A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Occurrences of makin in Corpus sorted by first letter of following word

Central - SEC s an the darkness, I wis jist makin 2014
Doric - DOR said. "An fitten a steek it's makin! Fegs, I trou it's acwally ga2021
Central - LAL cond lot wur foo o' life, an' makin' better, happier choices. Sim2019
Doric - DORhael? #ClubDoricana stick tae makin' dra'ers Ye giep #CalvinClyne2015
Central - SEC n Ah'll sometimes busy masell makin' fishcakes, or some potted ho2003
Central - SEC fairly kid me on aboot that, makin' oot that Ah wis aye bletheri2003
Doric - ABN Bit makin' sheaves an' tyin ban's Wisna2024
Central - WCE lamb in ma oven an' 'e's jist makin' shoor 'e's name's oan ri bon2017
Ulster - WUL Whir thir busy makin' stuff called Burnquarter Wee2007
Central - SEC s sake, so Ah jist git on wi' makin' the denner, or whitever Ah'm2003
Central - SEC ae polishin' the waxcloth tae makin' the kail Ah wis aye wrang ta2003
Central - SEC men shud be bleck affronted, makin' these wummen cairry youse! Y2003
Central - EDN tribble wi the Chinese - or makin, replacements for the graith 2011
Central - GLA kin hear the din the rest ir makin, shoutin, singin n laughin. T2020
Ulster - BUL heid til think, an hands fur makin. 2021
Central - LAL ennedy is a maister at eimage-makin. Airlie on the beuk, we get a2008
Central - GLA angers doft, YT legend in the makin. Am as tall as 2020
Central - GLA 's a five-yearauld nun in the makin. Hauf way doon the aisle, she2022
Central - LAL taught her the airt o cement makin. Mary's repone wes a classic.2011
Central - SEC me above the noise Neilly wis makin. Robert taen him hame an they2014
Central - SEC yhing seems like a bet in the makin. Yur jist left wae the paraly2021
Central - AYR a beatin frae his faither for makin 3 mistake in his catechism. I2012
Doric - DOR "Ye dinna need tae keep on makin aa thon obsairs," said Humphy2021
Doric - ABN . This time she treated us by makin a batter and fryin the fish a2020
Central - SEC an hauflins bi doonhaudin an makin a bauchle o the language that2001
Central - EDN quickly hus the receptionist makin a bee line fur the room tae i2022
Central - GLA ze blocks n a railway sleeper makin a bench. 'The only light is a2020
Doric - DOR An aa I'fowk fa enjoy makin abiddy crawl 2020
Central - GLA And me, makin a bit for thaim still here 2021
Central - GLA nch ay neds staunin drinking, makin a bloody nuisance ay themselv2021
Ulster - CUL emin es hard es it cud go, an makin a brev commotion in the pool 2013
Ulster - CUL in side an thin the ither, an makin a brev conversation o it aal 2013
Central - SEC n. Howevir, A dinna dakkil in makin a byuss case wi ma jo, Natali2023
Central - SEC@RoddyScott1 auld goggsy makin a comeback - labour r doomed2020
Central - SEC acher trainin places", forbye makin a commitment tae uphaudin ith2003
Central - LAL rid face, for Kemp saw himsel makin a contribution tae the modren2007
Central - EDN Beatrice an Guzul wis makin a cookin fire in the biggin w2011
Central - GLA be done, Time fur phase two; makin a cunt ae Huey an gettin the 2012
Central - DUN like makin a cup of tea, 2007
Southern - SEA y an daft), whether th fun in makin a daisy chain would b' wurt t2015
Central - SEC e cundie, for it wasnae worth makin a dam whan there was nae wate2004
Central - EDN rated whimper and turns awey. Makin a dash fur the spare room. Le2022
Central - EDN and buses are zoomin past and makin a deafenin noise. Bruce is un2022
Central - SEC An bairns, tae, makin a din.2004
Central - SEC bi ferr A pruived a cuif, nor makin a dour Deil o masell. Sen she2007
Central - GLA er stringed hing, bowed flat, makin a droney, buzzin sound, an th2020
Central - LAL anny, she'd have thocht I wiz makin a fool o her. She didnae like2019
Central - EDN The weemen wis makin a fuss o her, an she felt pit2011
Central - SEC in ower it noo an seem tae be makin a guid betterment, haes broch2008
Central - LAL Louis X1V o France. Louis wis makin a guid job o dominatin Europe2021
Doric - MNA ry mam. I jist got distracted makin a huttie in i widdies," says 2020
Central - SEC e frae the Scottish Executive makin a keynote address an that mic2000
Central - SEC guid order oot tae the Links, makin a lichtsome appearance.2003
Central - SEC tae the day's Scots speakers, makin allowance for the orra spelli2003
Central - LAL makin a mane aboot thir hames in th2009
Ulster - EUL leukt at! Ye cannae rin aroon makin a ma o yersel the way ye dae 2022
Central - SEC sources tae speak o but juist makin a maucht tae uise the existin2003
Central - GLAmsels watchin thi Sopranos an makin a mental map ae whose ma 'n d2020
Central - LALdy o' no tellin the truth and makin a mockery o' parliament. That2021
Central - EDN ce. “William,” she sayed, makin a motion tae touch his erm, w2011
Doric - MNAoo Toon butcher aat Peterheid makin an affa fine mealie pudding?2015
Central - GLA fae her fast as it could, an makin an awfy commotion in the watt2014
Ulster - GULt a wheen o books: better nor makin an eejit o yersel wi daft ble2014
Central - LAL blonde. It's nice tae see hur makin an effort. Hur world wis turn2021
Ulster - GUL@William68142828 A Belfastman makin a new sang o an aul Scotch yi2014
Doric - DOR se tae be solely o Erchie’s makin an it seemed he’d harboured2003
Central - SEC o the colonisation o Tibet bi makin Anne Marie dae it as a geogra2003
Central - LAL gaithert by thaim. Ae creetic makin an observe anent Google’s i2009
Doric - MNA e go and drinkin pals inaboot makin a noise tae aa oors. Fin Mabe2017
Central - WCE Chariene an Frieda wur makin another ouija board an they w2021
Central - LAL n the yards come intae focus, makin any Glas-2021
Central - GLA cept it’s no. The only wans makin any money is they cunts - th2020
Central - WCE realized she hadnae mentioned makin any new pals, Ah jist didnae 2021
Central - LAL ah wis innocent. Ah wis just makin a point. Mum's turned a blind2021
Central - LAL here's a time and a place fur makin a point like that and it isna2021
Central - LALot the folk scene mindin me o makin a programme follaein Ossian’2020
Southern - SEA yin side an then th ither, an makin a richt blether o eet aw th'g2015
Southern - SEA as hard as eet could gaun, an makin a richt stooshy in th pool as2015
Central - GLA ere, don’t blame me fur you makin a rip-roarin cunt ay it. Ah f2021
Central - EDN k. He fund her on the balcony makin a rucksack, an tane her confi2011
Doric - DOR Makin a salad fir supper 2020
Central - LAL makin a sark fur her bairn,2007
Central - GLA Dolly's fuckin apologisin fur makin a scene. He goes, 'You can't 2012
Doric - MNA tae local culture. As weel as makin a significant contribution ta2017
Doric - DOR Ailice watch't the Fite Keing makin a slaa an sairie straachle up2021
Shetland - SHD t o’ bakin’. She wiz busy makin a slaetter sponge cake, peeri2009
Doric - ABN blunderin aboot in the dark, makin a sotter o aathin ye touch. M2008
Doric - ABN naa, 'driftin doon slaa', nae makin a soun, settlin silent ower a2010
Central - LAL than wan tele? Ya fandan! Am makin a special treat fir ma bonnie2022
Central - LAL the late Eichties when I wes makin a televeision programme on th2011
Doric - MNA de piercin baith his lugs and makin a track across his broo as it2017
Central - SEC n, German an Ladin is spoken, makin a true European microcosm. Eb2003
Doric - DORaaaaa22 haha. Aye cana see ye makin at wedding2013
Central - SECrghLive_ the fm hus nae right makin auld charlie n his wimmin fee2020
Central - SEC bits o worstit an endit up bi makin a unique pattren o thair ain.2008
Central - WCE Oor class's makin a Victoria sponge in Home Ec 2021
Central - SEC nt, Nummer 74 haes Andy Eagle makin a walcum hame-cumin wi his ra2009
Central - SEC enk in the pairk at Riverside makin a wee pastel sketch o the bri2007
Central - GLA dain doon there? Wis that you makin aw that racket? Ya bloody clo2021
Central - GLA ir keyboardist died durin the makin ay the album the single’s t2021
Central - LALntract without tender and are makin a £25 profit per food parcel2021
Central - SWE and lassies, and makin babies. 2021
Doric - DOR@AFCHereWeGo @mcbainne We wer makin back for city centre (mair dr2020
Doric - DOR We're makin bacon I' day 2020
Shetland - SHD en, an göd aboot dis an dat, makin beds an so on. Bit nobody pat2002
Doric - MNA a job at a local hotel workin makin brakfasts so he’d an early 2017
Central - LAL Steerin an makin braw dinnle. 2010
Ulster - EUL "Are ye gaun tae gie me a han makin breakfast"? she akst, pourin 2022
Doric - DOR makin breakfast fir his quine. 2020
Central - SEC n stertin oot on this history makin business in compear wi the Li2002
Doric - MNA Bade at hame wivin socks, makin butter an croods Watched TV w2023
Central - GLA vy as fuck though. Ma arse is makin buttons. We need another wan 2021
Central - EDN He wis makin byordnar conversational effor2011
Central - LAL e read at soukin up watter is makin ceities sink. Nou fowk ir fas2012
Central - SEC ngs tae dae than spend aw day makin chicken pie.” Chicken pie? 2003
Ulster - GULHah, thon wee laddie is makin chicken tikka masala the nigh2021
Doric - DORChaos in th kitchn. Becks makin choc krispies2011
Central - WCE he tucky, Missus Auldhill wis makin Christmas decorations fur the2021
Doric - MNB hing tae di wi the last owner makin coffins there or something. I2020
Central - SEC e form o a modren urban crack makin comment on the laddie's react2007
Central - WCE en univairsitie times, an his makin contack wi the likes o Mauric2007
Central - SWE ser’s decided he’s no fur makin conversation. He’s shoved a2022
Doric - DOR It's grand fir makin corned beef hash 2020
Central - AYR whittled awa at hazel sticks, makin cruiks that he micht sell at 2012
Doric - ABN bulbs in the chuntie, wi were makin dae wi an aal pail. An that w2013
Central - WCE evenin, when the hostler wis makin deener, he cam intae the loon2018
Central - EDN catch up wi thaim. They were makin din eneuch. 2011
Doric - DOR For bigger joabs like makin dresses an' frocks2022
Central - SEC@ashwilsonauthor if eer makin eer debut gees a shout m8 - 2021
Doric - MNA mation an get haud o support, makin effective eese o online sourc2017
Southern - SEA ipt o unemployment benefit an makin ends meet, an providing fur t2003
Central - AYR ocht in return. Fegs, he'd be makin eneuch tae keep baith him an 2012
Central - WCE e in on mine an Yvonne', cake-makin enterprise, cause ah thought 2021
Central - SEC na pleased. The Angel startit makin excuses again. "Ach, she's ji2014
Shetland - SHD ae for you?” he axed athoot makin eye contact.2010
Central - LAL son ah've ever met but avoids makin eye contact wi me. 2021
Central - GLA t ah think McDade’s maw wis makin eyes at me fae the dance flai2021
Central - GLA spectful tone, bit frownin an makin faces at him as he spoke. 2014
Ulster - CUL espectfu tone, yit frownin an makin faces at him es hae spoke. 2013
Central - WCE makin faces at us whilst they wur i2021
Central - LAL the mines. They micht weel be makin fifteen shillins a week - ma2006
Doric - ABN As weel as makin films, Jill has her ain Doric2019
Central - LAL Makin fir but 'n ben.2017
Central - LAL 'Twis makin fir oor babie-clouts,2017
Ulster - GUL Oniethin ither than makin folk grieve. 2022
Ulster - SYN n Jesus saa tha fowk thair aa makin for tha best saits ïn tha ho2016
Central - DUN guid-sel sir, makin fowk happy. 2007
Central - SEC "Easy" she says. "Ah'm only makin fuckin conversation". Then sh2021
Central - SEC soonds! Sae he'll think A'm makin fun o his wey o spikkin an he2007
Central - SEC em ca’ed “Pan Loaf” was makin fun o these fowk who try an t2019
Central - GLA sais, grabbin the holdall an makin fur the door, gien Ged a wink2021
Central - SEC We'd best be makin fur the hoose!2004
Central - GLA bly has follied ma lead an is makin fur the stairs tae. Good lad.2020
Central - WCE ame time ah didnae want Duffy makin g fool ae her, Ab axked Yvonn2021
Central - SEC d the hert o twa bags o sugar makin guid gushin syrup - tae last2014
Central - LAL maun be skailt makin halie the scabbit an mise;2008
Central - SEC ose Walt Disney films we were makin here. Yae ken the soartae fil2021
Central - GLA (best she could, the hoat day makin her feel awfy sleepy an away 2014
Central - AYR she cuid, for the het day wis makin her feel gey dozy an daft), w2014
Central - EDN wis taislin the auld lady an makin her lauch. Efter a while, Guz2011
Central - GLA it wis the fan she wis haudin makin her shrink, an she drapped it2014
Central - EDN s, he spent the cauld evenins makin her wee playocks, bit than he2011
Central - SEC al backgrund an in daein this makin him closer tae the onleuker's2008
Central - GLA intae the boay wae the mullet makin him drap the boax ay cutlery 2021
Central - EDN aise the pysin for thairsels, makin him keep it in case the effec2011
Doric - MNA ain spewins waffted aroon him makin him near boak again but he co2017
Ulster - CUL feelt a pity on him. "What's makin him sad?" shae axt the Grypho2013
Central - LAL big shite. The mouse hud been makin himsel at hame in ma cereal. 2021
Southern - SEA tae the Broun’s o Musielee, makin him sib tae the praisent day 2003
Doric - DOR Makin him winner, 2023
Central - SEC Ah wis makin hings up, tae caught up in ma2021
Ulster - CUL shae cud, fur the het day wus makin hir feel dozy an glaikit) wha2013
Ulster - CUL "A knot!" said Alice, aye makin hirsel useful, an fukin pervo2013
Central - SEC d is back frae the wars an is makin his hame toun feel the wecht 2005
Doric - DOR worked fine, makin his hoose affa fine an cosy i2005
Doric - ABN er wi the invigilator's words makin his lugs dirl. "Time's up! Pu2008
Central - SEC wapped his slab for a canvas, makin his name in the Airt warld an2008
Central - SEC gien a herd's crummock afore makin his speech whaur he quotit fr2003
Central - GLA hat he’s tirin. Pearcey’s makin his waiy back taewards us, th2021
Central - GLA ien him a shout but he starts makin his waiy taewards me kerryin 2020
Central - LAL ater, arrivin at Newcastle an makin his way tae south-west Scotla2016
Doric - ABN there nae eyn till't? He wis makin his wey doon tae Union Street2010
Central - SWE wad be makin his wey tae the auld toon 2021
Central - EDN pplaudin. She sut doon again, makin horns at thaim aa. 2011
Southern - SEA Ahlice a guid opportunity fur makin hur escape: sae she set off a2015
Ulster - SYN tae pye onie tex tae Caesar, makin hïssel oot tae be Christ tha2016
Central - EDN anna even see thee, an he’s makin Ilive tae thee wi ilka bite h2011
Central - DUN l yi kin leh in it, coz em no makin it 2007
Central - GLA when ma granny or mither wis makin it, through tae comin in fae 2021
Central - GLA bloody field ay wheat, it is, makin it an unnecessarily laborious2021
Central - LAL t ah kin see, he's closer tae makin it a reality than ah'll ever 2021
Central - SEC on a mair siccar staundin bi makin it a statutory body wi oweran2003
Central - LAL Oan sayin that,well done wae makin it a twofur fur the famous Bu2019
Central - WCE tive she wis the wan that wis makin it go. GRAN, said Charlene, T2021
Central - GLA he bloody thing. She wis just makin it harder fur us aw tae move 2021
Central - WCE tae me, Heh Kirsty d'yi fancy makin it intae a hash cake, Ah wis 2021
Central - LAL They made a first cless job o makin it intae a private hoose.2022
Central - SEC is spinnin tae. Aw they lives makin it intae yin place. This vill2001
Central - LAL cat. The walls wur mirrored, makin it look busier than Sauchieha2021
Central - SEC at wis happenin, ma dreams ae makin it oan tae the pitch became a2021
Central - SEC l and yap for aa he wis worth makin it quite plain that he wisnae2016
Central - WCE lookin back ower at the gate makin it really obvious who we wur 2021
Central - SEC dest chairm, athoot, Ah howp, makin it soond artifeecial. Besides2008
Central - GLA s white waws the only thing makin it staun oot in the murky lan2021
Central - AYR me time, anither wee band wis makin its wey ower frae the Wellwoo2012
Central - GLA nsidered the possibility o no makin it tae America in wan piece. 2020
Doric - DUN- maks ma happy tae see fowk makin it their ane. Hope faaivver s2020
Ulster - CUL n is aa wrang ir that yer ony makin it up. Noo A wud bae tha firs2009
Central - WCE . Honestly, ah said. Naw ah'm makin it up fur the good ae ma heal2021
Central - GLA rsin it like, but it’s just makin it worse an ah’m startin ta2021
Central - SECbelieve folk a know were even makin jokes about it - n it went o2021
Central - GLA ck tae her auld self he sais, makin jokes wan minute an gien him 2021
Central - LAL aipples galore, aw ready for makin juice. Braw. https://t.co/JdV2020
Central - LAL -centred’ veision o life an makin laws at ir adaptit til thon w2012
Doric - ABN sky tastin, a whisky cocktail makin lesson an a cask draw experie2015
Central - EDN Weill, they’ll think Ah’m makin luve tae ye. Impossible, o co2011
Central - WCE Wur makin macaroni cheese in Home Ec th2021
Central - SEC geein him the satisfaction ae makin ma dae any worse than it need2021
Ulster - CUL isappearin sae quickly: yae'r makin mae dizzy!"2013
Ulster - CUL hat!" gowlt the Queen. "Yae'r makin mae dizzy." An thin turnin ta2013
Doric - MNB n in front o me the smell wis makin ma mooth water. I wis starvin2020
Central - LAL 8. My Wyfe Makin Mane.2001
Central - LAL sweir is ma sister, see, makin mane for me2005
Doric - DOR At bedtime's oncome makin manes. 2021
Central - LAL ck boots. 'And ye started oot makin matchbox models?" 2021
Central - WCE e see, whan Ah goat up Ah was makin ma wey, quaiet like, in the2010
Central - EDN e airy and broad Duke Street. Makin ma wey past the big Tesco nix2022
Central - GLA h punch her airm. 'Cheers fur makin me 2012
Central - WCE puhlease, said Charlene, Yir makin me, want tae vom. Shut up ah 2021
Central - WCE Makin meals, créches fir watchin t2006
Central - AYR us wad be muckle warmer ,..an makin meals a guid sicht easier ...2012
Central - GLA r or suhin. Ah feel like it's makin me a wee bit unhinged. 2012
Central - LAL . ah'm jist mindin o' ma maw makin me chips in an auld chip pan 2021
Central - EDN a base for makin medicines - there naethin ac2011
Central - LAL Gary's makin me emotional an aw. Cathy's s2021
Central - LAL ious the boyfriend comment is makin me feel. Is history aboot tae2021
Central - GLA in in a different language is makin me feel hings ah've no felt f2012
Central - GLA ly tae ease ma discomfort but makin me feel mare anxious still, a2021
Central - SECstrike - efter awe ees r awe makin mega bucks lol2021
Central - LAL n richt chuffed wi himsel for makin me gaun ootside yesterday, be2018
Central - GLA when ah wisnae lookin, right, makin me hink ah wis losin mah mind2017
Central - SEC at tasteless healthy shite is makin me ill. Up until Aldo's wee o2021
Central - WCE n ned impressions an she kept makin me laugh by sayin, Ho gaunnae2021
Central - LAL ah jist gied up. This dream's makin me miserable. But that's part2021
Doric - MNB the press and fridge an busy makin mince an tatties. It wis rich2020
Central - AYR p the puil like the clappers, makin muckle waves as it went. 2014
Central - GLA rd in Scotstoun, man an boay, makin munitions an ships fur them t2021
Doric - DOR pring time fin his father wis makin neep grun, he used a three ta2005
Doric - DOR Student protests makin news 2020
Doric - DOR and Arms. There were sceptics makin noise. Chief among these scep2003
Central - WCE Chris Ross an then he startet makin noises wi his airmpits. 2021
Doric - MNA e notebook oot o his poacket, makin oan he wiz writin doon names 2004
Central - LAL Na, dinna tak oan, yi hae the makin o a scriever, gin yir gleg en2022
Doric - DOR Makin on it's nae big deal 2020
Doric - ABN fleer we went wi wir Dinkies, makin on we were taxi drivers (Ah h2009
Central - EDN display an hurried bye athoot makin ony contack, relyin on the st2011
Central - EDN display an hurried bye athoot makin ony contack, relyin on the st2011
Doric - DOR umphy Dumphy - But ye're nae makin ony obsair?" 2021
Ulster - GULr, hooaniver, James II wisnae makin ony proclamations in 1625!2015
Central - GLA cutlery an kitchen utensils, makin oor apologies again afore loo2021
Central - LAL ger Yirth Communitie. This is makin oor lives mair an mair deiffi2012
Doric - ABN ip that Abbie’s faither was makin oot o balsa wid. It wis suppo2009
Central - SEC name for it – Nedspeak. Bi makin oot that fowk that uises thae2001
Central - LAL that there nae future in the makin o pleys in Scots fir the stag2007
Central - LAL day, an spang-new anes). The makin o siccan rhymes, for playin o2008
Doric - DOR ll spier it Uncle Tam, heez makin ower the noo!” A sayed.2010
Doric - DOR Pancake Meg wis a dab han at makin pancakes, ey simply2003
Ulster - CUL "Wha's makin personal ramarks noo?" the Ha2013
Central - LALding our country'. Why are ye makin plans tae dae that noo? Why h2021
Central - LAL y, reputit bi some no fit fir makin pleys aboot the noo. The thir2007
Central - LAL ld as a young man, then later makin programmes aboot the Scots ab2011
Central - GLA an side an then the ither, an makin quite a wee blether oot ae it2014
Shetland - SHD Muckletae an her sisters wir makin ready aa der entries. Thomasi2009
Central - WCE 's new job cause they startet makin really loud fart noises an lo2021
Central - SEC e language that it lippens on.Makin reference tae Airticle 9 on t2003
Doric - MNA decor, an their fusky glesses makin rims on her occasional tables2001
Doric - DOR anfaither think o ye noo, eh? Makin rubble o his aal pal's hoose?2012
Ulster - CUL in annoyed at the Caterpillar makin sae shoart remarks, an shae p2013
Central - LAL lur of folk comin an goin, of makin sandwiches and drinkin mugs o2004
Central - SEC Sunday 26 Mairch o this year makin Scotland reek free. Frae thon2006
Central - LAL bilingual. Ye can see hoo its makin Scots come tae think we are o2019
Orkney - ORK seen and might also help wae makin searches a peedie bit aesier 2017
Central - SEC suttin? This cunt is actually makin sense fur yince. It's no like2021
Central - EDN atween the Pandit’s flat - makin shair Mrs Bose kent she wis t2011
Central - SEC return frae the schuil aboot makin shair that the cage wis mair 2016
Central - GLA als, in near hypnotic states, makin shapes tae aw manner ay elect2020
Central - DUN makin share that time an language 2007
Central - LAL makin shuir yer wee brood aye hae a2009
Central - SEC n tae the Nazis' hit leet for makin sic a fuil o thair Führer, A2006
Southern - SEA e: saicintly, because they're makin sic a noise inside, naebody c2015
Doric - DOR he stair. Anither time he wis makin sic a racket that the mannie 2023
Doric - MNA Daunderin alang the beach makin siccar2020
Central - EDN s wi canvas-covert bodies. “Makin siccar they're safe tae drive2011
Central - EDN doon, draint be the effort o makin sicna lang speech in the Auld2011
Central - AYR pit-oot at the Hairy-Maggie's makin sic sherp, nebbie remarks, an2014
Southern - SEA bit vexed at th Caterpillar's makin sie awfy nippy comments, an s2015
Ulster - SYN he' axt tha wean's faither bi makin signs whut he thocht tha name2016
Doric - DOR Fermer makin silage stops takin in the cra2003
Doric - MNA the curriculum as an L3 leid, makin skweels able tae acknowledge 2017
Central - SEC oor again. Wae the purpose ae makin some posh cunt rich." 2021
Central - GLA implies that ah’m actually makin somethin oot ay this arrangem2021
Doric - ABN g lang syne. Ma Turra grannie makin soup, her elaborate yarns abo2024
Central - GLA lls rare, Mr. Coyle. You been makin soup?’ the wee wan sais. Pe2021
Central - EDN ankit up an auld still an wis makin speerits, the basis o aa her 2011
Southern - SEAs within. Hence, it caused me makin sum conflicts nae only that, 2020
Central - LAL wi the close readin passage, makin sure ah read every question c2021
Central - SEC he truth is aw we are dain is makin sure aw these rich toffs huv 2021
Central - GLA reinforcements. Big Danny is makin sure his trainers ir tied n A2020
Central - GLA e, as ah click the door shut, makin sure it’s loacked this time2021
Central - GLA in up an doon the road first, makin sure it’s quiet, ah grab th2021
Central - GLA yit, or if they huv, they're makin sure nobody knows it. That pr2020
Doric - MNA es the educational benefits o makin sure that Doric is embedded i2017
Doric - DOR As he struggled tae his feet makin sure that he wis in ae2005
Ulster - CUL o effert haes bin putt intae makin sure the orthography used in 2013
Central - GLA in arseholes!’ McDade sais, makin sure they heard him. ‘Just 2021
Central - LAL dinner hall. Mrs Gary must be makin tablet again. Mammy furgot ta2021
Central - WCE ednesday night when ma ma wis makin tablet or when she'd naebdy e2021
Central - EDN M comin wi ye,” he sayed, makin tae git up. “Gottae check o2011
Doric - MNA ey reached his door Wully wiz makin tae leave for his nightly vis2016
Central - EDN sayed, muvin towart her an makin tae lift her veil. 2011
Central - EDN sayed, muvin towart her an makin tae lift her veil. 2011
Central - SWE Makin tae mak ma wiy hame 2009
Central - LAL This mornin, makin tae the toun,2001
Central - GLA or as you ir: second, they're makin that much ae a rammy in there2014
Central - SEC first step alang the gait tae makin the bairns o the nor-aist twa2000
Central - GLA Ah imagine us talkin and her makin the conversation.aw aboot her2020
Central - WCE he's bakin cakes fur fetes an makin the cozzies fur the school pl2021
Central - LALtae say "fuck aff Kevin, ah'm makin the denner" ????2021
Central - GLA aw an mah Granny go an finish makin the dinner an mah auntie trie2017
Central - SEC because Ah ken she enjoys me makin the effort, ah ken she misses2016
Central - SEC rochial, as Tom Leonard says: makin the effort tae learn the lang2016
Southern - SEA , sic is: Shei hed ae habit o makin the fallaen adage tae ane aff2003
Central - EDN wark that maun hae gaed intae makin the fields ... A couple o deg2011
Central - SECtae mind - the gadgies who r makin the final decision cannae mul2021
Doric - ABN in? Wi that din deavin ye, an makin the grun shak, Ah'd hae thoch2014
Doric - ABN fter nicht daein yer heid in, makin the grun shak an shiver, ivvr2011
Central - LAL main. Allan can only mint at 'makin the influences on the hame (e2000
Doric - ABN romuive the idea o weemin nae makin their ain siller.2020
Central - NEC at. These were the newly deid makin their journey tae the netherw2005
Central - AYR witnessed wee huddles of folk makin their secret wey hame, keepin2012
Central - SEC eh rabid dugs while they wurr makin their way tae the club - wer2020
Central - LAL tella Marie and Kate. They're makin their way through the rows o 2021
Central - AYR n passin by throu the mist an makin their wey tae safety ower by 2012
Central - LAL yles these sangs telt stories makin them akin tae Lawland narrati2001
Central - LAL tae put doon ma girls fur not makin the mistake o gettin pregnant2021
Central - LAL eds (Lochheads) - the latter makin the plane I kennt as a wee bo2011
Central - SEC an emailt a response tae Bob, makin the pynt that his screed shui2002
Doric - DORt week, it’s the same player makin the rang decision clean throu2022
Central - SEC She wis makin the redcurrant jelly,2004
Central - SEC . Aye ah goat invited through makin the shoart list fur a playwri2021
Central - LAL rd, but ma Sandra stoapped me makin the sign o peace wi hur. 2021
Central - LAL een digested, Granny would be makin the sign o the cross if she c2021
Central - LAL e teapit ready wi wan haun an makin the Sign o the Cross wi the i2013
Central - GLA at oot ay bed an goat oan wae makin the soup ah’d startit afore2021
Central - SEC tie shaws the model uised for makin the statue) It staunds on the2003
Central - LAL lowp’t up tae see whit wes makin the steir.2017
Doric - ABN an ye're God Almichty Hissel, makin the warld the wey ye want it.2010
Central - SWE Richt time tae stoap makin things up. Fowk stairtit writ2021
Central - LAL It's nae Flyin Scotsman makin this din2013
Central - WCE tin before. We wur in Home Ec makin this mad korma curry thing wh2021
Central - SEC came tae realise the fannies makin this video wur maire creative2021
Doric - DUNae. Ye fair helpit ma lantren makin this year! https://t.co/IoJPV2020
Central - LAL aware o whit wis happenin an makin thur ain plans tae deal wi th2021
Central - WCE aiglar, we'l maist likelie be makin til contreibutors2008
Central - LAL Makin trews fir gentlemen. 2008
Doric - MNA Abody kens Dunlop hiv been "makin tyres" for years!!2020
Central - LAL noo they're baith fairtin an makin uggin smells!2020
Central - EDN iles | hae takken pleisure in makin uiss o aulder or hauf-misglim2023
Central - LAL hocht that Inglis-thirlt fowk makin uiss o orra Scots wurds coont2000
Central - SEC ind them'. Clearly, Purdie is makin up for thon noo. There humour2008
Doric - DOR@thecasualultra @ChelZReese makin up fur her sins2020
Central - SEC ower young and makin up ower heavy to be hailsome.2007
Central - SEC an a nummer o commonty leids makin up Scots society. Howanever, 2002
Central - LAL Makin up stories he micht ne'er tel2021
Central - WCE that's how she's dead good at makin up stories in English cause P2021
Central - SEC the tiers big time n is just makin up the rules 2020
Central - SEC interest in Scots. Gin ye're makin up yer program o meetins for 2003
Ulster - EUL boot King Billy. If he wasnae makin us aal cycle across a pretend2021
Central - LALpoints and goals back.And fur makin Us look like dicks ye kin pic2019
Central - GLA "Bossin us aboot, an makin us read oot lood!" thought Al2014
Central - GLA ma Uncle Ronnie that ye were makin us take drugs. Forced us, pra2021
Central - WCE As fur mine an Yvonne's cake-makin venture, it wis a total disas2021
Central - SWE The fight gans oan, we're yet makin waves. 2001
Central - GLA e as hooses while skippin and makin wee smells. 2021
Central - WCE said Kelly Marie an she began makin wibble-wibble-wibble noises b2021
Central - LAL power in Europe raither than makin William o Orange King o Brita2021
Central - SEC fret. The pot o kail she wis makin wis past ready an there wis n2014
Shetland - SHD ve in sweepin awa ill luck an makin wye for guid luck.”2010
Central - EDN i the ooter waas o the hooses makin yae continuous waa, an juist 2011
Central - GLA ble!" said the Duchess. "Ah'm makin ye a present ae everythin ah'2014
Central - LAL day. If scrievin in Scots is makin ye feart ,dinnae fash. It's n2022
Central - GLA kin aboot suhin, hen, an it's makin ye forget tae talk. 2014
Central - LALa look, and then hae a shot o makin yer ain sign here: https://t.2020
Central - LAL l also follaed the practice o makin ye rest wan haun on tap o the2014
Central - GLA late lit it's an efter party, makin yer jokes, callin everybody m2020
Central - GLA her auld basturt in yer life, makin yer precious last few year a 2012
Doric - DOR Fit kin o' scent is 'at makin ye smell, ma Chantel. 2020
Shetland - SHD ood tree hours dare and back, makin you awfil spage da day efter.2019
Shetland - SHD eens develing intae your sowl makin you petrefied. Da sea wid be 2019
Ulster - GULamesHorse - naethin wrang wi makin your burn in the yaird - bet2014
Doric - DORrewDog Guid tae see yer still makin’ hawn sanitizer....hopefully2020
Central - WCE those an’ such as those are makin’ a killin’ oot o’ telli2017
Central - EDN o’ clansmen frae the left, makin’ as perfect a target as ony2016
Central - EDN ma nipple again, and whit was makin’ ma head spin the most, Sim2021
Central - EDN paddle the River Nith. Efter makin’ the “Transfer”, takin2015