A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'abody'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
abodyOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus28.39232
ORK - Orkney
SHD - Shetland
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 39.2 12 5
MNB - Mid Northern B 262.1 2 1
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen 76.6 7 4
DOR - General Northern 168.4 38 10
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central
WCE - West Central 4.6 1 1
DUN - Dundee 42.5 4 3
EDN - Edinburgh
GLA - Glasgow 13.7 3 1
AYR - Ayrshire
LAL - General Central 21.2 16 5
SEA - South East (Borders) 74.9 6 2
SWE - South West (Galloway) 41.7 3 2
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of abody in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.

Mid Northern A

Grant, Margaret Young At Hert, (Huntly Writers 2023 ISBN: 978-0993597152) Doric, poetry
his mowser aff He'll fair gie abody a laugh I'm bound tae feel ge on page 15

3 matches

Morrison, Gordon Thi Lyfe An Tyme's O An Enshoar Loon, (Authorhouse 2006 ISBN: 978-1425955397) Doric - Boddam, prose
thi hairber. Ye canna please abody a ken at, Bit a wis ass chuff on page 18

1 matches

Goodall, Phyllis J. Berryhill, (timberford.demon 2000) Doric, poetry
"Abody here will seen be drooned
1 matches

Gauld, Ilene Ilene Gauld - Piper and Poet, (Doric Future 2020) Doric - Keith, weans
Well! Abody kin see them!
Abody kens Dunlop hiv been "makin t
2 matches

Hutchison, Pat Catty, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Doric - Banffshire, prose
wiz an affa lot o ongyans and abody wiz speakin aboot the drugs w
wint up like a grenade dowsin abody within aboot ten feet in flam
2 matches

Hutchison, Pat Bulletbroo, (McStorytellers.com 2017) Doric - Banffshire, prose
Oot o sicht o abody he tried it on back tae front
e ordered “Stand to!” and abody started shootin.
2 matches

Hutchison, Pat If I Catch Ye I'll Eat Ye, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Doric - Banffshire, prose
let them see his een and tae abody's relief it wiz only the eebr
1 matches

Mid Northern B

@McGoo1888 tweeted
...they arnae gawn tae please abody but by feck they love oor clu (2022) twitter link
otland...Happy New Year to aw abody...hope aw yer lums are reekin (2022) twitter link


Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 68 - Gordon’s Gairden, (Lallans Magazine 2006) Doric, prose
e, she hid the measure o him. Abody hid. He'd nae freens, neen at on page 35

1 matches

Morrison Murray, Harold Doric, Historic and Humorous, (Peters and Sons 2024) Doric, poetry
For abody this, his needed pluck, on page 29

1 matches

Leslie, Dawn Press and Journal 2023-12-02 - Doric Corner, (no publisher recorded 2023) Doric, newspaper
wis summer an we wis welcomin abody fir a new semester, an noo ma
1 matches

Facebook link (Doric Scots Books an Poems 2022) Doric - Aberdeen
Abody used tae buy 'em, even the po

McDonald, Charlie , (Facebook 2022) Doric - Aberdeen, poetry
Abody used tae buy 'em, even the po
1 matches

McDonald, Charlie , (Facebook 2022) Doric, poetry
Abody jist takin' ivery day as it c
Cos abody hid their ain washin' greeny
2 matches

General Northern

Robertson, George C. Lallans 87 - Bluid An Banter, (Lallans Magazine 2015) Doric, script
Soond o abody lachin. on page 40

1 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 81 - Pyntin the Been, (Lallans Magazine 2012) Doric - Aberdeen, newspaper
ody spak for a meenit or twa. Abody wis haudin their breath waiti on page 8

1 matches

Whyte, Brian The Bottles, (Independently published 2020 ISBN: 979-8612647218) Doric, poetry
Abody is happy doon i'merket place on page 156

1 matches

Robertson, Sine Lallans 58 - .. an the SLRC, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Doric, prose
pit wark in Scots somewye far abody can get tee till't. on page 111

1 matches

McDonald, Charlie Doric Scots Books an Poems, (Facebook 2022) Doric, poetry
For patchin' abody's knees o' troosers far abody
's knees o' troosers far abody kneels
2 matches

Smith, Alex A Sair Fecht, (self-published 2003) Doric, prose
Blaws throo a win, abody cood greet.
Rains aa day cood mak abody greet.
It maks abody feel gweed within.
Maks abody jist happy an grin,
tae work in an auld dresser. Abody humph
7 matches

Smith, Alex A Fer Chauve, (self-published 2005) Doric, prose
This mornin jist aboot maks abody greet,
Maks abody feel affa gweed within.
Maks abody gang aboot twa fauld.
Fit the wither wid be abody widnae ken,
Richt fine nicht, gies abody a bit cheer.
14 matches

The Mannie Fae Unco The Diary o a Feel at the Skweel, (unco.scot 2021) Doric, prose
eady an wytin for me tae show abody foo thes actin cairry on is d
tard pies fair in the physog. Abody wiz millin aboot grovelin an
until the teacher shouted for abody tae "STOP!" Abody did thes an
tae "STOP!" Abody did thes an there wiz total s
4 matches

Noble, Brian , (Facebook 2022) Doric, poetry
Happy burns night abody here's my latest effort, hope
Abody gathered roon the table
Fan abody’s belly is full enoo
Abody’s feelin hale en hearty
4 matches

McDonald, Charlie , (Facebook 2022) Doric, poetry
Abody kept a spare wheel in their b
1 matches

@beast_afc tweeted
@BBCSportScot It's when abody does their tax returns. ?? #o(2020)

@cligeey tweeted
Abody got plenty Lavvy paper(2020)

West Central

@MizLiot tweeted
how she uses it and she calls abody ‘hen’. So clearly she never (2021) twitter link


Cara, Dillon, Ami and Travis Bogle Adventure, (Scots Hoose 2017) Doric, weans
a wee laddie cried James wha abody cried Jumping Jeemy. He wante
Then abody was able tae go hame and live
2 matches

Kerr, Oliwia, Sarah and Amber Fiona and the Ring, (Scots Hoose 2017) Doric, weans
evil Jaggy Johnny fae turnin abody intae stane. Then she wished
1 matches

@d_anderson878 tweeted
lion A'll gie oot tenners tae abody A see daein the same. (Yes. A(2020)


Eunson, Catherine This Winter, (The Scores 2020) Central, poetry
this winter. Abody else is on the hame-gaun
1 matches

Eunson, Catherine Freude, (The Scores 2020) Central, poetry
It wis a happy day. But wi abody at the waddin
the gruim, his mither and abody in baith faimlies.
2 matches

General Central

Harrison, Jean Lallans 59 - BARRY SCHUIL 1928 - 1934, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central - East Lothian, prose
ir weet. B was for ball, well abody had a baw. The laddies kickit on page 120

2 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 74 - Burns an the Dictionar o the Scots Leid, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
, quotin Ramsay and the ane abody kens fae Burns ‘To a Mouse
1 matches

@rosa_alba_macd tweeted
ye a coffin lenth) steid frae abody aroon Splooterin? Snottery? H(2020)
ahind the scene at the parly abody is warkin fu tilt, frae you, (2020)
I maun, forbye, pynt oot that abody aye forgets the poesies o Car(2020)
oo forbye a coffin lenth date abody aroon Splooterin, snooerry, h(2020)
ye a coffin lenth) steid frae abody aroon Splooterin? Snottery? H(2020)
and 2 other occurrences.

@fairpechtoot tweeted
.' then enthused aboot it tae abody that wid listen ;-)(2016)

@LairnScots tweeted
ookDay2020! Somethin here fir abody. #Scots #Shelfie #WorldBookDa (2020) twitter link
Happy Daft Days abody! #Scots https://t.co/rPNlDF3k (2019) twitter link
the New Year! Hae a guid yin abody! #Scots #Scotsedu https://t.c (2019) twitter link
be there tae hae a blether wi abody about teachin Scots! #Scots # (2019) twitter link
@handsupfortrad Guid luck tae abody #Scots #Scotsedu (2019) twitter link

South East (Borders)

Halfpenny, Cameron Ahlice's Adveenturs in Wunderlaant, (Evertype 2015 ISBN: 978-1782010876) Southern - Borders, prose
less than nae time she'd hae abody executed, aw roond. (Eet was on page 86
hispered, "that eet's done b' abody mindin their ain business!" on page 89
"Abody says "come oan!" here," thoch on page 92
Abody looked at Ahlice. on page 117

4 matches

The Westender Loupin Salmon, (The Hawick Paper 2007) Southern, newspaper
kit, bit otherwise unhurt and abody hed a guid laugh. Another lad
1 matches

The Westender Ins and oots, (The Hawick Paper 2007) Southern, newspaper
eet? Ee could get owt tae fit abody in there. A lot o' guid Polis
1 matches

South West (Galloway)

McMillan, Hugh Whit If? Scotland's History as it Micht Hiv Bin, (Luath 2021 ISBN: 9781910022900) Central, poetry
but abody lookit aftir on page 14

1 matches

Tindal, Betty Lallans 73 - The Scaffie Man’s Tale, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central, prose
ed an gaed a shriek thit made abody notice. Folks stertit lookin on page 112

2 matches

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