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Occurrences of death in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - AYR for weapons and sterling for death2006
Central - AYR y for weapons and dollars for death2006
Central - AYR money for weapons dollars for death2006
Central - AYR oney for weapons sterling for death2006
Central - LAL Lang past wur death 2024
Orkney - ORK Island o Death 2022
Doric - ABN cried Madge. "Ye'll catch yer death!"2010
Ulster - EUL Look at ye! Ye'll catch your death!" She walkt ower the kitchen 2022
Central - LAL Tis true that death's a random thief2022
Central - SEC when a knoack oan death's door2012
Doric - MNA That he'd been knockin at death's door He wisna really carin 2023
Central - LAL Crystal, D. Language Death (2000). Cambridge University 2003
Central - EDN but at this hour o' my death,2016
Orkney - ORK Like art, like death, 2022
Doric - MNA As if his laist afore his death, 2013
Central - GLA the wean gat some dignity in death, ah hink. Maybe ma boss will 2020
Central - EDN ve you from a fate worse than death, and he is lying there with a2011
Central - SWE hin in life is certain except death, and taxes.2022
Central - EDN k after your close brush with death, and the loss of people you k2011
Central - LAL"Ye might freeze tae death, but hey... I'm getting riddi2022
Central - LALsee a wean starve, freeze tae death, but will see single men and 2022
Southern - SEA Come death, is this the end 2023
Central - WCE mes and luring them tae their death, it does that, the hypnotisin2022
Central - WCE that ever since her faither's death, Miss Honey had been the rich2019
Central - EDN I look at death, now, in the face,2016
Orkney - ORK As sure as death, sheu's smilan and me spirit 2002
Shetland - SHD catch thee death, this is the first morn2014
Central - DUN ks its profits aff o exportin death - fer that's whit they are d2017
Doric - DOR an me, hysterical wae yer death-rattle-hum 2023
Central - GLA er her fatalistic journey tae death.2021
Doric - MNA ’ sleekit tae steer awa fae death.2020
Central - EDN Friday ah’ll be marked fur death.2022
Doric - SNO gently said: there’s a death.2004
Doric - MNB ut it quick afore a froze tae death.2020
Central - LAL me it’s 334 years since his death.2019
Central - LAL body wis safe ... even aifter death.2016
Central - SEC aid, "Man, drink will be your death.2004
Central - LAL threaten torture an a violent death.2019
Central - LAL mite ma neck - love kens nae death. 2024
Central - LAL been snatched fae the jaws o death. 2021
Central - SEC wis expected and dyin a quick death. 2021
Central - LAL he part he played in Dennis's death. 2022
Orkney - ORK oo." I said, "Ye'll catch yer death." 2022
Central - AYR death.'2014
Shetland - SHD hale case, an condemn dee ta death.'2012
Doric - NNB death.'2014
Ulster - CUL ole caase, an condemn yae tae death.' 2013
Central - WCE muckle mystery surroundin his death.' 2019
Central - GLA “There was another death. A boy of nine months of age.2020
Central - LAL ud turn oot tae be worse than death. Ah'll tell ye aboot that ani2019
Central - EDN es at the time o’ Jinky’s death. A had nivir heard o’ him b2015
Central - GLA look like ye’ve caught yer death. Ah’d gie ma eyeteeth tae g2020
Central - EDN ae the point, ma ain imminent death. Ah’m no normally a whiskey2022
Central - LALe his part in this poor man's death. AND PAY UP compensation to t2022
Central - GLA atural to react... angrily to death. And to lash out with, maybe,2020
Doric - ABN s a great big lump o steen in death. Bit a moniment! Fit's the ee2006
Central - EDN usly allude the cauld paws ae death. Efteraw, ah owe it tae Bruce2022
Central - SEC ress gone oan telly wishin me death. Fur which she wis universall2021
Central - SEC ress gone oan telly wishin me death. Fur which she wis universall2021
Shetland - SHD wis truly a maitter a life an death. I wiss dey cood see dis faim2021
Doric - DOR grim death. Jonsar Eck thocht ere cood b2003
Central - WCE in connection w; Lesley Ann's death. Ma da said, Serves him right2021
Central - EDN the room. It wis as quiet as death. Ma faither had that kinna st2012
Doric - ABN on an worn awa in life lik in death. Ower there a fantoosh lump o2014
Central - DUN Toshie nou began tae pray fer death. The thochts o his wife an yu2010
Central - GLA e ken? Say yer starvin me tae death. They say yer a murderer Da, 2023
Central - SEC AFTER MY DEATH. Whan the soleecitor cam, he 2007
Central - LAL in Galloway wur sentenced tae death 11th May 1685.2020
Central - LAL Scotland's Black Death: The Foul Death of the Englis2005
Doric - SNO us, perhaps, o the benefits o death?2004
Orkney - ORK e eyes an the crowd bayan for death? 2021
Orkney - ORK eyes and the crowd bayan for death? 2022
Central - LAL IT carried a max sentence of death ?? Those who think the monarc2022
Central - LAL human. What is life? What is death? Because he tells me they din2019
Doric - DOR ae im. Can vampires bleed tae death? Mixin the different bluid gr2015
Doric - ABN an some o them suffocated ti death?’ speirt Johnston. He wis d2013
Doric - MNA y's "Well at lad'! freeze tae death afore a get em tae thi Broch,2006
Doric - MNA edium: ye war near roastit te death afore a spittin, reedroarin, 2004
Central - LAL ae resist, even fecht tae the death against whit they conseedered2022
Doric - DOR Efter Airchie's death Ah saa Wollaston but the ae t2012
Central - EDN m. Ah’m starin doon certain death and aw’s ah kin dae is smil2022
Central - LALring wae their highly complex death and burial rituals and belief2020
Central - SEC e ower this verse fae Burns's Death and Doctor Hornbook:2003
Central - EDN oan the door by the angel ae death and there’s still sae much 2022
Central - WCE he anniversary ae ma granda's death an even though he wis an nast2021
Central - LAL Langage Death an Langage Fankle2003
Doric - MNA Death aroon ivry crannie.2020
Southern - SEA When death arrives, the final fear 2023
Doric - MNA d already written the cause o death as a mixture o starvation and2016
Orkney - ORK Isbister got his death at thi Brig o Waithe - 2022
Southern - SEA Whae heard the death bell wrung 2023
Doric - MNA edom disna kill ma, it'll bi 'death bi decoratin'. Ah'll mebbe ma2011
Central - LAL oyem is The Flytin o Life and Death bi Hamish Henderson.2015
Central - LAL y 1679. Sharpe hud a terrible death but in truth he wis also a ma2016
Doric - MNA the wee aal wifie shrunken in death but wi a bonny smile on her f2016
Central - LAL o Tolbooth then sentenced tae death by hingin at the Grassmarket.2022
Doric - DOR rlin wife, Betty. Crushed tae death by this greenhoose in the yea2003
Doric - ABN dgment for some peer bastard. Death comin screamin oot the lift, 2011
Orkney - ORK We aal end up in death cults 2022
Central - GLA s like yer time’s infinite. Death disnae enter intae it, it’s2021
Doric - ABN wis, the coroner said it wis death due ti a hairt-attack brocht 2013
Central - EDN . Even in the eye ae imminent death fae his unrelentless illness.2022
Central - SEC Or that ah died an honourable death fighting fur a square foot ae2021
Ulster - CUL ncing three o the players tae death fur haein misst thir turns, a2013
Central - LAL He wis sentenced tae death fur he denied naethin agin hi2022
Central - LAL t, wis tried an sentenced tae death fur high treason.2019
Central - LAL been committed… which meant death fur ony involved.2022
Ulster - WUL r Proddysins an' Cathlics met death han' in han'. 2007
Central - LAL Death hauds its jaws agape an gargl2021
Doric - MNA ised look on yer face - like death hid creepit up on ye fin ye w2011
Central - GLA p, feelin strange, the air ay death hings oan the place. Time is 2020
Central - SEC Years after her death I met in Tweeddale Court2017
Central - EDN this Song/poem efter Roy’s death in 1990. He lived long enough2015
Doric - ABN versary o Leonardo da Vinci's death in 2019), a funky spiral patt2015
Shetland - SHD hn's haed: "Du shall fin only death in da far nort ..."2010
Central - DUN Ed fight ti thi death in thi ring 2007
Doric - DOR an spak o death in ways at distanced him. 2023
Central - LAL ll by, but the pain fae IDa's death is as fresh as the day ah got2021
Central - GLA d’s are clear, ah’ll know death isnae the end. Ah just need a2020
Southern - SEA O'er mony decades, death it nears 2023
Doric - MNA es as if touched bi the han o death itsel. 2011
Central - LAL threaten me sir, fur die whit death I will yer een will nivver se2019
Central - GLA e did make oan gear, rung the death knell fur the greatest band y2021
Doric - SNO death lay inside. The een o the hoo2004
Doric - SNO and tho death micht sever2004
Central - WCE A warmer heart death ne'er made cold, We have seen2006
Doric - DOR lcohol, alcohol, ye'll be the death o' me2010
Doric - DOR lcohol, alcohol, ye'll be the death o' me2010
Central - SEC "Ah wid rather he choked tae death oan his ain blood than brek t2021
Central - SEC the cauld breath ae impendin death oan ma neck as ah walk doon t2021
Central - SEC Gin a should get ma death o cauld2004
Central - LAL rs oan the classroom wa's fur Death of a Salesman, The Tempest an2021
Central - GLA s oan the classroom walls fur Death of a Salesman, The Tempest an2022
Central - WCE The Death of Douglas, Lord of Liddisdal2008
Central - WCE Like The Death of Douglas, the neist tale, T2008
Central - LAL h, his temper. It’ll be the death of him. Well, it nearly was2021
Doric - ABN haen a beuk — The Life and Death of Jamie Fleeman — written 2017
Central - GLA kfast ever cos a wis sick tae death of porridge and a wis always 2023
Central - LAL ite sang and in Elegy, On the Death of Scots Music he threips ane2000
Central - SEC bert Fergusson's Elegy on the Death of Scots Music in its souch, 2008
Central - WCE twa yairns i the clekkin, ‘Death of the Laird’s Jock’ an 2009
Doric - DOR neist. Ma said it wid be the death o him bit Da widnae listen.2023
Doric - MNA tae this yin tellin him o the death o his only child at Bermuda. 2016
Central - LAL That lassie's gaun'ae be the death o me. 2021
Central - LAL ued wi the gvernment till his death on 26th January 1686 an wis b2016
Central - LALJings, I'm sick tae death o Saturday Kitchen. Wish we s2020
Central - SWE demandin the death o three hunnert 2021
Central - EDN a dram or twelve tae plot the death o’ Glenure. He wid travel f2016
Central - EDN in’ a solo career efter the death o’ his partner Roy Williams2015
Central - EDN s, o coorse, the tradeetional death penalty for male homosexualit2011
Shetland - SHD Death plays dat trick an aa, 2017
Central - SEC nough fur a mass murderer oan death row. Oan a 2021
Central - EDN runs tae a signed and sealed death sentence fae the doac. The cu2022
Central - GLA e transformer n the DANGER OF DEATH signs aw over it. A pick up h2020
Shetland - SHDever, it meant you would face death soon. Painting: @DirkRobertso2020
Central - SEC Ah gee the cunt a sincere death stare. But, tae ma annoyance,2021
Central - GLA obert says. Ma mum gies him a death stare. Is 'death stare' an in2020
Central - SEC ae his famous Charles Manson death stares. That wis the hing wae2021
Central - SEC d been replaced wae pin-point death stares aimed firmly in ma dir2021
Central - SEC A hertless comment that draws death stares fae ith me and Craig. 2021
Central - AYR death strunts the rigs2006
Central - LAL It's no ma ain death that ma heid's ayewis fearin,2024
Central - EDN n play areas huv replaced the death traps they tried tae pass oaf2022
Doric - SNO death wis adult, serious business.2004
Central - EDN the bluidy Guid.” Roy’s death wis announced on the mornin2015
Central - SEC the Union Canal, the cause o death wis drooning, of course, but 2015
Doric - DORet the doric or if they hae a death wish?”. @antanddec2011
Doric - SNO at whit’d cheenged, whit death wis like.2004
Central - LAL cked up niver kennin when yer death wud arrive. 2022
Doric - ABN aen in Hong Kong; it meant ‘death’ he said. Ah hidna seen him2009