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Occurrences of suttin in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - SEC make ma wey back in the room. Suttin's evidently ratteld Dougie's 2021
Central - SEC set ae daggers fae the fanny. Suttin's no sittin right wae me aboo2021
Central - SEC easy choice? Lit me tell yae suttin, ah grafted maist ae ma days 2021
Central - EDN ‘’Ken suttin, Aldo? You really do need tae2022
Central - SEC Bonnyrigg's manager's wife or suttin, did yae?" 2021
Central - SEC "Ken suttin, Dougie. Yae pit up such a gi2021
Central - SEC rever slumber in the low. Ken suttin, eh? the wey she wis gone oan2021
Central - SEC someboady behind yur back, or suttin, mate?" 2021
Central - SEC hinese and Koreans are oantae suttin, Wae readin the form ae ma ni2021
Central - SEC it. And kin ah tell ma missus suttin, who's back at haime watchin?2021
Central - SEC re's maire chance they're oan suttin. Jist the other day ah wis re2021
Central - SEC went tae some posh theatre or suttin. Tae watch some tart greetin 2021
Central - SEC Wis it oan the fuckin news or suttin?" 2021
Central - SEC is he at Portabelly beach, or suttin?". 2021
Central - SEC ean like a fuckin medical, or suttin?" ah ask. 2021
Central - SEC that meant tae be ag joke or suttin? ah'm talkin aboot real life 2021
Central - SEC Ken, suttin? This cunt is actually makin 2021
Central - EDN t now, ken? it’s different. Suttin aboot it hus changed. And ahâ2022
Central - SEC aff. He hud briefly mentioned suttin aboot this but hudnae went in2021
Central - SEC "Do yae hink FIFA should dae suttin aboot women's fitbaw?" 2021
Central - SEC ng, it must be said, is hayin suttin ae a therapeutic effect oan h2021
Central - EDN oled up and ready tae go than suttin ah cannae even see. Up tae th2022
Central - SEC famous Henry Robb shipyaird. Suttin ah could tell he looked back 2021
Central - SEC urst and it wis as if he knew suttin ah didnae. He jist shrugged i2021
Central - EDN ‘’Well, mibbie you ken suttin ah dinnae?’’2022
Central - SEC are still felt tae this day. Suttin ah never gave much thoat tae 2021
Central - SEC ow tae feel. Persuaded tae be suttin ah wis never meant tae be. Ya2021
Central - SEC ter died suddenly when he ate suttin and as it turns oot there wis2021
Central - SEC sie we kin see is this twinty suttin brunette. Who's sportin what 2021
Central - EDN see Dougie is itchin tae say suttin but at the same time seems un2022
Central - SEC s Aldo is jist waitin tae say suttin cheeky. 2021
Central - SEC tive wae the bookie when it's suttin close tae bein ae a level pla2021
Central - SEC ' and Aldo will need tae pull suttin definitive oot ae the bag, so2021
Central - EDN oot a life jaicket. There’s suttin different aboot Bruce tae as 2022
Doric - MNA e, Billy an Eileen war ariddy suttin doon. "Here's ma maan noo! Co2004
Central - SEC nt cawed Ivan the Terrible or suttin fur a Russian.’’2021
Central - SEC "Tommy, ah've goat suttin fur yae the dae" it Says. 2021
Central - SEC seems as if he's happy aboot suttin fur yince. Ah'm walkin the gr2021
Central - SEC sured her. "Ah wis tellin yae suttin gid aboot him. He might be a 2021
Central - SEC ay; ah hud such dreams. Then, suttin happens, suttin Nostradamus c2021
Central - EDN in depressed or worried aboot suttin himsel.2022
Central - EDN d me as much as text the day. Suttin is defo up, likes. And as muc2022
Central - EDN aranoid but that doesnae mean suttin isnae oot tae git me. And the2022
Central - SEC . If anyhing ah must resemble suttin no seen since Christopher Wal2021
Central - SEC corner ae the room ah notice suttin oan the telly. But it cannae 2021
Central - SEC ’Ah’m certain we kin work suttin oot, lads’’ Danny says2021
Central - SEC overdose ae disbelief. Surely suttin sae beautiful cannae be foond2021
Central - SEC "Suttin tae dae wae his HO,HO,HO bein2021
Central - SEC ae much. But ah reckon it hud suttin tae dae wae the fact that a b2021
Central - SEC Ma guess is that that's goat suttin tae dae wae the fact they aw 2021
Central - SEC and a hug. Then she addresses suttin that clearly been playin oan 2021
Central - SEC h'm bein held accountable fur suttin that doesnae even exist. Kin 2021
Central - SEC d time tae git his thoats oan suttin that hus been nigglin awey at2021
Central - SEC her. They goat tae experience suttin that in some small wey resemb2021
Central - SEC vy suit that's he's modellin. Suttin that probably coast a small f2021
Central - SEC ikely poor attempt at humour. Suttin that seems tae send his large2021
Central - SEC e turns fae Sesame Street tae suttin that wid remind yae ae 'Silen2021
Central - EDN at aw excited. It wis clearly suttin they enjoyed watchin as a fam2022
Central - SEC ur belly, that hunger tae dae suttin wae yur life. Gee it time, fu2021
Central - SEC couple ae minutes he telt us suttin we should huv kent aw along: 2021
Central - SEC en? He's even started tae dae suttin which pits a smile oan ma mis2021
Central - SEC t, ah try tae convince maself suttin will turn up. Ah guess Genera2021
Central - SEC an alarmin rate. It wis clear suttin wis tellin us baith that this2021
Central - EDN e and then that ah musta said suttin wrong. Although ah wis genuin2022
Central - SEC ity. Her dress code resembles suttin yae wid 2021
Central - SEC ts. She wis yin ae they fifty suttin year auld women who couldnae 2021
Central - SEC wait tae start gossipin aboot suttin ~ anyhing. Ah then decide tha2021