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The word 'fins'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
finsOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus11.43716
ORK - Orkney
SHD - Shetland 11.6 2 2
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 19.6 6 2
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen
DOR - General Northern
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central
WCE - West Central 9.2 2 1
DUN - Dundee
EDN - Edinburgh 12.5 2 2
GLA - Glasgow
AYR - Ayrshire 26.2 2 2
LAL - General Central 2.7 2 2
SEA - South East (Borders)
SWE - South West (Galloway) 55.6 4 3
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim) 62.8 2 1
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne) 32.8 1 1
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region) 254.4 14 1

Occurrences of fins in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Johnson, Laureen Alice's Adventirs in Wonderlaand, (Evertype 2012 ISBN: 978-1782010081) Shetland - Voe, prose
will be da surprised whin he fins oot wha I am! But I wid bette on page 34

1 matches

Fraser, Barbara Aye Someane Deid, Aye Someane Boarn, (Shetland Times 2021 ISBN: 978-1910997437) Shetland, prose
instructed, "I ken du still fins him uncan, bit it'll be wirt on page 78

1 matches

Mid Northern A

Goodall, Phyllis J. Lallans 59 - Last May a Braw Wooer, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Doric, newspaper
Baabie, he'll be back fin he fins oot the truth." on page 94

1 matches

Hay, Gordon M. The Doric New Testament, (Gordon M Hay 2012 ISBN: 978-0957351516) Doric - Banff, prose
gets, an ilka een att seeks, fins an tae e chiel att knocks, e on page 15
in hoose." An fan he comes he fins it aa cleaned lik a new preen on page 100
are e servants att e maister fins reddy fan he comes. A'll tell on page 103

5 matches

West Central

Wilson, Rab Accent O the Mind, (Luath 2006 ISBN: 978-1905222322) Central - New Cumnock, poetry
Your dour Scots ee though fins it's brilliance wan, on page 20
auts, or e'en, contrairiwise, fins the sam, fauts on page 118

2 matches


Purves, Jamie Lallans 102 - Aince, (Lallans Magazine 2023) Central, prose
amang a squatter o scales an fins! on page 13

1 matches

Kurtoglu, Wulf Braken Fences, (Caroline Macafee 2011 ISBN: B006JE3UQW) Central, prose
arslet agin it. “If we ever fins oot,” he sayed, “that som
1 matches


Begg, James A. Alison's Jants in Ferlieland, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010845) Central, prose
e'll get a richt gunk when he fins oot whae I am! But I'd better on page 33

1 matches

Wilson, Rab Lallans 62 - Cormilligan, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, poetry
Your dour Scots ee though fins it’s brilliance wan.
1 matches

General Central

Mackintosh, Jim The Banes o the Turas, (Tippermuir 2022 ISBN: 978-1913836313) Central, poetry
forbye oor wey fins licht. on page 22

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Lallans 56 - Cauld Kail Fae Embro, (Lallans Magazine 2000) Central, prose
seistem whaur Scots speakers fins thairsels third-cless ceitize on page 121

1 matches

South West (Galloway)

Adamson, Donald Bield, (Tapsalteerie 2021) Central - Dumfries, poetry
the wey God fins delyt on page 20

1 matches

Niven, Liz Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
this journalist's life, an he fins hissel in a weird labyrinthin on page 87

1 matches

Niven, Liz Stravaigin, (Luath 2001 ISBN: 978-1905222704) Central, poetry
eeth broon as her bent stick, fins sunspots wi her auld black ca on page 23

1 matches

@StuartPoet tweeted
Fair hope the big wean in ye fins it cantie an no orra!(2020)

Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)

Morrison-Smyth, Anne Alice's Carrants in Wunnerlan, (Evertype 2013 ISBN: 978-1-78201-011-1) Ulster - Ballymoney, prose
"Hoo fasht hae'll be whin hae fins oot wha A am! But A'd better on page 34
bae mistake, an if the Queen fins oot aboot it, shae'll cut aal on page 78

2 matches

East Antrim (Larne)

Robinson, Philip Oul Licht, (Ullans Press 2017 ISBN: 978-1905281305) Ulster - Larne, poetry
It fins baith guid an bad. on page 45

1 matches

Synthetic (no region)

Ulster-Scots Language Society Tha Fower Gospels, (Ullans Press 2016 ISBN: 978-1-905281-25-1) Ulster, prose
ife, an thair's no monie that fins ït. on page 8
ïs no warthie o me. Whaiver fins hïs life wull loass it, an w on page 9
bak tae tha hoose ït left an fins ït swep an clain. Then ït l on page 90
cums, blissit ir tha yins he fins watchin an waitin. A tell yis on page 92
ïf he fins he's no able tae finish ït - on page 96

14 matches

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