - SEC oo aye wanted the bairns tae stick in for the university, whan t
Central - SEC nk Scots spaekers prefers tae stick wi, an it seems uizual in mai
Central - WCE line and kens he jist hus tae stick in. As the verra last mouthfu
Central - DUN d have tae chase eftir it tae stick it again aince it resurfaced.
Central - LAL Some fowk want tae stick
Central - SECean that, but if you want tae stick with this sisterhood nonsense
Doric - DOR we aa wint tae stick in peens
Doric - DOR we aa wint tae stick in peens
Central - LAL e it laldy. Ye dinnae hiv tae stick tae the actual wirds. It's no
Central - LAL howps up, I'm gonnae hiv tae stick ma oar in and gie ye wan last
Central - EDN rit advantage: nae faimly tae stick thair nebs in. Hsien had neve
Doric - MNA e wi gathin she says an mebbe stick te tryin nae te oot-an-oot in
Doric - DOR@HiddenAberdeen maybe stick up a statue while yer at with
Central - LAL aiblins better lat that flee stick tae the waa! A howp this rin
Ulster - PUL Tha sichts ye see stick wi ye
Central - AYR she did, she picked up a wee stick, an held it oot tae the pup;
Central - WCE uv that either. It had orange stick, orange tip an even orange wo
Ulster - GUL The stick’ll naw bate the doag.
Ulster - GUL The stick sed, “A’ll naw bae batin
Ulster - GUL The stick stairtet tae bate the doag. T
Ulster - GUL The stick’ll naw bate the doag. The d
Ulster - GUL . The stick’ll naw bate the doag. The d
Ulster - GUL . The stick’ll naw bate the doag. The d
Ulster - GUL . The stick’ll naw bate the doag. The d
Ulster - GUL . The stick’ll naw bate the doag. The d
Orkney - ORK He planted the stick in the stinkan bed - it a ma
Central - LAL ard o scran, and awa frae the stick, cause it disnae want the pun
Southern - SEA oose, happent tae gan tae the stick hoose, anenst the garage, an
Doric - MNB nce and the auld wifie wi the stick wis lying in the middle o the
Central - LAL ersel?’ Wi that he brak the stick in hauf across his knee an to
Doric - DOR hit a steen the stick broke an nae damage wis deen
Central - LAL nment’s mints at haudin the stick ower Americae’s perceived u
Ulster - GUL “All naw bae burnin the stick
Central - GLA e boy,’ ah say, droppin the stick oan the groond. ‘Where are
Ulster - GUL sed, “Fire, fire, burn the stick. The stick’ll naw bate the
Ulster - GUL he fire stairtet tae burn the stick.
Ulster - GUL The fire’ll naw burn the stick.
Ulster - GUL e. The fire’ll naw burn the stick. The stick’ll naw bate the
Ulster - GUL e. The fire’ll naw burn the stick. The stick’ll naw bate the
Ulster - GUL e. The fire’ll naw burn the stick.
Ulster - GUL e. The fire’ll naw burn the stick. The stick’ll naw bate the
Central - SEC takin up the wrang end o the stick an thinkin it aw affecks thai
Central - LAL n hae got the wrang end o the stick, somewey.
Central - SEC aur he got the wrang en o the stick anent the "old Scots" he wis
Central - GLA Parturition, up the stick.
Ulster - BUL Ower the stick brig, booin nerra
Central - LAL As the stick raise yet again, the rider le
Central - LAL en bleezed as he saw that the stick wis no meant for the powney,
Ulster - CUL de, the pup played rin at the stick agane, an dane a cope-carly i
Central - GLA series ae wee charges at the stick, runnin a wee bit furwirds ea
Central - GLA ve goat the wrang end ay the stick.’ Scanlon sais, tryin tae p
Doric - MNA an fermers' bairns kent ilkie stick an steen o their faithers' gr
Central - LAL Some stick tae
Doric - MNA thinking mibbes he’d drap e stick an he wid hae ti bend doon an
Doric - DORAye I wis pointin a twa metre stick at the plumber the day
Central - SECat - its the rules - please stick to protocol
Central - LAL wer the edge, waitin on whase stick wis gonnae come oot first. Bu
Central - DUN yal yung lad that he wuid aye stick wi Wull, een whan it meant th
Doric - MNA in till ye stick oot'
Central - LALr, Ashley, ye ken that gin ye stick wi guid Ayrshire fowk, ye can
Central - LAL eh speirt, whit gers ye stick in
Central - LAL in a pollin station wi a gowf stick, a ballot kist cowpin intae t
Central - EDN n forct it oot. He fund a big stick in case there wis dugs. There
Doric - MNA "Ah widna powk you wi a lang stick."
Central - LAL when ye get there, tak a lang stick and hae a poke aboot inside t
Central - SEC annie grabbed Jim’s walking stick and chased the whittret awa,
Central - LALe's brocht his 'bairn beating stick' wae him. Very Dickensian ah
Central - GLA 'This is mah seat,' ah stick mah handbag oan the table, kn
Central - GLA er ah’ve stanked ma tea, ah stick oot a wee straightener oan th
Central - GLA oan the shelf it came fae, ah stick the thoosand ahd set aside in
Central - GLA oan the shelf it came fae, ah stick the thoosand ah’d set aside
Central - GLA , covered in dug slebbers. Ah stick it back oan tae the sound ay
Central - GLA he books where ah left it. Ah stick it in ma inside jayket poakit
Doric - MNAIf ah stick ma heid under this shed naebo
Central - EDN umber eight and hesitantly ah stick the key in the loack. Ah hoad
Orkney - ORK I stick puss under the covers
Central - LAL d roon a' things. Each time I stick my neb intae the culture pan
Central - LALe singin o that one sae all I stick wi my 27 verse ballads (re-la
Shetland - SHDt a bin fire Twitter is, an I stick by yun statement, but by Chri
Central - WCE ‘Wha asked you ti stick yer neb in? Onywey Ah was jui
Doric - MNA an the swyte garrin yer sark stick tae yer shooderbeens. The day
Doric - SNO an illegal stick o juicy fruit,
Central - LAL@parami Might as weel stick wi it nou—save ye cheengin i
Ulster - GUL beef-man, the baker an cannel stick maaker,
Central - LAL in cruel cut o his lang hazel stick, the barefuit halflin lad hau
Central - EDN e Sherriff of Nottingham ~ Il stick with Robin Hood and Little Jo
Central - WCE says ma uncle Toamy, “a'll stick ma tools in ri boaxroom an' w
Central - WCE aff than she startet. She'll stick tae a plan fae aboot Monday t
Central - WCE ah'll stick tae ye lik glue whaur'er ye g
Doric - MNA Ah'm oan ma toad hame. Ah'll stick it throwe er door."
Doric - MNA teeny, weeny jokes. An Ah'll stick te spikkin aboot me insteid o
Doric - MNA I'll stick tae things that's mair gentee
Orkney - ORK I'll stick puss under the cover
Doric - MNAAt is i middle o naewye. I'll stick at on ma Teuchter Map. Div ye
Central - LAL@DavyGavin1 I'll stick tae ma ane shoes... tartan yi
Doric - DOR en tae ony degree.. so ‘all stick we ma memories, o’ fin a’
Central - LAL e wind changes, yer face will stick like that, Jeannie!' he once
Central - LALan. That boy Fitzpatrick will stick a few in before May Without a
Central - SECy’ve lost this year. You’ll stick oot like a sare thumb ??
Doric - DOR Yer brither says, “I’ll stick yer heid doon the lavvie if y
Central - EDN e tae the knacker, ’at’ll stick your thrapple and byle ye dou
Ulster - PUL An stick ma neb at nicht fae neuks
Shetland - SHD socials, read me writing, an stick some dosh in me Ko-fi ?? than
Central - SEC an chap it intil wee bits, an stick the bluidy loat up his erse!"
Doric - DORV we got back in the day? Can stick their free license. Nae wonde
Central - GLA “Ye know whit? We can stick yer joab where the sun don’
Doric - DOReen in last wick, then ye can stick yer virus! Seen worse things
Central - SEC His aipples can stick on the tree.
Orkney - ORK They can stick them up their jumper - there
Central - GLA v that, son. Gaun in there an stick the hob oan. We’ll aw huv a
Central - GLA t? Ah roll the windae doon an stick ma heid oot. ‘Ah wis here f
Central - SEC ose, pit a cross on a slip an stick it in a box wis sayin, wi ane
Central - GLA Coming by The Stone Roses an stick it oan tae his recently acqui
Central - GLA fat fuckin sausage fingers an stick it right in mah ear, It used
Central - SECike u have deeky lad - awa n stick a cadburys creeme egg up eer
Shetland - SHD@lindexer I'll try an stick wi it fir sure!
Orkney - ORK waveen a widden waalkeen stick aboot
Orkney - ORK he minister gaed wi a walkeen stick. Tap! Tap! cam the soond o hi
Central - EDN golden retriever and a fuckin stick. He better be there’’
Central - SEC95167 @NicolaSturgeon she kin stick her vote fir independence up
Central - WCE high as she could wi a walkin stick so she could hook the bunnet
Central - LAL oan hur multicoloured walkin stick. Ah rush tae the door.
Central - SEC@Brian_Pacey mind eer walkin stick cos yule b a bit unsteddy -
Central - LAL waved his gowd-tappit walkin stick in the air and shouted, 'Stap
Central - LAL ointin his gowd-tappit walkin stick at the muckle broon river. 'I
Central - LAL ied a braw gowd-tappit walkin stick.
Central - LAL His faither's auldest walkin stick
Central - SECets n gee it laldy n they kin stick there tv licence up there jac
Ulster - GULis ebullient compared to thon Stick insect's Fake Bake. A sati re
Central - LALy? I actually need a good non stick set. I don't use a microwave
Doric - MNAglasscot Oh aye! But I'd defo stick tae the left hand een.
Central - LAL e discipline. Why dae they no stick a brush up ma erse and I'll s
Doric - DORped wrappin’ years ago n noo stick in gift bags ????. I pretend
Doric - MNA so he’d picked up a lump o stick like a crummoch an gave baith
Doric - MNA t he’d biggit wi bitticks o stick an strae in the wid. He’d b
Central - LAL the tap o the yett wi bits o stick at the richt places. And in a
Doric - DOR the bolts an pittin in bits o stick, so fan the dreel ploo
Central - SEC ae the crib. There was bits o stick, sweetie papers, stanes and s
Southern - SEA id, she picked up a wee bit o stick, an held eet oot tae th puppy
Ulster - CUL done, shae liftet a wee bit o stick, an hoult it oot tae the pup:
Shetland - SHD shö pickit up a peerie bit o stick an höld him oot ta da whalp,
Doric - NNB , she picked up a peedy bit o stick, an held id oot till e puppy:
Central - GLA She hud a lollipop stick in wan haun. She put it oanta
Central - LAL She's gat a lollipop stick in wan haun. She puts it oant
Doric - MNB t auld wifie wi the lolly pop stick dein her usual, bawlin her he
Southern - SEArither poke ma eye wi a sherp stick than strip paper in ma ain ho
Doric - DOR s aa girssle, like a dried up stick o chucken.
Doric - MNA 'log on' meent haivin anither stick oan the fire."
Doric - MNA ms an tossin thon lang siller stick in e air. Niver missin it, ca
Doric - MNA bi hungry again. Ye'll nivver stick it."
Central - LAL in and ye're no even usin yer stick,'
Central - LAL s, which ye dae by lettin yer stick drap in a fidgy kind o wey, i
Central - SEC Or stick a needle in their seat, ye’
Central - LALthe girls ok? Coping? If your stick can come up and walk dogs or
Orkney - ORK Let Grandpa's stick be whar hid is.
Central - LAL en the sicht o Wee Grumphie's stick comin oot a wee bit aheid o R
Orkney - ORK Grandads stick wae the paper eye oan the ain
Doric - DOR you pit doon, an if the rods stick you'll be able tae
Southern - SEA Ma banes stick oot an ma strenth
Central - LAL n an roun an watched the legs stick tae the sides an crawl slowly
Doric - DOR Frost dis stick in, cauld an bare.
Central - GLA And his stick's in the haw
Central - LAL The duimster duntit me wi his stick,
Central - LAL es?' he cried, pointin wi his stick. And ma braw bushes? Dae ye n
Central - EDN hared humour of himself n his stick-like pal.
Central - LAL in up and doon and waggin his stick in the air, 'you Auv tae come
Central - LAL onka, lowpin up and wavin his stick in their air. 'Fu speed aheid
Orkney - ORK Granda laenan on his stick
Ulster - PUL Tha loupin leader chucks his stick,
Central - LAL ther dizzen straiks frae this stick an, by God - gin they had be
Central - GLA Let me up oan this stick an I'll show you his pad."
Central - LAL@some_beans Stick tae the buses, their quicker
Central - SECyou ken me wee man - a aways stick to the rules lol
Central - LAL burrs of stickie willie, that stick tae yer claes).
Central - LAL wails; in the fire a dour bit stick
Central - SWE nner, teeth broon as her bent stick, fins sunspots wi her auld bl
Central - SEC jist stick ma elbae oot the wundae
Doric - DOR Jist stick 'em in the oven in their jaik
Doric - DORefter a fair few days ye jist stick em in e toaster fir a fyle an
Central - SEC But A'll jist stick tae fish an chips.
Doric - MNA "Ah think wi'll jist stick te the ads," said Ronnie, tak
Orkney - ORK Ah'll cheust stick tae veg and some chicken
Orkney - ORK o the world a favour and just stick to Shanks's mare."
Central - SECey aye fair enough - we must stick to the rules - god forbid we
Central - GLA “You stick wi me.”
Central - WCE If we aw stick taegether we can put an end t
Central - SEC@Brian_Pacey @VFSportsPix stick twitter oot m8 n dinnae b def
Central - LAL@Douglas4Moray Stick tae blawin a whistle Dougie.
Southern - SEA@docandrewmurray stick in, best o luck frae @jamiegi
Southern - SEA hame bit eventually, if they stick in, and if luck's on their si
Ulster - GULon daft English wurds quarely stick in the gullet!
Doric - ABN 'An did ye really stick ti Scots aa the wey throw?'
Central - GLA insensitive and accidentally stick on Another One Bites the Dust
Central - LAL even though us Celts usually stick the gither! Hee hee! xxx
Doric - DOR an image o a sword, a shinty stick an a baa as the main icons o
Doric - DOR there maun hae been a shinty stick or twa amun these loons. Ye j
Doric - DOR e king o Sweden wi his shinty stick raised heich abeen his heid t
Central - LALaunin ready wae ma big shitty stick
Central - LAL ak it oot at mealtimes when | stick it ahint ma lug. Tae tell ye
Doric - ABN myne aa that,’ Ah said. ‘Stick ti the pynt. They’re sayin
Central - EDN Gie up aw’ their vino an’ stick tae Cappuccino!
Central - EDN er aboot. Tae the contrar. “Stick wi the Auld People,” he say