A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching small dialect region

Niven, Liz matching with South Northern

Total unique words from Niven, Liz = 2,055
Total unique words from South Northern = 1,704
analysis words = 1000
Author only total : 71.2%
Overlap total : 28.8%
Dialect only total: 71.2%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
Niven, Liz South Northern
fir oan yin a'm efter whaur mibbe thistle wumman we'll lik taen gan loch identitie thon fine men these year ya we're she's want drink kintra malawi picts borders ye'll sisters soil thing watter macdougall sons a'll night nane facts yince bein solway yins saddest journey harvester whither turn she'll wean lass who gans poems unner names bar sure skin oh pynt a've talkin hairts edwin that's quest tells labour white thegither ye'd wimmen heids fin mend freens bell stanes widden herd talk joab rule focus whole journalist leisure wife paintit grun roon hail reid birth fou brak film sherp welcome hairt disnae parliament hear bits buiks lan itsel each identity forth saft write whae muir's lea many week macdougall's present thoosan romans pit information chapter writer common cannie lassies comet faimilies roman row bebe bus abuin prague we'd take could aroon history drunk try rest pink green built mindit historie martyrs search view preoccupation verra batters first hissel scotland's kirkcudbrightshire thought index academic wantit references upon becomin flair interestin pipes golf cannae played element fed gettin hid heard wi'oot she'd exile comment lines bi democracy states derk ur needit nation wished hunner rabbie hauf apt flight complex scrievin travel heavy gliskin while stert brig famous humour kintra's written brick based mornin less few identity' thir's sittin national scuil origins warm backpacker personal greek painters far freen muir writer's loast fins rid conquer ye're sits food soon enough couldnae takin bye ain's holiday london scunnert went job nine citie meddle set build moon hadrian emperor wes ad legions sit wunnert left ye've don't sangs delight fu stertit poem chynged mean central plot vyce questions insicht prose through lallans readers hadrian's any real lot quarter jewish books vennels droont england dis arrival gaelic here's wisnae edge pain warld he's plenty whyle crisis rue east language curse turf caledonian towers instead abbey sight ootside full locust morra cal weans chinese grows sheet brithers deepest fitba strecht dark memoriam dinnae kirks hames away hans tuned crackt clean ocean swine land go tides ninian's soons arrive plastic mists wavin greet graves daurk doule sticks hingin gowd yerd tears wild gallowa bodie hinnie ash isnae faith haulin boondaries daurkness fish list shilpit cousins villages staun catch brothers am heaven soothwest covert sweethairt seeven shouders last husbands kintraside naebodie skytin burn ships skipperin fact could've thrang bleck boyhood broon sea's kid speirit calls brilliant cratur misquoted knit poor a'd considerin property money jaggy aabody's advantage box goodness watchin creepy pickt stey problem too wool sound ungrateful pals extract smiles thinkin role dispenses cheek needles seein york cos gemme sleepin routit weir furst cairdboard boxes hoaxes bonfire thi wing formed pmt sufferin faws free tension coontit votes private beds next celebrate sunlicht beltane amna drained steading totally aim climb gliff opt orkney scuils toffy fools boolmoothed noses braks poond sabbath gran toorie's spikes gaun sherper cards spunks such bum punks bite eat daur pitten doctor elements ra lead trannie feed teirin lads bevvie growin menopausal martins seeds scatter indeed starry join jags forms vowed donkey knackered wance retrieve scooter battery wantin hymns radio cat sunspots twin lauchter begins unconditional pools olive stick bent teeth moves warmer two dreid unpickt leans traveller eighth cherokee vietnam sharin reservations strechts foonded lurks tuner guitar dj's unravellin lady horse trojan islands return birthin buzzin west's draginflea europe's space highways reeds route gait slow different kye geese roadside noises horses cairts winterin machars swimmin gangin backpacker's beach vrachos turnt torches speirs verandah they're bleacht secrets salmon craiturs gull slipstream swim mayfly hosts rhythm dart baseball settlt shed depths villagers trouble caller sweetheart pine stravaig circles silvered watter's ahint mirror clocks movement stop' checks lookin galloway dickey nonsense alms dispensing clothe mrs load dole devorgilla's independence borderin um parent dunts filled embro workin chunk mooths thraws six state repeatit soothern month generations feasting waits dochters slithers tragedy mither's deeper drugged cap returnit son recoonts stitch genes mithers faithers lou banes shilbit pickin havenae pits infinitie horizons braidens grannies labelled cocktail mid-life mid winless everywhere exotic babies swaps dead awfie society brae constitutions cheery clack screed shair mitherin riding thanks ride squaiking smile sup yak daft wae listenin lug airms sober cropped dochters' neebours blacken shouting soapbox mame reborn tethered hell wealth ope blueness let's doot the a an tae o in wi ye as is that fae this it or bit ma at be her jist yer aw wir they it's thir nae we mair his no hae us aboot back on will doon ain oot whit intae new hame can and come wis time kent buik wee ower like wid sae dae here ken its gin still weel them of if up by aye auld muckle day me scottish he she man aff are throu sea lang dinna has seen wa again get nor been days telt scots twa mannie atween young scotland folk gie oor cam een near kinna even mak sing some fowk then noo deid life kens right across onie bairn monie him gey say for past there so when see let loved sky mind nicht maks till never every only ilka there's ither says licht frae you think had was name tho wheen afore lassie sang dry times which gies waur made alang heid guid does fair hill should black need dee world mither road reader maist blether wha gien anither true clear faur yet ancient i ll quite readin further fun same speak refers thomson your side thocht well boat sic win trees way raither sun great pairt cried voice rock work story bring strang gallus got thochts tak shuid eyes leid end wey didnae said fa keep empire haein big lack seems may hoo haud bonnie lay words richt hauns comin haar early lugs spring cuid door look fire wan to lives naethin hoose bunnet what toon canna claes stauns mindin feel street best lucky bad bairns american country isle gress paradise kept experience kennin island pure glesca age ice nods war distant form thrapple better s but til aa micht d whiles my whan were read yon didna geddes moment did saw ane business place lipton aulden truth whar earth fit mebbe christ five fur aince laird something tales death deep ah winter maitter intil fucker ih than mooney laist stories also love likes comes cauld eck thomas ae edinburgh patrick murray ahent fan ever introduction much dairk loss awa ve wad betsy himsel warl gang mitchison version cup spent their skeelie braw writers chaillenge mulcaire plooman syne sicht gift wark chalmers fields secret owre surprise things grew press gied interest stays ana really characters brady brilliance rinnin duncan rins loves alane waukent cunt ithers montrose munro shop lomond gaithert rare skrieves other faither isna legacy plannin certes bastard brief fund bottle held thae figure re flooers eens gaed deeds gif haun aifter heat ontae inside settle wheesht naebdy tongue ava wirds somethin im wee-bit face flesh magic collection tellin joy sma haill hershaw all t bricht alive queer naomi iain wrinkly bittie pint ego title hairm laurence neither sin tea little anent old huge biggit stairted brocht stephen onybody schizophrenic jakes maantie nutty hers summin lumsden ging breathe murdert mandy clype fanatic affrontit religious mctavish saikless sometime meanin ticht buried revealit hinneren middle factor howkit neist body practice hauds keek eneuch deed erchie worse kerr crime miss fitiver pleased deserve sympathy silence orraman female seanachaidh derns suffers howlin shame high hull verses nickit pleisure hiv weel-tellt aneath quine anecdotes yaisit aipple desire stores uk makar took gutsie biography parts virr brimmin hantle conclusion deif greetin spik blinn aywis celtic mcphee maggie dirdin seals grunny's spit hydrocephalus emptiness lore ali skelp wirsels aat uz trickit bones frazer wham hings dootsum chairm air ill-shapit kist breath bird-watchin anglin dochter wants gp grupp ex et chaps least mystery drive glisk showed line splore echt beauty arcadia believe grab bint pair novel rob healing sequel neck axe knife baith daein how former bastern pal brute ahm fiona anaw laigersay awthin merriet nearby hardly penny nursin grave amuse wunner a-beggin talked mairk brechin author autumn quiet lowe m bare aka curtains alow robertson dour chiefly wyce dr hamish fear saicont why bitter faa het gless aff-limits lichts gane ripe sometimes years frost helps glitter spierin jubilant pages book spectre raises gruinard experiments puzzle anthrax pairtner tree attempt negative montgomeries pedant tait persona deal minds beverage authors balance one field cry likit dreel by- gracious acceptance publicity education drave bob plou an-lairge brands rhymer kenny flourish brawly stature point audience touch scholarly fash thinker text altho architecture weel-kent idea stunts nairratives sorts contributions heich laich ingyne cark completely illustrated from afield biology stairtin significance impact ownit modern appreciated beginning failit unearthed chaillenger now holistic approach enquiry lovit universal gainit small brownie tiny bodsbeck scientific bogle top mention airticles spence nairrative chairitable obsession monies smith pleasure simple respeck usa darwin unilever crichton weave commercial discovert lyrics series have passion comprehensive would nivver base weys ulster coff ettle describes volume makkin globe potential ballater clesses communist showman-cum-grocer respecting ploys contack teacher possessed priggit invest whitna teachers ahead aspecks inheritance irish learn youngsters auldsters regeneration deference via value parents cryit shamrock amount aubrey kaleidoscopic floated lewis re-publisht juist warsle williamson storytellers enjoyit walin describe lesson security whyte tommy areas importantly born hobnob felt esteem america realise britain facets stint editor essays isobel influenced failed interview nanetheless manning boued spinnly airmy kindly amaist benefits legend bugger langed wind saired met haverin cumberland inspires throttle god fingers proportion convince gowk perhaps twitch beggar endless freak repetition inspire cruel blaws worst sleekit grieve bereft sudden miles closer hecht aheid removal revelation bulge music growthe-alive rocks maun wax howes stairtled despair birds seem hooses spunk-fu prick whang iron breeks voices hauflin pairk bink bather flegsum drear steel spaver thrust tirlin wede tap birlin pow gars ach haver sets bauld thrive socht shoots romp play legs thole oors weather cheenge brichtness lowpin thrustin thoosan-telt hero garrulous boredom natural growes auldest gangs roond bletherskite crusts send sever ayont laid vaunt forever grace dawn instance disguise dwine vintage clarity skimmer frozen whiteness glosses pavement grund feet reveal gaen-oot fareweel bicker spugs euphemism nieves nudge hair hughie starin forget faces wiselike planned admirin caught basement windae emergin moth chrysalis auntie sheddin taks chenille
71.2% 28.8% 71.2%