A Corpus of 21st Century Scots Texts

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The word 'jock'

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Use in varieties of Scots

Dialect map - Usage over time
jockOccurrences normalised per million wordsOccurrencesAuthors
Total Corpus173.356464
ORK - Orkney 139.1 14 1
SHD - Shetland 29.1 5 1
TON - Tonge
NNB - North Northern B (Caithness)
NNA - North Northern A (Black Isle)
MNA - Mid Northern A 637.6 195 13
MNB - Mid Northern B 131 1 1
SNO - South Northern
ABN - Aberdeen 207.8 19 4
DOR - General Northern 26.6 6 3
NEC - North East Central
SEC - (South) East Central 68.5 27 6
WCE - West Central 59.8 13 3
DUN - Dundee 456.7 43 2
EDN - Edinburgh 18.8 3 2
GLA - Glasgow 4.6 1 1
AYR - Ayrshire 366.9 28 2
LAL - General Central 240.2 181 22
SEA - South East (Borders) 137.2 11 2
SWE - South West (Galloway) 166.9 12 3
DUL - Donegal (East Donegal)
WUL - West Ulster (Letterkenny / L'Derry)
CUL - Coleraine Ulster (North Antrim)
BUL - Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim) 441.7 5 1
SUL - South Antrim (Between Sixmilewater and Belfast)
BEL - Eastern Ulster (Belfast)
PUL - Peninsular Ulster (Ards)
EUL - East Antrim (Larne)
GUL - General Ulster
SYN - Synthetic (no region)

Occurrences of jock in Corpus

In order to avoid violating copyright law and abide by 'fair use', only up to the first five occurrences of the search term are displayed for each article.


Parkins, Hazel Seven Year O Yule Days, (H and M Parkins 2002 ISBN: 978-0954363505) Orkney, poetry
dent on me poor owid husband, Jock. on page 7
So - I must still depend on Jock and keep me mooth shut tight. on page 8
chased wir puir owld Westie, Jock, straight doon a rabbit hole. on page 14
He gaed tae see Jock, his cousin, - he wirked in on page 16
eordo - a Jimmack, or even a Jock! on page 42
Also on pages 73, 74
14 matches


Tait, John M Lallans 60 - The Three Hooses, (Lallans Magazine 2002) Shetland, weans
Asweel, he bade a chiel caa'd Jock that he'd seen pyntin up a bi
the muckle mahogany table - Jock feelin a bittie like a pig's
"But," chirps up Jock, "the hail place is faain oot
me that bides in it?" spiers Jock.
ingistwick Dilettanti. As for Jock, he flit tae the Sooth Hoose
5 matches

Mid Northern A

Grant, Margaret Young At Hert, (Huntly Writers 2023 ISBN: 978-0993597152) Doric, poetry
Here lie the remains o Jock Smith fae The Braes A hard wo on page 15

6 matches

Morrison, Gordon Thi Lyfe An Tyme's O An Enshoar Loon, (Authorhouse 2006 ISBN: 978-1425955397) Doric - Boddam, prose
oot 'o'. So thi got a len 'o" Jock Simson's aul Majer Tracter an on page 5
en a caravaan a fyle, up eit Jock Simsen's up Strlin Hyll, Jock on page 29
Jock caim entae thi caravaan aye d on page 31
ot," eis he weis huddin een o Jock's haimmer's an, an aul scrood on page 33
nie new steik's an nail's fac Jock's shed. "Aat's eih timmer fur on page 34

16 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric - Alive an Kickin, (Argo Publishing 2004 ISBN: 978-0954615314) Doric - Inverurie, prose
"Fa's deed?" Jock leukit up fae spreadin is but on page 22
"Corn beef - DEEF!" roart Jock. on page 23
say nae cairds or veesitors." Jock gaithered aa the crumbs fae's on page 24
ill be round to see you soon, Jock and Ina on page 25
"Ir ye in ony better humour?" Jock wis sittin it the kitchen tab on page 26
Also on pages 27
25 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric - Hale an Hairty, (Argo Publishing 2011 ISBN: 978-0954615345) Doric - Inverurie, prose
re's the bookies an haudin up Jock's bar in Meldrum." on page 54
Princie and Jock ~ by William Mackie on page 94
Noo ere's nae mair Jock an Princie, on page 95

4 matches

Hay, Gordon M. The Doric New Testament, (Gordon M Hay 2012 ISBN: 978-0957351516) Doric - Banff, prose
Roon aboot att time Jock e Baptist cam tae e roch cunt on page 9
Noo fan wird cam tae him att Jock wis i the jile he held awa ta on page 10
a wee loonie an ye'll ca him Jock. Ye'll be fair shuited wi him on page 79
an said, "'Na, he'll be ca'ed Jock." "Bit," they says, "there's on page 81
Priests, e wird o God cam tae Jock, Zechariah's loon oot i the r on page 83
Also on pages 84, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 99, 108, 113
36 matches

Leslie, Deborah Doric: Alive an Kickin 2, (Argo Publishing 2006 ISBN: 978-0954615321) Doric - Inverurie, prose
yer life haudin up the bar it Jock's." on page 37

1 matches

Thom, Bill The Quait Chiel, (Tapsalteerie 2013 ISBN: 9780992663100) Doric - Banff, poetry
An then tae Jock, Nick geed his gaze noo, on page 11
So Jock he thocht baith lang an hard, on page 12
Jock's Poem. on page 13
An syne Jock looked tae Nick back o'er, on page 14
Noo Wull an Jock baith thocht a while, on page 19
Also on pages 20
9 matches

Goodall, Phyllis J. Berryhill, (timberford.demon 2000) Doric, poetry
O’ Jock o’ Bennachie.
"Noo Jock aneth Craig Shannoch sleeps
rst speir for the health o’ Jock o’ Noth,
An syne ye maan speir for Jock himsel
"Fin ye speir for Jock o’ Noth
7 matches

Shepherd, Robbie Harknin tae the braw souns, (John Benjamin 2000) Doric, newspaper
- Jock Morgan
1 matches

Blackhall, Sheena Minnie, (Scots Language Centre 2004) Doric, prose
ferred himsel tae the grieve, Jock Dow, fa bothied aleen in the
meenit at the tackety buits o Jock Dow, fa wis raxin inno the ba
Fur days noo, Jock Dow the grieve hid yolked thr
the dryin wins. The day, tho, Jock Dow hid led the horse back ta
Jist alang frae Jock Dow, Matthew Bruce, Minnie's
81 matches

Ireland, Mark Wi A Facey Like Yours, (Scots Hoose 2020) Doric - Banff, prose
m to get ridy. "Noo we’re a Jock Tamson's bairns, a the same b
1 matches

Hutchison, Pat The Stones That Turned, (McStorytellers.com 2016) Doric - Banffshire, prose
haanfae o meal tae pit in it. Jock her aal man wiz beeriett a we
Wi Jock workin in the mill the hoose
2 matches

@DoricPhrases tweeted
kle thocht an ah divnae think Jock Bauer wid fair go an ging tae(2017)
still aetin Christmas bubbly-jock nicht aifter nicht,aifter nic(2018)
’m richt fed up aetin bubbly-jock leftowers - sae she bocht th(2018)
e cam back wi aa these bubbly-jock leftovers. Yum yums, bit far (2019)

@FaeFoggie tweeted
an till hiv ti punt Jess, Wee Jock, Frunkie, Olive, Jeannie, Mug(2020)

@JamieFairbairn1 tweeted
punk is spark, as in the sang Jock Hawk, wi the line 'its a wond (2021) twitter link

Mid Northern B

@McGoo1888 tweeted
nae idea how calling someone Jock or Scouse can be connected ta (2021) twitter link


McGregor, Iain Lallans 77 - Farquhar, (Lallans Magazine 2010) Doric, prose
gweed wee loon tae gie a eild Jock like masel a haund, sae ye ir on page 97

1 matches

Strachan, Shane DWAMS, (Tapsalteerie 2024 ISBN: 978-1916214880) Doric, poetry
'Jock, when ye hae naething else to on page 24

2 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 75 - The Petrol Tanker, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Doric, prose
“Na, na, Jock, Ah ken ye like yer cream bun
in an aa. “It’s aa richt, Jock,” she said, “It’s aa ri
“Och, Jock, dinna be lik at; it wisna st
Abbie hersel noo. “Na, na, Jock, let him aff, please let him
ed greetin, an moanin, “No, Jock, no, please no!” bit she da
6 matches

Pacitti, Stephen Lallans 83 - Dunnottar, (Lallans Magazine 2013) Doric, prose
e. I’m there wi mi best pal Jock Forrest. An Katiebella Macken
Ah mention them particler cos Jock an me were fair smitten wi th
m pittin it mildly fan Ah say Jock an me couldna thole him.
wi aabody. Ye can see fit wey Jock an me couldna bide him.
Onywey, Jock, me, Munro and his pal Johnst
9 matches

The Flying Pigs Multiple choice voting leaves city cooncil facing, (Press and Journal 2022) Doric, newspaper
View From The Midden with Jock Alexander
1 matches

General Northern

Whyte, Brian The Bottles, (Independently published 2020 ISBN: 979-8612647218) Doric, poetry
I' BALLAD O' JOCK AN OKI on page 178

3 matches

Smith, Alex A Sair Fecht, (self-published 2003) Doric, prose
Jock Robertson, jist say you are w
ie,"I'll hae a whisky. I'm wi Jock Robertson". She wisnae affa
2 matches

@fittiecrooners tweeted
Although this was Jock so at least I wis nae the wor(2016)

(South) East Central

Purdie, David C. Lallans 61 - The Mass Jack, (Lallans Magazine 2002) Central, prose
"Pooderhaa dug track?" speirt Jock. on page 86
!" I leukit roon an thair wis Jock an Wullie an Jimmy an aa the on page 90

3 matches

Paisley, Janet Not For Glory, (Canongate 2001 ISBN: 978-1841951744) Central, prose
that's somethin. Jist as weel Jock didnae see him. Ooh, ma hauns on page 1

8 matches

Burnett, Colin A Working Class State of Mind, (Piermont 2021 ISBN: 978-1914090158) Central - East Coast, prose
wear. Thoat some dirty sweaty Jock hud done awey wae me durin th on page 56

1 matches

Townsley, Jane Joe's Cloud an Ither Stuff, (lulu.com 2014 ISBN: 978-1326001612) Central - Perth, prose
Oor Jeannie had a brainwave. Jock thocht it wis a sin. on page 18
Jist then, Big Jock the barman guldered, "Somebod on page 95

4 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 103, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
Bi Jock McTamson
1 matches

Burnett, Colin Boris Johnstone, (colinburnett.co.uk 2021) Central - East Central, prose
wear. Thoat some dirty sweaty Jock hud done awey wae me durin th
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 149, (self-published 2006) Central, newspaper
. 4.Kenny Dalglish. 5.Lulu. 6.Jock Stein. 7.Ally McCoist. 8.Bill
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 116, (self-published 2003) Central - Musselburgh, newspaper
re, mindin awbody they are aw Jock Tamson's bairns an the maist
1 matches

Fairnie, Robert Scots Tung WITTINS Nummer 101, (self-published 2002) Central, newspaper
ot ages, a wife speirt o daft Jock, "Jock, hou auld will you be
, "Jock, hou auld will you be then?"
"Och, A dinna ken," said Jock, "It wad tak a wycer heid nor
euch hou auld A am," answeirt Jock; "but A dinna ken hou auld A'
But Burns, speakin tae an for Jock Tamson an his bairns, kept a
6 matches

@kennethbryce184 tweeted
nRousseau10 aye the legendary jock stein - lookin doon on a bun (2020) twitter link

West Central

Wilson, Rab Chuckies fir the Cairn, (Luath 2009 ISBN: 978-1906817053) Southern - Dumfries, poetry
Thon budget coup bi Jock an Sawney, on page 211

1 matches

Wilson, Rab Accent O the Mind, (Luath 2006 ISBN: 978-1905222322) Central - New Cumnock, poetry
'Are ye aa richt Jock?', but he couldnae speak on page 39

1 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 73 - reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2008) Central - Prestwick, prose
sister haes been slichtit bi Jock o Harden (himsel frae a brain on page 138

4 matches

Farrow, Kenneth D. Lallans 75 - Review - The Shorter fiction, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
ts, daels wi the case o twa o Jock Tamson’s bairns (unco skell
in, ‘Death of the Laird’s Jock’ an ‘A Highland Anecdote
ael tuilyie. The ‘Laird’s Jock’ is Jock Armstrang, a kemp
’ is Jock Armstrang, a kemp wha swacks
gets a challenge frae Inglan. Jock is delichtit an passes on his
6 matches

Philips, Cally Jings, crivens, help ma Boab, it’s independence!, (McStorytellers.com 2013) Central - Turriff, prose
ghties. Ah mean, niver min’ Jock Tamson, we wis a’ Maggie Th
1 matches


McHardy, Stuart The Wey Forrit, (Luath 2017 ISBN: 978-1912147014) Central, prose
c culture. Eftir aw, we're aw Jock Tamson's bairns an that inclu on page 51
e sangs an the stories are aw Jock Tamsons' bairns as weel fer h on page 67
likewise tend no tae ken wha Jock Tamson is, an tho mebbe they on page 75
Weel, as Jock Tamson himsel micht hae said, on page 130

5 matches

Thomson, Mark Bard fae thi buildin site, (Luath 2007 ISBN: 978-1906307141) Central - Dundee, poetry
John Barleycorn an Jock Tamson on page 69

1 matches

McHardy, Stuart Speakin o Dundee: Tales Tellt Aroun the Toun, (Luath 2010 ISBN: 978-1-906817-25-1) Central - Dundee, prose
a mannie warkin fer him cried Jock Duncan on page 33
an elder o his ain kirk. Nou Jock had a kind o managcrial role on page 34
Weel this didnae suit Jock ava. He wis due in a wee whil on page 35
ae hearin 'Wot? Wot you seyin Jock?' on a regular basis. Maist o on page 74
an the mannie fae Yorkshire, Jock. Nou if that seems strangelik on page 75
Also on pages 76, 91, 92, 93, 94, 113
37 matches


Purdie, David C. Lallans 59 - Terry Fae Brooklyn, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central - Aryshire, prose
"Hi Jock!" (soondit mair like 'Jack', on page 136

1 matches

McKillop, Roger Ma Heroes o' Sport, (McStorytellers.com 2015) Central - Edinburgh, prose
the SRU were never generous. Jock Weyms, played For Scotland, e
as a fitba’ king, under big Jock,
2 matches


Bennett, Peter Arabian Monkfish (Part One), (ABCTales.com 2021) Central, prose
‘Oi oi, you Jock cunt! You gettin the faackin
1 matches


Begg, James A. Alison's Jants in Ferlieland, (Evertype 2014 ISBN: 978-1782010845) Central, prose
rt, pine-aipple, roast bubbly-jock, toffee an het buttert toast) on page 13

1 matches

Begg, James A. The Man's the Gowd for A' That, (Carn Publishing 2012 ISBN: 978-0956755049) Central, prose
s wrang Faither, I k-ken, but Jock Logie in Dykeneuk had fee'd m on page 24
s o Darnhunch ... Ye ken auld Jock still haes twa dochters about on page 29
back afore dawn wj Jean Weir, Jock's auldest lass; an wee Janet, on page 30
ercing een. 'Nane but yersel, Jock Weir, an a wee pickle ither t on page 31
grued an near boked as muckle Jock Morton the Derval blacksmith on page 37
Also on pages 79
6 matches

Wallace, Lorna Jock Tamson Goes tae the Doactir, (lornalouwriting.wordpress.com 2019) Central - Ayrshire, poetry
Jock sank intae his favourite seat
That pair Jock wisnae weel.
Jock telt hissel’: “Am shair t
That night Jock felt empowered
When Jock’s alarm went aff
21 matches

General Central

McGregor, Iain Lallans 90 - Sally, (Lallans Magazine 2017) Central, prose
Aw Jock Tamson's bairns thrang ten de on page 58

1 matches

Philip, Andrew Lallans 70 - Fower Poems, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, poetry
o the bluid that flows til aw Jock Tamson's bairns, and hit look on page 55

1 matches

Fitt, Matthew Roald Dahl Reekin Rhymes, (Itchy Coo 2018 ISBN: 978-1785301834) Central, weans
Jock and the Muckle Beanstalk on page 13
When Jock brocht oot wan tottie bean, on page 15
Jock wis gleg and Jock wis keen. on page 16
Jock answered, 'Weel, if you're sa on page 17
Jock listened for the frichtsome c on page 19
Also on pages 20
21 matches

Fitt, Matthew Chairlie and the Chocolate Works, (Itchy Coo 2016 ISBN: 978-1-78530-083-7) Central, prose
Baffie. They are cawed Granda Jock and Grannie Jockina. on page 1
Granda Jock and Grannie Jockina on wan si on page 5
e sayin, "Guid evenin, Granda Jock and Grannie Jockina, and Gran on page 9
'Ma dear boay,' said Granda Jock, heezin himsel up a wee bit h on page 10
'I kent he wis famous, Granda Jock, and I kent he awfie wis cliv on page 11
Also on pages 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 66, 71, 72, 76, 77, 85, 89, 93, 95, 97, 109, 112, 117, 118, 121, 123, 132, 135, 136, 139, 142, 146, 147, 148, 150, 157, 161, 163, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175
123 matches

Fitt, Matthew Geordie's Mingin Medicine, (Itchy Coo 2007 ISBN: 978-1845021603) Central, weans
ooer on. Up she lowped like a jock-in-a-box ... and she didna ca on page 39

1 matches

Briggs, Susi Dinnae Mak Me Laugh, (Scots Hoose 2021) Central, weans
I heard she cursed auld Jock McKirk on page 4

2 matches

Clark, Thomas Dinnae Mak Me Laugh, (Scots Hoose 2021) Central, weans
I'm no allowed a bubbly-jock, on page 18

1 matches

Tollick, Margaret Tapsalteerie and Ither Tales, (Windfall Books 2008 ISBN: 978-0955726422) Central, weans
Jock an Jean on page 16

3 matches

Morton, Elaine Hamethocts, (Evertype 2010 ISBN: 978-1782012399) Central, poetry
O lat it no be Jock on page 60

2 matches

McClure, Derrick J. Lallans 67 - Five sonnets o Cecco Angiolieri (1250-1319), (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, poetry
As swippert as a bubbly-jock coud flee. on page 45

1 matches

Douglas, Sheila Lallans 67 - William Motherwell (1797 - 1836), (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
of Hasillgreen', which becam 'Jock o Hazeldean'. Haein dune this on page 69

1 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit Lallans 67 - Reviews, (Lallans Magazine 2005) Central, prose
st wadna be weil kent tae the Jock or Jeanie readin. Ae body tha on page 110

1 matches

Douglas, Sheila Lallans 58 - The Sang o the Fowk, (Lallans Magazine 2001) Central, prose
an are the hame grun o couthy Jock Duncan, wha wis born intil th on page 77

2 matches

Horsbroch, Dauvit A gang-roond oor Sun Grid, (Scots Language Centre 2020) Central, blog
o a leeving hell that nane o Jock Tamson's bairns cuid ever win
The Yird is whaur we, Jock Tamson's bairns, aw bides, al
re wi geologic time. In fact, Jock Tamson's bairns haes haurdly
As Jock Tamson's bairns grew ower lan
For twa hunner year at least Jock Tamson's bairns haes been ten
6 matches

Robertson, James Melt (Yin), (Kettillonia 2001) Central, poetry
Jock o the Herts cleiks in wi the
1 matches

Robertson, Colin Lallans 81 - Wildlaw, (Lallans Magazine 2012) Central, prose
an plants as juist an eik til Jock Tamson’s bairns at can be s
1 matches

Robinson, Christine Lallans 70 - The Language o the Glasgow Unity Plays, (Lallans Magazine 2007) Central, prose
erskite, brae, breeks, bubbly-jock, claes, cloot, coof, galluses
1 matches

Begg, James A. Lallans 74 - The Killie Fleshers - 1786, (Lallans Magazine 2009) Central, prose
aboot the tulzie atween Black Jock Russell an the Reverend Moodi
1 matches

@jack_capener tweeted
oos! Bet they'll luve 'Bubbly Jock'! Keep up the guid wark :)(2019)

@MartinBroon tweeted
@goQradio @radioyazz Jock??. Decisions, Decisions! Whit(2020)

@RickHJohnston tweeted
it wisnae for Scots. We're aw Jock Tamson's bairns. We dinnae aw (2022) twitter link

@rosa_alba_macd tweeted
rtbremner OOOH tricky but the Jock Tamson's bairns maun win thru(2020)

@SusiBriggs1 tweeted
Aw Jock Tamson's bairns! https://t.co(2018)

@OliphantWullie tweeted
ere can we fund the "new" big Jock?? (2022) twitter link

@Angela1Sinclair tweeted
shireGB Exactly. We’re *all* Jock Tamson’s bairns.(2020)

@LairnScots tweeted
Wee Jock Cocksparra https://t.co/nFkzV (2021) twitter link
We're aw Jock Tamson's bairns #StAndrewsDay (2019) twitter link
'We're aw Jock Tamson's bairns' Whit's your (2017) twitter link
See the 'We're aw Jock Tamson's bairns' image fae @s (2017) twitter link

South East (Borders)

Thompson, James My Borderlands, (Richardson and Son Printers 2023) Southern - Hawick, poetry
Some say ye rise on Crooked Jock on page 19

1 matches

Rodger, Matt The Borth’ick Waitter, (SCOTS Corpus 2003) Southern - Roxburgh, prose
ate i 1950. A think it wur ae Jock Scott
’s wife, an hir husband wis Jock
Jock Short kam til ‘um, an askit
on it the tyme, ma faither an Jock
hed fowre sons: Allie, Tammy, Jock an Edwin whae played the acco
10 matches

South West (Galloway)

Haddow, Kris nobody remembers the birdman - The Incomer, (Association for Scottish Literature 2022) Central, prose
ersel aboot the flair wae Big Jock McClymont. No that onybdy ken on page 76
hile yince ye settled wae Big Jock. It wis soon efter that that on page 77
syne the first twae, and wae Jock ay away. Some o them pointit on page 78
t shame. Folk had forgot that Jock wisnae local, wis an incomer on page 79

10 matches

McMillan, Hugh Whit If? Scotland's History as it Micht Hiv Bin, (Luath 2021 ISBN: 9781910022900) Central, poetry
yaroo ye filthy Jock - on page 42

1 matches

@StuartPoet tweeted
nnae setert yaisin it, cheers Jock! (2020) twitter link

Ballymena Ulster (Mid Antrim)

Warwick, Matthew Fergie an Freens oan tha fairm, (Ulster-Scots Community Network 2011) Ulster - Rural Mid-Antrim, weans
ir o weans: yin weefla caa'ed Jock, an a wee lassie caa'ed Liz. on page 3
gin tha kye alang tha loanen. Jock an Liz kep tha beese oan tae on page 4
"Mine yersel, Jock!" gulders Wullie. on page 7

5 matches

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