A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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Author matching small dialect region

Porter, Steve matching with Edinburgh

Total unique words from Porter, Steve = 149
Total unique words from Edinburgh = 18,558
analysis words = 1000
Not enough words on the left to process, only going through the top 149 words
Author only total : 71.1%
Overlap total : 28.9%
Dialect only total: 71.1%
analyse using top 10 words, top 100 words, top 200 words, top 500 words or top 1000 words
Porter, Steve Edinburgh
windae wife calum luikt thon skellet rock left view hiv throu done silence broke dumfoonert fleg danglin wan pan pechin staunin fizz quiet crak disappeart sherp hit micht smirr cracs wab spider static electrical ivir grip life hint blasted gareth steve porter owerset jones landscape toom ootside puckle lot hail nuhin feet solid howled wind toxic braw swung gress saft ayont rollin braes raxin blinkt gairden roch mintie why fir aroond luikin dwam hert-liftin daen irkt sicht piercin whinin relaxin distance peyd voice earth thin ornamentit hummered spanglin screich notis forrit muckle lawn yella gone pey burn tent hauf gie shrugged bittie gowans driplin turned nivir the a wi an o s ye thair that aa it tae his wis he and had got fae awa whit richt at her in haun noo nae d by ower intae again yer pit can no is cam as me we back she ah they him on for be ma bit sayed up this oot i there beatrice you hae but or than thaim aboot ae bill ti fur oan whan to wad aw doon of like wes been m auld man some frae were time mair sae wee dae hsien yin ken wey ither raggle us their if re fowk them efter juist oor aff see cud scots thoo ll are ve here aye day what gin come til ain gaed made weill heid did didna get thocht whaur afore lik twa when say jist then only your t first lang tane guid which mind hiz think
71.1% 28.9% 71.1%