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Occurrences of roo in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - LAL ked. 'I doot yon's Teeger and Roo!" 2010
Central - LAL Moment. If somebody will tak Roo's soor ploom awa fae him, and2010
Central - LAL as they gaed, Teeger had telt Roo (wha wis wantin tae ken) aw a2010
Orkney - ORK a domino stack surrounds the roo, an artful 2021
Central - LAL ower thrang lookin efter Roo, and Roo is ower young and Te2010
Central - LAL 'Oo,' said Roo, aw kittled up again, 'did so2010
Central - LAL 'It's Heehaw' skraiked Roo, jist aboot aff his heid wi e2010
Central - LAL 's taen ma medicine!' chantit Roo, thinkin it wis jist the braw2010
Central - LAL umphie were aw staundin roond Roo, watchin him hae his Extract 2010
Central - LAL s gaun roond and roond,' said Roo, weel taen wi it. 2010
Central - LAL 'We'll see,' said Kanga, and Roo, wha kent fine whit that mean2010
Central - LAL est, and at Kanga's hoose wis Roo, wha said 'Aye, Rabbit' and '2010
Central - LAL 'Hoo no?' said Roo, wha wisna supposed tae be lu2010
Central - LAL 'Hullo, Teeger,' said Roo. 2010
Central - LAL 'C'moan, Teeger!' said Roo. 2010
Central - LAL 'I can swim, said Roo. 'I fell intae the burn, and 2010
Central - LAL oan, it's a dawdle!' squaiked Roo. And aw o a sudden Teeger fun2010
Central - LAL space. Staund back a wee bit, Roo. Are ye ready?' 2010
Central - LAL 'We'll awa and see Kanga and Roo and Teeger,' and Wee Grumphie2010
Central - LAL wha steyed near tae Kanga and Roo and Teeger, wid noo gang hame2010
Central - LAL haud a corner O it, and syne Roo and Teeger can lowp intae it,2010
Central - LAL rtit tae wunner hoo Kanga and Roo and Teeger were gettin alang,2010
Central - LAL "Teeger and Roo are richt up in the Sax Pine 2010
Central - LAL e grund, and Wee Grumphie and Roo bent doon tae hae a keek. 2010
Central - LAL nly wey that Wee Grumphie and Roo could watch the watter at aw,2010
Central - LAL Grumphie, and I micht cairry Roo doon on ma back, but I couldn2010
Central - LAL times than onybody else; and Roo fell in twiced, the first tim2010
Central - LAL nnae boonce me, Teeger?' said Roo glegly. 'Heehaw, Teeger's gon2010
Central - LAL intae Kanga's hoose, and when Roo had said, 'Hullo, Pooh,' and 2010
Central - LAL Roo hud his wheesht for a meenit,2010
Central - LAL day, 'Weel!' said Kanga, and Roo jined in quickly, skraikin, '2010
Central - LAL When Roo kent whit he had tae dae, he 2010
Central - LAL nd she poored it oot for him. Roo said proodly, 've had mine's,2010
Central - LAL Roo sclimmed aff, and sat doon as2010
Central - LAL till Kanga's hoose, they fund Roo waitin and aw, bein awfie chi2010
Central - LAL ven mair, lookin for his, and Roo wammled up and doon, cawin oo2010
Central - LAL d Wee Grumphie and Rabbit and Roo were aw playin Poohsticks the2010
Central - LAL t's ma shawl.' Noos and thens Roo wid faw in and come back on t2010
Central - LAL appened at the same time that Roo wis sayin aboot his Biscuit H2010