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Occurrences of leavin in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Southern - SEA avert bade wi him oot yonder, leavin2003
Doric - MNA eep inno the Kelpie’s Puil, leavin2014
Central - LAL f o fuel declarin ma mirksome leavin 2022
Doric - ABN r an' implements at 490 poun' leavin' 250 poun'. Today heifers wid2024
Central - SEC r hoo often ye tell them, an' leavin' awthin' lyin' it their backs2003
Doric - ABN ti say we wad nivver think o leavin't. Onless wir pools cam up. 2013
Central - LAL ght, we sap wur ain strength, leavin' us nae able tae reach oot fu2019
Doric - DOR Jist as the Heidy wis leavin, haudin his hunkie till his l2023
Central - SWE A ask the driver ‘When ye leavin, pal?’2022
Doric - ABN the car... Jist as they were leavin, ye woke up and started girni2020
Central - SEC his shoe. C'moan, mate. We're leavin." 2021
Central - WCE e time as us but she wis jist leavin. On the way past she pointet 2021
Central - WCE wisnae jist that Harpreg, wis leavin. Or that ah'd need tae find s2021
Central - GLA t lassies, rap it up. We’re leavin.’2021
Doric - MNA ll him, "Folla m." Up he got, leavin aathin ahin him an follaed hi2012
Central - LAL o the stars fell fae the sky, leavin a bricht trail ahint it.2020
Central - GLA nough tae go intae his cheek, leavin a cut where it's hit him. He 2020
Central - DUN Leavin a few gamies on guard in case2010
Central - LAL Skailin poison, leavin aff the lid, 2021
Central - SEC Russians huv a reputation fur leavin a great big fuckin crater in 2021
Central - EDN m tae the exit. Jist as their leavin ah decide tae croass examine 2022
Central - LAL git doun the waas o Asgairth, leavin a heap o stanes. An naebodie 2022
Southern - SWE leavin ahint a gliff o simmer heyfie2009
Doric - DOR cobbled road, leavin ahin them the shabby mix o st2023
Central - EDN de a promise tae thaim he wis leavin ahint that he wuid return wha2022
Southern - SEA ordered;" an she waltzed off, leavin Ahlice alane wi th Gryphon. A2015
Doric - MNA ir passin yer exams; anes fir leavin a job an stairtin a new ane -2004
Central - GLA oardert;" an she walked away, leavin Alice alane wae the Gryphon. 2014
Central - LAL case agin onie fowk but aboot leavin an elitist British political 2014
Central - GLA intae Google. There’s wan leavin an hoor efter work finishes. 2020
Central - LAL kin we heid hame? They're naw leavin any time soon,'2021
Central - GLA Or leavin a quiche in the bin for a mid2021
Central - DUN ster, an A'm ane o them. Sae, leavin aside aw argiements aboot sta2017
Central - DUN Nou, leavin aside the problems associated2017
Central - DUN wi hand-oots fae Westminster. Leavin aside the quaistion o hou the2017
Central - GLA ght under his sparkly bow tie leavin a smear oan his shirt an jaik2012
Central - SEC fae that bastard in the motor leavin a stain in his psyche. Ah Sta2021
Central - GLA sometimes burst un-announced, leavin a trail ay pus oan ma face. I2020
Central - GLA e oak beams spannin the room, leavin a vertical, oval cylinder ay 2021
Central - LAL lang, the Guid Folk stairtet leavin a wee token fyr the lassie, f2018
Doric - MNA hers an een o them shuld dee, leavin a wife an nae bairns, his bri2012
Doric - MNA a ran aff wi a larrie driver, leavin baith bairns ahin. Efter yon,2007
Central - WCE Leavin Baldoon fir Egypt's sunny cli2006
Central - AYR Leavin behin aa them that we hae ken2003
Central - SEC He pulls his haun up and awa, leavin behint a trail ae red gristle2022
Central - WCE Ah feel bad leavin Charlene wi jist Laura an Bun2021
Central - SEC him and ignored the gesture. Leavin Craigy and masel lookin a tad2021
Central - LAL t any notions she micht huv o leavin early fur a munch, She was a 2021
Doric - MNA ter be up an riggit, we'll be leavin early the day tae be sure tae2004
Central - DUN wi thaim, the verra push fer leavin Europe wis a ploy bi Cameron 2017
Central - WCE dd said, no lookin up. 'We're leavin fur the airport in hauf an ho2019
Central - SEC motions that they haed tae, leavin Gaelic whaur it is the day, a2005
Ulster - EUL Ah was hairt-feared o leavin Greenland Grove.2021
Central - LAL s ayeways on ma case aboot me leavin hauf ma breakfast. But if she2018
Central - SEC instructions for a new will, leavin her aa to2007
Central - NEC h, the ghaists aw disappeared leavin Hercules on his ain. Pittin o2005
Central - GLA y homes. The only waiy ah’m leavin here is in a boax.’ That wi2020
Central - GLA se she kept thinking aboot us leavin her here hersel. The low-hang2017
Doric - MNA lassie hytered ooto the room, leavin her mither tae greet Jock Dow2004
Central - GLA le tae me an run up efter him leavin her tae figure it oor fur her2021
Central - GLA y boay an bounds up the stair leavin him an the other dafty tae ge2021
Doric - MNA gied him a hidin an held awa, leavin him for deid. Noo it happent 2012
Doric - MNA ne Gertie sut in aside Lorna, leavin him wi nae option bit te sit 2011
Doric - DOR Bit as i'words are leavin his lips 2020
Central - GLA ever gied a second thocht tae leavin hur, even though there’s ma2020
Doric - MNA s, "Reight Callum, yi’ll be leavin i hoose at eight imorn and yi2020
Central - WCE the faither yelloched. 'We're leavin in hauf an hour! Ah'm no miss2019
Central - WCE Thir leavin in three days. Harpreet said 2021
Doric - MNA e wauked awa frae the warren, leavin Isie an Dandy tae their ain d2004
Doric - DOR Doon in Fife they ir leavin it 2020
Doric - MNAen tho I'm awa on holiday and leavin i tattie holidays ti @Wattiej2019
Central - LAL rked the classic themes anew, leavin it in period, bit reshapin th2007
Doric - DOR oint they were in the habit o leavin it onywhere. In parks an dump2003
Central - GLA reet n bursts in front ae us, leavin its green fangs lyin aw over 2020
Doric - MNA she wint back doon the stairs leavin Jessie an the cook lookin at 2016
Central - LAL leavin juist the sangs. 2022
Central - SEC fur Albert is gane, leavin Kate on her ane,2004
Central - LAL Dina hit ane o her asterbaws, leavin Kat the honour o hittin the l2002
Doric - MNA id gie, wi muckle luv forbye, leavin little ower in the wye o affe2004
Doric - MNA a honeymoon doon at the coast Leavin Lizzie an Dot feelin terrible2023
Central - LAL re,' Mrs Kranky said. 'I'm no leavin ma 2007
Doric - MNA the nurse cam te tak her awa, leavin ma broken-hairtit, wi a great2011
Central - SWE k oot through the wee arcade, leavin ma duggy pal ahin me. A’m a2022
Ulster - EUL cisin hir hans whaur she cud, leavin Maisie the task o cleanin rui2022
Central - GLA oot actin as a wind breaker, leavin ma other haun free tae haud t2021
Central - EDN worry aboot the money. Ah’m leavin ma sister a hunner fur him.2022
Central - SEC was gone, inside the station, leavin Maureen an Johnny oan their a2001
Central - GLA ll get them in.’ ah sais, leavin McDade tae suffer the verbal 2021
Central - GLA lassies bolt tae the toilet, leavin me an McDade, ‘Ah cannae se2021
Central - GLA n great chafe inducin strides leavin me an McDade tae walk in sile2021
Central - GLA oon as the soundcheck's done, leavin me an Rab's kiddie oan instru2020
Central - SEC inues tae circulate the room. Leavin me aw confused. By what wis h2021
Central - LAL Boy. Eh's sprawled across it, leavin me barely any room. The fucke2016
Central - SEC og wae their big bag ae snow, leavin me oan ma lonesome. By the ti2021
Central - GLA ntae the bustle ay the street leavin me oan ma tod again.2021
Central - DUN leavin messages2013
Central - GLA the landin an up the stairs, leavin me tae answer her.2021
Central - EDN in a dash fur the spare room. Leavin me tae face the realisation t2022
Central - EDN ae meat clean oaff his dish. Leavin me tae park ma erse oan the c2022
Central - EDN nds doon the flight ae stairs leavin me wae ma heid spinnin and un2022
Central - GLA aboot like empty tracksuits, leavin me wae the other two an their2021
Central - GLA hes into motion doon the hill leavin Mither tae turn sickerlie on 2007
Doric - MNAed it buggered aff ti i lavvy leavin mi titi pye fir it. Radge.2019
Central - LAL Leavin nae trace o his life's wark, 2001
Central - DUN wi whit they got but ran aff leavin Neave lyin in the road. The n2010
Central - SEC were smuithin oot the traces, leavin neither tash nor blain, 2017
Doric - MNA son ower the lift an the sea, leavin nocht bit fire an wilsomeness2007
Central - GLA rn, it wis razed tae the grun leavin only an expanse ay concrete s2021
Central - DUN s some do. It stairtit wi him leavin on the Friday nicht an wis st2010
Central - WCE leavin ony minute! Come on!' she yel2019
Central - LAL their leavin o us like the whuffin out a c2001
Central - LAL bauchles leavin prents in cauld 2021
Shetland - SHD se, scratchin my bare legs an leavin red welts up ta me knees. Wha2004
Southern - SEA under Wullie Murray atween leavin Roberton Schuil an jyning the2003
Doric - MNA he wheels o the governess car leavin sheeny tracks o ice on the sk2004
Southern - SEA She says she’s leavin soon. I canna say hoo lang sh2021
Central - LAL ked like a vat o bluid. Then, leavin Sunny ahint in the kitchen, t2021
Southern - SEA muved tae Hawick Hie Schuil, leavin thar on ma fowrteent birthday2003
Central - LAL Leavin thaur luve an thaur gladness.2017
Central - LAL Judge Strauss ran aff, leavin the bairns tae 2021
Central - LAL k door tae dae her gairdenin, leavin the Baudelaire bairns aw on t2021
Doric - DOR ed, an it wis then that those leavin the Bruntland Arms sensed som2003
Central - GLA ah sais, an dae as he asks, leavin the chain oan. ‘Whit is it 2021
Central - SEC that there guid evidence that leavin the Cornish oot o the convent2004
Central - LAL els scarpered across the moor leavin the deid an 4 captives. An im2016
Central - EDN lly struck me fu square efter leavin the exhibition wis jist hoo m2018
Central - GLA cunts in the group chat an no leavin the hoose fur days oan end - 2012
Central - LAL e cam wi a price fir society. Leavin the hoose on aregular basis d2015
Central - LAL 2015, takkin the simple ack o leavin the hoose or invitin fowk int2015
Central - WCE faither, sayin that he's leavin the hoose tae his sister-inJa2019
Central - LAL ilet paper resentfully before leavin the hoose that mornin - anot2021
Doric - MNA d become magnetic until I wiz leavin the hospital. As I walked oot2017
Doric - MNA up at him as if beggin help. Leavin the increasingly angry fowk a2017
Doric - MNA ir nets. He cried on them, an leavin their fadder they gaed aff wi2012
Doric - MNA g Walter, afore shufflin awa, leavin their fitprints in the fresh-2004
Doric - DOR o leavin their hameland 2023
Central - NEC aff wi wir grannie’s body, leavin their tombs tuim? Faimilies s2018
Central - LAL av done about 50/60 ways but leavin the jelly bit tae past is num2021
Doric - MNA zzlit her. Up an up she gaed, leavin the lave weel ahint. Aa hefty2007
Doric - MNA lter smelt a rat fin she kept leavin the lavvie seat up. Ye get ma2011
Southern - SEA 40. Leavin the Monastery: do.2003
Doric - MNA Mrs Scott his teacher wis leavin the morn, an aabody wis giein2014
Central - EDN law - the briganders wad be leavin the neist mornin, an there wi2011
Doric - DOR iff at the pie, then gaed awa leavin the pie lyin there. Derek2005
Central - SWE Ah'm speirin masel, that Ah'm leavin the pub an it's nicht? 2023
Doric - MNA h. Then worked in Banff efter leavin the school afore moving oot t2012
Central - GLA Lettin it overflow, leavin the tap runnin fur a wee minu2021
Central - GLA Lettin it overflow, leavin the tap runnin fur a wee minu2022
Central - WCE in and mairched oot the room, leavin the telly bellochin. 2019
Central - SEC de a tasty meal. He thought o leavin the toilet rolls in the share2014
Central - WCE s aboot tae go an ah wis jist leavin the Tucky. 2021
Central - GLA Ah’d fucked off oot ay it leavin the two ay them singin rebel 2021
Central - GLA windae and get the fear aboot leavin the warm taxi and steppin oot2020
Central - SEC gart ma feet defend ma heid, leavin the white collar staunin thar2003
Doric - ABN eel, it's the price o ye. Aye leavin things tae the last meenit. Y2008
Central - SEC straight back fur ma DIY kit. Leavin this plastic gangster tae beg2021
Doric - MNA 's me stuffed," said Elspeth, leavin three-quaarters o her steak. 2011
Ulster - GULLeevin Tongue / Leavin tongue - a wheen o #ulstersc2014
Central - LAL ntae hunners o shairp angles, leavin tottie wee cuts on her haunds2021
Central - GLA parked vehicles an hedgerows, leavin two ay their pals slowly coun2021
Central - SEC e Wynd ti the primary schuil, leavin us staunin thare lauchin as t2003
Ulster - GUL ice tae Ulster-Scots an' then leavin visitors wi'oot onie chanst t2022
Central - EDN the mornins, and haed a wey o leavin wark early on the grunds the2021
Doric - MNA wis aye buyin er somethin, or leavin wee 2004
Central - LAL Edgar and Albert's shoes, and leavin wee teeth mairks in every wan2021
Doric - ABN Leavin wir Auld hoose wis the hard b2022
Central - SWE Wi'oot leavin yer ain lan ye can still be a2001
Central - GLA n it intae a shitehole so nae leavin yer empty bottles an joint en2021
Central - LALthe lockdoon rules (dinnae be leavin yer hoose, essential travel o2021
Doric - MNA n get te ken folk wi'oot even leavin yer hoose." 2011
Doric - MNA , I am not gyan oot duncin an leavin you."2001
Central - EDN t the time jist prior tae his leavin’ Celtic, when he wis goin2015
Central - EDN caves but massive rock slabs leavin’ easily explorable spaces. 2015
Central - EDN as it passes frae yer bladder leavin’ jist doubts, panic an’ a2016
Central - GLA he passt fae ma line o sight, leavin’ the loon still lyin oan hi2007