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Occurrences of suin in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - LAL , wi nae thocht ahint it, wis suin2010
Central - SEC d the mense o the lad at wuid suin2000
Central - SEC button doun wi chowin-goum an suin2000
Central - SEC ectronic etin wi saft clouts. Suin2000
Central - LAL eived the hindmaist leams fou suin 2010
Central - SWE roon An thon festivals comin suin! 2023
Central - SEC t douk! Ai, this wul cum ower suin! This saxpence is ma hinmaist2007
Central - LAL Gin I soud win back hame as suin 's can be:2008
Central - SEC wins back an sits doun an as suin's they start kissin, his face2003
Central - SEC "Sae suin's ye've got the drums byled, 2006
Ulster - EUL t ease noo. Alfie wud be hame suin, an she wud tell him aboot th2022
Central - EDN Suin, A reckon, Scotland will rejy2019
Central - LAL erent) analysis wull be alang suin, as we get time tae digest an2016
Central - LAL Suin, Athena had gaithered thegith2002
Central - LAL denner for the forest wolfs. Suin, even the wolfs cudna keep up2002
Central - EDN andit grued. It wis faur ower suin, faur ower suin tae be askin 2011
Central - LAL d o the Minotaur’s victims. Suin, I heard the snochters o the 2002
Central - WCE An suin, in Hell, ah hope tae greet y2006
Central - LAL ?' ti mak sense o thaim. Ower suin, it wis the words thairsels a2014
Central - LAL f o the groond gey fast, tae. Suin, Kat realised that tho she an2002
Central - EDN hae tae spick tae the wumman suin, Raggle thocht. Or thon Bill 2011
Central - SEC ae be at Edinburgh University suin, tells hou the English meanin2004
Central - LALhame. Hope ye’re dischairged suin.2020
Central - LAL n the Psaums, will be oot gey suin.2003
Central - LALpfully we'll be back wi thaim suin.2020
Central - WCE luik oot for a questionnaire suin.2010
Central - LALairns back tae schuil onytime suin. Better safe than sorry.2020
Central - SEC kinna miracle kythin ony time suin. Gin the spoken Scots languag2008
Central - NEC tae finnd new posts ony time suin. The unemployed ar mair nor l2017
Southern - SWEns, A Squatter o Bairnrhymes, suin. They're a braw bunch o fowk.2020
Central - DUN Frank, that they wuid fin oil suin. This wuid mean they cuid cap2010
Southern - SWEgus moran taing. Ah'll lug in suin. Wis forfochen an scunnert ta2020
Central - LAL 'Cuid oo gaun suin?'2017
Central - EDN in," shae sayed. " Au revoir. Suin A'l cum an tak ye ti sipper, 2010
Central - SWE Gey suin A'll heeze masel up 2021
Central - SEC un. Bot A wes med redoundand. Suin A acceppit2000
Central - LAL the late Middle Ages. It was suin acceptit ootower Englan in th2000
Southern - SWEiant neebs. Need tae sort oot suin a clanjamfrie o poems, sangs,2020
Central - EDN saicont body did the like, an suin after, a third fuit wis heard2011
Central - LAL Howpfu suin again, courin in the lamplit 2021
Southern - SWEs Ah'm ur, be oot daein stuff suin Ah'm shair ??? Need a @scotsl2020
Doric - DOR fit sonse, bit tae claim hit suin ah haed tae phone e baegers, 2011
Southern - SEA in the Cat's Pil a few years suin and A' hink the rest o' the b2007
Central - LAL Bluid in gallons suin aneuch floued,2011
Central - SEC ed the Sport of Kings and wis suin an expert at reading the form2016
Central - LAL The thunner beat that day-suin an nicht-late 2010
Central - LAL Nor ma tint glories suin an syne 2010
Central - LAL na’s pooer wis ower strang. Suin Arachne wis jist a scootie bl2002
Central - SEC ti hae a collogue wi’m, as suin as2000
Central - EDN ed Bill. “Richt. Be back as suin as Ah can.” 2011
Central - EDN ed Bill. “Richt. Be back as suin as Ah can.” 2011
Southern - SWEnstiles at Rugby Park near as suin as Ah could walk. Nane o thon2020
Central - LALrcher is shit at thir job. As suin as Ah saw that 88 on his chee2020
Central - LALAh switched that shite off as suin as Ah signed up. Cannae be da2020
Central - EDN ikin jaiket masell sumday, as suin as A’l can affuird it.”2009
Central - EDN an the Pandit saw her oot. As suin as he had gotten rid o her, h2011
Central - EDN buits, recently re-solet. As suin as he wis oot o sicht wi the 2011
Central - DUN sneakt oot o the pub door. As suin as he wis ootside the weather2010
Central - LAL as suin as hit's been creatit,2021
Central - NEC euk ower comfy tae me, but as suin as ma heid wis on it I wis oo2017
Central - EDN a meet ben the muckle barn as suin as Mr Cameron wis sauf oot o 2021
Central - LAL he scuil tae play wi Doug. As suin as she got back, she luiked a2002
Central - EDN The Pandit jumpit up as suin as she wis awa. Malik had pit2011
Central - WCE aa learnt, as suin as thay'd begun 2001
Central - LALted aboot twa meenits, for as suin as the bus gaed a certain roa2020
Central - DUN gone radge by this pynt an as suin as the lads were let oot o th2010
Central - EDN As suin as the licht in the bedroom g2021
Central - LAL As suin as the licht in the bedroom w2023
Central - GLA as suin as the role wis adoptit 2023
Southern - SWE16 Acoorse it ocht tae be, as suin as they're inby the schuil. I2020
Central - LAL ond o her rinnin feet. But as suin as they cam tae a bit open gr2002
Central - SEC ularities will be gien oot as suin as they come tae haund.2002
Central - WCE As suin as they pickt up the cheques,2006
Central - NEC ey’d hae the bodies selt as suin as they war deid, a surgeon c2018
Central - EDN h tae nine stieve puppies. As suin as they war speaned Napoleon 2021
Central - EDN tone askin really nicely. As suin as they were oot o earshot o 2011
Central - LAL As suin as they were ootside, a weet 2002
Central - SWE a weel kent fact that jist as suin as this famous brig is painti2001
Central - LAL rds micht be efter us; an sae suin as we lowped aboard, the ship2002
Central - SEC brither bot, as suin as ye can, fugie but the waws2000
Central - SEC for a taxi tae pick ye up as suin as ye get yer cairds at hauf 2002
Central - LAL doun richt at the stert, sae suin as ye ken whit it is. 2017
Central - LAL ilka baobab strecht awa, sae suin as ye tell it frae the rosebu2017
Central - LAL it up, but cudna pass her, an suin Atalanta wis faur aheid again2002
Southern - WCE lowse 'Rottweiler Reid' Wha'd suin attack! 2009
Central - LAL rsichts. We howp that we will suin be able tae pit that richt, a2009
Central - EDN They made guid speed than, an suin Beatrice cud see that they we2011
Central - NEC irt. A muckle wind fairm will suin be biggit on the hill abuin t2018
Central - WCE But eftir the Strike it suin became clear 2006
Doric - ABN earby hydraulic plant, but it suin became seen as a symbol o str2015
Central - WCE ah touch a penny o this ah'll suin be doon tae ma last bawbee!' 2006
Central - SWE whae'll suin be fower 2021
Central - LAL Hooaniver, she suin begoud tae deave him wi her d2017
Central - WCE Thenk God Ne'erday wull suin be here, Tae cheer us up, 2006
Central - LAL "Ay, Ah'l suin be is lang's yersel, Gran, se2011
Central - SEC es dumfooners some fowk, will suin be makit clear on a new wabst2000
Central - LAL A treasure in Hell he'll suin be needin,2011
Southern - SEA Ah dout, wul nou suin be ower.2003
Central - EDN swalliein rumb, the warl wul suin be quat o a verra rauchil ske2008
Central - LAL wi a Remain vote, there wull suin be radical chynge i the UK an2016
Central - LAL Scots sangs and tales, it'll suin be the 'socially excludit' wh2002
Central - EDN at the hostile warld she wad suin be traversin again. Cloods hi2011
Central - SWE they micht suin big an cry their ain. 2023
Southern - SEA Oo were suin bletherin' aboot a' the forei2007
Central - LAL Suin blousters cam beltin ower the2009
Southern - WCE They'll suin cam back tae haunt him yet, S2009
Central - LAL re the hertfeelin o his luve, suin cam tae dout her. He had heed2017
Central - NEC p o the laund thereaboot. She suin cam tae ken that the new rail2017
Central - NEC auncht, an the guilty twa war suin catcht an pit tae trail.2018
Central - SEC g deed at the wrang time cuid suin chynge guid luck intae a rich2007
Central - EDN an gaed aff anither airt, bit suin come back. He stuid a little 2011
Central - LAL Erst doutin he wad suin come slingin ben 2010
Central - WCE St Bernadette we'll suin confound, 2006
Central - LAL re curn, The Guild, whaur she suin countit amang its brichtest s2014
Central - SEC dizzen trout frae the burn an suin cuikit thaim. Aw wes than dev2000
Central - LAL bield o the tosie caur, thay suin decidit at thay likit the bon2014
Central - EDN lamentin gaed a lang wey. He suin decidit he wis in danger o od2011
Central - LAL ” lauched Athena. “I’ll suin ding her doon,” an she clap2002
Southern - SEA d this Back End, the leafs ir suin doun,2003
Central - SEC air poust, the beisnessis wes suin dyvourt2000
Central - WCE ottish Historie an Leiteratur suin efter, a muive wi whilk, Mrs.2007
Central - EDN nd Bluebell haed baith whapit suin efter the hey hairstin. Atwee2021
Central - DUN o the early exploration wells suin eftir bein towed oot tae sea.2010
Central - LAL mirk. We gat uised wi aathing suin eneuch, an the unco thing2010
Doric - ABN lose that we micht hae a brig suin eneuch, Dublin is the the per2015
Southern - SWE and Selected Poems in Scots' suin eneuch, fae @joyhendry2 and C2020
Central - LAL whit wis gaein on. They kent suin eneuch - Skalla-Magnus an hi2014
Ulster - PUL s een aff tha byue. He wusnae suin eneuch. Grace’s apern wus f2013
Central - LAL odie on the stage, he wad ken suin eneuch at it wis Jean. But he2014
Southern - SWE'll haud furrit an mak siccar suin eneuch neebs. A happy whalpin2020
Central - EDN Sae hell mend him. He wad ken suin eneuch whan it wis born. Ales2011
Central - LAL ot burnt bits. The tap'll set suin enough, and the rest juist ab2001
Central - LAL He'll suin enslave or maim or kill.2008
Southern - SWEma ain beuk o Bairnrhymes due suin fae @TippermuirBooks2020
Central - NEC e Scotland efter Wallace, wis suin famished. There simply wisnae2018
Central - SEC o’t, yeir eftir yeir. Bot A suin fand at A hed ti darg fur mas2000
Central - EDN llaed the owthar's prattik an suin fand it verra eith ti skrow a2007
Southern - SWE@OorVyce Suin fir seen?2020
Central - SEC h howp mair universities will suin follae suit. Until then, lair2018
Central - LAL Thae wha taucht, yet suin forgot 2021
Central - EDN n itsel the Terrace Café. He suin formed a plan whereby his day2020
Central - SEC ars, they're no a meinit ower suin for speirins is comin in ared2002
Central - SEC Ah suin fund oot the truth. Livin in 2018
Central - LAL Wullie wad suin fund thit Coalhoose wis awfy 2009
Central - WCE eich an soothfast qualitie. A suin fun oot that this wes sae, an2013
Central - EDN interestit at this, bit Bill suin gaithert that it wasna a prac2011
Central - LAL Suin gart me ken fine I hed naethi2017
Central - LAL fash hersel as the grups wad suin gaun.2015
Doric - ABN wunner wither or nae we’re suin gaun tae be able tae get a fa2020
Central - LAL By Christ! the Tommys'll gey suin get him sortit oot! The very 2001
Central - LAL by the warm air an they were suin glidin faur abuin the Cretan 2002
Central - EDN n up in the central space. He suin got hissel wark unloadin sack2011
Central - SEC ts they wis pleyin for but it suin got mair sairious an they wis2013
Southern - SEA Ay, wei suin got roond at ane n’, an wha2003
Central - SEC an in a fishin community, ye suin got tae ken there wis juist t2007
Central - WCE bi the young poet's promise, suin grantit him an income wi sill2006
Central - SEC skuil fur ma rolment, an wes suin greittin. The teichar pit me 2000
Central - SEC kkers amang ma colleagues, ah suin had tae catch up wi the cauld2018
Central - LAL d. Haudin ticht, wee Mary wis suin haein a hurl roon the pound a2017
Doric - DOR e white lightnin' and w'll a' suin hae oor fill2010
Central - LAL nnerin wha she cud be, an hoo suin he cud mairry her. But whan h2002
Central - EDN peace raised Allan’s hairt. Suin he returned tae his survey o 2020
Central - SEC Suin he’l be yibbil ti traffek w2000
Central - LAL t the fit wis still there, an suin it growed an ankle, syne a ha2002
Central - LALA guid new year tae aw yous. Suin ivry new bairn in Scotland wi2017
Central - LAL masel. Suin I wis fair stottin doun the f2010
Central - NEC e the main body o these lads. Suin I wis stravaigin the jungle o2017
Central - SEC eikin ower its leisk at Ruth. Suin John wes2000
Central - LAL surnem at thon time an he wis suin jokin me at2010
Southern - SEA wul suin ken aw aboot it.2003
Central - LAL suin kennable at something wis agl2010
Central - LAL I suin kent mair anent this flooer. 2017
Central - EDN atwein thaim; bot the skipper suin knukkilt unner, pit up hiz wa2008
Southern - SEA doun twartis Harden Glen, yin suin kums til, on yer ker2003
Central - LAL ed that a wondrous ferlie wad suin kythe. But the flooer wisna y2017
Central - SEC he time, speecial spellins is suin lairnt.2003
Central - EDN gaun ony furder wast. He wad suin lea Chinese territory. Bit se2011
Central - EDN e fowk at cam about our howff suin leirit ti lat him abie.2008
Central - LAL the licht doun the Pit?), ye suin loss yersel in his leeteral u2008
Central - GLA an suin ma een will glow as bricht as2023
Central - DUN es like Aiberdeen an Montrose suin managed tae get a haill load 2010
Central - SEC growthe o willies at wuid suin maze ye, gin ye didna ken the2000
Central - LAL er thair electronic trod will suin merk that siclike isna duin e2009
Southern - SEA he new hospital. Of, course a suin minded what it was they were 2007
Central - SEC ptioun an furby wes a juidge. Suin Mirren hed hiz2000
Central - SEC i the waws o the kirk. It wes suin mudged at he wes gangin abrai2000
Central - SEC geir wes suin muntit on a braw rid stame tr2000
Central - LAL urly nithers, whiles the ower-suin nicht 2010
Central - EDN wis a bittie queer. The bease suin noticed that whan the’ wis 2021
Doric - DOR ather this wad bi ordinar, an suin nummers o tentie vultures wad2011
Central - LAL ck hame tae the Isle o Lewis. Suin oor Leodhasach is howkin glau2005
Central - WCE rse they werenae an they were suin oot o print, something that s2016
Central - EDN Suin or syne the day is comin,2021
Doric - ABN irlt agin the wather, bit wis suin ower-pooerd, cowpt an sank. A2010
Central - EDN er nor he realised, an he wis suin ower addlet tae pit up a fech2011
Central - NEC aunds in the saxt century, an suin Pechtland raxed ower maist o 2018
Central - SEC the yill suin pit thair wuts in a steir. Jo2000
Central - DUN banes. Thae auld dockers wuid suin put ye richt anent sic notion2010
Central - EDN uid be rewynit, fur fowk wuid suin quat cummin thare ti bi tirra2008
Central - LAL News o Arachne’s fame suin reached Athena on heich Moont2002
Central - SEC cost (aboot £50 million) wis suin realised tae be unrealistic, 2002
Central - EDN Bill suin realised that his mates wis i2011
Central - EDN reer as a barefuit doctor. He suin realised that the trainin he2011
Central - EDN o whaur the milk gaed tae wis suin redd up. Ilka day it wis mixt2021
Central - SWE Suin regaird it as a burden. 2009
Central - SEC geir or ye’l suin regrait the tinsellin o’d,2000
Southern - WCE Micht suin regret bein generous, as Ann 2009
Central - SEC arld, but whan they meet they suin revert tae type. They exchyng2008
Central - LAL gaun a bittie aff-piste, wis suin sair disappyntit. This month 2016
Central - NEC Suin Scotland wis hame tae complex2017
Southern - SEA e - but whan ye pree them ye suin see hou weel ilka fush o them2005
Central - SEC lin list for comments, it wis suin seen that thir wirds is soond2003
Central - SEC nane socht ti let hir passin. Suin shae cam til the2000
Central - SEC walcom, an Wullie’s Dy hid suin shawn him the door. “Ah wid2004
Central - SEC but as suin she'd them guzzled 's intil h2013
Central - DUN An ma pal his nae sey in hou suin she cin get tae see her man, 2017
Central - EDN n dealin wi her ain patients. Suin she cud hear sawin, an Iqbal 2011
Central - EDN . They sailt serenely awa, an suin she heard chantin. 2011
Central - EDN . They sailt serenely awa, an suin she heard chantin. 2011
Central - LAL For it suin shid be time for St. Nicol ta2017
Ulster - EUL yoke aside them. The ruim was suin snod wi a sauted remedy fur w2022
Central - LAL olicie”. Weel, alairm bells suin stairtit dirlin; it wis a utt2016
Central - LAL ie a anti-tax pairtie, but it suin stairtit focusin on immigrant2015
Central - WCE Wis suin stampt oot wi punishments obs2006
Central - LAL sae Tod an Mrs Stoat suin stert2008
Central - DUN hae had o takkin revenge were suin stoppt when the populace cam 2010
Central - EDN , faur ower suin tae be askin him tae dae thir2011
Central - NEC the hoose an the flames haed suin taen it ower.2017
Central - LAL ae positive, the language wid suin tak its naitural place in the2003
Central - EDN , ir Doric an Ionic, he'l can suin tel Scots frae Inglish ir Fra2007
Central - SEC ofit o the yird an sie. Verra suin thai growe inti the mainners 2000
Central - SEC Suin thai nichit Tornes. Alset the2000
Central - SEC juist sicna ploy. Suin thai skailed ti kep thair omn2000
Central - SEC Suin thai wes skonced in ane auld 2000
Central - SEC t suddron uplauns o Scotland. Suin thai wun ower the2000
Doric - MNA we're as peer as kirk mice Am suin that doctor for wrangfae advi2023
Central - SEC irned ti leidd i thair wames. Suin the2000
Central - SEC hiz ain feirm an suin the auld ane wede awaw. Als h2000
Central - SWE but we were suin the best o pals 2021
Central - SEC Suin the blak weit ondang an a cau2000
Central - SWE Suin the campfire wid be lichtit, 2009
Central - SEC rakkil o metall. Suin the fuit stramps wun by, bot 2000
Doric - DOR suin the heivens'll be scabbit 2018
Central - SEC Suin the lift wes mixter-maxtert w2010
Central - WCE But suin the pairty will be ower2008
Central - SEC thair traivellin. Suin the quastiouns begoud, tho.2000
Central - DUN Suin there wisnae even the energy 2010
Central - SWE But suin the watters will aa be gealt,2021
Central - SEC Suin they kenned the Soutar's admi2015
Central - EDN in weel adaptit tae the task. Suin the’ war five stowps o ream2021
Central - SEC fek on the mynd. Bot thai wes suin ti think itherwyss. A nyow, s2000
Central - GLA but suin turns intae a dirdin o fash 2023
Central - LAL We suin weariet o thon, an whan the d2010
Central - AYR The miller's suin wes fairlie begowkit ti hear 2002
Central - SEC on a towe an the windass suin wheiched him an the twa weime2000
Central - SWE that isnae yet wir ain but suin will be, 2023
Central - LALyer pain. Hope ye feel better suin xx2020
Central - LALidgebrain Hope ye feel better suin xx2020
Central - SEC she seyd. 'Gin it's no better suin ye'l hae tae gan tae the doct2014
Central - EDN She tried tae cuittle him. “Suin ye’ll be able tae flit tae 2011
Central - EDN assed atween the twa lads. As suin’s thair faither wis awa, yi2011