A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of writes in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

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Central - LALand Dinnae be a big bairn... "Writes the number doon" ??
Central - LAL n the Palace of Honour (1501) writes o ‘The siluer droppis on da
Central - SEC e wirds fluent. A masel, tho, writes hale novels in Scots, an prui
Central - LAL a fremmit leid - Inglis ower-writes Scots.
Central - LAL tion” is jist innin. An wha writes Scotlan onieways? But that wi
Central - LAL@realDonaldTrump Wha writes these tweets for ye Donald? T
Central - SEC masel see the differ. Whan A writes Scots for a general readershi
Central - LAL e history, draw up diplomatic writes, an pit peteetions tae the go
Central - SWE and brocht up in Gallowa, and writes poetry and short stories in E
Central - SEC e hinneren o the buik, Spence writes aboot his oncome tae the ower
Shetland - SHD llans 57, Dr Caroline Macafee writes,
Shetland - SHD guage 19, Dr Caroline Macafee writes:
Central - SEC legie for an Auld Collier, he writes aboot"...aa braid Lanark abui
Central - LAL but ah'm up against Dante. He writes like an auld philosophical ma
Shetland - SHD t at Miller duis agree wi. He writes:
Shetland - SHD dialects haes nae grammar. He writes:
Shetland - SHD icles i da Shetland Times. He writes:
Shetland - SHD in general tinks he means. He writes:
Central - SEC ix. Daith Tree says it aw. He writes hou Jesus "...learnt tae dunt
Central - SWE in Dumfries and Galloway. He writes maistly poetry, and his wark
Southern - WCE d at Edinburgh University. He writes in the three leids o Scotland
Central - SEC ss an aw in this poem whan he writes aboot 'cockapentie chiels' be
Central - SEC Ploy...'. In Ravines whaur he writes aboot the auld closes an wynd
Doric - DOR read, which is essential. She writes wi a lot o passion and mixes
Central - SEC ftit afore a sowel can say he writes guid Scots.
Central - LAL . Sae we’re telt naebodie writes – or here e’en speaks –
Central - SEC ensefu spellin, an yet hissel writes "heiliegoleirie". While "snaw
Ulster - GUL@SgothanGeal *Phil writes that doon an runs aff to Drag
Central - WCE Harprest pig time, She still writes tae me every couple a weeks,
Central - LAL t maist fowk speaks, reads an writes in thair ain leid perfit weel
Central - SEC but Hunter taks it forrit an writes the likes o "päcify", an uiz
Central - GLA 'Because naewan writes like they talk. Everywan's tr
Central - LAL 'Because naewan writes like they talk. Everywan's tr
Central - LAL e cryed 'Katherine Williamson Writes', an thare tae she haed buirn
Shetland - SHD weetie’ article, Tom Morton writes:
Shetland - SHD h. Tom Leonard in parteecular writes whit I wid caa ‘up yours’
Central - SEC Ardoch Roman Camp: A Sodger Writes Hame
Central - SEC that can be left tae folk as writes beuks for lairners.
Shetland - SHD d Shetland, Michael P. Barnes writes:
Central - SEC ins made sense: no that Burns writes Hawick or that he disna write
Central - SEC day, no e'en bi the fowk that writes it.
Central - LAL Thaim that writes in Soothron micht be mair lik
Central - SEC irly the dream o onybody that writes creatively tae see thair wark
Central - LAL t be helpfae for onybody that writes in Scots, nae maiter whit can
Central - SEC lecks, mony sic writers juist writes it "wh". This maks sense for
Central - LAL . Mony Scots speakers awready writes in Scots throu social media a
Central - SWE days attached, whaur somebody writes a poem that flags