A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'wonder'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
wonderOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus43.614256
ORK - Orkney 39.7 4 2
SHD - Shetland 23.2 4 4
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 3.3 1 1
MNB - Mid Northern B
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen 32.8 3 3
DOR - General Northern 44.3 10 7
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 81.1 32 9
WCE - West Central 36.8 8 3
DUN - Dundee 42.5 4 2
EDN - Edinburgh 37.6 6 4
GLA - Glasgow 127.5 28 8
AYR - Ayrshire
LAL - General Central 43.8 33 13
SEA - South East (Borders) 112.3 9 2
SWE - South West (Galloway)
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of wonder in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Facebook link (Orkney Reevlers 2017) Orkney
wur approchan a big number. I wonder if wi’ll mak hid tae 1000 m

Facebook link (Orkney Reevlers 2017) Orkney
own timeline - be mistak! No wonder none o you saa it....).

@peediepuss tweeted
g released up there. I always wonder what the ancients made of the (2020) twitter link
a peedie greet is a thing of wonder.(2020)


Fraser, Barbara Aye Someane Deid, Aye Someane Boarn, (Shetland Times 2021 ISBN: 978-1910997437) Shetland, prose
"It's no wonder you fainted," da lass said, " on page 23

1 matches

Facebook link (Wir Midder Tongue 2016) Shetland
the small amount available, I wonder what the 'sare aa' bit's actu

@helenmoncrieff tweeted
impacts fae climate change, I wonder if Sumburgh Airport will be u(2020)

@RedValkyrie84 tweeted
@HollieB I really wonder why the ever living feck this (2018) twitter link

Mid Northern A

@JamieFairbairn1 tweeted
Jock Hawk, wi the line 'its a wonder that they didna tak ma wee bi (2021) twitter link


Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 73 - The Bigger Hoose, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Doric - Aberdeen, prose
"Pon my soul, Dod, I wonder how they got there," said Mac on page 107

1 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Lallans 63 - Shelts, (Lallans Magazine 2002) Doric, prose
,” sighed the giraffe.” I wonder if he’s autistic. I’ve ha
1 matches

McDonald, Charlie , (Facebook 2022) Doric - Aberdeen, poetry
rrived at oor new hoose foo o wonder
1 matches

General Northern

Whyte, Brian The Bottles, (Independently published 2020 ISBN: 979-8612647218) Doric, poetry
I wonder far ye ir i'nicht on page 164
Wonder at fit micht hae been on page 197

2 matches

Gray, Kath Lallans 63 - Aikey Brae Fair – 1962, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Doric, prose
now live without our heads. A wonder of technology. Thank you ladi
1 matches

@cligeey tweeted
in Aiberdeenshire these days. Wonder if we came up when the Gordon(2020)

@daleser23 tweeted
@RossAndrew7 @CallumC19 did wonder aboot the delay like(2013)

@Franwella tweeted
open that envelope the morn. Wonder if yer mither's had a wee squ(2011)

@fittiecrooners tweeted
Tell you there's no muckle wonder half yon shops in Union St ar(2016)
@GaryLineker Nae wonder fan their 2 goalkeepers are t(2018)
stick their free license. Nae wonder I’m never oot o’the Fittie (2020)

@JoanHenry7 tweeted
No I dinna kane her either. I wonder fit she's deein' here and fa' (2023) twitter link

(South) East Central

Paisley, Janet Not For Glory, (Canongate 2001 ISBN: 978-1841951744) Central, prose
ot fleas, I'll sue,' it says. Wonder whaur he parked the yacht. I on page 1

4 matches

Montador, Eileen Shriek of the Maws, (Goblinshead 2003 ISBN: 978-1899874439) Central - Fife, prose
ke lumps o' lead. It's little wonder the men feel like whit they c on page 11

1 matches

Burnett, Colin A Working Class State of Mind, (Piermont 2021 ISBN: 978-1914090158) Central - East Coast, prose
tae this point in ma life. Ah wonder, though, yince ah guzzle doon on page 19
this, fur a split second, ah wonder if the Chinese and Koreans ar on page 37
lusion. Ah'm no Stevie fuckin Wonder, ah kin see it wae ma ain eye on page 70
s, is love. Still, yuv goatae wonder how he's managed tae dae it, on page 166

4 matches

Townsley, Jane Joe's Cloud an Ither Stuff, (lulu.com 2014 ISBN: 978-1326001612) Central - Perth, prose
the stepsister an her mither wonder't whit tae dae aboot Cinderel on page 86

1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Report on Inquiry intil the role Submission, (Education, Culture an Sport Comatee 2003) Central - East Lothian, government
"hert" an aa that), tho for a wonder, he didna pit a apostrophe ef
eadin o'd gaes, an that's nae wonder, for on the tae haun it disna
It's nae wonder that this approach ends up wi
3 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Economic Theory, (sandyfleming.org 2003) Central - East Lothian, prose
thinkin. A peety, but naither wonder.
1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Shudder at the Niffer, (sandyfleming.org 2003) Central - East Lothian, prose
the stable, garrin some o us wonder what is't it's stappin, an wh
1 matches

Fleemin, Sandy No on BBC, (sandyfleming.org 2003) Central - East Lothian, prose
, but efter a bit ye start ti wonder what wey they'r gittin theirs
irk on her face, that gart ye wonder if she haedna murthert her ma
2 matches

Fleemin, Sandy Lallans 62 - Blue Lift Snaw, (Lallans Magazine 2003) Central, prose
t,” says Stuart, “naither wonder.” Forgie’z, Faither, but
r o a lassie like Janice coud wonder at a remerk like Stuart’s.
wi remerks anent her wecht. I wonder she can still lauch at him. E
3 matches

Waddell, John Halesome Farin, (iUniverse 2004 ISBN: 978-0595330119) Central - Perth, poetry
The wonder o her brewin brocht her fame
1 matches

Gilmour, Rosie Bak Tae Schuil, (Scots Hoose 2015) Central, weans
Nae wonder thir keekin sae merry!
1 matches

Crawford, Ross Awa in a Dwam, (Medium 2021) Central - Stirling, prose
, while her parents dared tae wonder if, finally, she had grown oo
1 matches

Crawford, Ross At Stake, (Medium 2021) Central - Stirling, prose
his palm. There wis a look ae wonder oan his face, but then the pa
1 matches

Crawford, Ross At Stake, (productmagazine.co.uk 2022) Central - Stirling, prose
d through his palm, a look ae wonder oan his face, but then the pa
1 matches

@kennethbryce184 tweeted
hLive_ not much response - a wonder why lol (2020) twitter link
boy - only 21 followers - a wonder why lol (2020) twitter link
sta been oot oan the sauce - wonder if thell follow me - cos am (2020) twitter link
_28 says it all sam - n they wonder how the football community ge (2020) twitter link
ffs lol - is scotland nxt a wonder lol (2020) twitter link
and 2 other occurrences.

West Central

Donovan, Anne Matilda In Scots, (Itchy Coo 2019 ISBN: 978-1785302350) Central, weans
n. Ye're faur too gleg no tae wonder whit's gaun on. Mibbe ah even on page 189

1 matches

Percy, Ely Duck Feet, (Monstrous Regiment 2021 ISBN: 978-1916117921) Central - Renfrew, prose
st tae gie her peace. An they wonder how that wee lassie's the way on page 53
xact specifications. It's nae wonder Nicola's heid's as far up her on page 169

6 matches

Calderwood, Lynsey Cantsmell, (From Glasgow To Saturn 2020) Central, prose
ig up chunks ae yir scalp. Ah wonder if she actually enjoyed her j
1 matches


Thomson, Mark Bard fae thi buildin site, (Luath 2007 ISBN: 978-1906307141) Central - Dundee, poetry
an yi wonder how eh feel frustration? on page 47
eh wonder if ei'll be able ti yaze thi on page 100
Eh wonder if ei lives we eis mither? on page 101

3 matches

McHardy, Stuart Speakin o Dundee: Tales Tellt Aroun the Toun, (Luath 2010 ISBN: 978-1-906817-25-1) Central - Dundee, prose
least 1753. Sae it is little wonder that whan the American coloni on page 121

1 matches


Purdie, David C. Lallans 59 - Terry Fae Brooklyn, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central - Aryshire, prose
es an the interstates, an I'd wonder if he ever thought aboot me. on page 136

3 matches

Higgs, Jo The tale of how Evan Evans scrapped wi Evan Nichols, (berfrois 2022) Central - Edinburgh, prose
z just twelve and it’s some wonder it wiz no earlier. That is se
1 matches

Kurtoglu, Wulf Braken Fences, (Caroline Macafee 2011 ISBN: B006JE3UQW) Central, prose
. and the invisible things, I wonder - Rh-negative blood type? Cy
1 matches

Burnett, Colin Death Becomes Him - Part 2, (ABCTales.com 2022) Central, prose
wid be clear tae even Stevie Wonder that he hus his mojo back, aw
1 matches


McQueer, Chris HWFG, (404 Ink 2012 ISBN: 978-1912489107) Central, prose
'Wonder if Huey's awrite,' ah say tae on page 3
inion ae somebody changes, ye wonder how ye never realised they we on page 25

2 matches

Cunningham, Lucy nothing but a set of eyes for stars - Swedish Fish, (Association for Scottish Literature 2023 ISBN: 978-1906841546) Central, prose
a wis still going crazy. "Nae wonder everyone calls you mad, a sai on page 41

1 matches

Sayers, Ross Daisy on the Outer Line, (Gob Stopper (Cranachan) 2020 ISBN: 978-1911279778) Central - Glasgow, prose
p sendin anyway. Sometimes ah wonder if anybody oot there hus a dr on page 3
of space she hates you and no wonder. Couldn't even keep a diary r on page 6
tion. I wouldn't bore you. Ah wonder if she's got kids. Thur proba on page 9
Ah wonder whit wid happen if ah said 'n on page 18
e they know it's a belter. Ah wonder if it wis mum or the pub that on page 26

6 matches

Johnstone, Shane The Gods of Frequency, (Arkbound 2020 ISBN: 978-1912092826) Central, prose
That makes ye wonder why ye've rattled through lif on page 3

2 matches

Grae, Emma The Tongue She Speaks, (Luath 2022 ISBN: 978-1804250242) Central, prose
ys, tae look twice at him. Ah wonder whit the wacky backy is. on page 7

7 matches

McQueer, Chris Hings - Short Stories 'n That, (404 Ink 2017 ISBN: 978-0995623866) Central - Glesga, prose
says. She's cool as fuck man. Wonder if she's single. Her an her p on page 176

1 matches

Bolland, John A Chocolate Cowboy, (From Glasgow To Saturn 2008) Central, prose
ow o damp cloud, smotherin aa wonder. Tae ma right, the hill strip
1 matches

Bennett, Peter Liberties (Part One), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
t an ah think aboot ma Da, an wonder if we’d huv went tae the fi
1 matches

Bennett, Peter The Bothy (Part One), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central - Glasgow, prose
cannae openly express awe an wonder at that in life which elicit
doon tae yer drawers fur? Nae wonder they walkers bolted. They mus
2 matches

Bennett, Peter Graftin, (ABCTales.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
a mooth feels arid an dry. Ah wonder if it’s related tae the res
1 matches

Grae, Emma Dancin wi the Rhona, (unbound.com 2020) Central - Glasgow, prose
the back o ma throat, and nae wonder efter a walked a guid mile in
Ah wonder if Wullie Stirlin considered
overs ma body in stickers. Ah wonder whit the puck she’s daein,
3 matches

Bratchpiece, Neil The Wee Man Ft. Leo - Parliamo Glasgow, (YouTube 2014) Central - Glasgow, poetry
Ye wonder why I'm scunnered, I'll get t
1 matches

General Central

Brown, Ian Lallans 70 - The Scots leid in modren Scots drama, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
kle Mou (1950) an The Warld's Wonder (1953). While Corrie seemed t on page 37

1 matches

Grae, Emma The Tongue She Speaks, (Scots Language Centre 2021) Central, poetry
vel wi lassies - although ah wonder if Harry could be an exceptio on page 21
s oot, and ah cannae help but wonder whit she'd fink o Great Grand on page 36
gettin nae grief. It makes me wonder if ah'd huv fared better at t on page 43

3 matches

Grae, Emma Be guid tae yer Mammy, (Unbound Digital 2021 ISBN: 978-1789651171) Central, prose
e's always loved a drink, nae wonder he's photied hauldin wan mais on page xvii
he envy o Thistlegate and nae wonder. on page xix
Wae wonder she says that now all hur pal on page 27
excitement down ma spine. Nae wonder people call it the Happiest P on page 36
okin at the ship, wideeyed in wonder. on page 76
Also on pages 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 111, 115
13 matches

Milne, W. S. Lallans 78 - Mary, Queen o Scotland, Pairt I, (Lallans Magazine 2011) Central, script
An yet ye wonder I keep ma bed frae ye, on page 33

1 matches

Hershaw, William Eemis Stane 1 - The Laverock’s Nest, (Eemis Stane 2022) Central, prose
been wanrestfou. Govin up in wonder at the slawly birlan starwhee on page 17

1 matches

Stewart, Anna An Alien Feeling, (Scots Hoose 2019) Central, prose
cker than water ever would. I wonder if that’s because this ash
re, so they’re no wasted. I wonder what a bairn o mine and his w
2 matches

Curt_Kenobi Mates, (archiveofourown.org 2016) Central, prose
avishment waiting. Nae fuckin wonder birds are all ower ihm like e
lickerin beneath the lids. Ah wonder what about. Shaggin some fine
2 matches

@alistairdunn tweeted
@weegg nae wonder, would burst ye listening tae(2013)

@g_hibby tweeted
fill they tanks up Bear... ?? Wonder if it wid run oan paraffin?.. (2022) twitter link
@BrianBengal Nae wonder, standing there getting soake (2023) twitter link

@MartinBroon tweeted
! Showin up a bit more. Its a wonder whit a flea in yer ear at hau(2020)

@OliphantWullie tweeted
voke such powerful memories I wonder? (2022) twitter link

@DABArbuckle tweeted
and. Nae clue. Not a scoobie. Wonder if Dougie Ross will mention t(2020)
Wonder why Dougie Ross didnae volunt(2020)
Ah wonder how mony bairns will be oot g(2020)

@weenell3 tweeted
@DavyGavin1 Wonder if she had a chance tae wallp (2022) twitter link

@ThonJacobite tweeted
a handsome sum tae botch. Ah wonder if Forres Gump will tak quest(2021)

South East (Borders)

Thompson, James My Borderlands, (Richardson and Son Printers 2023) Southern - Hawick, poetry
Nae wonder I'm sae crabbit on page 24

1 matches

@MartyMacMurtrie tweeted
that, as ye ken ahm deaf, nae wonder. Ma neighbour is ma ‘listeni(2020)
nkooBarpaga Sure ma laddie! a wonder whether ye huv try Indian sin(2020)
Wonder any ae ye, yer family, relati(2020)
@PhantomPower14 Nae wonder he still lives in support on (2020)
@NUFCgallowgate Nae wonder, MSM are full o’ gobshite an(2020)
and 3 other occurrences.

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