A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching small dialect region

Niven, Liz matching with Edinburgh

Total unique words from Niven, Liz = 2,055
Total unique words from Edinburgh = 18,558
analysis words = 500
Author only total : 55.4%
Overlap total : 44.6%
Dialect only total: 55.4%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
Niven, Liz Edinburgh
a'm buik mibbe thistle we'll scottish taen gan loch identitie sea wa fine ya mannie we're she's folk kintra kinna sing malawi picts borders ye'll sisters soil macdougall kens sons a'll across onie bairn monie facts solway yins saddest loved journey harvester sky whither turn she'll wean gans maks poems names bar sure every skin pynt there's a've talkin hairts edwin that's quest tells labour wheen ye'd wimmen dry heids times mend freens bell stanes widden herd talk gies joab rule focus waur whole journalist leisure wife paintit does grun hail reid birth hill fou brak should film sherp welcome hairt disnae parliament bits buiks lan itsel each identity forth dee world saft write whae muir's reader many week macdougall's present thoosan romans blether information chapter gien writer common cannie lassies comet faimilies true roman row bebe bus abuin clear prague we'd yet history drunk pink green ancient built historie martyrs search view preoccupation batters quite scotland's kirkcudbrightshire thought index academic wantit readin further references fun upon becomin flair speak interestin pipes golf played element refers fed hid wi'oot she'd exile thomson comment lines democracy states derk ur needit nation wished hunner rabbie hauf apt flight complex scrievin travel boat heavy gliskin brig famous humour kintra's written brick based win less identity' trees thir's way raither national scuil origins warm backpacker sun personal greek painters far freen muir writer's loast fins pairt rid voice conquer ye're sits food enough couldnae rock takin bye work ain's holiday london story scunnert job nine citie meddle build strang moon hadrian emperor ad gallus legions wunnert ye've thochts don't sangs delight fu poem chynged central plot questions insicht shuid prose lallans the a an tae o in wi ye as is fir that fae this it or bit ma at be her jist oan yer aw wir they it's thir nae we mair his no hae yin us aboot back on will doon ain efter oot whit intae new hame can and come wis time kent whaur wee ower like wid sae dae here ken its gin still weel them of if up by aye auld muckle wumman day me he she lik man aff are throu thon lang dinna has seen again get nor men been days telt scots twa these year atween young want scotland gie oor cam een drink near even mak some fowk then noo deid life thing watter right night nane him gey say for yince past there so when see bein let mind lass nicht who till unner never only oh ilka ither says licht frae you think had was name tho white afore thegither lassie sang fin which made alang heid guid roon fair black hear need mither road lea pit maist wha anither faur take could aroon try rest mindit i ll verra first hissel same cannae gettin heard your bi side thocht well while stert sic mornin few sittin great cried soon went bring set wes sit left got tak stertit mean vyce through eyes ah s sayed beatrice but than thaim ae bill aa ti fur whan to wad m were thair hsien d wey raggle their re richt juist cud thoo ve what til awa gaed weill did didna haun t tane hiz chinese leukit ony my haed said ane tell gaun wae maun en gied gang fund lat face saw bot micht guzul though yae people door baith an' last have ay hed git keep e kin speirt just leuk place derriakin felt weemen rongye iskander eh ilk three do better eneuch hersel neist hir how somethin haes things feel wisna doun room really turnt with foo out big go agin thai bease hale hauns na couple ahint about fuckin naethin wark n mony hoose thee pandit body quhit ever now amang brocht warld comin fire before cauld owre nou tried end faither best seemt course canna sut larry shae wuid know wiz english intil ir spick luve dinnae tryin wint langage least syne inside lad wintit suin coorse thae cause war erm mou passed goat bed make muisic whiles aabody maybes sayin dis naebody leukin hus duin pu leid ee siller lot look would am daein very disna much ferm open met lave wanderers held aside tad haud hing claes not ed all cameron iqbal feet sair tellin fell kamile realised malik suddenly weir bittie hadna towart spickin sin ontae tibetan nusiret maybe took different oaff ar off wirds bairns stane hert ithers stuid close eftir haein find aal begoud hes o' front gotten able cudna roond huv cuid ootside allan uighur wadna air legs fact straight hud ben hand else dugs ancestors long god eat makin don
55.4% 44.6% 55.4%