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Isogloss map for 'speak'

- basic concord - pre-sorted concord - post-sorted concord - chronogrid - similar spellings - fine-grain concord -
>10,000 per million occurrences >1,000 per million >100 per million >10 per million >1 per million >0 per million Isogloss map for 'speak' Shetland 29.1 occurrences per million words 3 authors out of 54 Orkney 69.6 occurrences per million words 4 authors out of 41 North Northern B (Caithness) 492.3 occurrences per million words 1 authors out of 3 North Northern A (Black Isle) 0.0 occurrences per million words 0 authors out of 1 Mid Northern B 0.0 occurrences per million words 0 authors out of 11 Mid Northern A 32.7 occurrences per million words 5 authors out of 42 Aberdeen 0.0 occurrences per million words 0 authors out of 16 South Northern 488.3 occurrences per million words 1 authors out of 4 Dundee 212.4 occurrences per million words 2 authors out of 9 North East Central 46.4 occurrences per million words 1 authors out of 3 (South) East Central 291.6 occurrences per million words 16 authors out of 49 Edinburgh 118.9 occurrences per million words 10 authors out of 20 Glasgow 218.5 occurrences per million words 10 authors out of 23 West Central 216.1 occurrences per million words 11 authors out of 31 Ayrshire 91.7 occurrences per million words 3 authors out of 9 South East (Borders) 411.7 occurrences per million words 5 authors out of 13 South West (Galloway) 305.9 occurrences per million words 6 authors out of 22 Donegal (East Donegal) 0.0 occurrences per million words 0 authors out of 1 West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry) 0.0 occurrences per million words 0 authors out of 2 Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim) 94.2 occurrences per million words 2 authors out of 5 Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim) 176.7 occurrences per million words 1 authors out of 6 East Antrim (Larne) 98.5 occurrences per million words 1 authors out of 3 South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast) 0.0 occurrences per million words 0 authors out of 1 Peninsular Ulster (Ards) 102.5 occurrences per million words 1 authors out of 6 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.

'speak' occurrences per year

N-Gram view for 'speak' 10,000 per million 1,000 per million 100 per million 10 per million 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2000 12 total occurrences 209.90 per million words 2001 19 total occurrences 248.23 per million words 2002 16 total occurrences 212.08 per million words 2003 36 total occurrences 240.78 per million words 2004 7 total occurrences 66.51 per million words 2005 3 total occurrences 44.13 per million words 2006 12 total occurrences 139.22 per million words 2007 23 total occurrences 248.92 per million words 2008 14 total occurrences 178.16 per million words 2009 5 total occurrences 61.44 per million words 2010 29 total occurrences 246.89 per million words 2011 6 total occurrences 41.33 per million words 2012 9 total occurrences 67.27 per million words 2013 5 total occurrences 67.19 per million words 2014 41 total occurrences 238.37 per million words 2015 37 total occurrences 284.30 per million words 2016 26 total occurrences 170.71 per million words 2017 32 total occurrences 220.02 per million words 2018 25 total occurrences 321.03 per million words 2019 26 total occurrences 270.14 per million words 2020 61 total occurrences 179.69 per million words 2021 78 total occurrences 165.92 per million words 2022 36 total occurrences 164.84 per million words 2023 18 total occurrences 184.41 per million words 2024 2 total occurrences 138.48 per million words
Year Occurences normalised per million Total occurrences
2000 209.90 12
2001 248.23 19
2002 212.08 16
2003 240.78 36
2004 66.51 7
2005 44.13 3
2006 139.22 12
2007 248.92 23
2008 178.16 14
2009 61.44 5
2010 246.89 29
2011 41.33 6
2012 67.27 9
2013 67.19 5
2014 238.37 41
2015 284.30 37
2016 170.71 26
2017 220.02 32
2018 321.03 25
2019 270.14 26
2020 179.69 61
2021 165.92 78
2022 164.84 36
2023 184.41 18
2024 138.48 2

'speak' overall change in the 21st century

Normalised occurrences 2000 to 2012:-
Normalised occurrences 2013 to 2024:-